The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 260 Not escaping, but coming!

"Biological battery." A word popped out of Yu Liang's mouth.

Although this thing looks completely different from the biological battery in his memory, now he feels that this word is more appropriate to call the Dansheng in front of him.

So now if you look at this wall, just like the circuit boards, they are connected to the power source and deliver energy to other areas.

The metal gaskets on the upper and lower ends of Dan Shengren are also of different types, which is probably to distinguish the positive and negative poles of the battery.

After seeing this scene, Yu Liang also remembered what happened before.

When he first started using the knob to release light, he felt a warm current in his body that circled around his body, and then transferred the energy to his wrist as it passed through his shoulders.

This is more like an electrical circuit than the energy circulating around the sky in fantasy novels.

The current flows between the positive and negative terminals of the battery, and the knob is an electrical appliance connected in series with this circuit.

But thinking about it carefully, Yu Liang was also a little curious. That body could only move freely for one to three days. This level of biological energy should not be enough to fully operate the base.

So Dan Shengren may just provide an initial power supply, similar to a "lighter" or a "fuse" with a starting function.

"Battery..." Li Huachao repeated Yu Liang's words. Now he understood the design, and then gave a brief explanation, "So you just said that the battery automatically found the battery compartment? Tsk, the smart battery just doesn't Generally speaking, no wonder Xu Cixi admires your consciousness."

Yu Liang was too lazy to pay attention to Li Huachao's teasing. He looked at the ground next to the "battery". There should have been a bone gun there, but it had now disappeared.

Xu Cixi must have been here and took it away, otherwise she would not have known that Yu Liang sacrificed himself to activate the base.

But she also said that the door to the nursery would lock after being opened for a period of time and could not be opened again.

So, after coming to this open space, she returned to the door of the nursery again. She noticed that the door to the nursery would be closed within a limited time, so she returned to the nursery and carved a reminder on the ground. Yu Liang wrote, then left to explore.

Finally, he died in the "Planet of Flesh and Blood".

If you want to know what Xu Cixi experienced during his first exploration, you have to wait until his third birth to see it.

The delay is a bit big, but there's nothing you can do about it. Now the two can only communicate in this way.

In daily life, Xu Cixi showed a high IQ, and Yu Liang must believe in her ability.

After all, both of them have fifteen eggs, so they must cooperate tacitly and cannot be dragged one by one.

To a certain extent, his first life was a bit of a scam. He turned into a battery without finding any clues at all, and he didn't leave any information for Xu Cixi.

Fortunately, the base was activated by accident, and it didn't have any effect at all.

You have to work hard in this life.

Yu Liang looked at the recliner in the middle of the open space, thinking about what it was used for.

To no avail.

After the last experience, he did not dare to sit on it casually now. The bone spurs at the ends of the tubes beside the recliner looked very painful.

Due to the activation of the base, there was a brighter light source in the open space this time, so Yu Liang noticed that the "circuit wall" was divided into blocks, with about twenty small boards, a total of four columns and five rows, and placed The recess for the battery is located on one of the plates.

In addition, there are eighteen wall panels with textures, just like circuit boards. Only one panel in the corner does not have a pattern of flowing light spots.

Yu Liang touched the board without texture. He felt that the board was looser and could not be pulled out but could be pressed.

So he pressed the board and pressed it into the wall.

The circuit blocks on the wall became nineteen blocks, and there was an empty block in the corner.

As he pressed, a control console made of white bones rose from the ground behind him. There was a reddish-brown substance in the shape of "Rou Tai Sui" on the table. There was a handprint on the mass, and five fingers on it. A shallow hole.

Yu Liang pressed his fingerprints and then inserted his fingers into the hole. He felt that the "flesh Tai Sui" could move and that it was connected to something under the bone platform.

Maybe a neural network?

Yu Liang moved Rou Tai Sui to the left, and a circuit board on the wall also moved to the left, filling the gap in the corner.

Use "press" to select the circuit board, and then use "move" to control the translation of the circuit board on the wall.

This is?

Yu Liang understood this design, and a similar design emerged in his mind.

Huarong said.

That's right, it's the Huarong Road of uniform size. Each circuit block is a picture block that needs to be manipulated, so the solution is.

Yu Liang looked up at these circuit blocks and discovered the connection between them.

Changing the position of the circuit block can also change the circuit on the wall, which is like a main console.

Nineteen controllable circuit blocks seem to have many options, but compared to the textured interfaces around the entire wall, there are actually not many options.

