The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 420 Architect Li Geng: Have you ever played Fortnite?

Xu Cixi: I heard that you came back from the dungeon?

Yu Liang: Well, I’m lucky. It went very smoothly this time.

Yu Liang: But how did you know? I just came back. And you haven't slept at all so late?

Xu Cixi: I fell asleep. Xici woke me up suddenly and told me.

Xu Cixi: [Picture]

Yu Liang clicked on the picture to take a look and found that the picture was an adventurer's circle of friends, and the content inside was also very simple.

Adventurer Ren'an: Return smoothly! This time I also met my brother, and he directly solved the root cause, which was full of rewards!

Yu Liang: "..."


Can this still be posted on Moments?

Although ordinary people can't understand such a circle of friends, if you post this kind of thing directly, no matter how you think about it, it's a bit arrogant, right?

Xu Cixi: Being called a brother by that guy, and being able to solve the root cause of the strange story, I guess it’s you.

Yu Liang: So, this is just a pity?

Xu Cixi: Oh, during the time you were away, she read a few books, thought about it, and felt that she wanted to live her life in her own way, so she changed her name to "Xu Xici". I also helped her with connections. I have applied for ID card and household registration, and now I am a normal person.

Yu Liang: It would be great if she can figure it out. Have you come back from Wangcheng? So fast?

Xu Cixi: Well, I just came back yesterday. What a coincidence. Come and meet me sometime? There are some things that need to be said face to face.

Yu Liang: Okay, tomorrow, around 12 noon, I will make an appointment.

Ever since Yu Liang and the adventurer met in real life, the two have become friends. The adventurer is the hidden financial backer of the Haicheng Players Alliance, so he and several of the founders are considered acquaintances, and Xu Cixi is a friend. Not surprising.

After doing all this, Yu Liang looked at the time again. There were still about eight hours before the final performance was completed, and it was now two o'clock in the morning, which meant that he needed to copy the final scene at ten o'clock in the morning. .

Carefully recalling the final scene at that time, Yu Liang probably still remembered that scene, so he used a pen and paper to describe the scene to Li Geng, the architect in the universe.

Since the building in the final scene was built by the original architect, and Li Geng had the memory of the architect and knew the architect's construction habits, he quickly deduced the appearance of the building in the background at that time.

Li Geng borrowed Yu Liang's computer to buy and download some modeling software. It didn't take long to build the appearance of the background building in Yu Liang's impression. Then Li Geng downloaded the modeling and stored it in Yu Liang's phone, waiting for it during the day. The final scene will be reproduced on time.

Then Yu Liang tried the eye tattoos on the backs of his hands. When they were activated, they would spontaneously move to the eyes in response to Yu Liang's needs, replacing Yu Liang's eyes with those of a toad-shaped god.

He took out the "eye" chess piece again and took a look at his current appearance.

He has white hair that is not smooth and looks a bit rough. He wears a pair of black-rimmed glasses, which makes him look more elegant, but his eyes are a little weird.

With a golden background and black flat pupils, it looked like some kind of reptile, cold-blooded animal.

Indifferent, arrogant, and contemptuous of all living beings.

These eyes are obviously not human, but they are extremely in line with human aesthetics and look full of nobility.

Just a pair of eyes made Yu Liang deeply understand the meaning of the word "gap".

This "gap" is not wealth, class, or even species, but a gap that seems to be born this way.

A creature with these eyes should stand at the top since its birth.

He put down the "eye" chess piece, turned around and looked around, observing the surrounding environment with his toad-shaped eyes.

Everything in his field of vision was a little gray, as if covered with a gray filter, and Yu Liang also discovered that these eyes seemed to be particularly sensitive to "green" things, and could accurately distinguish between two types of green. Differences, and not just dynamic vision.

I don’t know where I saw the popular science. It seems that things like frogs and toads have poor static vision?

However, this toad-shaped god's eyes don't have this problem. Think about it, would Tangtang Yuanguitan's eyes still have this kind of problem?

Except that his eyesight seemed to have improved a bit, Yu Liang didn't know what the purpose of these eyes was. After some research, he couldn't find any results. He could only shake his head and cover his eyes again.

The toad-shaped god's eyes came out of his eye sockets, followed his fingers to the back of his hand, and turned into a tattoo again.

Yu Liang glanced at the eye tattoo on the back of his hand and felt that it was a bit unconventional.

Ugly, but not ugly. This kind of imprint from the source of ghost stories cannot be ugly. Instead, it has a sense of evil. It is too unconventional and makes Yu Liang feel a little uncomfortable.

His style is obviously elegant, and such a large and obvious tattoo completely ruins the whole thing.

