129. Why have you been hiding this fact for so long?

The point at which Prosecutor Frank and Investigator Ricardo left the reception room.

“Prosecutor. Will they really accept it?”

“Well… I’ll have to wait.”

“But thinking about it, I don’t understand. You did such a great and amazing thing, so why are you trying to hide it?”

“It must be because of the fact that I am an actor. If it’s a moderate issue, it’ll help to promote yourself, but if it’s a big issue like this, it’ll be burdensome on that side as well. Actually, it’s hard to believe, isn’t it? There will definitely be conspiracy theories about it being a fabrication, a government scheme.”

“ah! I guess so. By the way, when I saw it in person, it looked no different from a normal person… I can’t believe it’s the same person as the Stella hoodie in the CCTV.”

“That makes it even scarier. It means that they live by hiding their toenails well. He’s definitely not an ordinary person.”

While the two were continuing their conversation outside the reception room.

“Prosecutor, I’m going to go to the bathroom for a minute. I must have drank too much coffee earlier.”

Ricardo hurriedly ran to the bathroom.


“Whoa… I almost got tired of talking like crazy.”

Ricardo, who was usually in the habit of talking to himself, pondered the conversation a moment ago.

“Stella’s hoodie, who subdued the terrorist, is Korean. People would be very surprised to find out that he is also a famous actor, right? Ha… I’m sorry for nothing. No matter how much it is, it’s a bit unfortunate to be buried like this, but I’m sorry… but what can I do if I want it so much.”

After finishing his business, Ricardo washed his hands and headed back to the reception room.

kiki profit

Then one of the toilet stalls opened and a skinny, hairy man jumped out.

“No, what do you mean? Did you learn the identity of the Stella hoodie from a Korean?”

The man’s identity was Adolf, a social affairs reporter at FRANCE INFO, one of France’s major media outlets.

Adolf visits PNAT to cover the Paris terrorist incident.

I was in a state of annoyance when I sat there all day long and didn’t get much relief.

“Oh, how come you didn’t have anything to salvage? Haa… The director will go into a rage again.”


The cheese pizza I ate last night must have gone wrong, and my stomach hurts. Eventually, a strong signal came.

“Ugh, not only does my head hurt, my stomach hurts too. Ugh”

Adolf hurries to the bathroom.

I was sitting on the toilet seat in the bathroom when I happened to hear Ricardo talking to himself.

“Was it God’s arrangement for this scoop that the cheese pizza I ate yesterday went bad? That’s great!”

The existence of ‘Stella Hoody’, the hidden hero of the Bataclan Theater terrorism, was a hot topic among reporters.

However, since no information was revealed except for the testimony of survivors, the existence of the ‘Stellar hoodie’ was not even noticed by reporters looking for it with their eyes on.

‘Korean’, ‘Actor’, ‘Stellar hoodie’

Even with these three keywords, it was only a matter of time before the identity of the Stella hoodie was revealed.

“No matter what happens, I will find out first.”

Adolf hurriedly pulled up his pants and quickly left the bathroom.


[Koreans who subdued the Bataclan Theater terrorist. Shocked to be revealed as actor Song Kyu-ha, who played Trium Outfitter]

The whole of France started to boil over this article.

Most of them just looked at the title of the article and cursed.

“no. What kind of situation is the current situation, and do you send out false articles like this? Aren’t you crazy?”

However, the name of FRANCE INFO, a major French media company, was by no means light.

People who clicked on the article just in case could not help but be astonished.

“Whoa… crazy! it’s real So, is Song the real hero of Bataclang? That song from Trium Over!? Does this make sense?”

Once a person clicks on an article, they have no choice but to believe it unconditionally.

It was because the article explained in an orderly manner why the main character of ‘Stellar Hoodie’ had to be Song.

The content of the article was as follows.

About 60 survivors unanimously testified that a man in a gray hoodie with the letter STELLA and a bear character on it subdued the terrorist in an instant.

The man was Asian and appeared to be a young man.

Based on this, FRANCE INFO independently obtained the fact that the man’s nationality is Korea and his occupation is an actor.

As a result of the investigation, it was found that among the Korean national actors who were in Paris that day, there was Song Kyu-ha.

And, above all, convincing photographic evidence was presented.

Hours before the terrorist attack.

At the time, a photo of a tourist taking a panoramic view of Paris captured Kyu-ha wandering the streets of Paris alone.

The clothes Kyu-ha was wearing at that time was a gray hoodie, and the stellar spelling of STELLA and the bear character were accurately captured in the photo.

Based on this, it was said that FRANCE INFO judged that the hero of Bataclan was very likely to be Korean national actor Song Kyu-ha.

Controversy over the authenticity of this article has heated up the internet around the world.

ㄴ No, kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Does it make sense in common sense? OK! Song Kyu-ha is fucking good at fighting, and he’s good at sports, and he admits everything. But it doesn’t make sense that he killed three terrorists with guns and bombs by himself.

ㄴ No, I have to do my best to unplay it. One unanswer with terrorism. You get punished for real.

ㄴBut the reason this is not an unplay is that Song Gyu-ha has never opened his mouth, but he did it at FRANCE INFO. I guess this is right? It was inferred from the testimony of survivors.

