The Ancient Wizards of Hogwarts

Chapter 29 What’s wrong with Veela entering the women’s dormitory?

At the end of the dinner, everyone had eaten and drank enough, and the food on the table disappeared.

Dumbledore stood up again, and the auditorium fell silent for an instant.

Dumbledore looked around with his shining eyes and slowly said:

"Before the dinner ends, I would like to raise a few things to note."

"First-year students, please note that our school strictly prohibits any students from entering the Forbidden Forest."

"Also, our administrator, Mr. Filch, also asked me to remind everyone not to use magic in the corridors between classes."

"The review of Quidditch players will be held in the second week of this semester. Students who are interested in participating in the college team please contact Ms. Huo Qi."

"Finally, I must seriously remind everyone!"

Dumbledore's expression was extremely serious:

"The corridor on the right side of the fourth floor is also a forbidden area. If you don't want to die miserably, don't come near it!"

"Now, before everyone goes to bed, let's sing the school song together!"

When he said this, Dumbledore's expression was no longer serious, but he smiled.

In comparison, the expressions of other professors looked extremely stiff, even Professor McGonagall.

Dumbledore waved his wand gently, and a long golden ribbon flew out from the end of the wand, twisting and circling like a snake above the dining table, presenting a line of lyrics.

"Everyone is free to choose their favorite tune, prepare it, and sing it!"

Ash's expression froze slightly. If there was anything he didn't want to face, this situation was definitely one of them.

He was about to close his hearing, but the teachers and students present were already singing under Dumbledore's command:

Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hogwarts,

Please teach us knowledge,

No matter we are bald old people

Or the child who injured his knee in a fall,

our minds can accept

Something interesting.

Because now our heads are empty and full of air,

Dead flies and trifles,

Teach us some valuable knowledge,

Give us back what we have forgotten,

Just do your best and leave the rest to us.

We will study hard until we turn to dust.

Let’s leave aside the lyrics for now, but the performance of this performance is absolutely disaster-level and hard to watch!

Although some girls have quite outstanding musical talents, such as Qiu Zhang, who has even composed a good enough song for this purpose. However, compared to the more than 1,000 people in the school, she is too insignificant.

This performance is as damaging to the ears as a Ling Chi!

Looking at the professor and most of the students next to Dumbledore, their expressions were the same as Ash's - they felt like their ears were being fucked!


Dumbledore wiped his eyes and wiped away the tears of emotion:

"More charming than anything we do here! It's bedtime, please return to your dormitory as soon as possible."


Leaving the Great Hall, they came to a marble staircase between the first and second oak doors they had seen as they entered. The walls here are covered with various picture frames, depicting people from different eras - they may have been members of Hogwarts.

And now they live in these frames as permanent residents of the castle.

Here, stairs wind upwards to the different levels of the castle.

And these stairs even change from time to time, which is dazzling.

"Ravenclaw students follow me, this way."

Prefect Penelope Crevat's voice was soft and gentle, soothing the students who were frightened by the moving portraits and stairs.

New students in Ravenclaw and Gryffindor need to go all the way up the stairs, while Hufflepuff and Slytherin are the opposite, they have to go down.

Because at Hogwarts, each house's lounge is located in a different area. The Ravenclaw and Gryffindor common rooms are best recognized, located in Ravenclaw Tower and Gryffindor Tower respectively. Hufflepuff's common room is next to the kitchen, and Slytherin's common room is under the Black Lake.

Although Hogwarts is a wizarding school, so the Hufflepuff lounge next to the kitchen will not be full of fumes, and the Slytherin lounge will not be so damp that no one can live in it, there are some hard conditions after all. There's no getting around it - there's never going to be daylight in the Slytherin common room!

This is what Ash can't tolerate the most.

But fortunately, he is now a Ravenclaw student. The accommodation environment in Ravenclaw Tower is definitely one of the best in the school. Just being able to bask in the sun in the room is enough to make Slytherin happy.

It is no exaggeration to say that Ravenclaw is far ahead!