As if aware of his thoughts, the tattoo on the back of his hand quickly moved up and was hidden on the shoulder blades on both sides of Yu Liang, and was covered by clothes. This was considered to be Yu Liang's intention.

"That thing... it's best to use it sparingly." At this time, "Zhi", who had been lying on the sofa playing games, said.

"What?" Yu Liang turned his head, a little curious as to why "Zhi" said this.

"Zhi"'s attention was still focused on the game on the screen. Yu Liang followed her line of sight and saw that the cuckold on the screen finally entered the castle and began to fight the final boss of the entire game.

Probably because the second part of this game was released, "Zhi" was finally willing to enter the castle and kill the final boss.

Yu Liangliang felt it was funny, and he felt a little like a fellow, because he had played this way before, and he didn't have time to finish it later, so he hadn't even controlled the cuckold to rescue the princess yet.

"If you use it too much, you will be contaminated by that guy's breath, and your... temperament will have some subtle changes." "Zhi" was not very clear, and then she glanced at Yu Liang lightly, "And use If you add more, it might cover up the aura of my origin in you."

Yu Liang blinked and said subconsciously: "Isn't that a good thing?"

That's right, if you don't say that you are the source of "Miss", everyone will shout for beating, at least you won't receive any good looks, this toad-shaped god...

It feels like he should be a cunning and cunning type, and he shouldn't be able to provoke other ghost stories at will.


Yu Liang even suspected that the Toad-shaped God's origin ghost story might take the initiative to establish a good relationship with other Source Ghost Stories. If he could find the "old friend" of the Toad-shaped God in the Forgotten City, then Yu Liang would have local snakes to cover him. ?

It's better than "zhi" covering him, right?

After "Zhi" heard Yu Liang's words, he quickly glanced sideways at him, with a threatening look in his eyes.

"Okay, okay, I'll take note of what you said." Yu Liang waved his hand to indicate that he understood, then returned to his bedroom, took a few changes of clothes and walked into the bathroom.

Although his body was cleaned with the character "Mu", after struggling in this dungeon for so long, Yu Liang always felt that it was not enough to clean his body thoroughly with water, and he felt uncomfortable all over, so he had better take a shower.

After taking a shower, he lay down on his bed and started browsing his phone. First, he looked at the mobile version of the "Players Alliance" webpage. After logging into his account, he immediately saw a large number of messages asking for grass babies.

After Yu Liang and the adventurers entered the dungeon "Cyber ​​Village" together, the Cao Ying base at the farmhouse was handed over to Xu Cixi...

No, it should be called Xu Xici now.

That figure appeared in Yu Liang's mind, a "flawless version" of Xu Cixi.

Xu Xici also followed Yu Liang's instructions and did not sell Cao Ying on a large scale. Instead, he first increased the population of Cao Ying. Now that there is a farmhouse, the Cao Ying base can prioritize the expansion of the scale and is not in a hurry to sell.

Taking another look at the player forums, there are only a few major events among the Haicheng player community during this period.

The first thing is that the coach leads the team into the Forgotten City to explore.

According to forum news, the exploration team has returned, but the situation is not optimistic.

Because the original planned exploration of Wangcheng should last for half a month to a month, and now that we are returning early, something must have happened.

Xu Cixi, who is also a member of the exploration team, should know these things and just ask about them during the interview tomorrow.

The second thing is about the lawyer, who obtained a "temporary seat" in the Players Alliance.

As the sixth T1 player in the player alliance, he can no longer be on an equal footing with other players. Even if he cannot replace one of the six founding seats, he should be singled out to gain a distinguished status.

Moreover, in the player alliance, the strength of the group headed by lawyers cannot be underestimated. When they grow to a certain level of strength, they should gain their own power.

The temporary seats have the same status as the founders and have the right to participate in the founders' confidential meetings. It can be said that they become the seventh person in the player alliance.

Regarding this matter, Yu Liang was not surprised. Rather than letting the lawyer keep pestering Xu Cixi, it would be better to temporarily set aside an equal position for the lawyer, which could at least ease the conflicts within the alliance.

After all, the Players Alliance is just a fragmented alliance, and there is no need to make a fuss over a position that has little real power or benefit.

What makes Yu Liang feel a little strange is that since he has already planned to do this, why not do it earlier?

Obviously, the conflict between the lawyer and Xu Cixi could have been alleviated earlier, but it has been delayed until now...

However, he couldn't think of an answer to this question, so he could only wait to ask it tomorrow.

The third thing in the forum is Cao Ying, and this thing is far more popular than the other things.

