The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 398 I, Li Huachao, don’t want compensation!

Li Huachao was thinking about a question.

Does this actor Aze know that he already knows?

After all, until now, all the evidence that Li Huachao had secretly plotted against actor Aze came from his own bad luck.

Well, his intuition told him that this Aze must be up to something secretly.

But logically speaking, Aze has done a perfect job, so he obviously didn't expect that he already wanted to attack him, so wouldn't he be able to get close to them, and then violently hurt others?

If nothing else, just walk among three people and launch a Blade Storm. You can tell me whether this first move is scary or not!

Just do it when you think of it. Li Huachao never acts cautiously, not to mention that he feels that his plan has a high probability of being implemented.

So he told his plan to the remaining two people. After hearing his plan, neither Lu Baoshen nor An Buchen had any objection.

Anyway, with Lu Bao around, if things go wrong, Li Huachao can be replaced by [Qian Shu], unless the opponent reacts very quickly and directly gives Li Huachao a "prison" or "trap" character.

However, this seems to be looking down on Li Huachao. At such an extremely close range, it is definitely not an easy task to visually lock his figure.

But Lu Baoshen looked at Li Huachao strangely, and asked in surprise: "You actually know that Aze? Have you surrendered to the enemy?"

"What is surrendering to the enemy? It's just a temporary cooperation. I'm just submissive. I'm secretly waiting for an opportunity to seize his achievements and feed Yu Liang back!" Li Huachao said with a smile on his face, describing himself in words as "born in darkness and serving the light." underground workers.

"Did you wait for the opportunity?" A puzzled expression appeared on Lu Baoshen's face, and he didn't know whether he was following Li Huachao's words or asking this deliberately.

"Isn't this an opportunity now?" Li Huachao snorted and turned his face to observe the situation of the actors, trying to discern their personality and professional characteristics from their clothes, and did not want to talk to Lu Baoshen.

However, at this moment, Lu Baoshen breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. After learning that his good brother Li Huachao had done things for the "actor", he did not mean to criticize him. Instead, he felt that he was in the same boat.

Yes, you have done things for actors, and I have also done things for Jiuyin Sect.

He felt a little embarrassed at first, but now he is completely relieved.

Everyone is the same, no one can criticize anyone else.

But thinking of this, Lu Baoshen took another look at An Buchen next to him and thought that this woman must not have had such a history. After all, she must have been hiding in the Taoist mansion, so should he find an opportunity to drag her into the water? ?

In this case, the three of them are not good people, but they seem to be a bigger problem for the Lord of the Universe, Yu Liang.

The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked, yes, that’s right.

Li Huachao didn't know the dark thoughts in Lu Bao's mind and body. He was really observing the three actors carefully. If he could tell from the clothes, whose occupation was more inclined to "Crispy Chicken", and whose occupation was "Hunter" Features, this kind of crispy chicken is easy to cook in one move.

A man was panting in a black trench coat, which was not too wide and reflected Aze's thin figure. At the same time, he also wore a low-key black hat. The brim of the hat was gently pressed down, hiding most of his face under the hat.

This outfit is a bit like Gin from "Detective Conan". Li Huachao's first reaction is that he is not easy to mess with. He should be a professional who prefers fighting.

Next is a man wearing a suit and tie, with golden eyes. He looks gentle and elegant, but the corner of his mouth on the side of his face is slightly raised, with an evil smile.

Finally, there was a man wearing a retro robe, a bit like a Tang suit, and in his hand were two walnuts. The walnuts glowed under the dim light and had been coated with a jade-like texture.

He was dressed like a dog, most likely a civil servant, such as a lawyer, a white-collar worker, etc. Only these professions have such formal dress requirements, and the man in Tang suit was wearing walnuts. Li Huachao was worried that he was the inheritor of some ancient martial arts. Something like that would be bad.

After all, he doesn't look like a big-bodied "second assassin" like Zhuang Wu, but a kind of "unparalleled young man" feeling. In movies and TV dramas, he is a proper image of a handsome second male actor in ancient costume.

According to this setting, it will take some effort.

Therefore, Li Huachao secretly targeted the man in suit, and then ran towards the three actors without concealing his steps.

The moment he started running, the windbreaker Aze turned to look at the moving transparent shadow, and his voice was cold and magnetic: "There is something."

"Humanoid creature." Suit Aze said.

