The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 926 Space Merchant! (5.5K!)

Chapter 925 Space Merchant! (5.5k!)

See the situation here.

Xia Yan's face suddenly sank.


He doesn't have much affection for the Ultra Beast, but he doesn't regard the Ultra Beast as a ferocious beast, just different from ordinary Pokémon.

But at least it's a life.

In the face of life, Xia Yan still has the most basic sense of awe.

Anyone who saw what he saw at the moment would be unbearable.

Ono carefully picked up a very weak Poipole and walked to the cave, in front of the only fire.

Xia Yan also walked over with a sullen face.


Poipole opened his eyes weakly and watched Ono let out a weak cry.

"elder brother."

Ono saw Xia Yan slowly stretch out his hand and put it on Poipole's body.

A wave of wave guide power, along with Xia Yan's delivery, slowly submerged into Poipole's body.

With the power of the waveguide, Poipole's weak appearance was obviously effectively healed, and the intermittent breathing gradually calmed down.

"elder brother!"

Seeing this scene, Ono's eyes lit up.

Xia Yan shook his hand and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

The power of the waveguide is not the ability to specialize in healing, it is more of the power to connect the mind.

As far as healing is concerned, it is the power of Victory that can't keep up with Watanabe and Giovanni.

"Ono, you entered the Ultra Wormhole to heal these Poipoles and Naganadels?" Xia Yan asked suddenly.


Ono didn't hide it at all, and nodded in response.

Looking at the weak Poipole and Naganadel around, his eyes were full of unbearable and entrained sadness.

"Once, I was on a wild expedition in the Alola Region, and I happened to encounter an open Ultra Wormhole, and a weak Poipole flew out of it."

Afterwards, Ono briefly told Xia Yan about the general process of her coming here.

Because the Ultra Wormhole opened at that time is very small, the energy fluctuation is not large, and the Pokémon such as Poipole itself is not strong, plus it is still very weak, and the ultimate energy fluctuation is not large, so it did not cause it at all. Attention of UB Countermeasures Department.

After all, the current UB Countermeasures Department is still in the process of exploring the ultimate energy itself.

Ono herself is the mythical beast Latias. Although she doesn't know it herself, she has a very natural attraction and affinity for dragon-type Pokémon.

Although Poipole is not a Pokémon, he also has the Dragon Attribute, so by chance, he met Ono.

With the help of Ono, he recovered his health.

So Poipole wanted to invite Ono to help heal his comrade.

Then he followed Poipole to the ultimate metropolis.

Also, it has been recognized by the entire Poipole and Naganadel communities.

No wonder Naganadel seemed so hostile when he heard Xia Yan said he was looking for someone.

"What about Amamo?" Xia Yan asked again, looking at Amamo standing beside Xiaoye.

How did these two meet?

"Brother, you don't know, Amamo is a member of the Ultra Wormhole Investigation Team of the Sun-Eating Department of the Ultra Metropolis. The Ultra Wormhole has already mastered the Ultra Wormhole jumping and shuttle technology. She was investigating in the Alola Region and happened to see I followed Poipole into the Ultra Wormhole, trying to stop me

It didn't work out, so I came here with me. "

"Really?" Xia Yan nodded thoughtfully, but his eyes were on this Amamo's body.

For this person, Xia Yan gradually got a little impression.

In the original book, among the four members of the ultimate investigation team who came to the Alola Region, there seems to be a Stephanie named Amamo with orange hair.

She and the rest of the Ultimate Investigation Team actually have a different point of view.

The rest of the members of the ultimate investigation team have the goal of controlling Necrozma, and some have the goal of defeating Necrozma and subduing it.

Only this Amamo, she hopes to live in peace with Necrozma, rather than simply defeating Rival in battle.

Facing Xia Yan, Amamo was more or less cautious.

But she honestly said:

"I just wanted to remind Ono. But when I saw Poipole and Naganadel here, it was like this."

Having said that, Amamo's voice stopped.

At this moment, her eyes are very similar to those of Ono.

The difference is only.

Ono has the ability to definitely heal these Poipoles and Naganadels, but Amamo doesn't.

