The Ancient Wizards of Hogwarts

Chapter 97 The Unbreakable Alliance

When Ash 'saw' the girl in front of him vomiting out the magic stone that was filling her mouth with a very uncomfortable expression, his expression was somewhat subtle.

Good news, the transformation was a success.

The basilisk changed from a dozens-foot-long snake that could kill someone with just one glance, to a short-haired human girl with bright eyes and white teeth.

The bad news is that it was not entirely successful.

Although she has a human appearance and body, she is still obviously different from humans.

For example, her hair is a very rare dark green, her ears are pointed like an elf, and she also has a tail, a green and crystal snake tail covered with tiny scales.

The snake's tail feels good to the touch. Although it's not as soft as Setsuna's fluffy wolf tail, it can't be said to be soft to the touch. Instead, it's very smooth.

And perhaps it was inherited from her original huge body. Unlike Setsuna and Shirako who were petite and cute, her figure was very plump. Especially those plump and voluptuous thighs, which made Ash want to put them down.


These are all told to Ash from the magical perspective, and he still has his eyes closed to this day.

After all, this is the first time in history that a basilisk turned into a human. No one knows whether looking at her will be life-threatening. This requires a little reasoning and experimentation.

Ash turned the girl's head, then took out a Sniffer from the bag and placed it in front of her.

The girl didn't know why, but she happily reached out to take the sniff, and then - took a bite.


Xiu Xiu let out a painful cry, struggled wildly with his limbs and scratched the girl's face several times. The resistance of the 'prey' immediately aroused the girl's ferocity. She pinched Xiu Xiu's neck with both hands, spit out her pink tongue, and let out a threatening hiss.

But she never turned back into a basilisk, and Sniff was still struggling.

Apparently, looking into her eyes won't kill you.

"It's not for you to eat."

Ash couldn't laugh or cry, and he took back the suffering Sniff from the girl's hands, and he opened his eyes for the first time, and carefully looked at the girl in front of him with his eyes.

The girl's skin is as white and tender as silky lamb fat; her figure is plump yet delicate, and her charming curves are alluring; her watery blue-black eyes are as clear and transparent as a bright mountain spring, and she expresses them with eyes that are ignorant of the world. He looked at Ash eagerly.

No one can tell that this beautiful, cute girl is the once ferocious basilisk——

Of course, it's not even cruel to say it's brutal.

After all, from beginning to end, the only one who died in her hands was Myrtle.

Moreover, Myrtle's death was intentional by Voldemort in order to make Horcruxes. It can only be said that Myrtle was really miserable.

"do not move."

Ash pressed the girl's head, and regardless of whether she could understand or not, he took out a Hogwarts uniform from his pocket and put it on for her.

After all, I have experience in taking off my clothes, so getting dressed is not that difficult.

Even though the top was a bit tight, Ash had to put in a lot of effort, and the girl was clutching her chest, seemingly out of breath.

Obviously, being too big-hearted is not always a good thing.

The girl wrinkled her face and opened her mouth as if to protest:


"I'm not a Parseltongue, I can't understand you!"

Ash explained helplessly, squatting down and lifting the girl's voluptuous thighs to help her put on her bra.


The girl was still making strange hissing sounds, and Ash's expression was even more helpless.

Although, how can we communicate if we don’t understand the language?

It's not just a chicken talking to a duck, at least it's a human talking to a snake.

Although the communication was not smooth, the girl still raised her legs obediently and asked Ash to help her put on her pants and tie on her cloak. Putting aside the snake's tail that was dangling under the cloak, the girl at this time looked no different from a Hogwarts student, except that her ears were a little pointy.

But even so, Ash didn't dare to take her back to school casually.

After all, they couldn't communicate. If she were suddenly stimulated and turned into a snake, many people in Hogwarts might die.

Unless, Ash can find a Parseltongue to help translate.

It would be best to make an unbreakable vow, after all, the basilisk is not like Shiroko and Setsuna. Even if Shiroko and Setsuna turn into werewolves, they usually won't cause much harm, but the basilisk can kill people just by looking at each other, so the danger is completely different.

Fortunately, the school happened to have such a translator.


Ash was thinking about it when he suddenly heard footsteps echoing in the empty tunnel from outside the secret room.

When Ash looked towards the entrance, there were three figures in the distance advancing cautiously under the fluorescent light. And these three people are the three most powerful people in Hogwarts, Dumbledore, Snape and Professor McGonagall.


Seeing the girl's vigilant look and hissing in a threatening manner, Ash quickly touched her head comfortingly, "Don't get excited! They are not enemies."

