The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 469 Okay, okay, if you eat like this, Yu Liang will really go crazy!

One day, Yu Liang was working on a manuscript, so he forgot to feed the dream fragments to Snake Eater, which made Snake Eater hungry for a long time.

Since then, Snake Eater has begun to study self-sufficiency, so it spends most of the time sleeping.

Yes, sleep by yourself, eat your own dreams, and wake up when you are full.

But this is not simply self-sufficient, because Snake Eater has also studied rabbit language and integrated rabbit language into his own dreaming system.

A snake learns rabbit language, and it sounds like it has evil intentions. It's just that it's really unfair to bite the snake. It really just wants to have enough to eat by learning rabbit language.

Well, it seems to be more sinister.

Following Yu Liang, he was hungry twice in three days. This was different from what he said when he joined the universe!

Anyway, under the threat of not having enough to eat, Snake Eater has mastered some of the basics of Rabbit Language, and also learned to use Rabbit Language in dreams, because in this way, his dreams will become more delicious.

It can be called a unique skill of "talking in sleep".

Probably due to their genetic advantage, the Snake Eater clan is often very good at "self-sufficiency".

The Snake-Eating Snake, which cannot be self-sufficient, has long since starved to death in the course of history.

It is precisely for this reason that no matter whether Snake Eater is in the universe or outside the universe, it is basically in a state of sleep, and it is a state of sleep floating in the air (except for the two-dimensional world).

Of course, this kind of sleep is extremely shallow, so the snake-biting snake will wake up quickly as long as there is any noise from the surroundings.

"Hiss, hiss?" The straw-shaped Snake saw three line segments similar to its own, and made a confused sound.

From a visual point of view, it couldn't identify these little snake-eating snakes, but snakes don't judge other creatures by sight, so they quickly identified these three little snakes based on their sense of heat, smell, and hearing. Snake-eating.

Little Snake Eater?

This is……

Creatures like me?

The Snake-Eating Snake immediately swam forward to see what was going on. However, it circled around the three little Snake-Eating Snakes twice. The three little Snake-Eating Snakes just looked at the one that was obviously bigger than itself. Snake Eater didn't know what to do for a moment.

And Li Huachao was also a little stunned. He didn't expect that the Snake-Eating Snake would be hatched at this time, or that it would explode directly from Zhong Chen's inventory...

No, this snake-eating egg is not dead?

He looked at the magical little stone he just took from Octagon, and clicked on the page again to view it.


life stone

Name: Stone

Texture: None

Note: The stone containing the essence of life is the product of the sacrifice of hundreds of special life forms. It has the magical effect of flesh and white bones and can be used to restore the original vitality.

"The Life Essence Stone, so this is the thing that restored the Snake Egg in Zhong Chen's inventory? It can actually absorb the life force from the stone... This Snake really lives up to its name." Li Huachao felt quite emotional.

Now he has only unlocked the first stage, so he cannot extract the items in his inventory. However, this stone was extracted from the inventory after Octagon wore the player's specimen and unlocked it. Naturally, it will not be subject to this rule. Under the influence, Li Huachao can also use the Life Essence Stone.

Of course, if Li Huachao stored it in his inventory, there would be no way to take it out again.

Li Huachao searched for the specific description of the snake-eating snake in his mind. This snake-eating snake was something brought out by the copy in the rabbit game.

It seems...

Can they be fed a specific food that they can then eat to achieve directed growth?

If I remember correctly, there seems to be a Snake Eater that eats farts, a Snake Eater that eats everything, a Snake Eater that eats air, and a Snake Eater that eats dreams.

Among these snakes, Li Huachao's favorite is the fart-eating snake. Not only can it eat farts, it can also fart. It's so cool!

At that time, you can also form a combination with him and Hua Niang, two people and one snake, to form the Biochemical Rocket Team.

For example:

Passerby: What smells so bad?

Super lighting, a man and a woman appear backlit.

——Since you asked the question sincerely.

——I will tell you with great mercy.

——Li Huachao!

——Li Huaniang!

——(Snake Eater) That’s it, hiss!


Damn it, this way of appearing is so handsome, isn’t it?

So Li Hua was like a pupa on the spot, trying to use his gastrointestinal motility to release a few farts for the three little snake-eating snakes to eat, because he can't use the stamp bar yet and can't turn into a skunk...

