The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 927 Scale Expansion (7.5K+!)

Chapter 926 Scale expansion (7.5k+!)

After communicating with the old Naganadel in the Valley, I learned.

There are a total of sixteen Naganadels and more than two hundred Poipoles in this group.

It is already a very large group in the wilderness outside the ultimate metropolis.

If it weren't for the lack of resources over the years, which caused a large number of Poipoles and Naganadels to become weak and eventually lose their lives, their population would undoubtedly become larger.

But even so.

After Xia Yan's observation.

in this group.

Except that the old Naganadel's current strength cannot be accurately judged for the time being, Xia Yan has more or less a concept of the strength of the rest of Naganadel and Poipole.


There are a total of four Naganadels at the Elite level. The one who took the lead to pick them up before is the strongest and the next leader of the entire clan.

And the rest of the Naganadels are all quasi-Elite.

That is a total of twelve quasi-Elite Naganadels.

As for Poipole, it ranges from the weakest to the master class.

To know.

This Naganadel group has lived here for many years.

In addition, Naganadel, who has the Dragon Attribute, has a long lifespan and strong physical fitness.

Just such a scale of strength.

In Xia Yan's view, the root cause is the lack of resources.

if there are sufficient resources.

In addition, without too many natural enemies, after so many years of development, I am afraid it will become very terrifying.


It's not too late.

At least Xia Yan knew from the mouth of old Naganadel.

If there are enough resources, there are many Poipoles and Naganadels in their clan, and they can quickly increase their strength.

And Xia Yan, who only needs their venom for the time being, has become the most important ally of the Naganadels.


For Xia Yan proposed.

He can not only provide resources to Naganadel and Poipole in this valley, but also provide resources to all surrounding Poipole and Naganadel tribes.

But correspondingly, they all need to become Xia Yan's allies and pay the same "conditions".

After learning what Xia Yan meant.

The old Naganadel has sent three Elite-level Naganadels out of the Valley to go to the Naganadel tribes in the rest of the Wilderness Region outside the Metropolis.

It is believed that with the so-called "conditions" proposed by Xia Yan, the consent of the rest of the Naganadel ethnic group will soon be obtained.

Xia Yan suddenly had one.

The illusion of being cultivated by a lord and recruiting troops and horses.

three days later.

"So. Brother, you mean. I'm actually a Pokémon?"

Ono stared blankly at the "Infinite Crystal" in Xia Yan's hands.

She could clearly feel that the energy contained in it echoed with it.


Xia Yan still chose to tell Ono about this.

This was the decision he made after careful consideration.

He thought that since it was Ono's business, it was better to tell her to let her make her own choices, since she should have such power.

Xia Yan gently rubbed Ono's head.

"Although I don't know the specific reason, whether it's Rayquaza's remarks or the reaction of 'Infinity Crystal' shows this fact."


Ono let out a long breath.

After the initial surprise, Ono's acceptance was much faster than Xia Yan imagined.


He felt that Ono seemed to have expected it long ago.

Ono's reaction also confirmed Xia Yan's conjecture.

Just listen to her muttering: "I always feel that I am a little bit strange, a little different from ordinary people Mikey."

"How to say?"

Ono slowly raised her hand, and a purple energy halo surrounded her palm, intertwining and extending.


Latios next to him stared blankly at Ono's raised hand and the energy in her hand.

Xia Yan raised his eyebrows.

"Dragon Power?"

Ono pouted and nodded, "Suddenly there is a power that allows me to feel the mood swings of Dragon Pokémon, including Poipole and Naganadel. I really am not human."

Xia Yan slightly raised his forehead.


The reason why Ono chose Help Poipole and Naganadel is because of her "Dragon Power", and she has a connection with Poipole, right?


It is also because of her "dragon power" that the Naganadels did not reject her.

It is only through the use of "Dragon Power" that Ono can heal Poipole to a certain extent.


Xia Yan didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"'Dragon Power' is not proof that you are not human."

On the other hand, Ono's physical fitness far surpasses that of a human being, and the fact that she can fight Kommo-o's fist directly can better prove the fact that she is not human.

"Eh? Really?" Ono blinked.

"Osios!" Latios nodded again and again.

Then Xia Yange Ono talked about some of the special abilities that humans in the Pokémon world can have.

Except for Xia Yan, who has never seen the "power of super gram", he has basically seen the rest.

Ono suddenly showed a "so it is" expression.

But it came back quickly.


Is this a mistake?


