The only perfect-level bug man fell down

The members of Group B protected the three elderly people and the rescued pregnant women behind them, drew their own weapons and prepared to fight to the death

The mosquito girl's middle finger turned into a sharp straw, inserted it into Yu Sanjin's body, and began to extract his blood

Yu Sanjin's body was thinning at a speed visible to the naked eye

A fierce shout sounded in the distance


The mosquito girl looked over and saw that the man was wearing an official uniform, with frowning eyebrows, hooked nose, and a cold and ruthless look on his face

She just stretched out her tongue to lick the knife

A fist came from under her body and hit the mosquito girl's chin


The mosquito girl's eyes widened instantly

My tongue!

The one who threw the punch was Yu Sanjin, who was about to be sucked dry. At some point, he cut off one of his arms and forcibly broke free from the restraints.

"I will drag you under the water even if I die. It's worth it for the two of us to have a companion in the underworld!"

"You lunatic!"

"Master Gu Ying, attack!"

From a distance, Gu Ying looked at Yu Sanjin who was hugging the mosquito girl tightly, and no longer hesitated, rushing over at a high speed.

"Complete insect transformation"

Gu Ying's body began to change dramatically, his face turned into a huge black double claw, and his whole body was covered with black armor.

It turned into a black shovel beetle, commonly known as the Dragon Country Big Flat Shovel.

The bite force of the double claws was amazing. Gu Ying with a 40% development degree could bite out 80 tons of force, equivalent to two stacked heavy tanks.

The mosquito girl was anxious.

This mayfly insect man stretched out five legs and two tails and hugged her tightly.

And the position of its tail...

"Let go quickly, you don't want to die together, do you? ! Humanity! "

"A real man! Live when you should live, die when you should die, what is there to fear?"

Yu Sanjin raised his head, life and death were no longer important in his eyes

After saying that

He buried his head in a soft place again, revealing a wretched smile


"That's enough! Bastard!"

Seeing the attack approaching, the mosquito girl could only use her trump card

"Genetic technology: instant cerebral palsy virus"

In an instant

The mosquito girl quickly injected the cerebral palsy virus into the needle tube of Yu Sanjin's body, and Yu Sanjin's worm was numb, and the whole body was not so tightly tied

1.5 seconds of dizziness, absolute control

This move was originally a trump card for counterattack, but I didn't expect it to be used here

"Get out of here!"

She kicked away the mayfly holding her and flew high into the sky, but the attack of the shovel beetle was already in front of her

There was no escape

The mosquito girl looked flustered, and her foot blade slashed down randomly


Blocked by the armor, it was useless


One clamp cuts in two

The mosquito girl's waist and abdomen were all cut off by the stag beetle, spraying a lot of green blood

There was already disbelief in her eyes, gritted her teeth and endured the severe pain to fly higher

Looking back, she saw the dead souls coming out, and the stag beetle could actually fly, and its speed was not much slower than hers

Shouting in panic

"Mosquito swarm, stop him for me"

There were already countless green spotted mosquitoes nearby, and at the command of the mosquito girl, they launched a suicide attack on the stag beetle as if they were risking their lives

Even the perfect-level stag beetle was temporarily stopped by this desperate fighting method, giving the mosquito girl a chance to breathe

"Secret Mosquito Technique: Gene Enhancement·Blood Mosquito Transformation"


Just when there were a few bloody mosquitoes spinning in confusion, they were originally summoned by the perfect-level masked mosquito

I was worried that I couldn't find the real owner!

Here it comes, here it comes!

Their butts were bulging, like red airdrop boxes

Buzz buzz buzz~

They flew over with flapping wings, and immediately injected blood into the mosquito girl, helping her recover quickly while also temporarily strengthening her

The strengthening can last for 30 to 60 minutes, with an additional 100% increase in all attributes, but it consumes more blood

There are not many side effects

More and more mosquitoes with blood wrapped her into a ball, and from a distance it looked like a huge red balloon appeared in the sky

The red color was gradually decreasing, indicating that the blood was being absorbed by the mosquito girl. When all the blood was absorbed

A powerful monster will be born

The stag beetle saw that the situation was over, and flew away with the seriously injured and dying mayfly, ignoring the few ordinary people who asked for help below

When he looked up at the sky again, the big blood ball above was gone, and the mosquito swarm dispersed


Where is the mosquito girl?

Where did the mosquito girl who evolved in the center of the blood ball go?

At this time

A delicate voice came from behind

"Black Bug, are you looking for me? I feel so hurt when you pinched me just now!"

The stag beetle turned his head suddenly, and his pupils suddenly shrank


The mosquito girl in front of him had changed a lot. Her whole body was blood red with white stripes, her black hair was waist-length, and her white claws were longer and sharper

Her eyes had turned blood red, and she was no longer beautiful. She had become a red and white hair.Monster

Appearance -50%, Strength +100%

"This is for you"

"A small gift!"

The mosquito girl swung her white sharp blade foot, breaking the defensive armor of the stag beetle with one cut, and then cut a huge gap in it with another cut


Half of the stag beetle's wings were cut off, one of its front legs was also missing, and a large piece of flesh flew out


A shrill scream sounded

A large amount of green blood splashed from the back that was cut off by the foot blade, and the whole insect lost its balance and fell downwards

"Go to hell!"

Just as the mosquito girl grinned and prepared to give them the final blow, her insect sense jumped violently

Danger! Danger! ——

He stopped smiling instantly, flapped his wings in the opposite direction, and tilted his head back


A telephone pole flew past his head. Although he avoided the fatal blow, his cheek was still scratched with blood

He glanced in the direction of the attack

It turned out to be a gentle human

"Human? It's endless, one after another"

Xie Wen frowned and shouted to the mosquito girl across the air

"You are also a bug man? Why do you help the mosquito swarm kill humans?"

It's this stupid question again

The mosquito girl sneered

"Why do you keep asking such stupid questions"

"Humans are food, isn't it normal for mosquitoes to bite people?"

"Besides, compared to us mosquitoes, humans are the real pests!"

Xie Wen was stunned

At this moment

He realized


Mosquitoes bite people

It is the nature of mosquitoes to suck blood, just like cats love to eat fish, fish love to eat shrimp, and shrimp love spicy food!

And I, the friend of the insect man

I killed so many mosquitoes

I deserve to die!

Humans are the real pests

"You are right! Humans are pests, we should eliminate humans"


The mosquito girl was stunned


What did I say?

You have been turned against me?

Isn't the speed of the self-CPU too fast?

Something is wrong, this is very wrong

It's a trick!

It's definitely a trick!

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