126. I have a very peculiar taste

Rumors spreading rapidly in the Paris area.

“There is someone else who caught the Bataclan Theater terrorist. We must find that hero.”

A week has passed since the worst terrorist attack since World War II in Paris, France.

The vivid testimonies of survivors who saved their lives from the horrific scene poured in.

About 60 citizens survived after being taken hostage at the Bataclan Theater.

Most of them suffered significant psychological trauma, but thanks to the oblivion that they were God’s blessings to humans, their condition improved little by little.

Police and reporters scrambled to find survivors,

I inquired about the terrorist’s actions and internal circumstances.

A mysterious figure that appears in common every time.

“For a moment, I thought it was some kind of earthquake. I crawled on the bloody floor to live. It was really… so devastating.”

The survivor of the Bataclan attack, Ruaq Biel, could not hide his trembling voice during an interview with a reporter.

Journalist Mary asked Ruach Biel.

“Rumor has it that the terrorists were already subdued by the time the counterterrorism team got inside, is that true?”

“To be honest, I didn’t look closely. I was so scared I couldn’t even raise my head properly. All I remember is that an Asian man was brought forward, and the terrorists pointed their guns at him. He seemed to be saying something, but suddenly water gushed out of the sky.”

Mary was taken aback by Luach Biel’s words.

“What, water? Suddenly, what kind of water?”

“Now that I think about it, I think the sprinkler went off. When I woke up, all the terrorists were lying on the floor and there was a strange man standing there.”

“A stranger? Who is that?”

“I don’t know. However, I could tell from the circumstances that the man had subdued the terrorist. And soon after, the counterterrorism team broke down the door, and when he came to his senses later, the man disappeared like a ghost. Maybe I’m not the only one who saw it.”

“Do you remember anything more about him?”

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Viel frowned as if he was somehow trying to squeeze a memory out of it.

“First of all… Asians looked taller than me and had a sleek body, but they looked like they were in their mid-to-late 20s. And a face I think I’ve seen somewhere… I don’t remember any more. I was also out of my mind…”

“no. That’s enough. Just interviewing today is enough. Thank you for agreeing to the interview.”

Testimonies similar to those of Ruach Biel poured in here and there.

“The man was a superhero. He flew through the sky like Batman and subdued the terrorists.”

“The Asian man stole the bomb switch from the terrorists with his psychic powers and subdued them lightly. please find him I want to make a case.”

Rumors have even circulated that the unknown person is a movie star, so the French investigative agency also had a headache.

“What is a movie star? Something worse than the movie happened. Ugh… Anyway, those who spread such nonsense should be put in prison.”

French Counterterrorism Prosecutors’ Office (PNAT)

Prosecutor Frank of the PNAT was on the verge of losing his head trying to investigate the terrorist attack that shocked the world.

Still, after several days of vigil, all nine terrorists were killed or arrested, and the forces behind them were revealed.

Enhanced security around airports and key facilities.

Reinforcing vigilance against targets classified as dangerous persons.

strengthening surveillance of refugees, etc.

It was PANT that swiftly implemented all measures against possible terrorism.

What needs to be done now is reconstruction of the terrorist incident.

The statements of survivors and eyewitnesses were the most important here.

Frank began writing statements, focusing on survivors who were relatively less traumatized and whose condition improved significantly.

Frank accepting the statement report.

Frank, who had been reading the report for several hours, rubbed his eyes as if he was tired.

“It’s not like people went insane as a group because of fear… I mean, there must have been something…”

As I read through the report, there was a person commonly mentioned in the statements of survivors.

“Stella hoodie.”

An Asian man wearing a gray hoodie with the word ‘STELLA’ spelled out with a strange bear character on it.

It was a testimony that he subdued the terrorist in an instant.

“Common sense makes no sense.”

The terrorists who were mobilized for the Paris attack were selected as the elite among the elite by the IS.

It was clear that they were human weapons that had gone through all kinds of training to cross the line of fire, but one man subdued them?

In an instant, without a chance to resist?

who would believe that

It was clear that he would be severely reprimanded by the president if he posted this as the final report.

With a red pen, Frank crossed out the sentence mentioning the Stella hoodie.

“Erase this.”

However, rumors about the Stella hoodie became more heated as time went on.

Because the reporters smelled it right.

This kind of urban ghost story or heroic story is a favorite subject of journalists.

They couldn’t stand still.

[There was a separate person who caught the terrorist in the Bataclan Theater Terror. Who is that hero?]

[There is a hero who subdued three terrorists in an instant. Testimonies from Bataclan survivors continue.]

[The hero remembered by the survivors of Bataclan STELLA gray hoodie What is his identity?]

Like a snowball rolled from the top of a mountain, rumors inflated endlessly, giving birth to all sorts of speculations.

However, it was impossible for more than 60 survivors to see anything wrong, so PNAT had no choice but to start the investigation again.

Then one day.

“Prosecutor! Prosecutor Frank!”

At the urgent call from investigator Ricardo, Frank, buried in paperwork, raised his head.

“What is it, Ricardo? Please don’t bring other work. I will die of overwork at this rate.”

“Bah, it was found. I found it!!”

Seeing Ricardo talking gibberish, Frank opened his palm.

“Wow~ Ricardo? You’re so excited right now. Start by taking a deep breath. after! under! after! under!”

Only then did Ricardo, who calmed down a little, took a deep breath and spoke to Frank.

“Whoa…! Prosecutor! I think I can find a Stella hoodie man.”

In an instant, Prosecutor Frank’s eyes widened.

“Yeah!? Really? how?”

