The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 421 Air combat with the fluid-earth turret mage!


Yu Liang was stunned for a moment, and the memory of this game instantly appeared in his mind. Then there was no communication barrier at all, and he instantly understood what Li Geng meant.

This is a battle royale game. Its characteristic is that you can use the collected materials to quickly build in real time, and then use the built fortress as a bunker to assist in the battle.

Since the masters in this game build very quickly, there is often an exaggerated scene of "high-rise buildings rising from the ground" everywhere around them after firing a shot in the finals.

In this battle mode...

Yu Liang thought about it and felt that it seemed to have certain desirability, but there was a big question mark about its combat effectiveness.

The rapid construction of high-rise buildings can indeed give Li Geng a significant advantage in "high and low". With the heavy crossbow as a long-range attack method, he may be able to easily fly a kite, which is more than enough to protect himself and find space to counterattack. But this is reality, not game.

First of all, it is impossible to create the kind of counter-physical and intuitive buildings in the game in reality. If you really want to build a tall building like that, I am afraid it will collapse without being attacked by the opponent.

Secondly, Li Geng was an architect, not a physical warrior, let alone an archer, so Yu Liang still had some doubts about his physical strength and archery skills.

If he wanted to serve as a combat unit, the enemies Li Geng faced would not be relatively weak players like Yu Liang, but physical warriors with extremely high gradient levels.

This special tactic seems interesting, weird and counter-routine, but in practice it may not be that easy. It is tantamount to dancing on the tip of a knife, and the rewards for dancing are not high.

"This fighting mode..." Yu Liang frowned slightly, but chose to speak directly, "I recognize your innovation, but you know, I can only switch to the same character at the same time. If you let you come out to fight, it means This means we may take on more risks.”

He paused and continued to explain: "You are not as resistant to beatings as Li Huachao or Zhong Chen, and you don't have Lu Baoshen's ability to teleport. Your physical fitness should be about the same as mine."

Yu Liang recalled the details of the architect's ability that he saw at that time, and remembered another key point: "And only in the 'Eye of God' state can you have unlimited spell casting range, right? Under normal circumstances, it is only seven steps. This distance It’s too dangerous.”

With seven steps, like Li Huachao, he could get close to him in one second and hit him randomly. How could the architect, a fragile little guy with no physical bonus, be able to withstand this?

"Yeah...that's right." Li Geng did not deny Yu Liang's words, he just smiled lightly and said, "Give me a chance and I can show it off."

"Okay." Naturally, Yu Liang would not refuse such a request. He was not targeting Li Geng, he just had doubts about the strength of the fighting method Li Geng said.

Yu Liang thought for a while, summoned Hua Niang from the universe, and then said to Li Geng: "Let her be your opponent, okay?"

"No problem." Li Geng happily accepted, and then asked Yu Liang for some characters, "But I need some characters. This battle mode may consume a certain amount of characters."

"No problem, of course there are enough characters." Yu Liang smiled. What he was most indispensable for was characters, so he pulled out the money-hungry man again, made some characters according to Li Geng's requirements, and filled them in Li Geng's Character column.

There is no need for Li Geng to mention it himself. Yu Liang would have prepared a large number of characters for Li Geng. After all, architects need characters as a foundation whether they are playing support or output.

Another writer might not be able to meet the needs of architects. After all, the original architect found a character-based auxiliary profession during the copy of "Rabbit Game" to create characters out of thin air for him, otherwise he wouldn't be able to keep up. The speed of consumption.

According to Li Geng's spell-casting habits, the two money-keepers prepared many types of characters for him, and managed enough of them.

Wall characters, slope characters, fort characters, and dam characters are four characters with earth as texture. In the hands of architects, four forms of earth-based construction units can be created.

The wall character is a flat rectangular parallelepiped, the slope character is a triangular prism whose slope can be customized within a specified range (after flipping), the fort character is a hemisphere, and the dam character is a quadrangular prism with different upper and lower areas ( trapezoidal body).

Bridge characters are used to build bridge-shaped wooden elements, and building characters are used to build building-shaped cubic elements.

Taiwan character, a smaller cubic element.

These seven types of characters are relatively easy to obtain, and Li Geng said that they are enough to build most of the buildings he wants. For the remaining two character columns, he chose the "broken" character and the "disappearance" character. "character.

The last character column is pending, and she hasn't thought about it yet.

"To be determined? You mean you only need to use these nine characters to defeat me?" Hua Niang frowned, with some obvious offensiveness in her tone.

