The Ancient Wizards of Hogwarts

Chapter 96 Dead, but not completely dead

Ash lowered his head and thought for a long time, then suddenly asked:

"Where did Myrtle die?"

Dumbledore's expression was somewhat surprised:

"The women's bathroom on the second floor. What do you think she might know?"

Ash looked at Dumbledore in surprise:

"Wouldn't it be clearer if you just ask her? Have you never asked?"

Dumbledore's eyes were a little wandering, and he whispered to himself:

"As I get older, I always like to be distracted. There's nothing I can do about it. After all, I'm over a hundred years old. How many people can live over a hundred years old? Oh, what did you just say? Oh, yes, you and I go together."

If the entrance to the secret room was really in the women's bathroom on the second floor, then they would probably encounter the basilisk head-on. He couldn't let Ash face the extremely ferocious basilisk alone.

Ash had no problem with that, but before they started taking action.

The portrait of the Fat Lady suddenly appeared in the portrait in Professor McGonagall's office, with a look of horror still on her face:

"Professor! It's a basilisk! The basilisk is in Slytherin!"

Dumbledore changed his color slightly and asked in a deep voice:

"Has anyone seen the basilisk? Are any students injured?!"

The fat lady hurriedly explained:

"No, someone heard something crawling under the Slytherin floor, and Professor Snape thought it was a basilisk! He was about to ask the students to leave the common room and head to the Great Hall."

"I'll go there now!"

Dumbledore looked solemn, looked at Ash, and said solemnly, "Ash, leave this to me, you go to the bathroom and find the secret room!"

Even if the basilisk is really in Slytherin, and even if Dumbledore rushes there in person, there is no certainty that he can kill the basilisk. Maybe the basilisk had already left when he rushed over, or maybe it wasn't the basilisk underneath Slytherin, but just the student's illusion.

So in the final analysis, only by finding the secret room and its lair can we ensure that the basilisk is driven away!


Ash did not object and watched Dumbledore hurried downstairs and went to the women's bathroom on the second floor alone.

At this time, Myrtle sat on the water tank of the innermost toilet and cried as usual. The faint cry made people feel eerie, as if there was a female ghost wandering around - although Myrtle was indeed a female ghost.

"Oh, it's you..."

Myrtle wanted to play a prank, but when she found Ash, her eyes were a little surprised.

Ash cut to the chase without exchanging pleasantries and asked:

"Myrtle, do you remember how you died?"

Myrtle's demeanor changed immediately, and her tone seemed full of honor and pride:

"No one has ever asked me that."

"Never?" Ash looked a little weird.


Myrtle flew up to the high window, sat on the window sill, held her chin, and said with relish, "Even when I was alive, no one cared about me. It took them a long, long time to find out about me. The body—I knew it, and I sat there waiting for them.”

"Olive Humbey came into the wash-room—'Are you sulking here again, Myrtle?' she said, 'Professor Dippet sent me to see you—' and then suddenly she saw my The corpse...oh, she will never forget that scene until her death, I can guarantee...I followed her everywhere to remind her. I remember, at her brother's wedding-"

Ash patiently listened to her ramble and asked again:

"So, how did you die?"

"I don't know." Myrtle crossed her hips and said confidently.

"It happened here, and I died in this toilet. I remember it very clearly. At that time, Olive Humbe laughed at me for wearing glasses like a four-eyed dog, so I hid here. I locked the door and I was crying inside, and suddenly I heard someone coming in, and they were saying funny things, I thought it must be in another language."

"But what annoyed me the most was I heard a boy's voice talking. So I opened the door, told him to go away, go to my boys' room, and then—"

Myrtle puffed out her chest, thinking she was great, and her face was radiant, "I'll die."


Ash frowned slightly and asked in a deep voice, "You should have happened to happen to have Voldemort open the Chamber of Secrets, so you became the first victim! This means that the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets is in this bathroom! Myrtle , do you still remember what you saw?"

Myrtle looked a little dazed, trying to recall the details before her death, "I didn't wear glasses, you know, I was crying... so I couldn't see very clearly... I only remember seeing a pair of scary big eyes. , right by the pool..."

Ash looked at the sink in the center of the bathroom with an incomprehensible expression.

The reason why Dumbledore failed to discover the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets for so many years was partly because he never asked Myrtle about it. After all, since Hagrid was expelled, the Chamber of Secrets has never been opened again, and no new victims have appeared. . Since nothing happened, naturally no one would take notice.

On the other hand, it is also because if you want to open the Chamber of Secrets, you must have Parseltongue, which is a talent that Dumbledore does not possess.

