The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 480 Therefore, powerful hunters still rely on luck

"Let me try again, I feel... different." Li Huachao's voice revealed a kind of confusion, but then he became determined.

He didn't know what was happening in his body and soul, but now he felt as if he had been sublimated.

With Li Huachao's language skills, it was difficult for him to describe what kind of state this was. He only felt that he was high-spirited and like a god was helping him.

In fact, this sublimation began after Yu Liang expressed his absolute support for him.

Taking advantage of this momentum, he used a series of fights to suppress T1's financial planner, but he was defeated by the cheat activated by the opponent, and he was helpless about this.

If you fight, just fight. If you can't beat me, just summon the root monster. Isn't that fun?

However, Li Huachao, who thought this way, instinctively ignored one fact.

When a T1 grade "mage" is approached by a T1 grade physical warrior, there is really no other way except calling Big Daddy to come out to save the situation.

As a financial planner on Wall Street, Peake was indeed overconfident. He did not expect that a writer who was at the end of his life would dare to attack him, so he took action.

Of course, the main reason is because the stamp bar and character bar are locked. Under normal circumstances, the life-saving ability of this kind of alienated professionals is reflected in the stamp bar and character bar. Now that they can't use it, they will naturally be suppressed by Li Huachao.

This is not enough.

Li Huachao knew this in his heart, and doing such a natural thing was not yet a breakthrough for himself.

The character created by the writer is different from the personality clone of the actor. For actors, the personality clone is cultivated and gradually improved, but the created character cannot. Li Huachao of T2 has gone through a large number of dungeons and still cannot become a T1 hunter.

Now we have this opportunity.

The existence of Hua Niang forced his physical fitness to the level of a T1 warrior, and Yu Liang's trust made his morale improve enough. If I have to say...

I have been wandering around for half my life, and I have never met my master. If you don't abandon me, I would like to worship you as my foster father.

The growth of physical fitness is satisfied, the heart is full of energy, and the soul is exciting. So what is left to reach the T1 gradient now?

A hunt.

A hunt aimed at the source of ghost stories.

Li Huachao has enough confidence that if he can complete this hunt, even the hidden rules of the strange world may not be able to limit his gradient promotion!

Rules are meant to make way for the strong.

"Okay, come on." Yu Liang naturally would not create any obstacles for Li Huachao at such a critical moment. He also wanted to see to what stage Li Huachao could advance.

Although he has thought of a way to deal with it, now...

Let this coping method be your last resort.

"The target of hunting is the source of ghost stories." Li Huachao read softly, and then laughed sarcastically in his heart.

That's impossible, the source ghost story is immortal. Even if there is a way to completely erase the traces of the source ghost story in "time", it is impossible for a hunter to do it.

So the target is actually Pique, the financial planner with the source of the ghost story. As long as he can kill Pique, this will complete the defeat of the root ghost story.

Strange tales about the source of frustration...

You must rely on the power of rules.

Only rules can suppress the source of ghost stories.

The rule for hunters is [Weapon Proficiency], which is an absolute priority to suppress shot speed.

He must rely on this rule to have the possibility of confronting the root ghost talk.

"[Weapon Mastery]: Short weapons are always shot faster than the opponent." Li Huachao meditated on the ability on the page in his heart. He needed to find a breakthrough from this ability.

Under normal circumstances, he will definitely not be able to trigger the rules, because the financial planner Pique is not holding any weapons in his hands. Pique has learned about his abilities from the prophet, so he will definitely not face him with weapons. Conflict, that would be too stupid.

What does a hunter need to rely on to be able to fight against creatures that are much more powerful than himself?

Courage, high-tech equipment, traps, concealment, eternal right to the upper hand, and a fatal blow.

Is it these things?

Or do you want to pursue a more powerful body and gain enough power to break all shackles?

He is now under the shackles of the source of ghost stories brought by Pique. Those black light spots are not hard and cannot be broken by the brute force of T1 gradient. The harder he exerts force, these light spots cover It got tighter and tighter, making him feel like he couldn't breathe.

Brutal force is of no use. This is the world of ghost stories, not some hot-blooded comics, or a world where a small universe can explode when one's emotions arise.

If a hunter wants to kill higher-level prey, he probably still has to rely on "wisdom."

I need "wisdom", the wisdom that belongs only to hunters!

Li Huachao quickly analyzed the current situation and found that he was almost unable to move.

This state of complete confinement is like being controlled by someone using the "prison" character. You must borrow other tools to move, and move quickly...

How to do it?

