The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 479 The Soul of T1 Hunter

When Li Huachao borrowed Yu Liang's body and merged with Hua Niang to achieve T1, Li Geng was a little confused.

He really didn't expect this to happen.

He knew that Li Huachao could fuse with Hua Niang, but the body he had now was not Li Huachao's!

Isn't this Yu Liang's body?

Could it be that Yu Liang and Hua Niang are also yin and yang? This is unscientific!

Li Geng was full of doubts, but this was already a phenomenon, so he could not speculate on the phenomenon based on theory. He could only speculate on the theory behind it based on the current phenomenon.

The conclusion is...

The world of Kaitan is a world dominated by "spirit" or "soul", and the body seems to be just a "carrying object", as it is now.

The consciousness of "Li Huachao" has occupied Yu Liang's body, so from the perspective of the world of ghost talk, this is "Li Huachao" and not "Yu Liang".

Speaking of which, the physical fitness bonus of the physical warrior is also very interesting. Although they have the same body, the physical fitness of the writer and the hunter are different.

If the strength is increased, then the muscle mass of this body should increase, and the body will change into a stronger appearance.

However, no, the power that was different from ordinary people seemed to appear on this body out of thin air, and at the same time, it would disappear instantly when the role was switched.

In addition, Yu Liang once said before that after becoming a Dansheng, you can also use alienated professional skills. These abilities seem to be transferred with the transfer of consciousness.

Everything seems too "idealistic". The body is just a shell that carries consciousness, or in other words, "consciousness" is the player himself.


What can be done based on this feature.

Li Geng lost his mind for a moment, and when he came back to his senses, he suddenly felt something bad. He rarely lost his mind during battles, but the question just now was like a special spell lingering in his brain, making him unable to help but think about it. question.

Forget it, let’s focus on the present.

Through Li Huachao's vision, Li Geng noticed that the combination of Li Huachao and Hua Niang had rushed to the prophet. He seemed to be able to see the fear and panic in the prophet's eyes.

This is definitely something beyond the other party's understanding. You can feel it from the prophet's surprised scream. After all, even Li Geng thought it was going to be bad. Only Li Huachao used the shot speed rule to hit Huachao unhurriedly. Mother, and then merge with it.

I don't know if it's because he's brave or because he already knew that he could use Yu Liang's body to fuse with Hua Niang, but it's just a matter of course.

"What?! What did you do?! Why did my skill fail?!" If you can see the face of the prophet, then it is obvious that her face has been distorted, and she is no longer as calm and calm as before.

Originally, the calculation was just right, link by link, every part of the strange creature was restrained by the shadow and the player, she also ushered in the final step, and then...

Hua Niang suddenly disappeared from her control. This result made her feel incredible.

No, it didn’t disappear, it became one with this writer.

This is even more incredible!

"You die!" Li Huachao shouted with anger, and the spikes in his hands were about to hit his face.

"Wait..." The prophet was panicked and subconsciously wanted to stop it with words, but when she tried to click on the monster bar, she suddenly realized that she had not unlocked the monster bar yet.

There used to be an "amnesia" T2 monster creature in the monster column that she tricked with the same trick. It had the same excellent ability, but now it can't be used at all!

"Wait." Suddenly, a player appeared between Li Huachao and the prophet, stopping Li Huachao who was charging.

Li Huachao: "?"

"I am the T1 financial planner Pique from Round City." Financial planner Pique's voice was quite gentle. He looked at Li Huachao, who was restrained from his rage, and expressed his intention in a leisurely manner, "This operation is The prophet planned it by bypassing me and the trainer. Some players in the circular city are innocent. Don’t worry, we will punish these players and the prophet, and we will pay you a certain amount of compensation."

He continued: "Now I will take away the players present, and the shadows will still be left to you to deal with, okay?"

The financial planner had arrived ten minutes ago. He rushed to Glory Square immediately after discovering the prophet's big move, but he did not stop him immediately.

Quite simply, there is no benefit.

If the prophet can win, then he should get a share of the pie. If he cannot win, then he will appear to minimize the losses of the players in the circular city.

He has the confidence to control the situation, so there is no need to take action first.

Li Huachao was stunned when he heard this, and was a little confused for a moment.

No, who are you?

Take it away when you say it will be taken away, so shameless?

And he really hated this seemingly polite tone, which reminded Li Huachao of the kind of financial planners who sit in Wall Street offices and can defraud honest people out of their hard-earned money with just a few clicks of their fingers.

