The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 470 Aze feels a heavy weight on his back

Snake-eater, snake-eater, eating anything will only harm you!

Li Huachao originally thought that the birth of the Snake-Eating Snake would be a good thing, but what he didn't expect was that these three Snake-Eating Snakes would surprise him when they came up.

One snake eats the inventory, and the other snake eats the casting distance. Is this feasible?

If you give them some food, won't everything turn into a blank slate when Yu Liang wakes up?

No matter what occupation you are, the inventory is very important. Many things must be stored in the inventory. For example, Yu Liang’s Cao Ying mechas are still stored in the inventory. If the inventory is chewed, the combat effectiveness will be directly affected. Drop down a bit.

There are indeed many characters in Yu Liang's universe, and the inventory has sixty-two slots, oh, it is now sixty-one slots, a lot anyway, but basically every slot is useful.

For example, the Cao Ying mecha, the bullet base of the bone machine gun, and the big white legs of Tuyou.

Now this kind of snake-eating snake suddenly appears and needs to be fed from the inventory. How can Yu Liang have so many inventory for feeding?

It is true that Snake Eater can be made to eat other players' inventory, but "other players" are not always available.

There is another snake-eating snake that is even more outrageous. It actually eats characters within the casting distance. This thing can also be eaten. This is the first time Li Huachao has heard of it.

Fortunately, what he is eating now is Zhong Chen’s. Zhong Chen doesn’t use the character bar in the first place, and the characters in the character bar are filled with junk stamps. But if he eats Lu Baoshen’s character bar...

Lu Baoshen, who was already of little use, was even worse.

Li Huachao was secretly frightened, and as soon as he thought about it, he noticed something even more terrifying.

Wait a minute, there are only two Devouring Snakes. What does the other Devouring Snake eat?

Yes, and what does a snake-eating snake eat!

When the question was asked, the characters in the universe began to check their personal pages again, but just like before, they did not find anything wrong.

"No?" Li Huachao felt something was wrong, "How could there be no?"

"What?" At this time, Octagon asked from the side. He had always had a question in his mind, and now he had the opportunity to ask it immediately, "Are you asking why the skin of the player specimen I shed just now was... No shadow was born?”

"Ah?" Li Huachao was stunned for a moment. He really didn't pay attention just now. "Isn't there a shadow born in the last player specimen?"

The process for them and their group to deprive the player of the specimen's wealth is to put the player's skin on the octagon, then answer questions to unlock the inventory or character slot, take out the items and give them to Li Huachao, and finally separate from the player's specimen.

As long as you wait for about two or three minutes, a black gas will emerge from the player's specimen and condense into a shadow player.

At this time, Li Huachao, Hua Niang and other strange creatures who had been prepared all around would suddenly take action and kill the opponent instantly before the shadow could fully react.

A set of processes is as smooth as an assembly line.

In the process, Li Huachao and the others also discovered one thing - the paper people restrained the shadow people in terms of ability.

There is no other reason, [there is no reason].

[Unnecessary] can actually create light out of thin air. Although the intensity of this light is not high, the light released by the reunion of thirty-seven paper figures can greatly suppress the strength of the shadow people. If the exposure time is long, it can even kill them directly. shadow.

Originally, Li Huachao wanted to find the lamp factory in Ling City, wrap up all the lamps, and use the lamps to eliminate the shadow people.



Well, it's not like he completely forgot about it. He forgot about it at first, but then there was a zombie crisis. The lighting factory happened to be in the south of the city where the crisis broke out. It was probably destroyed, so he didn't take care of it.

Anyway, now that we have a lighter paper flashlight, we no longer need to worry about lamps.

"Is there no shadow generated this time?" Li Huachao had some guesses in his mind and turned around to ask the little paper people around him, who also gave him a positive answer.

Indeed, there seems to be no shadow produced in the player specimen this time...

It seems like it was sucked up by something right after it was born.

Several paper figures discussed, then pointed to the three small snakes carried by the big snake in the distance, and finally gave a positive answer.

When a certain snake came out, it happened to be right next to the player's specimen, so all the black gas coming out of the specimen was swallowed by the snake.

"Oh? The Snake-Eating Snake can also eat shadows?" Li Huachao felt excited. This was finally a useful Snake-Eating Snake. Even if it is not as powerful as the Ast-Eating Snake, it can still be regarded as a general.

Being born to feed on shadows, doesn't this mean that it is a creature standing above the shadows in the food chain?

With this little biting snake, wouldn't it be easy to deal with those shadow players?

As for the other two 25-year-old Snake Eaters...