"No, one more character will not improve my current combat strength, so it doesn't matter." Li Geng switched to Yu Liang's body and explained to Hua Niang. His words seemed reasonable and his tone was calm, and Not annoying.

Yu Liang is even more satisfied in his heart. It seems that Li Geng is very, very worry-free. At least he behaves like a gentleman now, quite elegant.

The interactions over the past two days have also seemed relatively easy-going, which is basically the same as his personality.

It's just that the appearance of a man and a woman is a little awkward, but of course that's okay. After all, Li Geng usually appears in Yu Liang's body, so it won't cause any trouble.

After creating Erha, the Coward (Arrogant), King Gou, and the Urban God of War Bodyguard, has his fortune finally turned?

Can you create such a normal person now?

Li Huachao switched out and yelled at Hua Niang: "Hey, Hua Niang, you are fighting in my name now. If you lose to an assistant, you will squat in the universe until you die. Don’t even think about trying to steal the limelight!”

"Nonsense, if I lose, you can still win? It makes you better than me." Hua Niang exhaled from her nostrils, and then raised two middle fingers.

"Okay, if there's no problem, let's get started."

At this moment, in the open space behind the farmhouse, Yu Liang was facing a fully armed flower girl, and beside him was "Zhi" in a black skirt.

"What are you looking at? You are free when you are idle." "Zhi" glanced at Yu Liang and continued, "And I can minimize the movement here, so don't worry, as long as I'm here, no one will find out. of."

"That's good." Yu Liang smiled, switched to Li Geng, and watched the battle between Li Geng and Hua Niang from a first-person perspective.

Hua Niang is a one-to-one replica of Li Huachao. Her abilities and attributes are exactly the same as Li Huachao, but there are some differences.

For example, in the "Five-Five-Open Ring", the Lu ring of Li Hua Dynasty is male, and the Lu ring of Hua Niang is female...

In short, after returning to reality, some of Hua Niang's equipment and seals became invalid, because her Lu Ring was originally copied from the Toad-shaped God. It was successfully used in the dungeon before, and it also consumed the power from the Toad-shaped God. , now that the toad-shaped god is not here, naturally he will no longer provide her with this function.

As for the seals, the same seal album as Li Huachao has been preserved, but not a single character is left. It seems that the difficulty of copying the characters is much more difficult than that of the seals, and it seems to involve rules that even the toad-shaped gods cannot touch.

But there is no need to worry about the characters. Yu Liang immediately filled in Hua Niang without much thought, so Hua Niang’s combat effectiveness is not much different from Li Hua Chao. At most, Lu Jie cannot be used.

As Li Geng and Hua Niang opened a distance of about twenty meters, "Zhi" stood on the edge of the field. With a wave of his slender hand, Li Geng and Hua Niang immediately started fighting.

Both sides in this battle can only use characters, professional abilities, bone guns and heavy crossbows.

For the sake of fairness, Li Geng suffered too much in terms of stamps, so it is banned. The bone machine gun has the same bug and is banned. The Grass Infant Singing Team is still banned.

The distance of twenty meters is far beyond the range of Hua Niang's character, so her choice is simple and absolute, that is, to approach Li Geng first.

She is a hunter and has long-range attack methods, but in front of Li Geng who can build terrain, it is completely unnecessary to use a bone gun or a heavy crossbow to attack, as they can all be blocked by the fortress anyway.

Hua Niang chose to approach the target, and Li Geng's actions were also within the expectations of the onlookers. He chose to build the building quickly.

"Wall, wall, wall, bridge, fort." Li Geng spoke quickly, looking at the area he selected to build earthen elements. At the same time, he finished loading the heavy crossbow with both hands. However, he did not shoot hastily, but reloaded the crossbow. The heavy crossbow was put back into the inventory, and he loaded the bone gun in his hand.

The rate of fire of the heavy crossbow is much lower than that of the bone gun. It seems that he wants to use the heavy crossbow to penetrate the soul with one shot at the critical moment.

Three walls rose out of thin air within a range of seven meters in front of Li Geng, showing the shape of "匚", semi-surrounding and blocking Hua Niang's way.

Hua Niang slowed down her steps and looked up to the unsealed top. Without thinking, she accelerated again and stepped onto the earth wall, hoping to climb over it directly.

At the same time, her muscles tensed in preparation for what was to come.

She knew that Li Geng might seal the space above her when she climbed over, trying to use the earth wall to block his progress, but she chose to directly knock it away.

Yes, the moment she stepped on the earth wall with her left foot, she realized that the strength of the earth wall was not too high and she could forcefully break it open with her physical strength.