Seeing that Li Huachao didn't respond, financial planner Pi Ke sighed in his heart and said again: "She was bewitched by the shadow and attacked you and your strange creature 'Hua Niang'. I'm sorry, I will let her give it to you." Sufficient compensation.”

He thought for a while and added: "For her, Hua Niang's ability is very important, so she took this step. Well... let's decide, I will be the bridge in the middle, and she will fund the purchase of your There are many weird creatures in the T2 gradient, and the 'Flower Girl' is probably not the most critical one. If you can trade in a peaceful way, it's better not to use such violent means anymore. I don't like violence, Yuan Players from Xingcheng and players from Lingcheng are still allies for the time being, aren’t they?”

The financial planner felt that the transaction was very worthwhile. After the transaction was completed, he would have a reason to get a share of the prophet's property.

In order to seek cooperation with the prophet, Shadow paid a large price.


Li Huachao was a little stunned again because he suspected that he heard wrongly.

Financing a "flower girl"?

And what he means is...

"Well, they seem to have a way to forcibly change Hua Niang's control. It may be that they were interrupted by your fusion skills." Li Geng confirmed Li Huachao's guess, "I don't like this guy. It was obviously a failure of violent means. Only then did he think about peaceful transactions, with a kind of arrogance unique to white-skinned pigs."


Flower girl?

Flower girl, haha.

Li Huachao let out a few long breaths and tried to make himself less irritable, because he was not sure whether his irritable self would do something he would regret.

Perhaps it is a good idea to surrender to the financial planner, because he is a character in Yu Liang's universe, and he must be responsible for Yu Liang's safety.

All that was lost was his own spirit and dignity. It would be good for everyone if he crossed this threshold.

When Yu Liang wakes up, he will find that he has a lot of wealth from shadows and players, as well as other large and small interests, and the price of all this is just Hua Niang.

There is no wind or rain, only a large amount of wealth created out of thin air, and the overall level of strange creatures has increased sharply. Yu Liang may be happy about this.

If he were alone, he would charge without hesitation, but now...

"Do what you want to do." Suddenly, Yu Liang's words cut off Li Huachao's hesitation like a sharp sword.

"You..." Li Huachao was a little surprised. He calculated the time and it was indeed time for Yu Liang to wake up, but he didn't know when Yu Liang woke up.

Wait, how much did he see?

Hearing Yu Liang's voice, there was immediately a backbone in the universe. During Yu Liang's absence, Li Geng could barely be regarded as the "brain", but after all, he was not as capable of leadership as Yu Liang.

"Fortunately, I woke up early." Yu Liang smiled, "Hua Niang is a friend who cannot be exchanged for benefits."

So Li Huachao said the second sentence he said to the players in Round City:

"You die too!"

Up to this moment, he had only said two words to the players in Round City.

you die!

You die too!

Li Hua suddenly punched out the thorn horn in his hand and stabbed towards the financial planner without hesitation.


Is T1 amazing?

It’s not like I haven’t killed anyone before!

(An Buchen: "...")

The financial planner standing opposite Li Huachao did not expect that Li Huachao would suddenly take action. This was something beyond his cognition.

He is a T1 gradient, and this writer is only a T2. Even if there are such a number of strange creatures, it is the end of the war. In this case, you dare to attack him...

Does this guy want his life?

The financial planner thought that he could completely suppress the fight by stepping forward, because the prophet was obviously in decline, and if he didn't take action, he might be killed by the writer.

It's really scary to think about it. With more than 20 fully unlocked shadows and more than a dozen players, such a lineup was almost defeated.

The financial planner admires this kind of strength, but this does not mean that he approves of the writer's approach.

In this state, he didn't want to settle the matter and even attacked him. This was not a wise approach.

For a moment, murderous intent arose in the financial planner's heart. On the one hand, it was because his face was being slighted, and on the other hand, he found a reason to attack the writer.

In this way, even if he kills the writer here, the actor from Lingcheng will not have anything to say!

Regarding Li Huachao's slightly reckless behavior, the various characters in the universe did not have any objection. The reason is very simple.

They all had their own ambitions. Except for Lu Baoshen who surrendered voluntarily, even An Buchen took a lot of effort to catch them.

Of course, Lu Baoshen was justified in this, because this was Lu Mingzhe's instruction, so it was equivalent to Lu Mingzhe surrendering and had nothing to do with him.

The financial planner had no intention of confronting the incoming attack and turned to the side to avoid it.

