The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 347: Void Train

In fact it is so.

In contrast, you think Xiaoyao Palace is a powerful sect, and you should regard it as a country and the world of cultivators.

So, in comparison.

Some rules of our Xiaoyao Palace are also very different from other sects.

Now, you can recognize the Lord by dripping blood, or use the power of the soul and refining to activate the jade disc in your hand.

Good luck jade disc is directly bound to the user and cannot be used by others.

After entering the initial setting page.

First determine your own information, this is your identity information in this Jade Emperor Realm in the future.

If there are no problems, select Confirm. "

"Um, Lord Palace, what if this information is wrong!"

As soon as Murong Lingyun's voice fell, a monk from the Southern Region in the crowd asked weakly.

"Oh, this good fortune jade disc will automatically collect the host's information. All of this involves the level of law. In theory, there should be no mistakes.

Is there any problem with your personal information? "

"Yes, above this race, I am obviously a human race, but the race shown above him is a half-demon.

As for the spiritual root, I have tested it, it is water attribute, single attribute spiritual root.

However, on this, it shows water, wood, soil, and three spiritual roots. "

The young monk said.

"Is that so?"

With that, Murong Lingyun patted it directly with a palm.

In an instant, the young monk had his soul separated directly.

After the soul was separated, it changed again.

The whole body is entangled with three-color elements, among which the blue water element is the most obvious. The wood-based green and the soil-based yellow-brown are hazy and unclear.

Moreover, the soul of the young monk was not in a purely human form. Although it was a human form, it had a cat face and a cat tail.

Now everything is clear.

Murong Lingyun stopped.

The soul of the young monk returned to the body again.

The whole process, in terms of duration, in fact, all this is just a short moment that happened.

Even the cultivators around the young cultivator did not react, and all this stopped.

"Obviously, the information given by the good fortune jade disc is not wrong. You are indeed a three-attribute spiritual root. However, only this fire attribute is explicit, and the other wood attributes and soil attributes are hidden attributes.

Moreover, you are also a half-demon.

You have a quarter of the blood of the monster race in your body.

At least one of your father, or mother, used to be a half-demon. By your generation, the bloodline of the monster race is even thinner, and there are no obvious features of the monster race.

However, as far as blood is concerned, you are indeed a half-demon. "

"This, I'm bothering you."

Suddenly, this young monk directly began to doubt his life, okay! Feeling for so many years, I haven't even figured out what four things I have.

"You don't have to worry about waiting. In my Happy Palace, there is no distinction between orthodoxy and ethnicity. What I advocate is that there is no kind of education.

Therefore, you do not need to have a psychological burden.

After confirming that there is no error in your personal information, choose OK.

On the next page.

You can set yourself a nice and loud screen name. This is a virtual identity, when you don’t want to reveal your true identity.

In Skynet, the identity name used.

After this, your good fortune jade discs can be officially linked to Skynet.

Among them, you can watch and listen to all kinds of music, as well as understand all kinds of information and intelligence in the world of Xiuxian and Jade Emperor.

Even chatting and discussing with friends.

And so on.

There are many more functions in it.

All of these are on, you can explore for yourself.

Now you are in the jade disc of good fortune, open the options of the academy.

This is what makes Xiaoyao Palace unique.

After you join the Xiaoyao Palace, you will not directly enter the Xiaoyao Palace.

Of course, if you have the power of the primordial spirit, you can directly join the Xiaoyao Palace. "


Upon hearing this, all the cultivators present couldn't help but breathe in a cold breath again.

This Happy Palace is so awesome!

This is just the threshold of entry, which requires the existence of the soul level.

You know, this is outside, and many sect masters and elders do not necessarily have a soul level.

Even among some first-rate sects, Yuanshen level, that can also walk sideways, the main force of the sect.

This is the existence, in this Xiaoyao Palace, it turned out to be only the lowest threshold to enter the Xiaoyao Palace.

What kind of existence would the highest-level power of the Xiaoyao Palace be?

Cross the robbery period.

Even immortals.


"At the beginning, you will enter academies in various cities for further studies and lay a better and more solid foundation for you.

Among the options of this college, you can see information about each college and the city where the college is located.

Each college has its own expertise.

There are also different requirements for recruited students.

You can use your personal information and preferences.

Choose the corresponding college to join.

When your strength reaches the primordial spirit level, you can formally become a member of the Xiaoyao Palace after passing the corresponding assessment.

Next, everyone, there is only activity time for three days.

You can go to the corresponding colleges for a visit, and then choose your favorite college to apply for the exam.

Three days later, we prepared a contest for everyone to enter the palace.

The ultimate winner, we have prepared generous prizes for you.

At the same time, this is also an assessment for everyone in each college, which ultimately determines whether everyone can enter their corresponding college.

If the college is unsuccessful monk.

You can choose to leave or wait, and Xiaoyao Palace will relocate to the college for everyone.

Everything is one.

Different routes lead to the same goal.

There are thousands of laws in the world, and there is no strongest, only the most suitable.

So When choosing a college, it is best to choose the college that best suits your situation and your favorite.

I hope you all can enter your own academy. "


After speaking, Murong Lingyun disappeared again.

The next thing, naturally, does not need Murong Lingyun, the palace owner of Yaoguang Palace will handle it personally, and other monks will make arrangements.


Sure enough, after Murong Lingyun left.

The monks of the barbarians officially walked down.

In the wave of his hands, one by one, one-by-one, tall and hundreds of kilometers of void trains appeared above the void.

These void trains don't look big on the outside, but on the inside, they have the power of space. They are not crowded inside, but like seats and luxurious rooms.

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