"Kill him, kill him quickly. As long as you kill him, you can take away all his wealth!" The prophet in the rear was overjoyed when he saw that the financial planner had taken control of the situation. He immediately came to the financial planner's side and looked at The writer's eyes also showed greed, "If we take this opportunity to kill him, even the actors will not be able to hold us accountable."

The financial planner didn't reply, but glanced at the prophet lightly, cursing in his heart a fool.

He didn't want to kill the writer at all, he just wanted to gain more benefits from the writer and prophet.

This woman has never thought about why the shadows are willing to pay such a high price to surround and suppress the writer.

Oh, that's right. The alienated profession of prophet can indeed easily turn people into "giant babies".

On the one hand, he is too powerful and will definitely become the core of the team. Even he does not want to offend this woman. This is the main reason why the prophet has reached the top of the circle city players by virtue of the T2 gradient.

On the other hand, because the prophet's life-saving ability is so incredible, even if other players in the team die, it will not be her turn to die. When she receives fatal damage, she just slaps her butt and leaves.

Now the situation has changed, and financial planners want to kill the writer here.

Very, very much.

Since the writer is a reckless man who does not consider the actual situation, and is a guy who will generate strong hatred because of others' verbal slights, he cannot stay, otherwise there will be endless troubles.

Of course, before that, he needs to squeeze the writer dry, deprive him of all character slots and inventory, kill all the strange creatures, and be sure to eradicate the roots, otherwise the shadow writer will inherit a full status writer. In that case The threat is just too great.

"Paper people!" Li Huachao called to his paper people, and he suddenly thought of a solution.

Remember the prison mirror copy?

When he was besieged by dozens of strong men, he thought of the Alpha Raid technique. Now he can still use this technique to move. As long as he keeps making small movements, he can get close to the financial planner and kill him with one blow.

The paper people are small and very flexible. In an instant, they got rid of the entanglement between the player and the shadow, and half of the paper people came to the vicinity of Li Huachao.

During this time, the main force fighting against shadows and players in the square has turned into Thunder Snakes and other strange creatures, and the paper people can escape very easily.

Soon they arrived near Li Huachao, followed Li Huachao's instructions, used [Unnecessary] to create spikes, and tried to attack the financial planner.

The financial planner wanted to stop him, but the same black light spots appeared around him again and moved towards the paper people.

Soon, each paper man's body was covered with such black light spots, which immobilized them and continued to absorb their physical strength.

It worked.

The financial planner was secretly happy. It was not easy to control the "cloud points" with a two-dimensional perspective. He also relied on his keen insight to put the cloud points on the paper people's bodies one by one.

As long as you are exposed to this cloudy point from your father, you will gradually become unable to move and your physical strength will continue to be drained.

The absorbed physical strength will naturally be replenished into my father's body, replenishing his body.

"All paper figures, point the spikes in their hands at me!" Li Huachao shouted, reminding the paper figures present.

He didn't care at all whether the paper people could move, because in his imagination, the paper people only needed to stand still.

The paper people surrounded him, the financial planner and the prophet, like the various positions of the formation, which could provide him with opportunities to act.

When the paper people raised the spikes in their hands towards him, Li Huachao could instantly move to the paper people's side with the help of the shooting speed rules.

Naturally, he will not actually attack the paper man. He only needs to forcibly stop the force to stop, thereby completing a displacement that violates the black light spot.

Forcibly stopping the force will indeed make the body uncomfortable, but Li Huachao now has the physical fitness of a T1 physical warrior, so such discomfort can be easily overcome.

"What?" The financial planner was shocked by Li Huachao's movement. He could still move despite being surrounded by black light spots. There was only one possibility, and that was that the other party used the power of rules at the same level as his father.

But the power of rules...

Will it happen to a T2 writer?

The financial planner immediately recalled all the characters created by the writer, and one thing really reminded him of one.

The shooting speed is always faster than the opponent's.

It is this rule that allows hunters to break the shackles of the cloud point!

Li Huachao shuttled between the paper figures. His stronger strength and speed allowed him to trigger the shooting speed rule faster, so it was like special lightning moving in the formation, just waiting to find the financial planner or prophet's flaw. , a fatal blow.

"No, it will be very troublesome if you can't see clearly the other party's moves." The financial planner immediately made a judgment and used his ability immediately.

[Insight]: Only once every three hours, select a thing (no vital signs), and you will see clearly the trend of that thing in the next three seconds, lasting ten minutes.

He chose the spikes in the hunter's hands. As long as he could see the future trajectory of the spikes, he could perfectly dodge the attack.

This ability will last for ten minutes, which is long enough.

By that time, the cloud point has already absorbed all the hunter's energy.

