The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 419 The perverted ability of the money-keeper

The news that Scrooge was promoted to T1 was somewhat unexpected to Yu Liang. He still clearly remembered that Scrooge had not been promoted when he left Cyber ​​City, so did he become T1 after returning to reality?

Although the Scrooge has some small thoughts of its own, whether it is due to friendship or a profit-seeking personality, it will side with Yu Liang without hesitation, so he is still looking forward to the upgrade of the Scrooge.

After possessing the universe and a large number of strange creatures, Yu Liang became curious about their strengthening methods.

At present, there are only two ways of strengthening that he knows of. One is to use the strengthening coupons to directly perform gradient improvement, and the other is for the grass babies to use magic blood to gain new abilities.

The method for players to improve the gradient is similar to returning to the origin of the profession, first accumulating enough time in the world of Kaitan, and then advancing by completing some tasks that reflect the characteristics of the profession.

Yu Liang's idea is to imitate the way players improve the gradient, and try to improve according to the abilities and characteristics of the money-sucking ghost.

The Scrooge is the incarnation of the sin of "greed", so it can probably be improved by increasing the amount of wealth owned. Now, the Scrooge who is sitting on the grass baby market and amassing money has finally reached the T1 gradient with the accumulation of wealth.

The T2-level Scrooge only has a powerful control skill "Push-up Punishment", and its role in combat is getting smaller and smaller. If it is promoted to T1 now, it will definitely be greatly enhanced, and it may be able to serve as the main force of the team in the future.

With anticipation, Yu Liang quickly clicked on the character panel of the Scrooge.


Character card: Scrooge

Gradient: T1

Attributes: Kaitan derivatives

Personality: Greedy, timid, cunning

Abilities: receiving wealth, lying down, rape, control, riches, billions of wealth

Note: Capital comes to the world, from head to toe, with blood and filth dripping from every pore.

【Collecting Wealth】: You can put "wealth" in the jar and use it when needed.

[The punishment of lying down*]: Take the initiative to spill the "wealth" in the jar. All creatures containing these "wealths" in the field of vision will be strongly attracted, slowly move towards the "wealth" and kneel down to worship.

[Strong Yi]: At the beginning of the battle, you can randomly obtain an item from the enemy target and give the opponent an item of equal value or an equal amount of "wealth" (limited to once per target).

[Benefit]: When a target obtains "wealth" from you, you can immediately instruct the target to launch a full attack against another target within your field of vision.

[Haojia]: Your upper limit of health is equal to your wealth; when you take damage, the "wealth" will disappear by the same amount; when you gain wealth, your health will slowly recover.

[Billions of Wealth]: When you are in a dungeon, set the average wealth value of players other than you in the dungeon to "1". When your wealth reaches the corresponding value, the corresponding effect will be triggered.

"0.01": death;

"1": unchanged;

"100": Your own camp's ability value +10%, fighting spirit +10%;

"1000": During the dungeon, 5% of health will be restored every day;

"10000": own camp's ability +30%, fighting spirit -40%

"100000": You can purchase any item in this copy (this copy is limited to one time);

"100000000": You can drive any life form in this copy and lose the corresponding wealth (this copy is limited to one time);

"This..." Yu Liang read all the skills of the T1 Scrooge. Even though he had seen many perverted skills, it was rare to see such perverted abilities as the Scrooge in front of him.

The original Scrooge had only the first two skills, but now it has not only upgraded [Prone Punishment], but also has four more skills. It can be said that it is a switch from gun to gun in an instant, and each one is more perverted than the last.

[Strong Yi] is equivalent to forceful buying and selling. If you steal the target's key items, you will earn blood, and it can also cooperate with [Li Yu] later.

After completing the [Force Yi], the opponent passively accepts the wealth from the money-slinging ghost, and then must attack the target selected by the money-keeping ghost with all its strength.

With the combination of the two, at the beginning of the battle, the Scrooge can give everyone on the opposite side a [Force Change] once, and then each of them can [Control] each other once. The battle has not officially started yet, and the enemy camp itself has become a mess. It is nothing less than a "civil war and military chaos".

The only thing that needs to be taken into consideration is whether the amount of wealth in the money-stricken ghost's jar is enough. For forced buying and selling, there must be an equal exchange, and no price reduction and so on.

