128. Nothing in the world goes as planned

Headquarters of the French Counterterrorism and Prosecution Service (PNAT) in downtown Paris, France.

The atmosphere was so heavy that the scars of the terror that still shook Paris could be seen everywhere.

The office of Prosecutor Frank, who is in charge of the Paris terror case.

Frank, who was still buried in the papers, stretched and rubbed his stiff eyes.

“Haa.. This guy’s papers are coming out endlessly.”

Then a knock was heard.

Knock Knock

“Prosecutor. This is Ricardo. The long-awaited guests have arrived.”

At those words, Frank’s complexion brightened.

“this. Dear guests have arrived. I’ll take you to the reception room. as politely as possible. I’ll be down soon.”

“Absolutely. Aren’t you a righteous man who saved the lives of countless citizens? It turned out that among the survivors was a friend of a friend of my cousin’s brother. In a way, he is also a benefactor to me.”

Ricardo left, and Frank stood in the mirror, adjusting his dress.

“This makes me nervous for some reason. To finally meet you…”

You must have watched the CCTV footage hundreds of times.

The movement of the righteous in the video seemed like the main character in a hero movie.

Although he was well aware that it was a real situation, not a movie, Frank continued to watch the video as if he were watching a movie without realizing it.

It was Frank who did not know at this time that it was a fan feeling.

“I couldn’t believe it even more after receiving the video analysis result report.”

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Video analysis experts and behavioral analysis researchers gathered and thoroughly analyzed the CCTV footage, and the results were surprising.

“In fact, even a GIGN agent with special training would not be able to move like that. We conducted a simulation experiment by 3D modeling the situation, but the probability of succeeding in the mission in the same situation for the trained special forces was less than 5%.”

“The timing of the sprinkler burst is also very coincidental. Presumably, it seems that the person in the video artificially set off the sprinklers. Everything was a perfect operational design, like a well-written script. I can’t believe he did it alone.”

“Huh… then who the hell is that person…?”

“I don’t know. Either a monster that has undergone special training… or something else that hides its identity.”

Frank, who recalled the video analysis with NFS researchers, immediately brushed off his thoughts.

“The fact that he is a righteous man who saved countless French citizens does not change. That’s it.”

Frank, who tried to calm his trembling heart, headed to the waiting room.


Knock Knock

“uh? Looks like the prosecutor is here.”


When the door to the reception room was opened, four figures caught Frank’s eye.

One was Ricardo, an investigator, and a heavy man wearing a hat over two Asian women.

‘That’s the man. The man in the video.’

In this way, the figures of each country sat facing each other across the table in the reception room.

“Nice to meet you. I’ll greet you first. I am Prosecutor Franck of the French Counterterrorism Prosecutor’s Office (PNAT).”

“I am Inspector Ricardo.”

“Nice to meet you. My name is Sohn Mi-joo, an official at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea. At the request of the French embassy, I brought Song Kyu-ha here. The person here is Han Jeong-hee, the team leader of the agency dedicated to Song Gyu-ha. The person next to him is… Song Gyu-ha, whom you have been looking for.”

Because Han Jeong-hee did not know French, Son Mi-joo was the interpreter.

Gyuha, who had been quiet, opened his mouth.

“I am not very happy. I must have told you that I didn’t want to be known over the phone. In a situation where the hostages were all safe and the terrorists were caught, was there a need to find me anyway?”

Frank and Ricardo were taken aback by Kyuha’s cold words.

“I apologize for that part. But I just couldn’t get past it. The survivors couldn’t just let go and pass by in the yard where even CCTV footage was found in a situation where complaints were pouring in to find Song Gyu-ha. Of course, I will keep quiet about Song Gyu-ha’s identity. I’m just going to do a few checks and let the public know if it exists or not. It is clear that the person concerned does not want to reveal his or her identity.”

When the atmosphere calmed down a bit, Son Mi-joo asked Frank.

“Actually, I still can’t believe it. Common sense makes no sense. If this is for any political purpose…”

“I thought you would say that, so I prepared a CCTV video. If only the parties agree, would you like to see it together?”

Kyuha also nodded because she was curious about how it would have been filmed.

video was played.

Just looking at the video, I could tell how urgent the situation at the time was.

At that time, a scene in which a man quickly knocked down three terrorists was vividly exposed.


Son Mi-joo’s mouth was wide open to the point of worrying that her chin might fall out, and Han Jeong-hee held her head with one hand.

“Aigoo Doo. Anyone can see that is Kyuha-san! Who wears a hoodie with the spelling of STELLA on such a cheesy teddy bear character?”

Han Jeong-hee, who never imagined that she would be wearing a company team uniform in that situation, felt a headache.


After stopping the video playback, Frank looked at Kyuha and asked.

“I will check it one last time. The person in the video… You are Song Gyu-ha, right?”

Kyuha quietly nodded as she couldn’t stay away from the yard that even had the video.

“Oh My God! It’s really amazing to see it directly from the person concerned. Are you… a former special forces member?”

“No, because I was an orphan, I didn’t go to the army.”

Those words left Frank and Ricardo in awe.

“Yeah? So how is such a thing possible? It’s not just about courage. I couldn’t guarantee that the special agents who had bone-breaking training and a lot of practical experience would be able to do the same.”


