The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 346: Shock

The monks of the Southern Territory pursued Taoism, longevity, and attaining Taoism through immortality.

However, for the monks in the Northern Territory, unless they are not afraid of everything, their first choice is to find a way to survive.

Live better.

When they came to the Jade Emperor Realm, they were preparing to live a better life.

How could you leave so easily?

Moreover, there is no saying about sect in the Northern Territory.

The unique training system of the Northern Territory, the beast gods.

It is even more different from the cultivation system of the Southern Territory.

Therefore, there is no monopoly.

It can be said that, apart from their own tribe, these people are not loyal to any existence.

However, the Jade Emperor Realm, in the Northern Territory, is basically a tribe, and the whole is close to the Jade Emperor Realm.

Because of the terrifying environment.

Therefore, among the various tribes in the Northern Territory, there are basically no old people.

They are basically young and strong.

Directly organize the entire tribe to participate in the trial.

Newborns in the tribe are naturally unable to participate in the trial.

However, the messenger of the Jade Emperor Realm, I said, all the little guys are exempt from the test, as long as the little guys' parents pass the trial, the little guys directly enter it.

Because Wang Musheng has always believed that at the beginning of man, nature is good.

Adults have formed their own inherent character.

Either black or white.

However, the little guys are just a piece of white paper. What they can grow into in the end depends entirely on the surrounding environment, acquired teachings, and their influence.

Wang Musheng didn't believe it. With the current strength of the Jade Emperor Realm, he couldn't teach a group of little guys well.

If so, this Jade Emperor Realm can also be abolished directly.


With a special energy fluctuation, I only listened to the sound before and did not see the unknown existence of the person, but out of thin air, he appeared on the void.

This is an extremely beautiful woman.

At the same time, he is also a very powerful monk.

As for what the women look like, these people don't dare to look at it in detail. That is an offense. They don't want to die if they offend such a terrifying existence?

At the same time, appeared at the same time with this woman.

There are many more, there are thousands of terrifying brawny men about 2.5 meters in height.

These strong men are naturally the barbarians.

The original size of the barbarian belongs to its huge existence.

However, after breaking through to the fit period, after having perfect control of the body.

But it is already possible to control the size of the body at will.

The woman hadn't spoken, and the moment she reappeared, she glanced at the monks who chose to leave and were not planning to join the Xiaoyao Palace.

The woman just waved gently.

Among the strong men behind, more than two hundred strong men walked out immediately.

I came directly to the side of these monks.

Discrete left and right.

With a big wave of his hand, white clouds grew on the ground.

Carrying these monks directly, he hurried to the location of Xiaoyao Palace.

Since he was unwilling to join the Xiaoyao Palace, he was naturally not eligible to enjoy the corresponding benefits, and he knew too much about the existence of the Jade Emperor Realm.

The previous free body baptism is already a great favor.

"Now let's officially meet, I am the palace lord of Yaoguang Palace, Murong Lingyun, and I will be responsible for your main entrance ceremony.

The rules are just the above.

Not much.

But Xiaoyao Palace has zero tolerance for those who violate the rules.

If you really have any grievances that cannot be solved, you can go directly to the ruling hall, and the ruling hall is responsible for the ruling.

As your benefit to join the Happy Palace.

Now, I will give you a special spirit treasure and a jade disc of good fortune. "

Following the words, Murong Lingyun waved his hand, and more than tens of millions of standard jade discs appeared directly in the hands of everyone present.

"I'll give you another, spirit weapon level, a piece of Ruyi fairy clothes.

Spirit weapon level, a standard Qingfeng fairy sword.

One hundred low grade blue Ling coins. "

Following Murong Lingyun's words, various things appeared one by one in the hands of all the monks present.





This is the voice of everyone present.

There are so few restrictions on the sect, needless to say, I have never heard of it before, and there are not thousands of sects.

It seemed that he couldn't show the power of his sect.

Even the sect before them is obviously not very powerful, but the rules of this sect are so much that it makes the scalp numb.

But what about this Happy Palace?

Just three rules.

It is simply unimaginable.

This is faith!

It doesn't matter what the clan rules or anything else. People have that capital, even if they are not bound by the clan rules, they can still let you go on the path that others require.

This, such a simple rule, didn't wait for everyone present to sigh, but new benefits came again.

Of course, it was the monks of the Southern Territory who mainly sighed. As for the monks of the Northern Territory, people said they didn't feel much at all.

After all, they didn't have those strange rules.

What interests them more is.

Those things that Xiaoyao Palace gave to everyone.

Every look is exquisite.

It feels great.

Like that fairy sword, just by looking at the sharp light, you know how sharp it is.

"Good baby!"

Compared to the lack of knowledge of those guys in the Northern Territory, these monks in the Southern Territory were directly shocked and horrified.

They didn't know what the special spirit treasure was called the Good Fortune Jade Plate.

However, the Ruyi Xianyi of the spirit weapon level.

There are also spirit weapon-level fairy swords.

They know each other!

This is a magic weapon!

You know, in the Southern Realm of Immortal Cultivation, spirit artifacts are definitely ranked at the top of the treasure, for many weak sects, you can't even see it.

Even if there is, it is the treasure level of the sect.

The ones that can be used to take out the spiritual weapons are also the top-level existence in the immortal cultivation world.

However, with this kind of existence, the spirit weapons that can be taken out are extremely limited.

But what about Xiaoyao Palace?

People here, UU reading www.uukā opened the mouth and gave it away, tens of millions of various spirit artifacts, and the existence of special spirit treasures!


This is simply inhumanity!

In addition to the shock, the people present were still shocked.

However, when he came back to his senses, it was surprise and ecstasy. The sect with such a terrifying hand was weak.

For a monk, there is nothing, it is better than joining a powerful sect.

Murong Lingyun, knowing what shock this scene will bring to these monks.

Therefore, Murong Lingyun specially gave these cultivators a buffer time before continuing.

"This can be regarded as Xiaoyao Palace. Welcome everyone to join in a little meeting ceremony.

Come to think of it, you can find that Xiaoyao Palace is different from other sects.

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