The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 261 Because of me - the world is unified!

Not escaping, but coming!

Yu Liang, who was aware of this point, did not hesitate. He leaned forward suddenly, got into the gap he had just dug, and then twisted his body desperately to get into the inside of the fortress.

Now he didn't have time to think about what kind of monster was behind him, because he had already heard the footsteps that became urgent.


The monster switched from stealth state to attack state, and the wind passed through the small holes in its ears, making a sharp sound.

Yu Liang's ears twitched. The sound was like a needle, making him panic.

It's like a whistle, but more like the sounding arrows commonly used by ancient nomads.

Said: Ming Dy.

The sound of claws hitting the ground continued to be heard, and the desperate whistle followed closely behind his heels, but Yu Liang just drilled into the gap, and the sharp bone residue from the gap in the bone door dug into his back, and as he moved forward The movement opened a gash in his back.

The pain instantly penetrated his brain, but Yu Liang would not slow down because of this. He got into the fortress in one breath and passed by the monster's claws.

The claws scratched deep marks on the bone door, and bone fragments fell to the ground.

Yu Liang entered the fortress. He pushed away the deformed corpse in front of him and climbed a few more steps inside before he breathed a sigh of relief and looked back at the monster.


The monster's head poked into the fortress, and the vertical pupils of the cold-blooded animal looked at Yu Liang who ran away from his hands.

The whole body is dark, the head is like a giant python, and there is a four-petal umbrella-shaped membrane around the neck, which is supported by slender spikes. It is in a contracted state under normal conditions, but after it stretches its head into the fortress, it unfolds the membrane, like Opened a black umbrella.

Although it looks like a snake head, it has hard folded ears with perforations on both sides of its head. The whistle just came from these ears.

It tried to get in through the gap in the door, but its huge body prevented it from doing so. It could only stick its head in and bite the air in the fortress.

The monster opened its huge mouth, revealing a row of teeth. Two of the canine teeth were huge, and the remaining teeth were fine.

There is no doubt that its bite force is enough to easily tear Dan Shengren's body into pieces.

Yu Liang couldn't help but stepped back a few steps and stepped on the body of a deformed man.

Inside the fortress, there was an indelible smell of corpse lingering on the tip of his nose. After just a few breaths, he felt dizzy and couldn't help but hold his breath.

The monster swayed its folded ears slowly, and the whistle sounded rhythmically with the swing of its ears.

Yu Liang raised his eyes and looked at its ears. The monster's throat seemed to be able to produce only an extremely monotonous hoarse sound, but the whistles produced by these ears were obviously more flexible and varied.

So this ear sound may be a way for monster groups to communicate with each other?

Then it now slowly unfolds its umbrella-shaped membrane to block the gap...

It's blocking the road!

It's calling for companions!

Realizing this, Yu's conscience awoke, and he looked around him, trying to find a handy weapon.

If you can't kill the monster blocking the road...

He will definitely die here!

However, the deformed people here are just batteries, not even as good as a tool like him, so they don't have any weapons.

Think, observe, think.

Yu Liang quickly collected the surrounding information in order to find a solution to the problem.

He came to the entrance of the tunnel dug by the monster, leaned down and looked inside.

Under the illumination of the light, he saw that the tunnel was a straight line with no forks.

If the monster is really calling for his companions, it is obviously stupid to take the tunnel. If there is only a straight line, he will definitely be blocked by the monster's companions.

Or go to the monster's lair.

Looking at the corpses again, Yu Liang also noticed at this time that all the corpses died from penetrating wounds to the chest and abdomen, and the wounds on the chest and abdomen were turned outwards, which showed that they were killed by monsters from behind. .

Without exception.

Although this monster is indeed good at sneaking up from behind, "without exception" is itself an exception.

Nature does not forcefully stipulate that certain creatures must use backstabbing when hunting.

Thinking about it carefully, after seeing him just now, the monster left the tunnel without hesitation and chose to sneak around him and attack him from behind.

Obviously, this pattern is strange.

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster.

Yu Liang leaned down and carefully observed the bodies of the deformed people. He noticed that the scabs formed by their blood seemed to be mixed with some kind of gray-blue substance.

Eggs give birth to human blood...