Among the CCTVs installed inside the Bataclang Theater, we found a CCTV that can be restored. The video was also restored through forensics. The picture quality isn’t clear, but it’s identifiable to some extent.”

Frank’s complexion brightened.

“That is very good news. It was frustrating because there was no further progress in the investigation. So, when can we see that video?”

“The CSI says they will send it after using the maximum resolution. It should probably be this afternoon.”

“This is… I’m looking forward to it. The truth of the rumors will soon be revealed. Whether it is fiction or truth.”

Although he said this, Frank, a fierce realist, was convinced that it was fiction.

After some time, most of the investigation officials gathered in the conference room of the PNAT investigation headquarters.

“Did you get the restoration video?”

At Frank’s question, Ricardo grinned and took out the USB.

“I got it here. The loud noise is over for today, prosecutor.”

Ricardo connected a USB to the computer in front and played a video on the screen using a beam projector.

Prosecutor Frank also stared at the video with sharp eyes, but soon his eyes widened in astonishment.


same time.

After returning to Korea, Kyu-ha headed to the Stellar Entertainment building.

The terrorist attack in Paris caused uproar in Korea as well.

It was because it was reported that Son Jun-Ik PD team and Kyu-Ha were in Paris on the day of the terror attack.

However, thanks to PD Son Jun-Ik’s quick response, the news quickly calmed down when an article was published saying, “There are no injuries and they will return to Korea tomorrow.”

“Hello, chief. Looks like I’ll see you soon.”

In response to Kyuha’s greeting, Han Jeonghee ran to the scene.

“Miss Gyuha! Are you really not hurt? I was really surprised to see the news that there was a terrorist attack in Paris! I even found a god I didn’t believe in.”

Han Jeong-hee let out a sigh of relief, as if she was finally relieved at Kyu-ha, who looked fine at first glance.

“Iknow, right. Who would have known that such a big thing would happen then? I’m really glad that everyone came in safely without anyone getting hurt.”

“I guess I can’t. From now on, I have to follow you no matter what, I can’t because I’m very anxious.”

Gyu-ha just smiled at Han Jeong-hee’s words.

It was because he knew that he was genuinely concerned about himself.

For that reason, some concealed the fact that they subdued the terrorists.

It was because there were people who would worry and steal tears just for the fact that they had done such a thing differently than before.

“Anyway, why do you like that hoodie so much? I feel like I’m wearing it every time I see it.”

Han Jeong-hee, who saw Kyu-ha’s outfit, said with a smile.

“It is comfortable. The clothes are pretty too. There seems to be a sense of belonging. Even when I went to France, I only wore this outfit.”

The clothes Kyuha is wearing.

It was a company uniform that every Stellar employee had at least one.

It was a gray hoodie with a funny bear character and STELLA on it.

It was also Kyuha’s favorite item.

“Anyway, my taste is quite peculiar. ho ho ho”

Even though he said this, Kyu-ha seemed to feel affection for the company and a sense of belonging, so Han Jeong-hee was secretly proud.

“ah! Other than that, I heard you have something else important to say?”

Han Jeong-hee asked curiously.

Usually, when Kyu-ha said this first, it was because there were a lot of important things to say.

“I want to tell you about my next project.”

“What’s your next project? which…? Are you going to choose one of the scripts you saw then?”

Kyuha shook her head.

“no. To be honest, I came into contact with a certain director in France and want to appear in his work.”


Kyu-ha told Han Jeong-hee in detail about meeting director Jean Dumont in Grenoble, France.

“So to sum it up… the customer who came to Grenoble while Kyu-ha was selling food was a director named Jean Dumont, and somehow Kyu-ha helped him in some way, and he made a comeback to the movies after 20 years, and the work It means that I received a casting offer. now?”

Han Jeong-hee, with a dumbfounded expression, asked Kyu-ha one more time.

“Hmm… Well, there are a lot of things missing in the middle, but it’s correct in a broad sense.”

“Huh… If I tell this to anyone else, no one will believe it. Director Jean Dumont… This is the first time I’ve heard of it… Wait a minute.”

Han Jeong-hee, who took out her smartphone, started looking for information about Jean Dumont.

how much time has passed

Han Jeong-hee’s eyes widened.

“OMG. Director Jean Dumont, this is a very great person… isn’t it? Oh my gosh! [Serious Pierrot] and [Image Game] were his movies? These were the movies I really enjoyed watching as a kid.”

Han Jeong-hee rummaged through the Internet for a while longer.

“Oh my… you haven’t been able to work on your work because of this incident. How… tragic.”

“You feel very guilty. I don’t even need to. So I said. Will the family you meet later welcome you now? Or think about whether you would like to see yourself as a film director.”

“Good job. These people should make movies. Anyway, you mean that Kyu-ha will appear in this person’s comeback? Is it great? Did you see the scenario?”

Kyu-ha explained the scenario he had seen to Han Jeong-hee.

“Wow! It’s the complete opposite image of Trium Over. good! It will be less commercial, but it will be a good opportunity to grow more as an actor. You made a good choice, Mr. Kyuha.”

It didn’t look bad.

It symbolizes the comeback of a forgotten master named Jean Dumont.

Until the pioneering of the French market, which is said to be an advanced film industry.

Han Jung-hee thought it could be an opportunity to go further.

Just then, Han Jeong-hee’s phone rang.



I thought about whether or not to answer the call because I thought it might be spam, but Han Jeong-hee answered the phone just in case.

“Yes hello. yes that’s right Yeah!? Where is it?”

Embarrassed, Han Jeong-hee’s eyes widened and looked at Kyu-ha.

“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs?”

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