However, what Li Geng did was very simple. He first sealed the cover of the earth wall, and then typed a "dismissal" character.

Eliminate, eliminate.

The character "disappear" fell on the earth wall where Hua Niang settled down and climbed, and the earth wall immediately disappeared.

"Yeah!" Hua Niang just saw the earth wall covering the top sealed, and wanted to use brute force to push through it, but she immediately felt that her feet were empty, and the earth wall suddenly disappeared.

Her sense of balance was instantly lost, and she hurriedly tried to land on the ground to maintain her balance, but at this time, the number of earth walls above her head suddenly increased.

As the supporting earth wall disappeared, the earth wall that had just been built above suddenly fell down. Li Geng did not have the slightest intention of pity, and kept piling up new earth walls on top of the fallen earth wall, adding more weight in the blink of an eye. Five dollars.

Five earthen walls rolled down towards Hua Niang, like a mountain bearing down on her.

"Damn it!" Hua Niang was hit by the earth wall, and she was immediately disgraced. With her physical condition, these five earth walls were not enough to cause her much damage, but they could still make her chest tight and short of breath.

At the same time, this also angered Hua Niang. She smashed the earth wall with one punch, broke through the earth wall like a nail, and accelerated towards Li Geng.

Li Geng's methods of building earth walls made her uncomfortable. Not only was she restricted in every way, but she also felt like she was being calculated. But don't forget -

The character's casting range is seven steps and seven meters!

Without relying on [God's Perspective], Li Geng's casting range is not infinite, but only seven steps away!

At this distance, Hua Niang is sure to seal the opponent's throat with a single blow before casting the spell.

After she broke free from the shackles of the earth wall, she looked up and saw that many earth walls appeared one after another in front of her, large or small, diagonal or straight, standing in front of him sporadically, continuing to block her way.

"It will only block my steps, but it won't win me." Hua Niang charged forward, pushing her shoulders forward and constantly breaking the earth wall.

She still felt pain at first, but as the battle mode started, she quickly fell into a feverish state. However, in this state, she did not relax her vigilance. She always focused her attention on the surroundings and high in the sky, to beware of Li Geng's heavy crossbow sneak attack. .

As she said, if Li Geng wants to defeat her, he must rely on heavy crossbows or the "Broken" character. These earth walls can only bring some trouble, but basically no damage, so he only needs to prevent Li Geng from building buildings to snipe from high places. Just her.

However, Hua Niang still overestimated Li Geng, because Li Geng could not build a high-rise building to snipe from a high place in such a short period of time, and it didn't take long for Hua Niang to break through the earth wall defense line.

Hua Niang looked at Li Geng, who was five meters away, and smiled. Her teeth were not as white as before, but stained with some loess. She had eaten a lot of dirt just after bumping into him.

"Finally I caught you." Hua Niang laughed and took a few breaths to regain her breath.

At such a close distance, even building another earth wall would not be able to stop her.

Li Geng also smiled: "Indeed, you are stronger than I thought. A melee earth magician cannot defeat you."

"Huh?" Hua Niang felt something was wrong from the other party's calm demeanor, and then noticed that Li Geng's eyes were different from before.

Is this the Eye of God?

And what kind of building is that?

The wooden bridge is a straight board, facing a semicircular fortress in the center, and Li Geng stands on one side of the straight board, which is also the side that sinks.


At this moment, Li Geng was standing on one side of the large seesaw, his eyes becoming hollow.

【Eye of God】.

The three seconds of preparation time is over.

He raised his hand, and a sphere composed of several "fort" characters fell from mid-air and hit the other end of the seesaw.

In an instant, Li Geng's body was launched nearly twenty meters into the air. He opened his hands and his body stretched naturally. Around him, dozens or even hundreds of earthy spheres slowly emerge.

In the Eye of God state, the creation distance is unlimited and the creation speed is greatly increased!

A large number of earth balls were generated, covering a huge area in an instant, and they were still being generated, dropping countless ammunition like bombers.

It is true that as an earth mage, the casting distance in combat is limited, and he cannot use the advantage of long-range casting to attack Hua Niang, but air combat is completely different.

How high his position is, how long the casting distance is!

Gravity will accelerate these countless earth balls and bombard them to the ground, and he only needs to expand the bombardment range unlimitedly during this time and increase the bombing efficiency.

With such a large number of bombings, it is impossible for physical warriors to avoid them all.

This belongs exclusively to architects——

Air combat fluid earth series turret mage tactics!

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