Li Huachao had the urge to abandon them on the spot. He didn't even dare to approach the two snakes now, for fear that his inventory and character casting distance would be eaten away.

If he happened to eat the part of Tuyou's big white leg, he would really cry to death. This big white leg followed him through several weird ghost story dungeon worlds. How could he be killed by this inexplicable snake-eating snake here? ?

As for the big snake, Li Huachao watched it having a good time with the three small snakes from a distance, and called out: "Hey! Follow them with them, but don't get close to us, they will eat us. Keep the good things on you away from them!"

Snake Eater judged from the sound that the "Yu Liang" in front of him seemed to be the form it preferred, so he tried to swim over with a long letter, and kept making "嘤嘤嘤" sounds in his mouth, just like An eager dog wants to say something to its owner.

As soon as it moved, the three little biting snakes around him immediately followed. Li Huachao watched the four undulating dots getting brighter and brighter. He immediately understood that the big biting snake was coming with the little biting snakes, so he shouted quickly Said: "Stop, stop, stop! Don't come over, don't come over!"

To be honest, Li Huachao was really panicking now, for fear that those two damn little snakes would come and eat him in his inventory.

Seeing Li Huachao's resistance, Biting Snake could only stop his body, and at the same time stopped the two little Biting Snakes around him, and kept making noises, as if he wanted to explain something.

The Scrooge Ghost on the side understood a little more and translated to Li Huachao: "Snake-Eating Snake said that it can give instructions to Snake-Eating Snakes that are younger than itself. With the instructions, the three little Snake-Eating Snakes can control their appetites. , Well, it’s under control for the time being. And when the snake-eating snake wants to eat, it can tell in advance.”

"Is that so? Can you control the appetite of the little biting snakes? Don't let them eat randomly?" Li Huachao was delighted when he heard this. If it is really like what the big biting snake said, then these three little biting snakes are awesome. It’s so hard.

Wouldn’t it be possible to point out where to eat?

How could there be such a handsome strange creature like the Snake-Eating Snake after eating up all the enemy's inventory and character's casting range?

The Big Snake nodded, swung its tail from side to side, and tapped the bodies of the three Snakes respectively, signaling them to come to meet their "master".

This scene is a bit like Runtu's father bringing three Runtu to see the young master. The big snake looked a little reserved because the little snake just ate the master's treasure, but the little snake was lively by nature and walked around Li Huachao. Two laps.

Under the guidance of the Big Devouring Snake, they did not succumb to their terrifying appetite, but resisted the desire to eat.

"Yes, this is very good." Li Huachao said with satisfaction.

It seems that the Snake-eaters are not that unscientific. Their appetite can be controlled, but this requires the help of a slightly grown Snake-eater to help guide them.

In nature, the snake-eating tribe should be able to grow normally, such as the heaven-defying snake-eating snakes in "Snake-Eating Cultivation Diary"...

Basically it is because there is no such adult snake to help them restrain their appetite.

Next, through the Translator's translation and "viewing" of the Snake-Eating Page, Li Huachao also roughly knew the situation of these three little Snake-Eating Snakes.


Snake Eater

Gradient: T4 (advancing)

Attributes: Kaitan derivatives

Personality: Gluttonous

Ability: Foreign body feeding

[Foreign Object Ingestion]: Eat the player's inventory to strengthen themselves and evolve a unique body structure according to their own wishes.

The page introductions of the other two Snake Eaters are similar, except that the "Inventory" is replaced by "Character Casting Range" and "Shadow".

Among them, the "Character Casting Distance" replenishes the most energy. This little snake can probably move for five to seven days with one step of casting distance, followed by the "Inventory". One "Inventory" can last three to five days. Heaven, and finally the shadow, a shadow person can provide him with energy for two days.

This is just the minimum requirement, which is equivalent to the minimum food intake range for a person in a day. If three snakes are allowed to eat without being stuffed to death...

That's about three steps of casting distance, five inventory slots, and seven shadows.

Of course, after eating so much food, these three snake-eating snakes will probably fall into a deep sleep and need to "advance" to digest the huge energy.

As it is now, the three snake-eating snakes of T4 have begun to advance. Their group seems to be born as T4, and they will begin to advance after finishing their first meal.

To put it simply, the birth stage is T4, the infant stage is T3, and the growth stage becomes T2. Like the Great Snake, it is the growth stage, and now it is about the mid-level strength of T2.

The strength of the snake-eating tribe is still very strong. Normally, there will be a high-level gradient of T2 in adulthood. Coupled with the changes in body shape caused by abilities, it is often more suitable for survival.