Ash and the other Ravenclaw students made their way up the dizzying spiral staircase.

When they arrived at the top of the tower, a wooden door appeared in front of them, with a shiny golden, bronze eagle-shaped door knocker on it. Its outstretched wings completely sealed the door, preventing anyone from passing through.

Dong dong dong~!

Penelope knocked on the door with her fingers.

The eagle's beak immediately opened, but instead of making a bird's call, it said in a gentle, musical voice:

"Who lives longer, the ghost or the mischievous man?"

Penelo explained to the freshmen in the same gentle voice:

"Every time you return to the lounge, you will need to answer the correct questions before you are allowed in."

Someone among the freshmen asked quietly:

“What if the answer is wrong?”

Penello smiled and said:

"Then you can only wait here for others to answer."

"But don't worry, there is more than one answer. Eagle Ring will judge whether your answer is correct. Of course, you can also try to persuade her to accept your answer. If you really can't answer correctly, you can also read a book here and wait."

She pointed to the bookshelf on the right, which was filled with books.

"As for now."

Penello looked at Ash and asked with a smile:

"Ash, do you know the answer?"

Ash nodded confidently, as if he already had the answer, and said with a smile:

"None of them are really alive, so how do you know who lives longer?"

"That makes sense."

A musical voice applauded his answer, the wings that sealed the door with the door knocker folded in front of him, and the door slowly opened.

The Ravenclaw common room was a fairly large circular room, with a tall white marble statue standing in an alcove opposite the door.

Stars were painted on the dome of the ceiling, and a dark blue carpet also covered with stars covered the entire room. Classic and elegant arched windows were opened on the surrounding walls, with dark blue silk curtains hanging above them.

Bookshelves filled with books can be seen everywhere in the room, with tables and chairs nearby for students to sit.

During the day, Ravenclaw students can overlook the castle and mountains, and at night they can enjoy the starry sky dotted with stars.

"The boys' dormitory goes downstairs from the left, and the girls' dormitory goes downstairs from the right. Don't worry, your luggage has been sent to your respective rooms."

Penello picked up a parchment roll prepared by someone from the table and said softly:

"Freshmen, please follow me. Students whose names are read will enter your rooms."

Hogwarts dormitories are all standard four-person rooms, so every time he comes to the door of a room, Penello will read out four corresponding names. But it didn't take long, as Ravenclaw had always had fewer students than other houses. This year's freshmen are even more so, with only thirteen freshmen in total. And Slytherin is not much better, almost the same as Ravenclaw.

In contrast, Hufflepuff and Gryffindor have always had the largest number of students, with nearly forty students even this year.

Penello's way of allocating dormitories is very simple, first four boys, then the remaining eight girls.

Penelo originally wanted Ash to wait in the common room, because there were two pairs of knight armors in front of the stairs of the girls' dormitory. Once any boys tried to enter the stairs of the girls' dormitory, the knights would raise their sharp halberds to stop them. the way to go.

However, before Penelo could speak to remind him, Ash had already passed the two knights and entered the stairs.

"Eh?" Penello blinked, why didn't the armor stop him? Is it broken?

Penello was a little surprised, but she didn't ask in detail because there were still freshmen waiting for her to be assigned a room.

The remaining eight girls were assigned residences, and Ash became the only remaining 'exception'.

This made him ask with some confusion:

"Senior Penello, where should I live?"

A hint of cunning flashed in Penello's eyes, he put his hands behind his back, hid the parchment, and said with a smile:

"There are no more spare rooms."


She let it slip, took Ash back to the boys' dormitory area, and opened one of the doors with a smile.


"You have to live here alone."

Senior Penello opened the door, but her smile gradually faded.

Because the moment the door was opened, she saw an oriental girl with waist-length black hair and a gentle personality making Ash's bed.

Senior Penello's face was not very pretty, while Qiu Zhang greeted Ash with a sweet smile.

Ash's expression remained unchanged, and he smiled and thanked the two senior sisters respectively.

As a male Veela, it's normal to get some preferential treatment.

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