Even a T1 level physical warrior cannot withstand the cloud point being absorbed like this.

After ten minutes, he will be able to reap a lot of "benefits". The writer's wealth is extraordinary. Maybe the next ten "wealth agency" agreements can be completed perfectly, which will definitely satisfy his father.

[Wealth Agent]: You can sign a temporary agency agreement with any other creature, and call an item of that creature (no vital signs, it can be an abstract thing) "wealth", and then you can replace it and become the owner of the item. people, obtain the right to use it.

Facing any creature, your first wealth agency agreement will be forced to accept.

When the agreement expires, you must return the "money" and a certain amount of income (the minimum income limit will be affected by the value of the "money" itself). Depending on the positive, negative and size of the benefit, you will be rewarded or punished by the creature (increased favorability will be beneficial to the secondary agent).

[Rise and Fall Profit and Loss] During the period when the agreement is in effect, each harvest you make will earn you an equivalent amount of "profit" value. By consuming the "benefit" value, you will be able to control the quantity and quality of "wealth".

On the other hand, when the financial planner turned on his ability, Li Huachao immediately noticed something was wrong.

This financial planner was completely different from the previous fight. He was obviously a T1 non-physical warrior, but he was able to dodge every attack with ease when faced with his physical strength.

Moreover, some of those who dodged in advance during several attacks had already moved to a safe position before he took action.

This made him look like an incompetent and angry fool, running back and forth with no results...

If this continues, I'm afraid it will really be consumed to death.

Wait, can a financial planner predict my attack 100%?

Li Huachao made a change. Now he changed the rhythm of his attack, trying to find out the essence of this ability.

The financial planner also changed his avoidance rhythm, and still had the energy to sarcastically say: "Do you feel that something is not right with your body? The black light spots on your body are multiplying. About... you have five minutes left. They will die completely because of them.”

He doesn't only have this one move, but the other moves require more "benefits". He naturally doesn't want to incur too much loss until the critical moment.

Just keep spending it like this. The hunter will be exhausted anyway.

"Five minutes is more than enough to deal with you." Li Huachao snorted coldly, spoke harshly to the financial planner, then suddenly changed his tactics and attacked the prophet behind him.

"Dodge to the right." While Li Huachao was speaking, the financial planner's prompts had already reached the prophet's ears. She knew the financial planner's ability and immediately ducked to the other side.

Li Huachao lowered the rhythm of using his abilities. Each time he used his abilities, he would consume his physical strength, which would aggravate the process of being drained.

From the test just now, we can conclude that the financial planner’s ability is not based on the familiarity with his attack behavior pattern, because even if he deliberately changes the rhythm, he will still be able to see through it, and it is not only effective for himself, because he will also be attacked by the prophet. Anticipation.

It seems that the key to this ability lies in "I"?

Will my attack be predicted?

Is that right?

Li Huachao was shocked and quickly decided on the follow-up route. He shuttled among the paper figures and arrived at the prophet's side in the blink of an eye.

The financial planner's [Insight] eyes saw that the spikes did not move after three seconds, which meant that the hunter stopped and did not launch an attack.

Is this trying to lure me to dodge to one side by getting close, and then attack me before I can withdraw my strength?

It's a pity, the idea is good, but I can see into the future, and your tricks don't make any sense!

"Zhong Chen, use your heart anchor!" Li Huachao switched to Zhong Chen and used the word "heart anchor" to remind Zhong Chen what exactly he should do.

If he said attack directly, the financial planner might notice his intention, but it would not happen if he said "heart anchor". Zhong Chen naturally knew what "heart anchor" meant.

Take a deep breath, recall your anger, and punch with horse steps!

The moment Zhong Chen appeared, black light spots immediately covered her and restrained her. But when she recalled her anger, the shackles on her body began to break inch by inch.

So she struck out with her own iron fist.

At the same time, Li Huachao shouted loudly in the universe——

Look, the most important thing for a real hunter is wisdom and assessing the situation. The most suitable person to take action now is Zhong Chen, so I will give up my hunting without hesitation and switch to Zhong Chen for the final blow.

This is our final bond!

In the financial planner's unbelievable eyes, Zhong Chen's fist arrived.


Why did you suddenly put down the spikes in your hands?

How come you changed to using fists?

In this case, I really managed to restrain the [Eye of Insight], because the spikes stopped in place and didn't move anymore!

But how do you know my panel capabilities?

There is clearly no created character in the writer's universe that can predict the abilities of other characters!

So, by chance, Li Huachao cracked [Insight].

So, for a real hunter, the most important thing is luck (dog head)

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