Apart from the current arrangement, there are probably only two types.

Yu Liang pressed and moved Rou Tai Sui, changing the circuit on the wall, allowing Dan Shengren's energy to change into another flow path.

Not long after, he completed the first change. As the light spots flowed, new changes appeared in the open space.

The lounge chairs were retracted into the underground chamber and replaced by a staircase leading down to a basement.

Yu Liang walked down the stairs. The basement door was also made of flesh and blood, but this time there was no bone spur-shaped groove on it, instead there was a hole like a keyhole.

The hole was about the size of a fist, and the inside was dark.

It is not round, but nearly round, with two protrusions at the opposite corners.

"There is no key." Li Huachao also saw the current situation, "Do you want to try to open it by force?"

"No, this wall of flesh and blood is very strong and cannot be destroyed." Yu Liang subconsciously thought of the [Cleaning] stamp in his mind, but he still shook his head after a slight hesitation.

Since there is a keyhole, the key can be found in this base. It is not necessary to use the [Purge] stamp to solve the problem now.

He observed the keyhole carefully and suddenly felt that it was somewhat similar to the cross-section of something.

Yu Liang put his fingers into the hole and groped lightly. He didn't dare to go deeper, fearing that the keyhole would swallow his entire arm.

But this time he really discovered something strange. The keyhole could be pulled out.

With the only force he exerted, a body appeared on the flesh and blood door, and then lifted up slightly, revealing the whole picture in front of him.

This is a biological skeleton, with only the main body torso, but it can be seen that it is a humanoid creature. The spine is missing from the torso skeleton, and the missing part is as round as jade.

The bones around the spine are not neat, but intermittent, with some lengths and some shorts.

Yu Liang instantly thought of something.

Lock, biological lock.

The bones of the main torso are the lock, and the spine is the key.

Judging from the gap, the transverse spinous processes on the spinal key are also long and short, and can be matched one by one with the bones on the biological lock.

The difference in length of the transverse spinous process is actually like the tooth shape of a human key.


Although it is a spine, it will not be the spine of his bone gun.

The spine of the bone gun is looped and curved, which is different from the biological lock. It is also of different sizes and does not match the bones.

He pushed the biological lock back into the flesh door and returned to the Rou Taisu control console.

It can be seen that the flesh and blood technology here has a unique style and clever design.

The technology tree is completely different from Earth civilization, but in terms of civilization progress, it is not very developed and is filled with some relatively inefficient tools.

This civilization had metals, but it did not develop metallurgical technology.

Yu Liang guessed that there should be very little metal here, or even no large-scale natural metal mines.

Therefore, metal can only be used in very few areas, such as the positive and negative metal gaskets of wall grooves (battery compartments).

It is precisely because of this that "bio" has become a widely used material and is made into various utensils.

Therefore, the main creation of this civilization is not metal, wood, and stone, but biomass structures.

In layman's terms, it's organic matter.

And the process of civilization creation...

Yu Liang felt that "their" development level was roughly equivalent to the level of human science and technology during World War I.

He changed the circuit board on the wall to the third way, and the underground stairs and basement disappeared, and a fortress appeared in the open space.

The fortress looks like a turtle shell and looks very hard, and its door is not a door of flesh and blood, but a door of bone.

Yu Liang stood in front of the door and looked at the corner under the door.

Something was pried open there, revealing a hole that could only accommodate a small dog. In the hole, there was a pale hand that kept an outstretched posture, trying its best to touch the hope of life.

Unfortunately, it is dead.

Yu Liang stretched out his hand and compared it with the pale hand, and found that the two were different. The deceased's hand did not have the annular bony protrusion on his wrist, and there was no "toolbar".

They are not the same race as the Dansheng people.

There are two possibilities. One is that he is more advanced and does not have the right to use the "toolbar"; the other is that he is more advanced and does not need to use the tools himself.

Yu Liang lay down and shined the light from his wrist into the gap while looking inside the turtle shell.

He saw many pairs of eyes.

Eyes on corpses.

There were some almost deformed people crowded in the space inside the turtle shell. Their limbs were twisted into inhuman shapes. They seemed to want to escape from the turtle shell fortress, but the bloody holes in their abdomens or chests killed them directly.

Yu Liang shined the beam into the interior of the turtle shell fortress from all angles, exploring the situation in all directions.

In addition to the corpses of deformed people, he also saw the corpse of a small monster.

Similar to a scorpion, except that the body is flatter and there is no stinger on the tail, replaced by a fluffy, flocculent tentacle.

