The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 397 Fair 3v3 duel

"The energy accumulated by the Taoist government during this period is only enough to block the perception of the root monster for twenty minutes. During this period, the root monster cannot find us with the help of rules ability or breath perception, but if we appear directly in front of the root monster, we will still be able to find us. Discovered." An Buchen stood at the door of the Taoist mansion with a serious expression. This was the first time in several days that she was preparing to leave her Taoist mansion.

"Twenty minutes?" Lu Baoshen was stunned when he heard this, "You clearly told me that it was only five minutes?"

"Ascetics pay attention to keeping a thin line when doing things." An Buchen glanced at him and tried to fool him with nonsense words.

Li Huachao glanced at An Buchen again, silently guessing how long An Buchen could shield himself.

It can't be less than half an hour anyway.

"Yu Liang and I should have entered the village at the same place, and when I returned here I probably appeared near the open space, but there were also some strange creatures there at that time, so I ran away desperately. They didn't even notice where Yu Liang was." Li Huachao scratched his head. The situation at that time was so chaotic that he had no time to care about Yu Liang's life or death.

Now that he thinks about it carefully, he is a little confused. He traveled to a parallel universe and then blew up the village in that universe. As a result, he returned to the original universe...

Are those strange creatures from the village in the parallel universe or the village in the original universe?

Did Yu Liang from the original universe come out of the village?

Could it be that the Yu Liang he is familiar with is not here at all?

He looked at Lu Baoshen, then at An Buchen, and decided to ask An Buchen for his opinion.

"Parallel universe?" An Buchen frowned and searched for the Taoist scriptures in his mind to find another explanation, "You may be talking about the thirty-third heaven. You should have gone to several other heavens before. This is the only way to get the Tao." Only an expert can do it, but you were influenced by the source ghost story, so it’s not surprising.”

"How to do it?" Li Huachao's thinking was instantly distracted.

"You can understand it as personal frequency." An Buchen said, "The closer the heart is when meditating, the higher the frequency. The higher the frequency, the easier it is to enter other heavens."

Then she pretended not to care and asked Li Huachao, "How is it? Do you want to learn?"

"Learn this...well, let's forget it." Li Huachao shrugged. It was impossible for him to meditate, nor to be calm, and to travel to other parallel universes...

He didn't want to go through it again.

But after hearing this, he asked curiously: "Then have you ever succeeded? I remember that you have been practicing in the zoo for a long time, right? The Taoist practice should be enough, right?"

"No." An Buchen's face was expressionless.

"Okay, I thought it was true." Li Huachao curled his lips, thinking that he almost offended An Buchen.

"This is true." An Buchen went on to say, "Those ancient magical methods are probably passed down like this. If you are just an ordinary person and see me wearing a Taoist robe and using Chinese characters, do you think I am the same person? Are masters of Taoism like gods? It is easier to explain in the context of ancient times. However, some magical powers are professional skills of ghost talk players, which are not enough to be explained to outsiders. They can only be spread through obscure scriptures. I I have been studying these scriptures recently, and there must be some magical powers and secrets in them that are common to normal players."

"Okay, then a person like me can be considered a half-god? A terrestrial fairyland?" Li Huachao's eyes lit up. Not to mention anything else, his physical fitness was perfect, plus "five-five" The major and minor changes of "Open Ring", isn't this the legendary Dharma, Heaven and Earth?

"You are at best an evil heretic." Lu Baoshen said unceremoniously, "Only people like me can be considered masters of weapon cultivation, talismans and control of objects."

"I don't have time to deal with you." Li Huachao was too lazy to pay attention to this guy, and instead ordered, "Open up your luck and suppress [Bu Xie]. We are going to go find Yu Liang."

Looking at it this way, their three-person team can be regarded as a top-quality team. Xiangu provides logistics and shields the source of ghost stories, Lu Baoshen's long-range attack and wish-granting have a high probability of finding Yu Liang even in chaos, and Li Huachao opens the way. The characteristics of the vanguard and hunter allow him to easily handle the task of scout.

A writer's rescue team was formed that didn't need writers at all.

The three people quickly left the Taoist mansion. Apparently they only had twenty minutes, so they needed to hurry up and find Yu Liang.