Is it red and blue?

Yu Liang reached back and endured the pain to touch the wound on his back. He dipped his hand in blood and observed it carefully.

There was no such gray-blue component in his blood.

He searched around, picked up the body of the scorpion monster on the ground, and pressed it into the wounds on the chest and abdomen of the deformed man.

A few drops of blood were squeezed out of the long-dried corpse. When they came into contact with the scorpion monster's shell, a violent reaction broke out.

The blood quickly corroded the shell, making a "chichi" sound.

Yu Liang showed thoughtful eyes.

The monster's genes do not restrict them to hunting with back stabs, so it is probably the reality that restricts them from doing so.

If you don't backstab, the monster itself may be harmed.

Such as the blood of deformed people.

It contains a special ingredient that will not corrode flesh and blood, but will corrode the shells and scales of such monsters.

Therefore, the monster will choose to backstab, because it is afraid that when it stands in front of the deformed person, it will be corroded by the blood they spray or throw.

It can also be learned from this that the claws used by monsters to attack should be able to ignore the blood of deformed people.


Snakeheads don't.

Yu Liang controlled the bone spurs in his wrists to sprout, and then pierced into the corpse.

The bone spurs were immediately stained with the blood of this deformed person, but the bone spurs were not corroded by the blood.

It seems like it really only works on the scales on this monster.

Yu Liang looked at the monster blocking the gap and rushed forward with bone spurs in hand.

He's going to try and kill the monster here.

However, everything just happened in front of the monster. It seemed to have guessed what Yu Liang wanted to do, so it put away its umbrella-shaped membrane, retracted its head outside the bone door, and then used its thick and powerful tail to Reached in.

The large spike at the end of the tail was facing the charging Yu Liang, stopping Yu Liang's progress.

Yu Liang grabbed the corpses around and threw them towards the gap, blocking the gap in the bone door.

This monster isn't stupid either, he can't kill it here.

Yu Liang did not insist. He picked a rather "plump" deformed corpse on the ground and carried it behind his back, ensuring that the corpse had the most blood in the entire fortress.

The deformed person behind him is back-to-back with him, because he needs to keep the person behind him facing behind him.

Since the monster is afraid of people's front faces and does not attack from the front, he turns his back to the front.

This can act as a deterrent to monsters and may have some effect.

However, when he put it on his back, he felt a little itchy on his back.

Yu Liang reached out and touched it, and the wound on his back began to heal.

It just healed together with the deformity behind it, and they grew together.

He tried to put down the deformed man, but now he was completely connected to the deformed man's body. If he tried to separate, he would feel a heartbreaking pain.

Forget it, it's okay, at least I can free up my hands.

Yu Liang had no choice but tore off his shirt and soaked it in the blood squeezed out from other corpses until the whole clothes were stained with blood.

He held the blood coat in his hand as a weapon, and then jumped into the tunnel dug by the monster.

There are only two exits in this fortress. The monster blocked one of them and there was no way to kill it, so we had no choice but to leave through this tunnel.

Yu Liangmao walked quickly with his waist crouched. He felt the warmth in his body circulate again, and part of it fell on his feet, increasing his pace, allowing him to still move quickly even though he was carrying someone on his back.

After a while, he saw a little light in front of the dug tunnel, and the exit was right in front of him.

There was a rustling sound behind him. Yu Liang heard the strange noise, but he did not stop, thinking that he could rush out of the tunnel in one breath.

This monster is like some group of medium-to-large beasts. It will not attack strange prey immediately, but wait and see first.

Habits are similar to those of wolves.

Now his double-faced personality has caused some confusion to the observing monsters, and he has to rush out of the tunnel before this period of confusion ends.

The heart was running like a motor, and the violent beating pushed the body's functions to the extreme. Yu Liang quickly ran to the exit.

There were some shadows in the light at the exit, and there was a monster waiting there.

There is no other way, we must rush.

Yu Liangliang waved the bloody clothes in his hands and rushed forward. The bloody clothes were twisted into a stick, and blood seeped out, and was thrown around with Yu Liang's movements.

As expected, the monster was frightened by Yu Liang's actions and jumped slightly to avoid Yu Liang's impact.