So in theory, if Ash wants to open the entrance to the secret room, he also needs Harley's help.

However, Ash didn't want to go to such trouble.

He drew out his wand without hesitation and said in a steady and powerful voice:



The pool exploded instantly, turning into rubble all over the sky, leaving only a huge pipe in the middle.

The broken water pipes sprayed water jets like each other, and it seemed that the water flow would completely flood the bathroom in a short time. However, whenever these water flows accumulate to a certain extent, they will converge in the middle and flow underground along the pipes.

Myrtle seemed to finally realize it and murmured in a low voice:

"Oh, this is what I saw, it came out of here..."


Ash waved his wand gently, causing the magic power to spread downwards in invisible ripples, turning everything underground into images and transmitting them into his mind.

The Chamber of Secrets built by Salazar Slytherin was not just as simple as building a room underground, it also included a set of pipes throughout the school so that the basilisk could quickly travel throughout the school and kill it better. Those Muggle wizards.

Myrtle had a smile on her face and said expectantly:

"Are you going down there? If you die down there, you're welcome to share the bathroom with me."

"Thanks, but I don't think I can use it."

Ash smiled and declined Myrtle's invitation, turned around and jumped down the pipe.


Ash closed his eyes all the way down, constantly casting spells to expand his horizons.

Of course, Ash did not slide down the pipe, but used magic such as 'shock reduction and speed stop' to keep himself in the middle of the pipe, and slowly descended at a very stable speed. After all, Ash could not guarantee whether there would be a snake below. The monster was waiting for him with its huge mouth open, and he didn't want to suddenly slip into the basilisk's mouth.

The pipeline is very deep, and the end point is at least several miles underground. This is more than ten times deeper than the deepest subway in the world. And the pipes extending in all directions reminded Ash of an unnamed royal city sewer. He had gotten lost in it more than once, and the process was torture.

It has to be said that Salazar Slytherin was very ingenious when he built this secret room.

On the one hand, they were afraid that the basilisk would not be able to kill people secretly, so they built pipelines throughout the school for it.

On the other hand, he was afraid that the secret room was not concealed enough and would be found by someone other than the heir, so he placed the secret room several miles underground.

Facts have also proved that Salazar's plan is authentic.

Rumors of the Chamber of Secrets continued to circulate for centuries after Salazar Slytherin's death. Almost all teachers and students at Hogwarts know that Salazar Slytherin built a secret chamber before leaving the school and sealed it after leaving the school. Only he and his heirs can open it.

And there is a terrifying monster living in the Chamber of Secrets, which can only be controlled by the heir of Slytherin. When it is put into the school, it can be 'purified' and eliminate all those who Slytherin deems unworthy of learning magic.

In order to protect the safety of students, many headmasters of Hogwarts have conducted thorough searches of the school, hoping to find the secret room, but found nothing. Over time, many people even believed that the secret room was just an unreliable legend.

It wasn't until the secret room was opened fifty years ago and a student died that it finally attracted attention.

During the more than thirty years that Dumbledore was the Headmaster of Hogwarts, it was impossible that he did not try to find the location of the Chamber of Secrets. But the old thinking inertia restrained him. He might have thought that the 'Secret Room', like the 'Room of Requirement', was hidden in a corner of the school, but he had never considered that the Secret Room was actually miles deep underground!


Ash stepped firmly on the wet ground. The image returned by his magic power showed that it was a dark tunnel with a diameter of more than three meters, with obvious traces of man-made excavation. The ground and the stone wall at the top were relatively flat, but they were covered with black and green moss. , the ground was strewn with the corpses of various small animals, and a damp rotten smell filled the air.


The magic power spread along the pipe like ripples, and Ash soon 'saw' a silhouette at the corner of the tunnel. It was a huge thing hovering in the tunnel!

It didn't move, just lying there quietly.

Reason told Ash that it should be a snake skin.

And experience tells Ash that he needs to take a shot at the snake skin——



The basilisk was cut in half by the invisible breaking curse, and it was so light that it seemed to have no weight at all.

And this also proved that it was indeed just a snake skin.

Ash opened his eyes and saw a huge green snake skin, very bright, at least sixty feet long! Even though it was just a piece of peeled snake skin, it still had extremely high magic resistance, and Ash's magic spell only cut it in half. And if it is a living basilisk, its magic resistance will only be higher.

At the end of the tunnel is a dimly lit room. There are many stone pillars carved with entangled snakes on both sides. They stand tall to support the ceiling that melts into the darkness above, casting long lines into the room filled with green and mysterious mist. Long eerie black shadows.