It is somewhat beyond Xia Yan's expectations that Ono can possess "Dragon Power".

Latios doesn't seem to be capable of this?

Xia Yan slowly squeezed the "Infinite Crystal" in his hand.

"I guess it is possible for you to return to the appearance of a Pokémon when you get this 'infinite crystal', but how you choose depends on you."


Ono fell silent.

Although due to a misunderstanding, Ono realized the fact that he was a Pokémon early.

But it is not an easy decision to make her adapt to the human life for more than ten years and change back to Pokémon.

She looked at Xia Yan.

"Brother, can I think about it again?"


Xia Yan smiled softly and said:

"Whether you are a Pokémon or a human, you are my sister, and I support your choice."

After confirming the safety of Ono, Xia Yan would not make her change back to Latias.

The choice is in her hands.


Ono's head is like pounding garlic.

Latios, who was next to him, also gently put his hand on her head.

Although it and Latias Ono have lost all memory.

But just like Xia Yan, it also regards Ono as a younger sister, and will support no matter what decision she makes.

Feeling Latios' emotions, Ono smiled playfully, jumped and hugged Latios' neck, then rolled over and put it on its back.

Soon, there was a commotion.

Xia Yan shook his head helplessly.

"Wait a minute, Ono, try to teach Latios the power of the dragon."

"Ow~ Got it."


outside the cave.

There was Naganadel's roar.

Xia Yan immediately put away the helplessness on his face, his expression moved slightly, and he strode out.

The "waveguide power" is felt.

Within the Valley, there were different mood swings.


With a whistling wind, the next leader of Naganadel, the strongest Elite Naganadel, fell beside Xia Yan.

at the same time.

Pokémons such as Beedrill and Alakazam, who were adapting to the inner environment of Ultra Space, also returned to Xia Yan's surroundings.

After all, the environment in Ultra Space is very different from the Pokémon world. If you want to play to your full strength, it is best to adapt for a while.

Good thing it is.

They fit in pretty well.


With the induction and familiarity with Ultra Space, the ultimate aura and the ultimate energy particles, Pokémons have also more or less gained a lot of benefits.


Of course, the biggest benefit is definitely Cosmog.

As soon as the naughty little guy saw Xia Yan, he fell directly into his arms.

"Ancient ~ Ancient ~"

Charm arched his head like.

Xia Yan has long been used to this greedy little guy.

He took out an energy cube and blocked its mouth.

Looking at Naganadel by his side, the telepathy is activated.

"Is the first batch here?"

Naganadel nodded solemnly.

【Um. It's those guys from the big mountains. 】

There does not seem to be harmony between the different Naganadel groups.

"Is it strong?"

Naganadel raised his head proudly and looked at Soaring in the sky.

【Normal. 】

Xia Yan grinned lightly.

Under the guard of a group of Pokémon, he rolled over onto Doron Bartto's back and flew into the air.

at the same time.

The Naganadel and Poipoles in the big valley also flew up one after another, surrounding Xia Yan, with a look that was obviously centered on him.


This group of Naganadels and Poipoles, the Contest Condition is obviously much better than when Xia Yan first arrived.

Although only three days.

But in the three days of sufficient food, the Naganadel and Poipoles in the Great Valley have received a lot of supplements.

Compared to the Pokémon who were struggling to come from Struggle from a distance at this time, the Contest Condition and expressions were much better.


The group of Naganadel and Poipole hovered in front of Xia Yan, many of whom were weak in Contest Condition and needed to support each other.

"Three Elite-level, eleven quasi-Elite-level, a total of fourteen Naganadels. Poipole also looks like there are more than a hundred. It is also a large group, but it is indeed a little weaker than the big Valley. But no With the old Naganadel, it's not that big of a difference."

While Xia Yan was observing them, the Naganadels were also observing this side.

After three days of healthy eating, the Contest Condition of Naganadel and Poipole in the Big Valley is Xia Yan's biggest trump card.

And the leader on the opposite side was also looking at Xia Yan up and down.


A dragon roar resounded through the Valley.

Hearing this, the Naganadels on Xia Yan's side changed color, especially the strongest one following Xia Yan.

Vibrating his wings slightly, he wanted to step forward.

But Xia Yan stopped him.

I saw him smiling and saying:

"Since it wants to try, I don't mind, just don't blame me for bullying it."

Immediately look to the side.



After successfully entering the championship level, Beedrill, who was more sharp-edged than the Elite level, nodded slightly.