Kyu-ha was at a loss as to how to respond.

However, it is not possible to say that anyone can do it after living as a murderer, living as a mercenary, and going back and forth between life and death several times.

Like a diplomat, Son Mi-joo intervened at the right time.

“It’s not that important right now, is it? Anyway, it’s a fact that Mr. Song Kyu-ha risked his death to subdue the terrorist and save the citizens. In this situation, isn’t the result more important than the process? So ultimately, what does PNAT want from Kyuha?”

Frank, who felt sorry for him, accepted Son Mi-joo’s words.

“you’re right. That’s not what’s important. It’s simple. Currently, everyone in France is trembling with anxiety due to the shock and wounds of terrorism. The seeds of hatred against other peoples are also growing. This is never a good thing. So I decided that something was needed to offset the anxiety and sadness of the citizens.”

“Is that Mr. Song Gyu-ha here?”

“Yes, that’s right. It is impossible to erase the past. Therefore, it is necessary to overcome it in the end. We need instruments and mediators here. I would like Song Kyu-ha to act as a mediator for the wounded French citizens. I also ask you as a citizen of France.”

Everyone was speechless at the sight of Frank bowing his head and asking politely.

For no other reason, it was impossible to bluntly refuse a request for the citizens of the country who were hurt by terrorism.

“Then could you give us some time to talk to each other?”

“Sure. Please feel free to talk and call me when the conversation is over.”

When Frank and Ricardo left, Han Jeong-hee asked Kyu-ha.

“What do you think, Kyuha?”

Kyu-ha seemed to ponder for a moment at Han Jeong-hee’s question, then opened her mouth.

“To be honest… I don’t really like it. I just wanted my work to be quietly buried.”

“I am of the same opinion. If people who don’t know me see it, I don’t think I’ve done anything bad, but I’m sure there are people who say that revealing it isn’t good for the image. But this matter is too big. On the contrary, using terrorism for image marketing can lead to backlash. In any case, it is true that there are many victims.”

Son Mi-joo, who had been listening quietly, raised her hand cautiously.

“Excuse me, can I say a word? Both of you have a point. However, as a diplomat and public official, I can sympathize with that Prosecutor Frank. France suffered a lot from this incident. either externally or internally. In fact, even walking around the streets now, didn’t you feel the gloomy atmosphere?”

At Son Mi-joo’s words, Han Jeong-hee quietly nodded.

“Certainly… it was completely different from the Paris I had been to before.”

“Heroic beings come out to offset this atmosphere, even a little bit. In fact, in war, I used to create heroes who didn’t exist to boost the morale of soldiers.”

“Haa… Then what should we do? Secretary, do you have any good ideas?”

“Let’s make some concessions to each other.”

“For example?”

“First of all, there is someone who subdued the terrorist before the police entered. He is a Korean and is embarrassed to reveal his identity. I don’t want to act like a hero at this point when waves of mourning are pouring in from all over the world. As a victim himself who was present at the scene, he sincerely prays for the victims’ rest and the wounds of French citizens will be great, but he has no doubts that he will be able to overcome them and stand up again as always. What about this?”

Han Jung-hee was dumbfounded as she watched Son Mi-joo pour out words like a rapid-fire cannon.

“no. Have you prepared in advance?”

“Hohoho, since what I do is like this… Anyway, why don’t we just do this and let it go?”

“Hmm… Do I even have to reveal that I am Korea? It’s not like I’m being exposed…”

“Oh, chief. Do you know how many Korean tourists come to Paris each year? There must have been thousands of Koreans that day too??”

“is that so..?”

“Yeah! And even if you hide Kyu-ha’s identity, just revealing that you’re Korean will greatly improve our country’s image. Could you please do just that?”

Han Jeong-hee, who was scratching her chin, asked Kyu-ha.

“Hmm… What do you think, Gyuha?”

“I think it will be fine. That’s enough.”

“like. Let’s negotiate just that much.”

Prosecutor Frank and Investigator Ricardo entered the reception room again.

“Have you thought about it?”

“Yes. My agreement is……”

Son Mi-joo explained to Prosecutor Frank once again the contents of the previous story.

“good. I guess that should be enough. Thank you.”

“No. If it helped in any way, that was it.”

Prosecutor Frank got up from his seat and bowed his head 90 degrees to Kyu-ha.

“I couldn’t express my gratitude properly because I was not in a good mood. Thanks to your courageous and just actions, the lives of many French citizens were saved. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart.”

In response to Frank’s sincere greeting, Gyuha also bowed her head.

Han Jeong-hee and Son Mi-joo looked at them proudly.

next day.

The news that heated up all over France was pouring out.

[There was actually a person who subdued the Bataclan Theater terrorist! He turns out to be a Korean tourist!]

[I don’t want to reveal my identity proudly during the mourning period when the whole world mourns the righteous person of Bataclan.]

[I hope that the wounded French overcome well, just as the righteous man of Bataclan showed courage himself.]

However, it has been said that nothing in the world goes as planned.

[Koreans who subdued the terrorist at the Baraklang Theater. Shocked to be revealed as actor Song Kyu-ha who plays Peter in ‘Triumph Over’]

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