Yu Liang rushed out of the tunnel and looked around quickly.

Seeing him coming out, the monster on the side seemed to want to pierce Yu Liang's body with its tail thorn, but the next second it saw the face behind Yu Liang facing it, so it hesitated to stop its tail thorn and just moved its tail. It kept swaying and swimming around itself, like a nimble fish.

At this end of the tunnel is a large-scale building...

No, it would be more accurate to say it is a creation.

The three floors are ring-shaped and wrap around the hollow "altar" in the middle. There are huge ribs around the platform, each section of ribs is more than ten meters high and pierces the dome.

Dozens of huge eyes are distributed on the top spherical dome, and these eyes are closed at this time.

Now he was on the first floor. Looking upward, he saw a large control console extending forward on the second floor.

There are also bone ladders leading to higher levels in each of the four directions on the first floor. Yu Liang didn't stay too long, just found the nearest bone ladder and ran up.

In addition to these bone ladders, Yu Liang also saw other tunnels, which seemed to have been dug out by this kind of monster. Naturally, he would not choose to leave from here.

The underground of the base seems to be dug in all directions by this monster, which undoubtedly increases the difficulty of exploration.

The monster jumped nimbly, and there was a melodious sound of wind in its ears. It followed Yu Liang unhurriedly, hanging far behind Yu Liang. Looking back, it saw three or two of the same type following behind it. monster.

Yu Liang walked up the bone ladder and climbed all the way up.

At this time, Yu Liang suddenly felt something, and he opened his eyes again.

Another pair of eyes.

The scene behind him appeared in his mind, and he saw those monsters stopped. It seemed that from the moment he stepped on the white bone ladder, he was no longer their prey.

But these eyes...

Yu Liang waved his hand back, and his peripheral vision caught his hand swinging back.

That's right, it's the body carried on the back.

It's alive.

Yu Liang felt the warm current in his body. He found that when the warm current was running, part of it also flowed towards the corpse behind, flowing into the corpse from the connection port on the back.

No, it can no longer be said that this is a corpse.

They became one, and the deformed man was now a part of him, or a tool.

Yu Liang tried to drive the deformed man's hands and control them to grasp.

The extra eyes and hands also facilitated his exploration. He hung the bloody clothes in his hands on the two hands behind him, and then manipulated these two hands to dance the blood clothes.

The extra arms and two arms that appeared out of thin air made him feel a little strange, and he couldn't help but slow down his upward steps.

Not to mention, this biotechnology is quite interesting. As a Dansheng, he can bond those deformed people and make them a part of himself.

And what surprised him even more was that this deformed man also had energy in his body.

When the warm current passes through the body of the deformed person, the warm current suddenly increases in size and then merges into his body.

Strengthen and enrich.

It complemented the origin of his life.

At this time, a strange feeling arose in his heart.

It was a desire, an extreme desire.


Want more.

More bodies, more tools, more functions, more uses...

As long as it cuts its body open with bone spurs and lets the blood flow out, it can bond with other creatures and make them a part of itself.

Is there any faster, more effective and more comfortable "possession" in the world?

Let him be a part of me, let her be a part of me, let it be a part of me.

Here, all living things are materials.

They are materials, they are tools, they are another body.

Yes, there is that giant, the flesh and blood giant that I saw before, it can do it, and so can he.

it's me.



There will be no oppression or resistance in our bodies, all of us are the same.

No class, no status, no power, no wealth.

Everything is for our survival, so it is okay for me to die, but it is equivalent to amputation.

I am completely equal.

And I am the brain, I am the best brain among us, so I drive the hands and feet.

This is a reasonable structure, this is an effective structure.

It's the perfect structure.

I believe in myself and I respect myself.


Standing on millions of lives.

I worship myself.

because I--

The world is unified.

The old will die, the strong will be useful, the young will grow, and the widowed, lonely, disabled, and sick will all be provided for.

At this moment, the deformed man's head behind Yu Liang was twisting continuously, as if looking for a comfortable position.

Finally, it formed a ninety-degree angle with the neck, and made a "click" sound as if it was in place.

In the eyes, where the gaze was, there was still a strange light flashing.

The same weird light as in the main body's eyes.

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