Cao Ying is a civilian-oriented monster creature, and most of the players in the forum are civilian players, so the disappearance of Yu Liang as a supplier has undoubtedly caused a lot of discussion, including some lamentations and even people from other cities. Players came here through personal connections, just hoping to get a grass baby at an affordable price.

During the period when Yu Liang disappeared, the secondary market for Cao Ying was quietly born. Since there were already two monsters in the monster column, most of the players who bought Yu Liang Cao Ying before bought two, and some even bought more. There are so many players now in demand, so naturally they are sold at a higher price.

Of course, even if you increase the price, you can't increase it too much. After all, rich players look down on mediocre products with rubbish skills, while players who like ordinary grass babies can't afford so many grass babies coins or characters.

After all, most forum players' discussions about the disappearance of supplier Yu Liang have come to fruition very early.

It’s simple, I’ve entered a copy.

If players like them disappear for a period of time without any reason, they must have entered the dungeon. However, the time of disappearance is uncertain. It may only disappear for a few seconds, or it may disappear permanently.

However, these players are still very confident about Yu Liang's survival. After all, a guy without strength will definitely not be able to support this kind of business, and this can be judged only from the tip of the iceberg of the strength shown by the suppliers and sellers.

This is definitely a top powerhouse.

Not long after the emergence of the Caoying secondary market, some people appeared in the forum. They began to use Caoying coins as the basic currency for transactions, replacing the cumbersome process of using character settlement in the past.

After all, everyone has different perceptions of the value of the same characters. Some people think that the value of "broken" characters is higher, while others think it is lower. The characters in the hands of both parties may not satisfy the other party in the transaction process.

Issuing a currency as a means of settlement is what everyone expects and is the general trend. Although Cao Ying was not sold during this period, the exchange exchange for Cao Ying coins and characters did not stop, and Xu Xici managed them on their behalf.

However, due to the absence of the money-keeper, the daily trading volume has been reduced by more than half. Now that Yu Liang is back, it can naturally be fully opened.

The development of the secondary market now surprises Yu Liang. This shows that the value of Cao Ying is recognized by all players. If this continues, Cao Ying coins are likely to become the official currency circulating among players.

Not to mention other places, at least in this one-third of an acre of land in Haicheng, this must be true.

After browsing the forum for a while, planning the next development route in his mind, and watching some short videos that could relax his brain, Yu Liang officially fell asleep after setting the alarm clock.


At half past eight the next morning.

As soon as he woke up, Yu Liang was still confused and confused, so Claire placed reasonably dressed clothes beside Yu Liang's bed. When he finished dressing and entered the bathroom, his toothpaste and toothbrush were also ready.

After washing his face and brushing his teeth, Claire even brought a simple breakfast to the table, making Yu Liang feel extremely comfortable.

This small home of dozens of square meters can actually be managed by a full-time housekeeper and nanny. This is the confidence that the world of strange stories has given him.

At around nine o'clock, Yu Liang was ready to leave and go to the farmhouse to recreate the final scene.

With sufficient preliminary preparations, Li Geng quickly restored the building according to the original drawings and arranged the position and orientation for Yu Liang.

While waiting for the final scene to settle, Li Geng made a request to Yu Liang.

"Is there a more accurate type of that bone gun? Similar to a single-shot sniper?" Li Geng said, "That kind of thing... should be more suitable for the combat mode I am good at."

"Bone gun?" Yu Liang thought for a while. He remembered that Azong in the flesh and blood planet seemed to have used a weapon that met Li Geng's requirements, so he found it and placed it in front of Li Geng, "How about this heavy crossbow? Strictly speaking, it is not much different from a single-shot sniper."

A single shot requires aiming, and it is so powerful that it can kill people instantly.

However, the shortcomings of this thing are also very simple. It is troublesome to load and not smooth enough. As a hunter, Li Huachao prefers close combat, so he has no need for this kind of heavy crossbow. He just puts it in the inventory for backup.

"Okay." Li Geng's eyes lit up and he nodded repeatedly.

"But you said this thing is somewhat similar to your fighting mode...what do you mean?" Yu Liang thought of Li Geng's cowboy outfit and became curious.

Isn’t architect an obvious supporting profession?

It also has its own battle mode.

"Well..." Li Geng thought for a moment and answered the question with a question, "Have you ever played Fortnite?"

Yu Liang: "???"

you mean! ?

Look carefully at the architect's skill description. It's not restricted to manufacturing when [God's Eye] is turned on. It's just that manufacturing from God's perspective is more convenient, because the use of characters requires locking eyes.

Normal direct construction is fine, but it is easy to block the view, so as an assistant, it must be faster and more accurate to use the God's perspective to build.

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