There should have been a stone wall between the tunnel and the room, which was the real entrance to the secret room.

But at this time, the wall had already been opened.


Ash waved his wand, making his vision clearer. There were no shadows cast by the stone pillars in his sight. There are only stone pillars with big snakes coiled around them. They are paired with each other, half on the left and half on the left, completely symmetrical.

At the end of the hall is a towering statue of Salazar Slytherin himself. In the aged stone face, its mouth was wide open, revealing a dark hollow. Before that, the basilisk had been living in the statue.

The basilisk has been locked in a secret chamber for thousands of years, and has only been released once in these thousands of years. It is really curious how it survives to this day. The simple answer is actually not difficult to guess. On the one hand, the basilisk can rely on hibernation to spend a long time. On the other hand, there must be a tunnel leading to the black lake in the secret room to facilitate the basilisk to eat and prevent it from starving to death.


In the empty and silent secret room, a hissing sound spitting out snake messages suddenly came out, as if something was crawling rustling along the tunnel.


When Ash's magic power spread to the door of the secret room, the outline of a huge creature finally appeared in Ash's sight!

Ash originally planned to steal the house, but now he was blocked by the basilisk.

I have to say, this is also very darkly humorous.


The basilisk blocked the entrance to the secret room, its thick and long body coiled in circles, supporting its upper body tall, and slowly approaching Ash, as if it was teasing its prey. However, facing the slowly approaching basilisk, Ash remained unmoved and just waited for the opportunity.

The basilisk's skin and scales are highly resistant to magic, but its mouth and internal organs are still fragile. If you want to kill this basilisk as quickly as possible, it's easiest to shoot the magic spell into its mouth!

No matter how powerful a magical creature is, its voice is still soft. Baizi and Setsuna have proved this truth to Ash.

So as soon as the basilisk opens its bloody mouth, Ash can shoot it directly!

However, just as Ash was waiting for the basilisk to open its mouth, the basilisk suddenly leaned down. The ferocious snake head, which was taller than Ash, just lay in front of him, spitting out snake messages and watching him quietly, without any thought of attacking.


Ash frowned slightly, still keeping his eyes closed to avoid looking at the basilisk. But the basilisk's behavior even exceeded his expectations, and it was completely different from the script he had written.

What if you promised to open your bloody mouth and be shot to death by him? !


Ash suddenly remembered a detail. Male basilisks usually have bright red feathers on their heads, while females have horns on their heads - just like the one in front of him!

Salazar Slytherin's wand was also made by himself. The wand was made of snake wood and the core was basilisk horn.

In other words, this is a female snake!

Since she is a female, she cannot disobey Ash who has Baye... and has Veela blood!

Ash suddenly felt excited. If he could subdue a basilisk, it wouldn't be a bad thing for him.

Because even among the numerous magical creatures, Slytherin's basilisks are the most precious ones.

In terms of strength, the basilisk is a level 5X magical creature and is almost as dangerous as a dragon.

In terms of rarity, the way the basilisk is born is also unique.

Whether other magical creatures are egg-laying or viviparous, one thing remains the same, that is, they are at least born of mothers - humans are born of human mothers, dragons are born of dragons, and Sniffs are also born of Sniffs. Fucking raw.

But the basilisk is different. The basilisk is hatched from an egg and a toad.

It sounds weird, and it is indeed weird, but this is how the basilisk was born!

According to this logic, even ordinary people can cultivate a basilisk unintentionally - although it is difficult for Ash to imagine who would use toads to hatch eggs. This kind of whimsical idea is no longer ordinary people.

And according to Ash's personal experience, a toad hatching an egg does not hatch a basilisk; what hatches is still an egg.

This is not to say that the method of cultivating basilisks circulated in the wizarding world is false, but it is half-true - toads hatching eggs may indeed be able to cultivate basilisks, but there are still some unknown key steps missing.

Of course, the problem now is that Ash still needs to confirm the loyalty of this snake monster. After all, it cannot be ruled out that this snake is pretending to surrender.

Ash thought thoughtfully, took out the black-covered notebook from his pocket, and wrote a line of words with a quill pen:

"Tom, long time no see."

"Who are you?"

"I am you, so you must understand what I want to do, right? This world only needs one Voldemort."



"Wait, what do you want to do! No! Don't! You are committing a crime, do you know that?!"

"I am you! Do you want to kill yourself?! How could I become someone like you!"

"We can fuse, yes, fuse! We are a whole! Only fusion can make our souls complete!"