"Do you want to choose the path with fewer monsters or the path with shorter distance?" Lu Baoshen asked the other two people.

"Your ability is already so smart? Can you still choose by yourself?" Li Huachao was surprised. This is no longer a wish come true, right?

Is it completely based on Lu Baoshen's ideas to "generate" the road ahead?

"More or less, it all depends on my tendencies anyway. Whichever one I prefer, whichever situation will happen with a high probability." Lu Baoshen had a hard time explaining his abilities, so he just made a rough guess.

"There are fewer monsters." An Buchen immediately replied, "My shielding is not invisibility. If I appear next to monsters, I will still be easily discovered. The road with many monsters will delay more time."

With that said, she also took out three invisibility charms from her robe and hit them on each of them: "I'll give you an additional invisibility charm."

This level of invisibility is just a layer of optical simulation. Once it moves, you will see a transparent figure moving, and it cannot shield the body's heat, but it is better than nothing, at least this way it feels more stealthy.

The three of them each got a set of enhanced ① series characters for themselves. As the created characters in the Yuliang universe, everything else may be lacking, but this character is definitely not lacking. With the Caoying assembly line in hand, they are always there Earn characters.

"There is a monster ahead, T2 flesh and blood type, humanoid." Li Huachao's senses were very sensitive, and he sensed the existence of strange creatures across the corner, so the three of them passed through the corner like arrows, and at the same time sent out attacks in their hands. .

The "burning" character is added to the table knife, and the knife creates a flame of brilliance. The two "cleaving" characters are one on the left and one on the right, instantly removing the monster's left and right arms.

The burly werewolf was cut into pieces by three people in just one encounter, leaving only the charred corpses falling to the ground and rolling into the sewer.

"Twenty-meter corridor, T1 flesh and blood system, meat mountain." Li Huachao narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the monster fused with a group of limbs blocking the sewer further away.

The movement speed of the three people did not slow down, and they soon arrived in front of Roshan. At this distance, Roshan also realized that there were three things approaching it. As soon as he turned over, he stretched out dozens of arms to grab it. them.

When they saw Roshan, the formation of the three people changed. Now the one running in front was Lu Baoshen. He threw a silver coin backward before running towards Roshan, looking at the people who were close at hand. Roshan didn't show any timidity. He had been rehearsing this process in his mind for a long time, and there was no possibility of him failing.

The silver coin passed between Li Huachao and An Buchen, flipped and fell in mid-air.

At the same time, Lu Baoshen stretched out his hand towards Roshan, and Roshan also grabbed him with dozens of hands. It looked like he was running in both directions, and the next second Lu Baoshen typed the character "Thunder".

With the existence of the character, the activation conditions of [Thousand Arts] are met, and Roshan and the backward silver coin instantly switch positions.

Roshan appeared behind the three of them, and the silver coin appeared in front of Lu Baoshen, and was perfectly caught by his outstretched hand.

The moment the silver coin fell into their hands, An Buchen and Li Huachao passed by Lu Baoshen left and right. Lu Baoshen turned around, twisted his waist and abdomen and used force to move his arms. The silver coin in his hand moved toward the person who was stunned. The mountain of meat on the ground was thrown over.

Two "Thunder" characters appeared behind him again, and together with the "Thunder" character that he had played before, they shot towards Roshan.

"Boom boom boom——"

The continuous attacks of the three "thunder" characters made Roshan scream in pain. The electric light on its body flashed, and the scorch marks cracked inch by inch as Roshan struggled, revealing more pink and tender human skin.

"Hey, your level is pretty good now." Li Huachao looked at the three "thunder" characters. Lu Baoshen's progress surprised him.

It was clear that he could not move from the first talisman realm to the second talisman realm in the past few months. How long has it been since he barely jumped from the second talisman realm to the third talisman realm?

And he looked so skillful. This ease reminded Li Huachao of the time when he worked with Lu Mingzhe before.

"Small things are not difficult in the first place." Lu Baoshen smiled faintly and pretended.

In fact, this is also related to his experience in the past few days. After being kept in captivity by the Great Elder, his luck value was released and accumulated every day, which to a certain extent was a kind of exercise.