At this time, if it weren't for the pair of golden wings that flashed with fine flocculent arcs, it was somewhat similar to Giovanni's Beedrill.

It is no longer as sharp-edged as before, but maximized the precipitation of aura and energy.

Giovanni's Beedrill, gave it enough inspiration.

Of course, it's just inspiration, it's not exactly the way of Giovanni Beedrill.

Xia Yan's Beedrill has its own goals and directions.


When it's not fighting, it looks like a normal Beedrill.

And following Xia Yan's gesture, Beedrill gently vibrated his wings and came directly in front of Xia Yan.


The dark red aura slowly spread, and the momentum belonging to the champion Pokémon gradually erupted, and a huge sense of oppression rose from it.

The expression of the leader of Naganadel on the opposite side immediately became very serious.

"bring it on."

Xia Yan waved gently towards the Naganadel opposite.


Naganadel is not stage fright.

Even in the face of the obviously stronger Beedrill, it has no intention of backing down.

Just after staring at Beedrill for a moment, a surging dragon energy suddenly rose from his body. With the blessing of "Dragon Dance", his momentum rose rapidly.

Immediately after.

A thick, stench of purple venom shot quickly from the huge Poison Barb on its tail, targeting Beedrill.


Xia Yan shook his head.

At a glance, Naganadel doesn't know anything about Pokémon.

Poison-type moves pose little threat to Poison-type Pokémon.


Beedrill ducked again, symbolically.

Just vibrating the wings lightly, and jumping with a golden arc as thin as a hair, easily avoided this attack.

Immediately after.

The speed of the golden thread did not decrease, just a flickering jump, appeared beside Naganadel.

So fast!

All Naganadel present were shocked.

Moreover, only the Elite Naganadel can capture the Flying trajectory of Beedrill in front of him.

But it can only capture the trajectory, but can't keep up.

That speed alone is not something they can compete with.

'This human companion, so strong? ’

The Naganadels of the Great Valley also saw Xia Yan's Pokémon fighting for the first time.

The strength that can be shown, but let them compare secretly one by one.

found that the results were the same.

Simply incomparable.

Not Rival!


Naganadel of Great Valley looked at Xia Yan.

'Does this human really want to be an ally with us, rather than simply wanting to help us? ’

because they found out.

Xia Yan doesn't seem to need their power very much.

The so-called quid pro quo "Venom" also seems so ridiculous.

How do you see it, it looks like Xia Yan is "helping the poor"?

In business, the most successful thing is to make customers feel that they have made a lot of money and be grateful from the bottom of their hearts.

Of course, Xia Yan did not pit them, it was mutually beneficial.

For the strong, whether it is Pokémon or the ultimate beast, they all obey the laws of nature and have more awe than humans.

"X-Scissor." Xia Yan commanded with a smile.

boom! !

The Beedrill needle that appeared beside Naganadel seemed to be waving Frillishly.

But the moment the needle touched Naganadel, ferocious Bug Type energy suddenly burst out from the tip of the needle.

The terrifying force directly oppressed Naganadel, unable to turn his head, and the severe pain instantly eroded his consciousness.

see you.

The huge Naganadel slammed straight out of the air, and fell heavily on the top, making a big dent.


But it tried to stand up, and when it tried to get up again, it saw Beedrill's scarlet indifferent compound eyes, and a sharp long needle that was less than a fist away from its head.

Complete defeat!

There is little chance of resistance.


Xia Yan stood in front of it.

did not speak.

Just took out a treatment spray and did a simple treatment to its wound.

The strength this time is not only shown to the Naganadels in the Great Mountains, but also to the Naganadels in the Great Valley.

So Xia Yan didn't mean to keep his hands at all, so he sent the champion Beedrill directly.

End the battle with lightning speed.

And the result is obvious.

Whether it's Naganadel in the big valley or Naganadel from the big mountains, there are no small changes in the eyes that look at him.

It was a simple show of power.


The Naganadels in the Great Valley already had basic trust in Xia Yan, and they also saw the sincerity given by Xia Yan.

But long-term cooperation, if there is not enough strength to maintain, Xia Yan thinks that it will not last long.

So, what should be shown should still be shown.

The benefits that should be given should still be given.

In fact, it is a very simple "stick and radish" theory.


He needs to be clear and absolutely dominant in the cooperation between the two parties.

In this way, future cooperation can be more sustainable.

Although the Naganadels of the Great Mountains did not seem to deal very well with the Naganadels of the Great Valley, they still showed enough respect when they saw the old Naganadel.