"It's me." Li Huachao tore off the invisibility talisman on his body, then looked around to make sure there were no strange creatures around, then sneakily approached him, "Azeqian is here too? And he brought so many clones with him? "

"Yeah." Aze in the suit nodded slightly, while Aze in the windbreaker on the other side showed no reaction.

Tangzhuang Aze smiled: "You should be aware, right? A lot of things have happened in this Jiuyin field. A huge number of root ghosts and high-gradient ghost creatures have appeared here. This is very unreasonable and is not good for our plan. , so naturally I had to come and see the situation in person.”

He scanned Li Huachao from top to bottom and continued: "But since I happened to meet you, it's easy to handle. You should be the first person to sneak into the Jiuyin Field, so you will know what happened better than us. ?”

Tangzhuang Aze naturally thought so, but the three of them did not just arrive. They had already followed Li Huachao when he entered the Jiuyin Field. Because the main body suspected that Li Huachao was also the clone of an "actor", so he thought It is necessary to muddy the waters to secretly find the identity of another actor, thereby obtaining the other party's script, or even shaping the personality of another actor.

For this reason, Aze also secretly revealed the whereabouts of Li Huachao, which was also the direct trigger of the turmoil in the Jiuyin market.

However, the three Azes now will not quarrel with Li Huachao. There is no need for them to quarrel. After all, they only revealed their whereabouts secretly and did nothing else. Li Huachao will definitely not know this. , so they are still in a cooperative state.

Fortunately, if you meet Li Huachao here, you can follow him to find the actor behind him, which will save a lot of trouble.

What makes the Azes a little worried is that there are at least two digits of root ghost stories in the Jiuyin field now, and this situation is far beyond their control.

After confirming the situation here, the main body will most likely choose to give up the ghost plan. It is important to acquire tens of thousands of ghost players and control a source of ghost stories, but the more important thing is definitely its own safety.

Cyber ​​City is no longer safe now, so this mess should be left to Kaitan World to worry about. Anyway, they have already completed the basic tasks, and they do not have to stay in this dungeon.

For normal ghost story players, it is always worthwhile to choose to be conservative and cautious. Actors who have reached this stage of development will naturally understand this truth better.

"Oh, that's it. After I came in, I suddenly discovered that the situation here was more complicated than I imagined. Suddenly, a group of people came from nowhere to fight against the Jiuyin Sect, and I was caught in the middle." Li Huachao said. My own words summarized everything that happened during this period in a very low voice, with only a "very few" part of the content changed. "After that, I ran away when I saw something was wrong. After such a long time, I came in to see the situation. What happened in the middle I have absolutely no idea what it is.”

Anyway, he has a very tough mouth. No matter what happens in this place, it has nothing to do with him.

"Is that so?" Tangzhuang Aze also didn't know what happened specifically. He could vaguely feel that Li Huachao was hiding something, but he guessed that he didn't hide much.

It should be like this. At most, it was "accidental" that promoted the emergence of this situation. After all, the situation in Jiuyin Field is too complicated and even beyond the control of Aze's body. This plot direction is far beyond the control of normal players. .

Well, he never would have imagined that all the current plot developments are related to the guy in front of him.

"Is that so? Okay." Aze in Tang suit showed a little pity, and then asked, "What are you going to do next?"

"Next? Let me ask you, aren't you planning to capture the source of ghost stories?" Li Huachao pointed to the passage in front of him, which was heading towards the center of the Jiuyin Sect. "There are quite a lot of source ghost stories there now. You can Give it a try.”

"Those ghost stories about the root cause are indeed a headache. I don't know what happened. How come all the ghost stories about the root cause came out in the village." A Ze in Tang suit seemed not to hear the teasing in Li Huachao's words, but looked a little helpless. , "Maybe the Origin Ghost Story woke up? After he wakes up, I'm not sure whether the ghost players I made will be taken back. If so, the plan for this copy may have failed. I We should leave here directly, since the basic mission is over long ago."

"That's such a pity." Li Huachao said carelessly, "It seems like there's nothing gained from this dungeon?"

"This is the norm." Tangzhuang Aze said with a slight smile, "In order to obtain the support of a source of Kaitan, I have run no less than seven or eight dungeons. Finding nothing is the norm for Kaitan players. Even T1 level players enter the dungeon. I just pray that I can survive, that’s all.”

"Okay." Li Huachao didn't say much, but secretly "respected Yu and belittled Ze" in his heart.

Who said players have to get nothing from every copy?

Didn't Yu Liang steal wherever he went?