Xia Yan looked at Amamo, and through the dual abilities of Psychic and Waveguide, he knew that Amamo did not lie, and the expression was from the heart rather than contrived.

As for concealing Xia Yan's observations and perceptions?

If such a little Stephanie can hide from Xia Yan, it can only mean that Xia Yan has embarrassed the Psychic.

"Brother, can you help them?"

Ono grabbed Xia Yan's arm with a face full of pleading.

Amamo also carried hope.

She has heard Ono talk about how powerful her brother is more than once.

Since even Ono has shown good abilities, Amamo thinks that Xia Yan is at least no worse than Ono, right?

Xia Yan was not surprised by Ono's request.

He patted her palm, motioning her to stay calm.

But he still felt a little strange that Amamo had the same expectation.

"Amamo, it may be a bit presumptuous and impolite for me to ask this, I hope you don't mind."

Xia Yan first took a precaution.

Then he said: "The relationship between your ultimate metropolis and the ultimate alien beast is not good? If you rescue the ultimate alien beast, for your ultimate metropolis, it is feeding the enemy."

Hearing this, Amamo really showed a tangled color.

But quickly recovered.

She stayed here with Ono for a while.

With Ono's influence in the Poipole and Naganadel groups, there is nothing Poipole and Naganadel want to do to her.


In order to make her and Ono feel at ease to help treat the wounded.

Every day the Naganadels give the two of them the tastiest and most precious food of the whole tribe.

Although those foods are very unpalatable for Amamo.

But whenever she saw the weak Poipoles swallowing behind Naganadel while they were eating, she couldn't help but feel sour.

These things that are unpalatable to her may be the food in the eyes of these Poipoles.

Ultra Space resources are too scarce.

At the same time, it is also because of the relationship during this period of time.

Amamo found.

The Ultimate Alien Beast doesn't seem to be as ferocious as the Ultimate Metropolis advertises.

They are also beings, and beings with self-thinking and independent emotions.

Humans in the ultimate metropolis are not really unable to coexist peacefully with the ultimate alien beasts.

As long as the human beings in the great metropolis can show enough sincerity and provide enough food.


Food is a scarce commodity in the metropolis itself.

But it was the encounter during this period that made Amamo realize that the contradiction between the Ultra Metropolis and the Ultra Beast can be adjusted.

Just as she thought, the relationship with Necrozma could be resolved as well.

She put away her timidity, looked into Xia Yan's eyes and said seriously:

"If I can, I'll help them too. If Poipole and Naganadel have enough food to keep themselves alive, I'm sure they won't attack the metropolis again."

Innocent understanding and thinking Xia Yan secretly thought.


It's not unreasonable either.

"Your Sun-devouring Department, you have been trying to control some of the ultimate beasts?" Xia Yan asked again.

Amamo's face showed surprise.

"how do you know?"

Seeing Xia Yan smiling without saying a word, she said slowly:

"Yes. This is an important research result of the Sun-devouring Department, but it has not been popularized, nor can it be popularized. Controlling every ultimate alien beast is a huge burden for the entire ultimate metropolis."

"How do you control it?"

Amamo shook her head.

"I'm just an ordinary member of the ultimate investigation team. This is not something I can understand. Perhaps, Captain Theonilla knows."

"You have cooperation with Aether Foundation?" Xia Yanxu narrowed his eyes.

"Yeah. But the specific affairs are in charge of Captain Theonila and Soliera. Dales and I are in charge of conducting on-the-spot investigation and research on the Alola Region." Amamo said honestly.

From the question Xia Yan asked about the Sun Devouring Department just now, Amamo felt that Xia Yan knew a lot.

This may be a test for her, so there is nothing to hide.


There is no point in hiding.

She just wants to save the group of Poipole and Naganadel now.

As for the philosophy of the Sun Eater, the mission of the Ultimate Investigation Team.

She didn't voluntarily join the Sun Eater Department and joined the Ultimate Investigation Team, if it wasn't for her father's forcing it

In the end, Xia Yan patted Amamo on the head just like Xiao Ye.

At least.

For now, this Amamo has gained some recognition from him.