And with this old Naganadel as a guarantee, plus Xia Yan's strength and sincerity.

Soon the Naganadels of the Great Mountains made a decision.

The family moved to the Great Valley.

Anyway, this Valley is very big, not to mention accommodating a large mountain group, even if it accommodates ten, there is no problem.

And with the addition of the first group of foreigners, the Naganadels of the Great Mountains, the entire Great Valley became lively again.

They were the first Naganadel tribe to join the Xiayan Alliance, but they were definitely not the last.

Without even realizing it.

Xia Yan, a "stowaway" passenger, has slowly started to accumulate stockpile in the big valley outside the ultimate metropolis.

This power.

It is to give Xia Yan a certain amount of power.

At the same time, it is also a defense against the ultimate metropolis.

The Sun-devouring Department of the Ultra Metropolis has become more and more obvious to test the world of Pokémon, opening Ultra Wormhole again and again and releasing the ultimate monster, Xia Yan has no sympathy for them.

This is his backhand.

In the event that the people of the Metropolis can't control the broken Necrozma in the Tower of the Metropolis in the future, or they find a way to restore Necrozma, they don't know what to do to the Pokémon world.

There is always nothing wrong with taking precautions early.

Another seven days passed.

"The ultimate aura or the ultimate energy particle, in the final analysis, is related to the natural energy invoked by the Z move. It is precisely because of the Ultra Wormhole in the Alola Region that a certain degree of the ultimate aura pervades. , so that things like Z pure crystal appear.

In the Pokémon world, it is impossible to use 'Z moves' without 'Z pure crystal', but in Ultra Space, the limitations may not be so great.

You can try a little bit, absorb a small amount, and see if you can make a difference.

But remember that you must not absorb too much. If it is too much, ask Little Nebula Cosmog for help. "

In front of Xia Yan.

Beedrill and Alakazam listened.

Regarding the use of the ultimate aura to perform "Z moves", after Xia Yan settled down in the big valley, he tried to make Beedrill and Alakazam more familiar with "Z moves" to conduct simple trial training.

But progress is slow.

Because Pokémon actively absorbs the ultimate aura is a very dangerous and risky attempt.

That is to say, Xia Yan has a small Nebula Cosmog to save the field, otherwise he would not dare to make such a risky attempt.

but if.

For Beedrill and Alakazam to be able to push the envelope in this area, even with just a little bit of power, that's a huge improvement for them.

after all.

After all, the ultimate aura of the Alola Region was also brought by Necrozma, the "God of Lucas". "Z Pure Crystal" and "Z Moves" can also be traced back to Necrozma.

in the original.

UB: Jet black is Necrozma in normal form.

It was only by absorbing the ultimate aura released by humans, Pokémon, and island guardians in the Alola Region, plus the "Z-movement" energy exerted by Ash, Glagio and others, that he regained his position as the ultimate "Lucas God". "form.

But the natural energy brought by the ultimate aura and "Z pure crystal" is different after all, and there is a process of conversion.

And this process requires Beedrill and Alakazam to explore and try.

This attempt, others really can not learn.

Without Cosmog, Xia Yan would not be so bold.

"Beer beer."


Beedrill and Alakazam nodded.

"It's not in a hurry anyway. It is estimated that it will take a long time to travel to and from the Pokémon world and Ultra Space. We have time to explore."

After listening to Xia Yan's explanation, the two Pokémon continued their training.



With Xia Yan's shout, Shelgon and Sliggoo trotted to Xia Yan.

to say.

In this valley with a large number of Naganadel and Poipole, which little guys benefit the most, it must be these two little guys.

When Naganadel and Poipoles gained enough food sources and the Contest Condition returned to normal, the entire valley began to slowly diffuse strong dragon energy.


It's good for everyone to maintain their own energy supply, and they dare to spill over there.

Well now.

This valley seems to have become a gathering place for Naganadel and Poipoles.

From the Great Mountains Naganadel group seven days ago.

Later, one after another, they arrived one after another, including the Naganadel ethnic groups in four or five regions, such as the great desert, the great river bank, and the wasteland.

The ethnic groups that came here ranged in size, strong and weak.

There was even a group led by only one Naganadel, and the rest were all Poipole.


In today's Great Valley, the number of Naganadels has exceeded 50, the number of Elite Naganadels has exceeded 10, and the number of Poipoles has approached thousands.

Such a terrifying amount.

to be frank.