Snape, the only one of the three who opened his eyes, walked to the entrance of the secret room. His eyes swept from the stone pillars on both sides, and finally settled on Ash at the end of the secret room, and asked in a deep voice:

"Mr. Black, where is the basilisk?"

"The basilisk has always been here,"

Ash's words made the Big Three immediately clench their wands warily, until Ash added, "She is."


Snape immediately looked at the girl next to Ash. At first glance, she looked ordinary, just like an ordinary student. But if you look closely, you will find that there is a slender snake tail behind her!

Snape's eyes narrowed slightly, and his voice was somewhat coldly disgusted:

"You can even kill a basilisk? Aren't you afraid of being killed by a basilisk?"

Only a few people knew that Shiroko and Setsuna were werewolves, and that Ash was able to turn magical creatures into humans, and Snape happened to be one of them. He knew that Ash had been raising some weird things, but he never thought that Ash would not even let go of the basilisk!

Ash spread his hands:

"It turns out I'm still alive."

Dumbledore also opened his eyes at this time, looking at the girl with still some surprise and vigilance, and asked in a deep voice:

"Ash, can you control her?"

Ash nodded lightly:

"It's basically possible, but I can't communicate with her. I have to have Parseltongue to help."

"Absolutely not!" Of course Snape knew who the Parseltongue was and rejected it without hesitation.

"Maybe it won't be so troublesome."

Professor McGonagall thought for a moment and waved her wand gently:

"Anglicus Magisterium!"

The white light ball hit the girl, but she was not hurt by it. She just closed her eyes for some reason and frowned.

"This is the magic I just developed."

Professor McGonagall breathed a sigh of relief and then explained softly: "It has no lethality. Its only function is to allow other people or creatures to master our language. Of course, I am not sure whether it can be effective against the basilisk."

The girl finally opened her eyes at this time, but she still frowned, looked at the boy beside her, and made a sound like a toddler learning to talk:


Ash couldn't help but fall into deep thought. The first words Bai Zi and Setsuna said when they became human were also masters.

So, what is this? Some kind of nature in animals?

Ash stroked the girl's short dark green hair and asked softly:

"Can you understand me now?"


The girl nodded obediently, but still spoke awkwardly, "Can...listen...point...understand..."

Ash warned:

"Then keep the appearance of a human and don't turn back into a basilisk. Do you understand?"


The girl nodded obediently without any disobedience.

"This is not binding in any way!"

Snape took two steps forward and said coldly, "She must make an unbreakable vow with you!"

The girl still looked confused. She didn't understand what an unbreakable vow meant.

Both Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall remained silent, apparently acquiescing to Snape's actions.

Ash frowned, seeming to complain about this.


That's what he planned to do, but he couldn't initiate it.

And if Snape brought it up on his own initiative, it would be exactly what he expected.

The girl saw Ash frowning and asked in a low voice:

" unbreakable...vow?"

Ash gently touched the girl's cheek and whispered:

"The two people who made the oath must abide by the oath. If the oath is broken, the person who broke the oath will die. In short, this is a lifelong oath. Are you willing to make an oath with me?"

The girl was deep in thought, her brows furrowed as if she was confused.

She hesitated for a long time and asked in a low voice:

"Then... after making a promise, can I have something to eat? I'm so hungry..."

Professor McGonagall took two steps forward and said in a gentle voice:

"Of course, you can eat as much as you want."

"Then let's get started!"

The girl immediately smiled happily. It seemed that for her, as long as she could eat enough, it was more important than anything else.

Ash glanced at Snape who took two steps forward and said:

"Then I'll trouble you, Professor McGonagall."

Snape's steps paused slightly, and Professor McGonagall looked slightly surprised and nodded seriously.

"Hold my wrist."

Ash stretched out his right hand and held the girl Hao Bai's wrist, and the girl followed suit and held his wrist.

Professor McGonagall took two steps forward and lit her wand on their clasped hands.

Professor McGonagall suddenly thought of the blind spot and asked:

"Does she have a name?"

"should not."

Ash also suddenly discovered Hua Dian and said strangely.

Snape said calmly:

"You can name her one and it will be counted in the oath."


Ash thought for a moment and then slowly said, "Anaconda, from today on, you will be called Anaconda. This is part of the oath. Are you willing?"

"I do." Anaconda nodded happily. This was the first time she had a name!

A long, dazzling tongue of fire shot out from the wand, like a hot metal wire, tightly wrapping around their clasped hands.

