The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 549: response

"It's so powerful, isn't it? If someone kills it, not the whole world will be destroyed."

"No one can kill him out of control. Of course, if someone does what they do, the world will be destroyed or something."


"After investigation, the three did indeed appear together.

And the first time they appeared, it was during the disciple recruitment ceremony of our Thunder God Sect. Among them, Jiang Hongfei had a good aptitude except that Jiang Hongfei.

In addition to having a heavenly fire spirit root.

The qualifications of the remaining two are average.

One of the masterpieces, Yu Qingyang, just lost the identity of an outside disciple.

The other one, who is suspected to be the leader, is named Wang Musheng. The aptitude he tested is even lower, just becoming an outside walker.

After that, Jiang Hongfei worshipped, under the door of Junior Sister Ruyan.

The other two were taken over one after the other, the incomplete No. 63 Spirit Beast Pen.

Very clean. "

"It can arouse the attention of Junior Sister Chi Ruyan, and is considered a simple existence by Junior Sister Ruyan.

His clean and terrifying identity was originally the biggest abnormality.

When a strong person grows up, that is not accompanied by a **** storm. "

"Do you think the other party will be, otherwise, how could it behave like this with such power."

Although the elder didn't say it clearly, the meaning of it was already obvious, that was Wang Musheng and his party, could it be fake at all.

After all, in their personal view, if they have such power and want to get something, they will never discuss it with the other party, and just take it away.

The realm of cultivating immortals is a huge dark jungle. The strong possess everything, and the weak can only live humblely, or die.

This is the current state of the world of immortality.

"Sister Ruyan, do you think?"

Following the exit of these words, everyone present at the moment couldn't help but look at Chi Ruyan.

"I don't understand the specific strength of several people. First of all, it is Wang Musheng, although his strength does not seem to be high on the outside, he hasn't even built a foundation yet.

And the body is full of loopholes. Generally speaking, such a person should have died long ago.

However, he is still alive.

More importantly, from this person, I felt a kind of inexplicable fear, that is, fear, a kind of instinctive fear that resembles a low-level creature, seeing a high-level creature.

It seems that the other party is not a human being, but a god.

Coupled with the opponent's hand, the power of the magical way of life.

So I didn't dare to test each other easily.

As for the Yu Qingyang, I don't know.

On the contrary, he has a certain understanding of Jiang Hongfei.

I once asked about his power.

He said that his power is not a concept with us, and he also said that maybe in the future we will have the opportunity to touch this power.

Another apprentice of mine expressed his disbelief and wanted to compete with him.

His answer is that this kind of competition is meaningless.

The nature of his power is different, as long as he is willing, he can easily knock down anyone, and he will not be able to do anything at all.

Although the fight between the two did not go on due to various reasons, I could feel that the little guy Jiang Hongfei did not lie.

More importantly, this little guy's usual attitude.

To me, to some people around me, there is no fear of any kind.

Whether it is the brothers and sisters around him, or me, or those servants, the attitude is basically the same, very relaxed, casual, and peaceful.

I have carefully observed that this is not the character of this little guy, how good his heart is.

But in his eyes, those of us, whether it is a high peak of autonomy, elders, or low down servants.

For him, there is no difference.

This is a kind of arrogance above the yard instinct.

Ignore everything, and don't talk about the arrogance that anyone looks at.

This is what I know. The specific situation is better for the brothers and elders.

However, I would rather believe in what is there than what is not, everything is good for the stability of the Thunder God Sect. "

Chi Ruyan directly spoke out all the information he knew, and at the same time said that he would not participate in this matter, so they could decide by themselves.

Regarding this, the surrounding elders are not surprised.

This is Chi Ruyan's character.

Rarely participates in various rights disputes or various trivial matters.

When she has time, she is more willing to shrink on her Chiyan Peak, refining alchemy, enlightenment, and practice.

Perhaps it was precisely because of this dedication that he had the current Chi Ruyan, and he became the youngest leader of the Thunder God Sect at a young age.


Sixty-three spirit animal pen.

"Senior, the little fat man said that you can make me very powerful, very powerful, is this true?"


It's just that everything is fair in this world. I can make you stronger in a very short time, but are you ready to accept the price? "

"What's the price."

"Many such as no longer able to grow.

Terrible side effects.

It might even be because of a sudden increase in power that you have a loophole in your mood and become a heinous monster.


Who knows?

Anyway, something bad will happen. "

"So, isn't there a way without these side effects?"



"Well, but this method is in a strange place, I can't do it yet."

"Strange place, what is that place?"

"It's called the Jade Emperor Realm, but it's not completely free of side effects. It's just that some people say that these side effects have been resisted, so that the impact of these side effects has been reduced to the point of minimal.

However, in this way, you are destined to be controlled by others. "

"Do you want to listen to that man's order?"

"Well, although it is not absolute, but the first thing is that you must completely stand by that person's side."

"This is not the same as our situation in the Thunder God Sect."

"Yes indeed!"

"So, this side effect is really small.

So how can I get there? "

"Want to go there! It depends on the time."

"how long?"

"About five or six hundred years is enough."

"It will take so long!"

Compared with Chi Ruyan's vigilance, there is another kind of interesting situation. Bai Yuchan is different. With the relationship of the little fat man, if there is nothing to do, he will run to the 63rd spirit beast pen. .

Talk to Wang Musheng from time to time.

Sometimes, some homemade pastries are also served.


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