But this is not critical. The amount of characters in the Scrooge's jar is already terrifying and can sustain consumption.

And the [Rich Dealer] skill is even more overbearing. It directly binds the upper limit of the wealth of the fortune-teller to the wealth. If it can restore the health to the full limit, the rich fortune-teller is simply a human shield.

However, this skill also has some drawbacks, that is, the Scrooge will lose "wealth" when it is damaged, and the loss of wealth will directly reduce the upper limit of health, which makes the Scrooge not behave as well as its actual health. If you resist, you risk losing your wealth.

As for the last skill [Billions of Gold], this is a special skill that can only produce effects in dungeons, but one skill is equivalent to five or six skills and has five or six effects.

When you are in the dungeon, set the average wealth of all players to "1". Every time the wealth of the Scrooge reaches a limit, one more effect can be triggered.

If the wealth is only one percent of the player's average, the money-keeper will immediately go bankrupt and die. Starting from "100", the effect of this ability will be reflected, an increase for the entire camp.

At "1000", the Scrooge will gain the effect of restoring 5% of its health every day, and it can regain its full health as long as it lasts for 20 days.

According to Yu Liang's estimation, the current upper limit of the Shougui's health should be terrifying, at least equivalent to hundreds of Li Huachao. This is also a way to effectively restore the Shougui's health.

It's very interesting when it's "10000". The camp's ability has improved, but its fighting spirit has dropped significantly. When comparing it to the previous "100", it's not difficult to find an interesting thing.

When you generally have a lot of money, you can burst out with a strong fighting spirit to protect your wealth. But when you have a lot of money, you become life-saving. Your ability increases but your fighting spirit decreases.

"100000" basically means you can buy whatever you want in the copy, but only one item.

"100000000" can use wealth to drive any life form in this copy once, regardless of the target.

It may be difficult to achieve a wealth value equivalent to 100 million players, but Yu Liang can't help but fantasize.

The ultimate form of this ability is the true portrayal of "money can make ghosts push the mill". This "ghost" can even be the source of this dungeon.

The Scrooge of T1 has the possibility to drive the source of ghost talk!

Even if the possibility is slim, it is still an extremely terrifying thing.

And pay attention to the details of the skill description. The player's average wealth changes in real time.

So what does this mean?

make money!

Promote commerce and use consumerism to collect all the wealth in the hands of these players into the money-grubber's jar. In this way, the average wealth of the players will be greatly reduced. The setting "1" is still 1, but "1" However, the amount of wealth represented has been greatly reduced, and it has all gone to the hands of the money-keeping ghost.

Under this situation, the wealth value of the money-keeper can reach an extremely high level in an instant.

Yu Liang estimated that if the wealth of the players in a dungeon is normal, the wealth value of the money-keeper should be able to reach "100" steadily, which is a little far away from "1000". However, after completing a large number of trade activities in the dungeon, "1000" "It's very easy.

As for the next 100,000 or even 100 million, it will definitely be more difficult in the short term, but there is still hope in the long run.

After all, Scrooge has been making money, and the way to make money now is still relatively primitive. When something like a character factory is really opened, Scrooge will officially become a capitalist.

Capital has a very strong ability to proliferate. It is no joke that money can make money. At this point, personal diligence is meaningless. You can make money continuously just by lying down.

Yu Liang imagined that situation, and his heart skipped a beat for no apparent reason, because he vaguely saw the development history of capital in the money-grubber.

Yingkou trade carries out primitive accumulation and forced buying and selling to obtain a large amount of high-quality resources. After the capital accumulation is completely completed, factories can be opened, using the developed productivity to carry out large-scale commodity manufacturing, and dumping in "backward" areas, so as to exchange for more H……

In the later stages of capital, the means of harvesting wealth will become more advanced, such as "stock market", "finance" or even the "gold standard" and "Breton System".

This is not Yu Liang's delusion. He knows very well that the money-grubbing ghosts in the universe have already begun to make plans in this regard. This legal and compliant method of making money is its favorite way of claiming to be "civilized and free".

Of course, the "laws" and "rules" here are all formulated by the money-keeping ghost himself. As the first person to accumulate wealth, he has the ability to establish rules and will do his best to maintain the operation of the rules.