"While you are at Hogwarts, are you willing to remain in human form in front of others, unable to transform back into a basilisk, and unable to kill others?"

"I do."

The second tongue of fire spurted out from the wand and entangled with the first, forming a thin, glowing red chain.

"Will you obey my orders and never disobey them?"

"I do."

As the girl nodded again, tongues of fire that were far hotter and more dazzling than the previous two times spurted out from the wand, intertwined with the previous two, and tightly wrapped around the two hands they held together, like a rope. , like a fire-breathing snake. The dazzling light turned their faces red, a color that symbolized unbreakability.

Seeing the oath being made, Snape no longer raised any objections.

Bound by the oath, the Basilisk is destined not to cause too much trouble, at least there is no need to worry about the safety of the students.

Dumbledore walked forward with a smile, "Professor McGonagall, go inform the students and let them go back to the auditorium to have lunch. In addition, we have to arrange a sorting ceremony for Miss Anaconda, because we have another new class." born."

In fact, there is no need to divide, because the anaconda must undoubtedly belong to Slytherin.

If she wasn't sorted into Slytherin, there must be something wrong with the Sorting Hat.


"Not Aragog? That's fine."

When he learned that the basilisk had been eliminated and the alarm was lifted, Hagrid, who was waiting in the corridor on the first floor, finally felt relieved.

And when he learned that the monster in the secret room was a basilisk, and that it was the real murderer of Myrtle, his expression became extremely complicated.

So what if the truth comes out?

This only exposed the identity of the basilisk, but there is still no evidence that it was Voldemort who opened the Chamber of Secrets 50 years ago and not him, although many people have always known that it was Voldemort, including the Ministry of Magic.

Because when Voldemort gained power, he always regarded this incident as one of the most bragging "accomplishments" in his life. Almost all Death Eaters know this, and over time it will naturally spread to other people's ears.

But the Ministry of Magic would not admit their mistakes, otherwise they would not have vindicated Hagrid until now.

Even if someone asked, they would just use "insufficient evidence" as an excuse to uphold the original verdict.

But Hagrid no longer cares about this, his innocence is no longer important.

As long as Dumbledore believed in him, as long as Hogwarts was still willing to take him in, that was more important than anything else.

For Hagrid, Hogwarts is his only home. If Hogwarts was really shut down, he really didn't know what to do.

"It is a good thing that the basilisk is eliminated. It is not only a threat to Hogwarts, but also Aragog's natural enemy. In this way, Aragog and his children will have nothing to fear..."

Hagrid was a little relieved at first, until he suddenly remembered something——

Any creature that looks at the basilisk will die. Humans can avoid it by closing their eyes and turning their backs, but spiders cannot. The spider has eight eyes, with a 360° field of view, and can never close its eyes, which means that once the spider appears in front of the basilisk, there is only one way to die.

So, Aragog and his children never invaded Hogwarts. Is it because of him or because of the basilisk?

Hagrid originally firmly believed in this, thinking that Aragog was his friend and would definitely not break into Hogwarts. But the last conversation with Ash made him a little shaken. What if the reason why Aragog's children never invaded Hogwarts was not because of him, but because of the basilisk?

And now that the basilisk has been eliminated, can Aragog's children still maintain restraint?

Acromantulas often attack other natives in the forest in groups, including unicorns and centaurs, but this behavior has never been successful. They cannot catch up with unicorns and cannot harm the same groups. Centaur, so Hagrid never paid attention to these things in the past.

It wasn't until he heard that Ash had also been attacked by Acromantulas that he asked the centaurs if they had also been attacked, but received a positive answer. Do you want to say it's strange? Not surprising actually. Because Acromantula's nature is to eat humans, humans are their favorite food.

If they can attack wizards in the forest, why can't they attack Hogwarts?

Without the threat of the basilisk, to the Acromantula, Hogwarts would simply be a huge cafeteria!

And if they really break into Hogwarts, even Dumbledore will not be able to protect all students, and many students will inevitably die. And just like this basilisk incident, if an Acromantula attacks the school, Hogwarts will definitely be forced to close down!

And what about him?

As the breeder of Acromantulas, he will definitely be imprisoned in Azkaban!

Hagrid felt breathless when he thought about that scene. Could he just sit back and watch this happen?

"Maybe, Ash is right..."

Hagrid's eyes revealed infinite loneliness and sadness. He didn't want Hogwarts to be threatened, so the only thing he could do was to nip the danger in the bud. This means that he must kill Aragog's children, just like Ash killed the basilisk.

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