This is the first monster he has encountered so far.

It's just a corpse, and luckily it's just a corpse.

It would be nice if the bone gun was here. You could shoot the secondary jaw in and bite the corpse of this monster to take it out.

If you lie down here and look at it, the viewing angle is limited and the light is limited, making it impossible to observe carefully.

A scorpion-shaped monster whose main attack method is to penetrate the chest and abdomen to kill.

There was only one bloody wound on each deformed body, which meant that the number of monsters that broke into the Turtle Shell Fortress was not very large, maybe even only three or two, and they massacred the fortress.

This kind of monster is small in size, but has high combat effectiveness. At least now, he can't defeat this kind of monster with bare hands.

Dark shadows flashed in Yu Liang's peripheral vision, and his dynamic vision instantly captured the movement in the darkness. He shined the light, but only saw a slender tail drilling into a small hole.

A small hole half a man's height was dug there by a monster. A monster just got into the hole and escaped from the fortress.

There are also living things.

Yu's conscience tightened. He only saw a section of the tail, but he was sure that he was right.

The tail is slender and agile, not like that of a liger, but thick at the base and thin at the tip.

The tail didn't seem to be made of flesh and blood, but more like black skeletal parts, covered with barbs and bony protrusions.

The function of the tail is to balance the body, and with such a thick tail, the size of this monster is probably not small.

A conservative estimate would be as big as a human, or even taller and stronger.

It would be dangerous for a person to face a beast that is one-third of his weight with bare hands, let alone a monster that may be larger than himself.

Now it seems that the monsters that slaughtered the fortress may be this kind of monster. They only need to penetrate the body of the deformed people from behind with the bone spur at the tip of their tail to kill them easily.

As for the scorpion monster...

Maybe a pet to assist hunting?

Or maybe it's the juvenile body of the monster?

They certainly don't look alike, but biologically they are "abnormal", so it doesn't really matter.

Facing a monster in its current state, fifteen lives might not even be enough to kill it.

You must seize the time to explore and unlock your abilities quickly.

At least the alienated professional ability must be unlocked first. If Li Huachao is released, he will be able to fight.

But what makes Yu Liang a little strange is that since there is a living monster, why doesn't it eat the corpse in this turtle shell fortress?

During the observation just now, he also found that these corpses were twisted, but at the same time they were intact, with no signs of gnawing.

Yu Liang stood in front of the door and thought for a while, then squatted down and tried to open the gap with his hands.

The warm current in his body began to flow again, and he felt that his strength had grown a bit, with signs of shaking the gap.

can do.

He decided to widen the gap further and take out the body blocking the door.

Yu Liang wanted to try out the use of the recliner.

Since the recliner is placed here, it must have a purpose, and he is going to try out this purpose now.

He waited here for a while to confirm that the monster had passed through the hole and left the fortress underground, and then he tried to open the bone door in the gap.

After a while, he widened the gap and pulled the deformed man out by his hand.

With no corpses blocking his view, Yu Liang looked inside the fortress again. Now he could more easily see the whole picture.

The monster dug through the fortress from the ground and rushed into the fortress with the scorpion. There were only some deformed people in the fortress, and they didn't even have any weapons to resist.

At this critical moment, the deformed people couldn't even move normally. They could only move slowly on the ground and move closer to the bone door.

However, they do not have the key to open the door. They seem to be "tools" locked here.

Yu Liang noticed the broken eggshells in the corners of the fortress and realized that there seemed to be no difference between these people and him.

To tell the difference...

Maybe Dansheng like him is more advanced and can be put to more uses.

The bones of those deformed people seem to have been modified, so their bodies are naturally curved, as if to fit into the grooves on the outside wall.

In other words, what is stored in this fortress is the "battery" that activates the base?

He looked at the gap in the bone door underneath, and doubts arose in his heart.

The monster killing efficiency should be very high, so where does the gap in the door come from?

There is also a deformed person's hand sticking out of the gap, so it was dug out by a deformed person?

Didn't these deformed people die as soon as the monster appeared?

Or maybe they were also "captive" by monsters, and then took this opportunity to dig open the bone door in an attempt to escape?

Yu Liang kept having speculations in his mind. He looked at the brutal massacre remains in the fortress and speculated on the scene at that time. At this time, he suddenly heard a very slight sound.


It was like the claws of some kind of creature gently placed on the ground, and then made a crisp sound.



Is there something...

It didn't just escape, it just came!

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