The Admiral of Hogwarts

#476 - take an exam

On the eve of the exams, everyone wanted to cram in some last-minute revision, but it seemed no one was gaining anything. So, one by one, they went back to their dormitories to sleep.

Hugo fell asleep quickly, almost as soon as his head hit the pillow, but for the others, sleep that night was clearly not so easy.

So, the next morning, everyone's mood seemed a little off during breakfast. Many were using their wands to practice spells on small objects on the table, or occasionally pulling out books from their bags to glance at.

But then again, this exam, no matter what, didn't give Hugo as much pressure as the middle school and high school entrance exams he had taken in his previous life.

As soon as breakfast ended, the students from other years went to class, while the seventh and fifth year students wandered aimlessly in the entrance hall.

Then, at half past nine, they were called up class by class and returned to the Great Hall. The layout of the Great Hall had changed; it was filled with single desks and chairs for the exam, all facing the teachers' table at the end of the hall.

The exam seating seemed random, possibly to prevent cheating. When Hugo sat down at his assigned seat, he found that half of the seats in the hall were already occupied.

When everyone was seated, Professor McGonagall, standing by the teachers' table, formally announced the start of the exam. Hugo immediately opened his paper.

First question, knew it; second question, the same—and the last question, still knew it. For Hugo, who had undergone a long period of training, these exam questions were much simpler than he had imagined, even somewhat too simple.

After taking a deep breath and repeatedly telling himself to be careful and not arrogant, Hugo began to write on the paper with his quill.

When he had finished writing everything, the sand in the hourglass hadn't even run out halfway. This made Hugo suspect that he might have missed something. After all, in his previous life, he had heard of people with insufficient intelligence who didn't realize there were questions on the other side of the paper.

After carefully checking twice, he confirmed that there were no problems at all. For the rest of the time, Hugo could only spend it in boredom. This exam was just like the college entrance exam; under normal circumstances, it was not allowed to leave the examination room early.

"How did the exam go?" Hugo asked Venetto and Hermione at the lunch table. Venetto simply nodded slightly, indicating that the exam went smoothly and there was nothing to worry about, while Hermione began to chatter.

"I feel like I answered everything correctly, but I couldn't help but check them over and over again. And in question 18, I might have answered a little too much—"

"Alright, my dear sister, these are just small problems. We believe you won't have any problems with this exam," Hugo said, looking helplessly at his sister.

"Now, you'd better hurry up and finish your lunch, because the practical manipulation exam in the afternoon will be more exhausting than the theoretical exam in the morning."

Perhaps because of the exams these past two days, the lunch at Hogwarts was much more sumptuous than usual. In this situation, even though everyone was nervous, they all ate a lot.

In the afternoon, at the door of a small room next to the Great Hall, Hannah Abbott, the Hufflepuff prefect, was the first to be called in to take the practical exam. Before going in, the round-faced, blonde girl said gloomily, "I knew it would be like this. I'm always the first alphabetically."

Waiting was the most torturous thing, especially since those who finished the exam would leave from another exit, away from those who were preparing, so no one knew what was happening inside.

Small groups of students entered the examination room in alphabetical order, while those who were left behind were still muttering spells and practicing wand movements, sometimes accidentally poking others in the back or eyes.

Just ten minutes after the start of the exam, Hugo finally heard the professor inside calling his name. Besides his sister, Anthony Goldstein, Gregory Goyle, and Daphne Greengrass were also called with him.

"Good luck!" Venetto waved to Hugo at this time and said. Hugo also waved goodbye and walked into the classroom.

"Professor Karr is available, Mr. Granger," Professor Flitwick said in a high-pitched voice at the door. He pointed Hugo to a serious-looking, gray-haired old man. His eyes were as sharp as a hawk's, immediately reminding Hugo of Dzerzhinsky.

"Are you Mr. Granger?" Professor Karr checked the record in front of him and looked at Hugo through his monocle.

"Don't be nervous, young man. Next, you will cast spells on the objects I present to you according to my instructions. Of course, if you have any skills to show, you can earn extra points."

So, in the following exam, Hugo demonstrated his rune magic and silent spells, and successfully cast a series of spells required in the exam, such as the Levitation Charm, the Color Change Charm, and the Growth Charm.

Obviously, this level of spellcasting was very good for a fifth-year student. So, when Hugo left the room, he saw the professor nod in satisfaction while scoring.

After a tense evening, Hugo passed the Transfiguration exam smoothly the next day, both in theory and practical operation. For a high-level alchemist, the exam questions were even a little too simple.

But that wasn't the case for others. Hannah was so nervous during the exam that she dropped her wand on the ground, and inexplicably, several flamingos appeared on the floor. It took several minutes to drive these guys out.

They took the Herbology exam on Wednesday. Compared to other exams, they performed more mediocrely on this exam, after all, they didn't have much strength in this area.

And on Thursday's Defense Against the Dark Arts exam, the corporeal Patronuses that Hugo and the others conjured earned them extra points from the invigilating professor.

However, Umbridge, as the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, was not happy, after all, the Patronus was the nemesis of Dementors, and all the Dementors in Britain were employees of the Ministry of Magic.

After finishing the Ancient Runes exam on Friday and a busy weekend, Hugo successively took the Potions, Arithmancy, Care of Magical Creatures, and Astronomy exams in the new week.

Unlike in the original book, perhaps because the Weasley twins hadn't left, there were fewer disturbances in the school, and Umbridge naturally didn't want to create trouble at such an important moment, insisting on firing a professor.

"A little bit of fate points, it seems that Hagrid's importance is indeed not comparable to Dumbledore's." Looking at the fate points he obtained that night, Hugo nodded thoughtfully.

"Finally, I can give up Care of Magical Creatures and Astronomy." After returning to the common room after finishing the Astronomy practical, Hugo looked exhausted.

Even though the content of the exams was not difficult for him, it was inevitable to feel mentally tired after two weeks of marathon-like exams.

Finally, it was time for the last History of Magic exam. Everyone's face showed a relaxed smile. Obviously, as long as they solved this exam, everyone could relax for a long time.

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