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PS1: The original book does not have a clear curriculum, and the curriculum itself may even be chaotic.

Therefore, most of the curriculum in this book is purely free play.

PS2: The original book takes Gryffindor as the perspective, so the idea of ​​​​the curriculum is to first make the Gryffindor curriculum, and then follow the Gryffindor curriculum to develop the curriculum of other houses.

PS3: Since the original book involves too little course content, some movie content is added as a reference.

PS4: In order to reduce the workload and prevent Hogwarts teachers from dying of overwork, by default, two houses are scheduled to have one class, and each house has the opportunity to have classes with the other three houses.


First of all, we need to clarify the curriculum of Hogwarts. There are a total of eight required courses for first-year students.

Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, Herbs, Flying, History of Magic, Astronomy, Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Secondly, reason about which specific course or courses there are every day.

Here is the process:

1, 1-8

Every Wednesday night, they use telescopes to observe the stars.

Three times a week, they were taken to the greenhouse behind the castle for herbal medicine lessons by a short, fat witch named Sprout.

The class the class was really looking forward to was Defense Against the Dark Arts. But Professor Quirrell's lesson almost became a joke.

Conclusion: Astronomy class every Wednesday night, herbal medicine class three times a week

2, 1-8

"Two Potions lessons with Slytherin students."

"Professor McGonagall is the Head of Gryffindor House, but she still left them a lot of homework yesterday."

It was Friday, and Hagrid invited Harry to the hut for talks in the afternoon.

Conclusion: There are two potions classes on Friday morning, no class in the afternoon, yesterday and Thursday, there was a Transfiguration class

Three, 1-9

Flying lessons were about to begin on Thursday... At half past three that afternoon, Harry, Ron and the other Gryffindor students hurried down the steps... to take their first flying lesson... Slytherin's The students are already there.

Conclusion: Gryffindor and Slytherin have flying lessons on Thursday afternoon and no lessons at 3:30 pm.

Four, 1-13

The next morning in Defense Against the Dark Arts class...

Conclusion: Dark Magic Defense in the Morning

5, 1-14

Then, one day at breakfast...Ron didn't want to go to Herbology class and wanted to go straight to Hagrid's hut.

Corollary: One day the first period in the morning was herbal medicine class

VI, 1-10

It’s too long, so here’s a brief explanation:

This day was Halloween, and Hermione in Charms class was so angry at Ron that she didn't show up in the next class, and she was nowhere to be seen all afternoon.

Conclusion: Halloween in 1991 was on a Thursday, so there was a Charms class on Thursday morning, and there were at least two classes.


To put it together, the identified courses are:

Wednesday, there is astronomy class in the evening

On Thursday, there are two classes in the morning. The first class is a spell class and the afternoon class is a flying class.

Friday: Two potions lessons in the morning, no lessons in the afternoon

In addition, on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, the first class of the day is an herbal class

Based on the fact that there are two Potions classes a week, it is reasonable to assume that important courses such as Transfiguration and Charms classes will be held twice a week. There are two arguments:

One is that I think these three courses are equally important, so the same number of courses makes sense.

Secondly, the only thing in the original book that mentions the specific number of classes a week is the herbal medicine class, which has three classes. I think this means that herbal medicine classes are the most frequent of all the classes, and the only ones that take place three times a week.

Therefore, other courses have, at most, two sessions.

In addition, flying classes and astronomy classes are confirmed to be only available once a week.

If extra classes are needed, only History of Magic and Defense Against the Dark Arts can be added one class each, but this is unreasonable.

Since the history of magic is certainly not important, it is only reasonable that the first graders should have one flight class and one astronomy class per week at most.

And is the course "Dark Magic Defense" important? It's important, but not important enough.

I don't think it can be scheduled into two main classes a week, so just one.

And, don’t forget there are seven years at Hogwarts! There are too many arrangements, and I am afraid of conflict with the senior students.

In addition, let me show you a picture to give you a feel. This is the black magic defense teacher curriculum created by Zhihu.

Therefore, in total, first grade students have 13 classes per week.

Since first-year students have just entered the school, classes are limited to three periods a day to the maximum extent possible.

This leads to the conclusion:

Gryffindor curriculum:

Then based on the Gryffindor curriculum, we can deduce the curriculum of the other three colleges:

Slytherin curriculum:

Ravenclaw curriculum:

Hufflepuff curriculum:

PS: I have not found any conflicts or flaws in these curriculums yet. If you find any, please leave a message and I will make changes as soon as possible.

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