"Quick, Hua Niang, open the skunk man and fart!" Li Huachao's reaction speed was very fast at this time, and he immediately remembered Hua Niang's bug.

The flower girl doesn't need a stamp bar to transform into a skunk. It would be fine if the flower girl feeds the snake.

Hua Niang possesses Li Huachao's memory and Li Huachao's way of thinking, so she immediately understood what Li Huachao wanted to do.

It's very simple, feed these two snake-eating snakes!

The first meal of a snake-eating snake determines its feeding habits. If the first meal they eat is farts...

Isn’t that a lot of money!

The fart-eating snake is back for a limited time, I must have one! ! !



"Not allowed here!"

After all, other characters in the universe are not as connected to Li Huachao as Hua Niang, so their reaction speed is still a bit slow. When they realize what Li Huachao asked Hua Niang to do, they immediately stop them quickly.

However, this is of no use. Hua Niang is not in the universe, and she cannot hear what other created characters in the universe say.

And even if she heard it, it would be difficult for Hua Niang to really obey it. After all, her mind was already filled with the Biochemical Rocket Team. She also thought of Li Huachao's ideas, and she made it as if the two of them had team voices.

So at this time, Hua Niang must not be able to control her odor glands, and she will release them at the three newly born Snake Snakes. The Snake Snakes are still young and cannot hide in the face of the oncoming poisonous gas and venom. Without hiding, I just blinded their faces...

The moment Hua Niang sprayed the poison gas, Room 225 opened the door in advance as if she had a special sense, and spit out the harmful substances in one breath.

For a moment, the scene on the road outside Lingcheng was like a comedy. The big snake and three small snakes danced wildly in the colored poisonous gas and fled desperately; Room 225 was minding its own business quickly. Stay away from the sewage discharge site; the paper people seem to have no sense of smell. They all watch the fun and don't mind it. They even turned into a two-dimensional version of the electric fan, shouting Waikila while spreading the poisonous gas...

Led by the mother of the whistle beast, the whistle beast stumbled towards Room 225 where it was escaping. It seemed that it wanted to wander around the world with Room 225. Only Li Huachao and Hua Niang were holding their breath and observing the room in the green poisonous gas. The case of three eating snakes.

It's a pity that the little snake-eating snakes didn't survive.

They were quickly stunned by the poison and lay motionless. The straw-eating snake rolled them up and escaped from the green poisonous gas with the three ill-fated little things.

After a period of chaos, Li Huachao and the Kaitan creatures regrouped on the other side of the road. Fortunately, no Kaitan creatures were lost in this chaos, but it was enough for all the created characters in the universe to unanimously decide to drive Li Huachao out.

Well, Yu Liang's body is temporarily driven out, and control is taken over by Li Geng.

After some observation, the characters in the universe came to the conclusion that the reason why these three snake-eating snakes were poisoned in the stench was not because they could not eat the stench, but because they had determined their feeding habits .

As early as not long after they were born, they confirmed their feeding habits one after another, which made them unable to eat poisonous gas.

"Oh, it seems it's a step too late. They will suffer now." Li Huachao said with some helplessness. He still remembered what was written in the "Snake-eating Experiment Diary". The feeding habits will be quickly confirmed.

In the absence of external interference, it is very likely that "air" and "light" will be selected. These two are the most common things in nature, so they are easiest to be captured by snake-eating babies.

If this were not the case, the rabbits who conducted the snake-eating experiment at that time would not have kept the snake-eating snake in a dark room that was isolated from the air. This shows that the targeted breeding of the snake-eating snake's feeding habits must ensure that the snake-eating snake is not affected by air and light when it is born. OK.

Now, it seems a little uncomfortable.

Hurry and hurry, but you still haven't caught up. Feed the poisonous gas to the snake-eating snakes. If their food habits are really air and sunlight, they will probably die in a short time.

The greedy nature of young snake-eating snakes is almost uncontrollable, so when there is food around, they will keep eating until they are exhausted.

"This is bad, they will probably die soon." Li Huachao sighed and looked at the three small snakes following the big snake in the distance, "I guess their food habits are common things like air and light. .”

However, this time it was Li Huachao who made a mistake. After waiting for a few minutes, the three little snakes still did not eat or explode. This made Li Huachao realize another thing.

"Wait a minute, check to see if there is anything missing on your body. It seems that the food chosen by these three eating snakes is not air and light!" Li Huachao said to the intelligent monsters present, and also to the created characters in the universe. they said.