The daily resource consumption is huge.

But correspondingly, the venom produced is also very impressive.

The main thing.

For the Naganadels who pay more attention to venom, products such as dragon scales and dragon teeth have become the bulk of Xia Yan's conversion income.


This is still not the end.

There are also quite a few Naganadels who seek out different Naganadel groups in the wilderness.

They will gather all the Naganadels together.

Xia Yan was looking forward to it.

Will there be one or even a few champion Naganadels.

after all.

Ultra Space is also a place comparable to the size of the Pokémon world, so that's how much it gathers.


The gathering of so many Naganadels has made Shelgon, Sliggoo, Latios and other dragon-type Pokémon more active, and the training speed and efficiency have skyrocketed.

And in the relationship between Latios and Ono, they also slowly gained the "Dragon Power".

Although for Latios, "Dragon Power" is about equal to Dragon-type energy, but there are still some differences.

Purely from the performance point of view, the dragon-type moves used are more powerful.

"Mr. Xia Yan!"

Amamo trotted to Xia Yan, panting heavily, a special screen projection on her wrist flickered.

this time.

Amamo also witnessed the changes in the Great Valley, and saw the picture of Naganadel, the ultimate beast, living in harmony with humans.

It is even more certain that the human beings in the ultimate metropolis can also coexist harmoniously with the ultimate alien beasts.

And for Xia Yan, who contributed to all this now, he admires and respects from the bottom of his heart.

Just look at Xia Yan's position in the hearts of Naganadel and Poipole in the big valley at this time.

Almost as long as Xia Yan waved.

The Naganadels closest to him would take the initiative to fall at his feet, carrying him wherever he wanted to go.

Such respect.

Not only from the food provided by Xia Yan, but also because of Xia Yan's respect for Naganadel and Poipole.

In the current Da Valley, there are already a group of Naganadel and Poipole, who have begun to train and strengthen according to Xia Yan's training plan.

And all these Naganadels and Poipoles, the primary training direction, is a move called "Ally Switch"!

Of course, such training has only just begun.

But Naganadel and Poipoles are serious.

"Xia, Mr. Xia Yan. After three or three hours, the Ultra Wormhole will become stable, which is suitable for the jumping and shuttle of the Ultra Wormhole." Amamo said intermittently.


Xia Yan's eyes lit up.

He patted Amamo on the shoulder.

"Good. Good work."

A bit of blush appeared on Amamo's pale face, and she shook her head again and again.

"No, it's not hard."

Small tool people, very tool people awareness.

[Xia Yan, are you going back? 】

Old Naganadel also heard what Amamo said and couldn't help but ask.

Xia Yan smiled and said:

"Well, the food is consumed faster than I thought. But I'll be back soon, you don't have to worry."

Old Naganadel nodded slightly, hesitated for a moment, and spoke again.

[Would you like to let a few clansmen go back with you? 】

"No." Xia Yan waved his hand, "You can develop in peace, just continue to absorb the rest of the clan, I will bring enough food."

Bring back a few extreme beasts?

That's a lot of trouble.

【it is good. I will let them put away the venom and other materials that they have reserved for you now. 】

Old Naganadel, because he is old enough and strong enough at his peak, so even if he is old now, he is very prestige.

Xia Yan didn't refuse any more and nodded.

He needs these materials in exchange for more resources.

The ultimate metropolis tower.

The ultimate meeting of the Metropolis.

The Yueyue Department and the Sun-devouring Department sit on both sides.

"Recently, the valley outside the metropolis seems to be moving a bit."

"What time is it? Are you still concerned about the Great Valley? This Necrozma riot will be more ferocious than the last time. Even if it is suppressed, the interval between 'lights out' will be shortened again in the future. You might as well consider this aspect more. The problem."

"So we invited the Moon Ministry to propose. Allocate some of Necrozma's power to the ultimate monster. In this way, not only will Necrozma be weakened, but it will also increase our control over the ultimate monster. We can't fully think about relying on the Pokémon world. A different world."

"Continue to differentiate Necrozma? Nonsense! Then Necrozma has the possibility of a complete recovery?! You are drinking poison to quench thirst, but not the root cause!"

"Then what do you Sun Eaters say now? If you can't suppress Necrozma, the Metropolis is really going to perish!"

The two leaders face each other.

"Report to the two ministers! We found out a little bit about Lunala's whereabouts."



PS: Thank you "After Shang Yang" for the leader's reward! Give tea to the boss~~

(End of this chapter)

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