The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 550: Cultivator

The heart of Sima Zhao is well known.

Bai Yuchan's purpose was obvious, and that was to get closer to Wang Musheng. After all, she had heard a lot of what Wang Musheng said from the little fat man.

The little girl was also very good to deceive, and soon the image of a tall and wise man was erected in the little girl's heart.

I thought that such a powerful character, once served, even if a little something appeared between the fingers, it would be enough for myself to enjoy.

How naive!

But Chi Ruyan didn't stop Bai Yuchan from doing this.

Perhaps, she also wants to learn about Wang Musheng from the side in this way!

"Hehe, the foundation is the most important. You are still polishing the foundation now, so that you can go further in the future.

Don't get too far.

This not only harms oneself, but also often harms others. "

"I think too! But I feel that cultivation is so slow. From when I was sensible, my father made me afraid of cultivation. Now I am sixteen years old and I am still cultivating. I really don't know when I am tall.

Moreover, even if this is the case, I am not as good as my age, and even the guys who are much younger, are inferior. "

"Let's do it! I will give you a good thing, so that you will not feel tired after practicing."

"What is it?"

This is a creature that looks like a cotton candy, white, soft, without hands or feet, but with big eyes and able to fly.

Although it has no offensive power.

However, it can be directly bound to the master, with the characteristics that the master is immortal and the self will not die.

As for the ability of this little guy, it is also very simple.

That is, the player's body can be directly digitized, except for the fact that it cannot be upgraded, there is no difference between the other and the game panel.

And this kind of organism, named by Wang Mu's life as a cultivating spirit, is a space of its own, in which certain items can be stored.

Only need to practice, after completing certain tasks, you can get corresponding rewards.

Although in essence, cultivation is still cultivation, there is no change, but being played like this by Wang Musheng makes the boring cultivation suddenly interesting.

This little guy can be regarded as a by-product of Wang Musheng's creation of the spirit storage beast for himself, and then because of Wang Musheng's joke.

After Yu Qingyang, there was a joint transformation by Little Fatty.

Just got it right now.

Is this cultivating spirit just finished? Bai Yuchan was fortunate enough to be called, this first user.

Host: Bai Yuchan.

Race: Terran.

Age: 16 years old.

Level: Early Jindan.

Cultivation method: Chiyan Pill Sutra 3rd level, Fenyan Jue 2nd level.

Deputy occupation: alchemist level 3.

Skills: Fire avoidance curse, fire curse......!

Current task:......!


According to Wang Musheng's account, Bai Yuchan opened up his own attributes, with many attributes, densely packed, and hundreds of them.

The most important thing is that these attributes are all real.

Even Bai Yuchan didn't even know many of the attributes, but after seeing the attribute panel, he suddenly realized this time.

For example.

Bloodline, Bai Yuchan didn't expect that there was a special bloodline hidden in his body, even though it was just a low-level fiery bloodline.

But this is also blood!

Once you awaken your own strength, you will surely get a substantial increase again.

There are all kinds of exercises, behind the magic, the proficiency, and the attributes of infinity.

From here, you can see how you should practice so that you can upgrade your magic skills more quickly, and you can also see how closely you fit this spell.

Bai Yuchan was very sad to discover that among the magic techniques that he had cultivated, the one with the highest degree of intricateness was only 30% in degree.

Naturally, it goes without saying that this technique is also the best practiced by Bai Yuchan, and the most convenient one to use.

Bai Yuchan tried to practice for a while, and found magically that the various attributes on the attribute panel were updated and changed in real time.

I was stuck in a bottleneck before, and for a long time, I didn't know if my strength had improved, and I would inevitably fall into entanglement and irritability.

However, with this attribute panel, even if the strength is only insignificant, the slight improvement in strength that you can't feel yourself, will be shown by obvious data.

This invisibly increased the motivation for cultivation.

How do you say it?

Hard work is not terrible.

The scary thing is that no matter how hard you work hard, you can't see any gains.

That is the most desperate.

Not to mention, there is also a task system.

As long as you complete the task, you can get a certain reward.

It is even more unstoppable.

"is this real?"

Bai Yuchan glanced at the task list below his attribute panel, and the rewards after the corresponding task list.

Then he looked at Wang Musheng again and said with some uncertainty.

"Is it true? You'll know if you try."

"Try it?

Try it out. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Let's start with a simpler task.

The first task of the main line, the strength is promoted to the middle stage of Jindan.

This is a bit difficult. It didn't take long for me to break through the Golden Core period. This short-term was impossible to achieve.

Side mission one, won the first place in the Zongmen Competition.

This is also a bit difficult!

More importantly, is there a long time for the Zongmen Grand Bishop?


Side task eleven, complete a pill refining of any level.

This is good, that's it. "

With that said, Bai Yuchan didn't evade Wang Musheng, he directly took out the pill furnace, used the pill fire, and started the refining of the pill on the spot.

Because this task has no requirements for the grade of the pill.

Therefore, Bai Yuchan's refining is a low-level pill that aids in cultivation, the Guiyuan Pill.

Because of familiarity.

The pill is also the lowest level.

Therefore, in just a moment, Bai Yuchan completed the refining.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, complete side task eleven, complete one refining of any pill, and get a bronze treasure chest."

Looking at the bronze treasure box that suddenly appeared in front of him, Bai Yuchan's small eyes suddenly lit up.

Hurried forward to open the treasure chest.


With a flash of light, the bronze treasure box disappeared, and a beautiful white dress appeared in front of Bai Yuchan.

And Bai Yuchan's eyes were instantly attracted by this dress.


From this day on, Wang Musheng finally ushered in a rare and peaceful time.

Experiment and study the way of life.

Or just simply salt the fish, sit by the river, go fishing, and sunbathe.


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