"No! Damn it! What are you doing!!"

"Damn Voldemort! I × you ×..."

Large pieces of writing immediately appeared on the diary, and the panic was clearly revealed.

However, Ash just closed the notebook and threw it at the basilisk, leaving the latter a little confused.

After all, Ash is not a Parselmouth and cannot communicate normally with the Basilisk.

Of course, that doesn't mean they can't understand each other.

For example——



The curse instantly enveloped the diary, blasting a deep pit into the smooth and flat stone floor, but the diary remained intact.

As a Horcrux, there are very few things that can destroy it, and ordinary magic spells are obviously not among them.

Of course, Ash's purpose was not to destroy the notebook, he was just setting an example to the Basilisk.


The basilisk immediately understood Ash's intention, neighed and swam towards the diary, opened its bloody mouth, revealing two rows of venomous fangs glowing with cold light, and bit it down in one bite! The ferocious snake head of the basilisk was raised high, and it bit the diary in its mouth. Its two sharp fangs easily burned through the diary, causing black smoke to sizzle out under the corrosion of the venom.

And with a terrible, long-lasting, ear-piercing scream that penetrated the eardrums, streams of ink spurted out from the diary and dripped down the fangs. Eventually, everything fell silent, except for the ink still dripping from the diary.


Perhaps because the taste was not very good, the basilisk spit out the diary casually, leaned over the pool, drank the water in the pool like a gargle, and spit it out to wash away the ink in its mouth.

Then he came to Ash as if to please, bent down the snake's head again, and spit out the snake message.

Ash still had his eyes closed, but he took two steps forward following the induction of magic power, stood in front of the basilisk, and touched its head comfortingly - according to Ash's personal experience, this move was at least 100% effective against Ninety magical creatures are all very effective, including wizards.

"However, Riddle will probably die with his eyes open."

Ash stroked the snake's head with a strange expression. How should I put it, being killed by the basilisk he summoned felt a little aggrieved.

But this is also his own fault - if Van Riddle had been more decisive, things would not have developed like this.

In Ash's opinion, both Tom Riddle and Voldemort were too indecisive. This indecision was not due to Voldemort's lack of decision-making, but because he was too greedy.

For example, Tom Riddle's original purpose was to open the Chamber of Secrets, kill all Muggle wizards, and absorb Ginny's life to prepare for his resurrection. However, when he discovered the existence of Harley, he suddenly changed his plan and wanted to kill three birds with one stone - not only kill all the Muggle wizards, absorb Ginny's life and resurrect him, but also kill Harley, the 'child of prophecy'.

Obviously he can do it one by one, but Riddle insists on playing a big game. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a bad gambler.

As long as Tom Riddle is not so greedy and completes his plan step by step, nothing will be accomplished.

For example, if he directly locates the target and resurrects it without opening the secret room, Ginny will never suspect him, Hogwarts will not notice anything unusual, and the whole process will go surprisingly smoothly.

And once Tom Riddle is successfully resurrected, it will be very simple to open the secret room to control the basilisk or kill Harley. To put it bluntly, even if Harley cannot be killed, the resurrected Tom Riddle and the Basilisk will make it very easy whether he wants to cause havoc in Hogwarts or escape.

But unfortunately, there is no if in this world.

As for now...

Ash touched the basilisk's horn and felt a little headache. How should he deal with this snake?

Regardless of whether the basilisk listens to him or not, its "death upon looking at it" characteristic always gives people a headache. Even Ash didn't want to gamble his life, even if he thought there was a high probability that he wouldn't die. After all, Fox was immune, so there was no reason why he couldn't.

To put it bluntly, even if Aisheng can be negotiated face-to-face, others can't.

Wanting to solve this problem once and for all, Ash could only think of one way - change it!

Ash took out a bright red stone and placed it on the basilisk's snake letter.

The basilisk seemed to read his thoughts and used the snake letter to roll the magic stone into his mouth.


Ash closed his eyes and pointed his wand at the basilisk.

He was already familiar with the art of transfiguration, although he had never experimented with a basilisk.

But even if the experiment failed, it would only be the loss of a basilisk that did not belong to him, and Ash did not feel bad.

But if the transformation is successful, then he can get a thousand-year-old basilisk that can transform!

Ash whispered to himself:

"They are all basilisks that have existed for thousands of years. Not to mention turning into Bai Suzhen, at least they can't be too ugly, right?"

PS: My hands are too cold, so I will postpone the update for the next few days because I really can’t type ten thousand words a day with my frozen hands. I’m sorry.

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