At first, Xia Yan was worried that the ultimate investigation team discovered Ono's identity, and this Amamo was the surveillance or undercover agent arranged by the ultimate investigation team around her.

Now it seems.

In fact, they are just two kind-hearted little girls from different worlds.

"I can help them." Xia Yan said.

"Really? Brother!"

Ono and Amamo's eyes lit up instantly.

Xia Yan nodded, "But I have conditions."

Hearing this, Ono pouted and muttered with some dissatisfaction, "I'm your sister, and you're still making conditions with me?"

Xia Yan knocked on her head angrily.

"For you, my condition is very simple. Before running around in the future, at least tell me where you went!"


Ignoring the aggrieved little guy, Xia Yan is still thinking about how to tell her about her identity.

Look at Amamo.

"Xia, Mr. Xia Yan, you say."

Xia Yan chuckled lightly.

"Don't be nervous. I just want to work with you all too."

"What is the ultimate metropolis?" Amamo asked tentatively in a low voice.

Not the ultimate investigation team?

"Yes." Xia Yan nodded slightly.

Amamo opened her mouth and said embarrassingly, "I don't seem to have such ability."

"It's okay. You can help me convey it. As for whether they will agree or not"

Xia Yan walked out of the Cave, and the voice came again, "They will agree."

Ono also nodded at Amamo, and said with a little pride and pride, "They will."

Amamo pursed her lips, and after a moment of hesitation, she followed.

Come to the outside of the cave.

Naganadel and Poipole outside are still surrounded here, with three layers inside and three layers outside, densely packed.

However, Xia Yan could still clearly feel it.

Except for some Naganadel and Poipole, the rest are somewhat weak.

This is when the Naganadels have become the sole owners of the Valley.

Such a large valley.

If in the Pokémon world.

Not to mention, it is absolutely no problem to feed tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of wild Pokémon.

Xia Yan held Ono in one hand, followed Latios while hanging Amamo behind him, and walked straight towards the old Naganadel leader.

Come to the gigantic Naganadel chief who is as majestic as a hill.

If it was in the heyday of the Contest Condition, it might have reached the championship level, right?

He looked at the old Naganadel and said the purpose directly.

"I can provide you with food, herbs, and water."

All Naganadels and Poipoles heard it because of telepathy.

In a word, the Naganadel and Poipoles in the entire Valley boiled.

"This is a sample."

Xia Yan took out the most common energy cube and placed it in front of old Naganadel.

But even the most common energy block.

For these Naganadels and Poipoles, it was never-before-seen food.

The wafting aroma was enough for them to swallow frantically.

Ono got Xia Yan's suggestion and distributed these energy cubes to the surrounding Poipoles and Naganadels one by one.

After dividing, Xia Yan continued to take it out.

Until each one was eaten, and showed a look of intoxication and happiness.

【Human, what do you want? 】

Old Naganadel was not affected by Xia Yan's "rich" greeting, but just looked straight at Xia Yan with his deep and old eyes.

The corner of Xia Yan's mouth raised slightly.

"First of all, I want to form an alliance with you."

【Alliance? 】

Old Naganadel was not too happy.

Next to it, a Naganadel jumped out and said:

[After forming an alliance, you want to command us, right? 】

【right! Many of our clansmen were deceived by the so-called food! In the end, it became a pet under human feet! 】


Some of the previous operations in the Grand Metropolis made Xia Yan's negotiation difficulty soaring.

But he didn't mind.

At least.

In the case of Ono's mistake, he has already helped him knock on the door to communicate with the Naganadel group.

"No." Xia Yan shook his head, "I think you got the meaning of 'ally' wrong.

The so-called 'allies', to put it simply, are when I need help, you give me a certain amount of help.

But in the same way, when you need help, I will also give you help.

For example, to defend against the attacks of the rest of the ultimate alien beasts, or the siege and suppression of the ultimate metropolis, etc. "

【Why do we believe.】

The previous Naganadel wanted to refute, but was interrupted by the old Naganadel reaching out.

It looked at Xia Yan.


【You are Ono's brother, we can trust you. 】

"No, I will show my sincerity." Xia Yan waved his hand.

Flip the space pack.

All the ordinary energy cubes were poured out in one go.