Hearing this, the strange creatures and created characters quickly checked their own conditions, and finally Zhong Chen's troubled voice came out.

"It seems... something's wrong." She said her discovery with a dull tone, as if she was shocked, "My inventory is missing one space."

Everyone: "..."




Can this thing be eaten by Snake Eater? !

Isn't it?

It’s understandable that you eat light, air, etc., but now you’re telling me that you’ve eaten an entire inventory slot?

"What? How many spaces are left in your inventory?" Li Geng asked Zhong Chen.

"There are nine spaces left, one has been eaten, and there is a prompt next to the inventory." Zhong Chen repeated honestly and read out the content of the prompt, "The lower limit of the number of inventory is 7. When the quantity is less than or equal to 7, the inventory will be temporarily frozen. Hope you know."

"Hey, it turns out that the minimum inventory is not 10? The inventory of novices is all 10. I thought everyone was the same." Li Huachao said with some surprise.

"Because some alienated professional abilities sacrifice the number of slots in the inventory." The little fairy An Buchen immediately replied. She is the only T1 character in the universe. She was originally from last season, so she is naturally well-informed. , "For example, some powerful locking skills will deduct a few slots from the inventory and character slots to balance the skills; another example is that some status skills will temporarily abolish the inventory."

She thought for a while, and then thought of a very interesting profession. There were quite a lot of this profession last season, but the number this season has significantly decreased. Maybe the public security has really improved.


"There are also professional pickpockets. They can steal things from other players' inventory, steal characters, and even steal players' alienated professional skills in the T1 gradient." An Buchen explained to several people in the universe, "After stealing After someone else's alienated professional skills, he will randomly lock an item slot or character slot, and the item slot and character slot will not be restored until he receives a 'sanction'. This sanction means being beaten, etc., and it can only be unlocked after being beaten. .”

"Professional pickpocket? Can the stolen skills be kept forever?" Li Huachao's heart lit up. This profession sounds awesome, and he can actually steal other people's alienated professions. It sounds similar to Yu Liang, a professional writer who is a scholar. Already...

"Of course not. The skill will be returned after a period of time, but during this period, the original owner of the skill is locked and cannot use the ability, so it is still very disgusting." An Buchen continued, she thought for a while, He added, "But don't worry too much. The number of this profession has been greatly reduced now, and the early stage of 'Pickpocket' is a bit difficult because he relies too much on 'people'."

"Indeed, if there is no 'person' to steal for him, the pickpocket is almost a blank slate. In the early stage of the ghost story copy, this is very fatal." Li Geng understood what An Buchen meant.

"Yes, if you encounter the weak, you will be weak. If you encounter the strong, you will die. If you don't encounter it, you will be a blank slate. The pickpocket profession is quite difficult." An Buchen agreed. This jingle was also circulated last season. It is precisely because With this jingle, the abilities of pickpockets are exposed.

"Hiss - it sounds like the national server is just declining. If you put it on the foreign server... there should be many professions, right?" Li Huachao was thoughtful, "And the situation on the foreign server is different. The foreign server has political correctness. No one can 'sanction' things like pickpockets, zero-dollar purchases, etc. Isn't this version greatly enhanced?"

An Buchen: "..."

Well, it does make sense. The pickpocket profession in the foreign server should be one of the top professions, but I don’t know which aspects of abilities have been strengthened.

"By the way, I found something again." At this time, the dull Zhong Chen found that he was missing something again, "My character casting distance has also become shorter, and now it is only four steps."

Everyone: "..."

No, what kind of mess do you three Snake Eaters eat?

But if you think about it carefully, it seems to make sense!

The moment the Snake-Eater hatched in the inventory, the first thing it came into contact with was really not air and light, but Zhong Chen's personal page!

Isn’t this what you catch and eat?

One eats the inventory, and the other eats the character casting distance, right?

Okay, okay, if you continue to eat like this, Yu Liang will really go crazy.

Don’t worry, everyone, it’s just estimated that there are one million words left, so I will definitely try my best to fill in the holes before finishing it. It’s not an outline escape, so isn’t it a good thing to start preparing to fill in the holes in advance? Right? You can't stop writing and then think about it and find out if you haven't filled it yet, right? And judging from the past situation... I estimate that I will finish this volume by the end of the month, and I will basically finish it by the end of next month, so in theory it is still quite long, so don’t rush it.

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