The survivors were delirious with fear at the time and hallucinated before death. And coincidentally, it matched Song Kyu-ha’s outfit. It’s all just a coincidence. sure.

ㄴ Crazy lol 60 people seeing the same hallucination at the same time? I think you’re hallucinating too, but I think you’ll have to go to the hospital first.

“hahahaha… no, what the hell is this…”

Han Jeong-hee, who visited the PNAT reception room again after a day, could only sigh at this absurd situation.

Across from him, Frank and Ricardo sat like criminals with their heads bowed in disdain.

“I’m sorry. I can’t figure out how the hell this happened.”

Frank showed displeasure and apologized.

“No, it’s only been a day since we finished the discussion, but does it make sense for this to explode like this? No matter how much you didn’t write the contract, do you break your promise like flipping your palm like this? Where is this place called PNAT?”

At Han Jung-hee’s blade-like protest, Frank was unable to say anything like a dumb person who had eaten honey.

It was because, in common sense, it was self-evident that the information leaked from their side.

Son Mi-joo, who had been listening quietly, stepped forward as if to mediate.

“This is really a mistake on the part of PNAT. We thought we were kind enough. But let’s see reality. The situation has already happened. There are all sorts of speculations and rumors. As team manager Han Jeong-hee worried about before, rumors are creeping up that he is playing the media for the recognition of actor Song Kyu-ha. Does PNAT have any countermeasures against this?”

Frank wiped a sweat from his brow before answering questions and clear arrangements like a diplomat.

“First of all, I apologize once again. We don’t know how the information got leaked, but this was clearly a mistake on our part. I feel a heavy responsibility. I will actively work to ensure that there is no harm to actor Song Gyu-ha. First of all, PNAT will make a formal statement. In any case, denying that in the current situation would be even more counterproductive.”

Han Jeong-hee nodded slightly.

“I guess so. There are still many people who don’t believe it.”

“So, if Mr. Song Kyu-ha gives permission, I will edit the CCTV footage and release it to the media. That would be the surest way.”

At those words, Son Mi-joo and Han Jeong-hee, both team leaders, widened their eyes.

“Can I reveal that?”

“Originally, this shouldn’t have happened… but the situation has become like this because of our own fault, so we have to fix it like this. I will somehow get permission from the Commissioner. Trust me and wait.”

the next morning.

Prosecutor Frank held a press conference in front of numerous reporters.

“We, the French Anti-Terrorism Prosecutor’s Office (PNAT), held this press conference to answer the questions raised by FRANCE INFO. We can officially confirm that the Stella hoodie man the survivors are talking about is Mr. Song Kyu-ha of Korean nationality.”

male voice

clap clap clap clap

Fingers tapping on laptops began to speed up as the reporters’ growing murmurs.

“We, the French Anti-Terrorism Prosecutor’s Office (PNAT), have secured video evidence to support this, and the video will be distributed after the press conference.”

“I have a question! Why did you hide this fact!?”

Frank answered a reporter’s question.

“The party didn’t want it. He has expressed his intention to us that he only did what was obvious and did not want to show off as if he were playing a hero with it. And he said he thought it shouldn’t be even more so for the bereaved families who are struggling with grief. It is definitely our fault that information related to Song Gyu-ha was leaked this time. I would like to take this opportunity to bow my head in apology to Song Gyu-ha, a righteous man.”

“Awesome, great. It’s a super big scoop.”

The press conference room became heated.

And when the video in question was finally released, the whole world was turned upside down once again.

b Huh…was it real?

ㄴ If it’s true, where did all the bastards who say they blow their palms?

b wow!! crazy CCTV right? Isn’t it filming? Ha ha ha ha Can you subdue in one room like that?

It is said that those terrorists are also specially trained. Song Gyu-ha caught those guys.

ㄴ No.. I’ve known since the Jaden and Jacob brothers flew, but isn’t that steam? Anyway, who can do that to guys with bombs and guns?

ㄴ That’s crazy hahahaha It’s martial arts and nabal, and if you get hit by a gun, you’re just a human being, but doing that is really risking your life to save people. should be respected

ㄴ Wow, it’s fucking dizzy when I think about it… If Song Gyu-ha hadn’t subdued those bastards, he would have killed himself with a bomb vest, but then everyone over there would have died. I get goosebumps even writing this.

Wow, but isn’t the reason why Song Gyu-ha deliberately hid this is fucking cool? I didn’t want to play hero because I thought of the bereaved families who were hurt. Kya!!! housekeeper!! Here’s a bowl of gukppong!!

ㄴㅇㅇ It’s fucking cheap.

Public opinion, which had been bombarded with all sorts of conspiracy theories, was overturned in an instant.

Media around the world made headlines about the released video and Kyu-Ha, and generously praised his chivalrous behavior.

[The hero of Bataclan, Song Gyu-ha, his consideration and humility gave hope to the wounded French.]

In particular, many favorable articles were poured in the part where the identity was not revealed in consideration of the victims’ families.

Meanwhile, another article reached Korea and France.

[French President Bolande announces intention to award France’s most prestigious ‘Legion d’Honneur’ medal to Song Kyu-ha for subduing the Bataclan terrorist]

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