Build a hill.

Among them, most of them are failures produced by Xia Yan when making top-level energy blocks, but they are also more nutritious than low-level energy blocks, and a little worse than intermediate-level energy blocks.

Bringing out so much food all at once, all Naganadels and Poipoles froze.

"And what I want in exchange is simple for you."

Xia Yan clapped his hands and didn't seem to care.

Looking at old Naganadel, he said slowly:

"Your venom."

【venom? 】

Rao is old Naganadel prepared enough, when he heard Xia Yan's request, he couldn't help but be stunned.


Can that be considered a thing for them?

Can't it be produced at will?

In the body of a Naganadel, there are hundreds of liters of venom.

Even if it is used up, it can fully recover in a few days.

"Of course it's not ordinary venom. I need you to compress, purify, and increase the concentration as much as possible. It's not difficult for you, right?"

is it hard?

Not difficult.

Because this is one of the directions that Poipole and Naganadel exercise.


【It's that simple? 】

Old Naganadel couldn't believe it.

What's the difference between this and direct delivery?

a time.

All Naganadel and Poipole looked at Xia Yan and became different.

They are not that complicated at all.

Ono helped them treat their weak companions, and they respected Ono and Amamo who came with him.

Now facing Xia Yan, who can change the fate of the entire ethnic group and almost "give" them food, how could he not change his attitude?

"Yes, it's that simple. The higher the concentration of venom, the higher quality food can be exchanged. We help each other and benefit each other."

What does Xia Yan need so much venom for?


Naganadel is the venom of these extreme beasts.

Not your ordinary venom and toxin.

And it was processed at Xia Yan's request to increase the concentration of venom.

These venoms fall into his hands, and can be turned into various poison-type props through simple reprocessing and production.

Say high concentrations of venom can make "Black Sludge" or even "Toxic Orbs".

If the concentration is relatively low, you can make 'Max Repel' and 'Super Repel'.

A little lower, a normal 'Repel' can also be made. "

Whether it is handed over to the Hunter Guild for processing.

It is a good choice to hand it over to Devon Corporation or the Aether Foundation.

Even if the concentration is really low.

Can be used to grow "Qulot Berry", "Oran Berry" and "Petaya Berry".

The fruit trees of these trees all need a certain amount of toxin cultivation to grow faster and better.

And wait for the mutual trust to increase.

What the Naganadels produce isn't just venom either.

For example, shed Poison Barb, dragon scales, etc., are quite valuable materials.

This is a group of extreme dragon-type beasts, and it is not an exaggeration to think of them as a group of dragon-type Pokémon.

Isn't the background of Celestic Town where Cynthia is located, the "dragon's tomb" turned into a piece of space debris that can continuously provide resources?


Losing is definitely not a loss, but can also make a lot of money.

Become a mutually beneficial businessman across time and space.


Make a real connection with the Naganadels.

In this way, no matter what will happen to Ultra Space and Ultra Space in the future, Xia Yan can at least guarantee that he has a certain amount of power.

No matter if this power is used to deal with the Ultra Metropolis, or to deal with the runaway Necrozma, or to protect itself, it is a good power.


Let Naganadel and Poipole consume a lot of their own venom.

There is no extra energy to do things like attacking the ultimate metropolis.

This is as much a protection for them as it is for the ultimate metropolis.

at last.

It is their power that will become one of the important bargaining chips in the negotiation between Xia Yan and the Ultimate Metropolis.

At least one of the confidence.

【it is good! 】

The old Naganadel agreed immediately, for fear that Xia Yan would go back on it.

Ultra Beasts are the same as Pokémon.

There are relatively few twists and turns.

They saw Xia Yan's sincerity and naturally trusted him.

Xia Yan believes that he will not betray their trust.

Slowly said: "If there are other people around you who cannot survive, you can call them together. I am willing to provide you with help at the same time, and unite your forces."

Hearing this, the Naganadels looked at each other.

If all the Naganadel groups around the megalopolis unite, then


PS: 1.2w today! As of today's 30th, the word 42w has been updated. Is it too much to ask for a monthly pass? If you don't vote, it will expire~~

(End of this chapter)

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