The hunter has the ability to suppress the speed of his shots. He is aware of this, so naturally he will not confront them head-on.

However, the current hunter fusion has been steadily promoted to the ranks of T1, and it is not so easy to dodge, so the financial planner still finds it a bit tricky for a while.

Li Huachao clung to the financial planner like a gangrene, forcing him to fight with him.

Just kidding, you are not a martial artist, but you are still so embarrassed when I get close to you. Who gave you the courage?

Until strange light spots appeared on the financial planner's body. These light spots quickly moved towards Li Huachao and stuck to his body, making him extremely dull.

"What?" Li Huachao tried to move his body, but he felt as if his body was stuck by a layer of thin and sticky mud, making it gradually difficult to move.

"Thank you, Father." The financial planner breathed a sigh of relief, and then thanked the so-called "Father".

Then, he put on an arrogant mask, stood three or four meters in front of Li Huachao and sneered: "After the combination, he can actually reach the level of a T1 body warrior, but the pseudo-T1 is just a pseudo-T1 after all, and it doesn't count."

Li Huachao didn't respond. He just dropped other characters in the universe. He didn't know what to do now.

This weird light spot is a higher-level power, which he cannot handle with his current ability.

It can be said that the financial planner was not killed in the fight just now, and the situation quickly escaped Li Huachao's control.

"He's talking about pseudo-T1. I often see this word in Xiangu's memory." An Buchen quickly explained the term to find the key point, "After the T1 gradient, players will have the ability to protect themselves in the face of the source ghost talk. , the premise is not to offend Genun Kaidan. Through some special means, T1 players can become the collectors of Genun Kaidan, thereby getting help from Genun Kaidan. In the eyes of such players, they are the real T1, without roots. The players that Kaitan helps are just fake T1 players."

"In other words, he is using the power of the Root Kaidan? But if the power of the Root Kaidan level appears, it will be immediately discovered by the local Root Kaidan in the dungeon. How dare he use it?" Li Geng was shocked and felt uncomfortable. untie.

"I don't know. It should be a special usage. This is probably a secret belonging to financial planners." An Buchen continued.

Yu Liang was thoughtful about this.

The authenticity of T1 does not mean strength. For example, the fairy with the help of the source ghost story can be killed by Li Huachao, and the actor Aze without the help of the source ghost story is enough to defeat almost any T1...

The strong one is very strong, the weak one is very weak, but the help of the root ghost talk level is absolutely terrifying. Like now, Li Huachao doesn't know how to deal with this troublesome root ghost talk.

Do you want to contact "it"?

Now that Yu Liang is awake, he can indeed contact "Zhi", but the stamp column is still locked, and the [Conspirator] cannot be triggered.

Yu Liang also thought of "Zhi", but he thought more. He suspected that "Zhi" might still be on the second layer, in the shadow of Yu Liang.

Alas, I feel like my boss has surrendered to the enemy.

I can't contact you at all now.

He speculated about the origin of financial planners.

From the perspective of ability, this black light spot is the ability of the mysterious source behind the financial planner, which can restrict the actions of others.

Just this is not enough to call it a strange story, so the current situation is most likely due to the financial planner suppressing the use of his abilities.

Combined with what the actors said before, financial planners can control the prosperity or decay of something, and this black light spot is likely to be among them.

Perhaps this is the reason why the root ghost story is willing to stay with a financial planner, so the prosperous one should be even more terrifying.

"Originally, I didn't want to use 'Father''s ability here at all. On the one hand, it's not the time yet; on the other hand, you don't deserve it." The financial planner felt in a happy mood, and having controlled the situation, he naturally did not intend to use it as a writer. Act like a gentleman in front of you.

Originally, he was afraid of offending the actors, but now that Li Huachao has taken the initiative, even the actors can't say much, so he can directly talk about it.

In reality, he is a master of human beings, and he is also the same in the ghost story copy.


Well, older people who have accomplished nothing tend to call themselves "writers."

In this case, just kill him here. Waiting for his strange creature to recover will be another troublesome matter.

On the other hand, Li Huachao also had some feelings.

When he received Yu Liang's full support, his whole body felt extremely relaxed.

Whether it was his spirit or his dignity, "Yu Liang", as the Lord of the Universe, helped him protect it.

Now he has merged with Hua Niang and has the body of T1, but he still lacks the soul of T1.

That so-called "soul" seems to have a direction to look for.

Is there anything wrong with combining two T2 hunters into one T1 hunter?

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