As long as the rules help it make money.

However, the final decision-maker was Yu Liang. In front of Yu Liang, the money-keeper was still very honest and did not dare to offend him at all.

Yu Liang pulled the Scrooge out of the universe, looked around the Scrooge from head to toe, and couldn't help but complain in his heart.

Oh, the future big capitalist is still wearing this dirty overalls!

Yes, the Scrooge still wore a paper hood and loose work clothes, and his body shape had not changed significantly, so he took off the Scrooge's hood again and looked at the Scrooge's current face.

He looks almost the same as before, but his pair of gray eyes have become much brighter, and his eyeballs have also turned into one gold and one silver, glowing with a slight luxurious light, which shows that he is of extraordinary worth.

Probably because he was promoted to T1, in short, Yu Liang had a completely different feeling about the Scrooge. The aura on his body was much stronger, and his ugly face was more attractive.

And the most important thing is that Yu Liang still feels a broad mind and gentle temperament in the money-keeping ghost.

This illusion even made Yu Liang have the illusion that the character card of this money-grubbing ghost was written wrong?

He clearly remembered that the character of T2's Scrooge was "greedy, timid", but now it was "greedy, timid, and treacherous". There was obviously an extra treacherous character, but he seemed more gentle and generous.

However, Yu Liang didn't think much about it. This may be the origin of the poor man's cunning and the rich man's conscience.

He turned to ask Scrooge: "You have become a T1 level monster. How do you feel?"

"I will continue to work hard!" The money-keeper stood at attention, looking a little excited, "I will earn more money for you and cultivate a stronger force!"

"Ask you how you feel." Yu Liang was helpless and interrupted the money-keeper.

"It feels... not bad, much stronger than before." The Scrooge scratched his head and replied honestly.

"Logically speaking, your current health bar should be very thick, right?" Yu Liang became a little curious about the money-gunning ghost's health bar.

"No, my upper limit has indeed increased, but the health value so far is the same as before." At this point, the Scrooge shook his head and said, "The value has not changed, but it is 100% full health. But now it may only be 5% of the remaining health."

It said with some helplessness: "With my own weak health recovery attribute, I'm afraid I will never be satisfied with the recovery, because I am earning wealth every moment, and the upper limit of health is increasing."

"Okay, so you may need some potions to restore your blood volume by percentage, or to make your wealth value reach '1000' in the dungeon." Yu Liang understood what the money-hungry man meant and nodded.

"That's right." Scrooge agreed.

"Okay, you can read, study, check accounts and so on by yourself. I have nothing to do with you for the time being." Yu Liang waved his hand and told the money-grubber to go and have fun by himself, "If you want to buy anything, just use my computer to buy it. .”

"Okay." After receiving the instruction, the Scrooge immediately agreed, turned around and walked to a corner of the living room. There were many books stacked there, covering a wide range of topics. The Scrooge's study was not only about finance, but also Including many seemingly unrelated books or newspapers, such as history, culture, entertainment columns, etc.

After learning about the fortune-keeper's promotion, Yu Liang took out the "Soul Possessor" robot that he had exchanged for the camp mission in Cyber ​​City and threw it in the room.

After the robot appeared, a prompt immediately appeared in Yu Liang's glasses.

[Discover the adaptive carrier, and you can choose to implant the "Glaier" intelligent model]

【Yes or No】

Yu Liang looked at the robot in front of him and chose "yes" without much hesitation, giving "Glaier" an actual carrier.

"Glaier" then showed Yu Liang its powerful functions. This robot is very flexible and can complete almost all activities that humans can do. It can also be equipped with multiple modules.

For example, daily housework is not a problem at all. With the Internet as an information database, Greer can also take care of Yu Liang's daily life and prepare three meals a day for Yu Liang, so that Yu Liang no longer relies on takeaways.

The overall comfort level of life has increased again.

Then Yu Liang recorded the appearance of the module interface on the robot. It can be modified by An Buchen in the future. Greer provided the design drawings to install the cold weapon machine gun on the robot, truly achieving both combat and life. error.

After finishing most of the things, Yu Liang picked up the phone again. This time it was not the adventurer who came to him, but Xu Cixi.

Xu Cixi?

Is she back from Wangcheng?

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