The Zoo, Prison Mirror, Peace Community, and Moon Community were all taken away together with the dungeon. The flesh-and-blood planet did survive, but Yu Liang's harvest was not small. Basically, the most valuable things in the entire dungeon were taken away.

With him, Li Huachao and Money Shougui around, there will naturally be a lot of gains!

"You can ask the companion over there to come out." Suddenly, Fengyao Aze narrowed his eyes and gestured to the direction in which Li Hua came.

"Uh..." Li Huachao was stunned for a moment, then smiled and pretended to be surprised, "I was discovered by you anyway. I did find two accomplices. After all, this place is too dangerous. But because you are notorious, they I don’t really want to contact you.”

"We have not tricked you until now, have we?" Aze in the suit smiled half-heartedly, putting a certain amount of pressure in his words, "Let them all come out. Is there anything that we cannot sit down and talk about?"

His purpose is also very clear, that is, to see Li Huachao's accomplices, because he does not believe Li Huachao's words. These two companions are definitely not just found, and are most likely the other two clones of the actors behind Li Huachao.


It might be the body.

It is extremely difficult to create a personality clone, and it is extremely difficult for every actor to develop. That actor may not have so many personality clones, so he may have followed him in person.

"Okay... okay." Li Huachao hesitated for a moment, then turned around and shouted to Lu Baoshen and An Buchen in the corner, "Come here."

He did not hesitate to show his back in front of the Azes, which was undoubtedly a sign of trust in them.

At the same time, this also made the Azes lower their guard, and the other party's trust made it easier to relax. After all, this meant that there was no conflict between the two parties.

What's more, Li Huachao doesn't have weapons in his hands, and he doesn't have eyes on his back, so he can't use characters. Is it possible that there are players who can attack them with their backs turned?

There really is.

【Skunk Man】!

What Li Huachao was waiting for was the moment when A Ze and the others relaxed their vigilance. The timing of his "turning his back to A Ze" trick to lure the enemy was perfect.

In an instant, skunk glands sprouted from Li Huachao's butt, and then without hesitation, a large amount of stinking liquid spurted out, mixed with the air, and even a little bit floated into the eyes of Aze in the suit.

"Damn, what?" Suit Aze immediately covered his eyes and backed away. This sudden attack made him panic and his breathing became rapid.

And the consequence of shortness of breath in this case is naturally——

"Ouch!" Aze in the suit couldn't help but retched. The stench was really not something that ordinary people could bear.

At the same time, Aze, a windbreaker, lowered the brim of his hat to cover the stinky liquid, and a short knife less than one meter appeared in his hand. Without any hesitation, he stabbed Li Huachao in the back. The location of the stabbing was exactly Li Huachao. heart.

"What are you doing!" Tangzhuang Aze's voice was filled with accusations. He was naturally dissatisfied with Li Huachao's sudden attack.

"What are you doing? Don't think that I don't know what you guys did secretly!" Li Huachao said angrily. After releasing the smelly liquid, he rolled forward and shouted angrily.

The windbreaker Aze's offensive was like a continuous wave, chasing Li Huachao and slashing him. However, Li Huachao's roll had insufficient stamina, and he was about to be hit. Lu Baoshen raised his hand and shot a character, and at the same time, Li Huachao and the character were hit. In exchange for the attack object "silver coins".

"When--" The silver coin was cut into two pieces with a short knife and fell to the ground.

"You..." Tangzhuang Aze hesitated for a moment, because he did not expect that they would be discovered by the other party just by revealing their whereabouts. This guy's perception and clue collection abilities should not be underestimated.

He continued: "I'm sorry about this, but we can compensate you. This kind of thing will never happen again."

"Future? You have no future!" Li Huachao suddenly became furious. His feeling was correct. These bad things were all done by Aze!

He was born an actor, but his family was almost destroyed and he became homeless. Who would understand the feeling of being isolated from the whole world?

Now we still have to face Yu Liang's censure. Is this something that can be solved with compensation? !

"I must destroy you!" Li Huachao stretched out his hand and took out the heavy machine gun from the inventory, installed the air bag and installed the drum in one go. Without giving Azes any chance to explain, "Cyber ​​City became This is all your fault!"

Aze in Tang suit: "???"

No, is this really that serious?

It can really be compensated!

We are sincere! ! !

And what does Cyber ​​City have to do with us?

It’s a bit stuck and I wrote very slowly. I deleted, deleted, and rewritten it twice.

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