The growth potential of the Great Snake is even stronger, because it is still in the "advancing" state in the T2 gradient. Previously, in the copy of the Rabbit game, it ate the Peace Community into the Peace Building. This kind of quality and quantity The dream energy definitely raised the upper limit of snake-eating ability.

In adulthood, it is estimated that T1 will not be able to run.

It's just that this combat power is somewhat erratic. Li Huachao couldn't see that the Great Snake had any special combat power.

It has a single ability, a weird shape (straw-like), and looks like it's not good at fighting.

But it doesn't matter, as long as T1's frame is here, the Great Snake will not be too weak, and it is probably not necessary for the Great Eater to fight.

After solving the snake-eating problem, Li Huachao took the strange creatures to room 225 again. After briefly identifying the direction, they headed in the direction of Xu Cixi.

Now the player specimens have all become the wealth value of a mischievous man, but this wealth value is still not high. It is still far away from the "1,000" mark, let alone the "100,000" mark required to purchase the source of ghost stories.

It is necessary to make further money.

Li Huachao secretly planned and turned his attention to the distant "Hexagonal City" and "Round City".

Those shadows and players are the next targets for making money.

Make a lot of money before Yu Liang wakes up next time!

As for Yu Liang’s original plan to explore the ocean...

Well, let Yu Liang do it himself.

Li Huachao smiled shyly in his heart.

After all, it would be inconvenient for him to take Xu Cixi to the sea or something.


At the same time, unknown to Li Huachao, both the Hexagonal City and the Round City were in turmoil because of the series of noises in the prompt box.

There is no other reason——

[Player-Triangle completes the first stage of the main mission and unlocks the character bar. 】

[Player-Triangle completes the first stage of the main mission and unlocks the character bar. 】


Such prompt boxes popped up more than 30 times in succession, and all players who noticed the abnormality were shocked.

what's the situation?

How come there are so many "triangles" to unlock the character bar?

Is it possible...

Are there more than thirty triangles ready to use the character bar?

What terrible news this is!

In a two-dimensional world, if those triangles learn to use characters, and then form an array, they can advance, stab, and shoot, and the player's advantage will be instantly wiped out!

For a time, the players in the Hexagonal City and the Round City all gathered together and began to discuss this unexpected situation.

Some people say that they have seen "triangles" scattered several times before to complete the main mission. You can see it by looking through the history records. This means that the previous few times were just "experiments", and now this wave is big.

However, this number of "more than thirty" makes players curious, why not more, exactly more than thirty times?

Could it be said that only these thirty-odd triangles can unlock the character bar?

Someone else said that he found information in Lingcheng. The player leader in Lingcheng seemed to have raised a group of elite triangles. It seemed that the number was thirty or forty, which just matched the number of this batch of triangles.

Others say that the zombie graphics crisis in Lingcheng was caused by this player leader, probably because of the leak of the biochemical experiment.

The player leader of the Chinese country has always been known as a "beast". With this biological crisis, he took control of Lingcheng and was conducting secret experiments to strengthen his elite triangle.

As you can see, the first few triangle unlocks are all alienated career columns, but the next thirty or so times are basically character columns, and a very few are item columns.

What does this mean?

The "Beast" player found that Triangle couldn't use the alienated profession, so he started to unlock the character bar because he had enough characters to distribute to the Triangles. The few Triangles who unlocked the inventory acted as logistics supplies.


This guy is secretly planning a war!

If you think about it more carefully, those shadow people did not attack the players in Ling City, but came to attack their Hexagonal City and Round City. Isn't this just a way of diverting trouble to the east?

Condition after condition, every detail has been matched.

Of course, the players in both the Hexagonal City and the Round City did not like to accuse others wrongly, so they asked the player leader in the Rhombus City about the situation of the more than thirty "triangular" players.

If the other party is willing to tell, it means that the other party's target is not the player, and it does not have ulterior motives; if they are unwilling to tell, then you need to be careful.

In response to this, Aze’s response was——

"What the hell? How do I know how these triangles are made? I'm still worried about this problem!"

For a moment, the players in the Hexagonal City and the Round City were in panic, and they had other thoughts about this "born" player in Ling City.

As soon as the two parties communicated, they found that the other party meant the same thing, and they immediately secretly organized and united to fight against Lingcheng's "birth".

if not……

I’m afraid I don’t even know how I died!

In Ling City.

Aze came to the door with his office completed. Looking at the neatly arranged elite soldiers under the sun, he felt a sense of pride in his heart.

However, suddenly, he felt something heavy behind his back, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.


Is it because it's cold?

Why do I feel so cold inside and always have a bad premonition? (End of chapter)

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