In addition, he was trapped in the Jiuyin Sect, and his only thought every day was to think about the use of [Thousand Techniques]. [Xiangyi] would definitely not be used. The accumulated luck value had been sucked away by the great elder, so he could only Rely on [Thousand Skills] to escape.

I haven't had a chance to see what level I am at since then, but now I tried it casually, and I can actually control the three talisman realms easily. This time, Lu Baoshen was immediately pulled up.

It seems that Lu Mingzhe's level is not so unattainable.

However, he never thought that they were originally the same person, and the hardware conditions could support them to use the four-talisman realm, but now he could only use the strength of the three-talisman realm.

Needless to say who the dishie is.

The three of them didn't care about Roshan's life or death. After passing through the obstacles of Roshan, they approached the Jiuyin Field, and their pace slowed down.

"In front of you is the Jiuyin Field, which should be regarded as the core area of ​​the Jiuyin Sect." Lu Baoshen said, "There is a high probability that Yu Liang is nearby. This must be a high-accident area."

Seeing Lu Baoshen say so confidently, Li Huachao nodded in agreement: "It makes sense."

But then he thought about it and realized something was wrong: "Wait a minute, have you been to the core area? Are you so awesome? How did you get here?"

"This..." Lu Baoshen blinked, his technique of changing the topic was completely unskilled. He pointed to the opposite passage and said, "Look, there seem to be a few players there."

"Player?" Li Huachang looked in the direction of his finger and was stunned for a moment, then frowned in confusion.

Wait a minute, these people seem to be...

Wait, wait, it looks familiar!

Just when Lu Baoshen was glad that his method of changing the subject was successful, he heard the grinding of Li Huachao's teeth next to him.

Looking up again, Li Huachao was gritting his teeth and looking at the people at the secret passage in the distance.

Lu Baoshen had never heard the sound of grinding teeth, but he knew that it was most likely a way for Li Huachao to express his anger.


"What's wrong?" So Lu Baoshen poked Li Huachao in the waist with his elbow and asked.

"I've met my enemy." Li Huachao whispered.

The three people in front of him had almost the same appearance, and they were all faces he recognized.

Actor Aze was born!

To put it bluntly, this born actor has to bear half of the responsibility for his previous difficulties.

He had secretly suspected that all this had something to do with the actor, but now that he saw three of the actor's clones in this 9 vagina scene, it was confirmed!

It definitely has something to do with the actors!

In any case, every clone of an actor is extremely precious. If it is just to inquire about the internal situation of Jiuyin Field, there is definitely no need for three clones to come together. The current situation is most likely because the actor is still in Jiuyin Field. There are other plans.

If you hide your plan from him, there is a high probability that you want to trick him.

In fact, the actors have already been fooled.

Although he is not sure whether his entry into the village has anything to do with the actor, Li Huachao's excellent blame-shifting ability means that he cannot feel that it is his fault. The current actor is naturally the main cause of all accidents.

"Follow me. Those three people are all actors. Catching them is definitely a great achievement!" Li Huachao said to Lu Baoshen and An Buchen in a very low voice.

"Actor? That T1 actor? Can the three of us do it?" Lu Baoshen instinctively followed his heart.

"It's not the actor himself, but his three clones. It's like the three of us are all created characters. The gradient level of the clones is not necessarily T1. With the configuration and actual combat capabilities of the three of us, as long as those three If the clones are not all T1, then they can be dealt with casually." Li Huachao's analysis was very accurate, and he continued, "Look, we are both T2, and we also carry a T1, so what are you afraid of?"

"That's true." Lu Baoshen nodded, feeling that this statement was reasonable.

Two T2s and one T1. Judging from this clear data, it is indeed worthy of any team, not to mention that it is only a fair 3v3 duel.

Only the little fairy An Buchen, who had high hopes for her, opened her mouth but hesitated.

She is indeed T1, but can she really be considered T1?

225 The Taoist government is at Yu Liang’s place, and all the Taoist energy she has gathered during this period is used to shield the source of the strange perception in this area...

I'm afraid she won't be able to exert much strength now.

"Wait a minute, let me think about it and catch them off guard." Li Huachao touched his chin and began to coordinate his own strength.

Now they have invisibility talismans, and they are very far apart. The enemy is in the open and we are in the dark. This initiative must be used well.


How about letting him come up with a trick to lure the enemy?

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