In the night

Xie Wen began to transform

Into the complete insect beast form, the head began to grow larger and grow two tentacles, the tail vertebrae grew a stinger, the clothes were torn to reveal the strong muscles inside

Transparent thin wings grew on the back, a pair of legs grew again on the waist, and the whole body was covered with yellow fluff

The eyes turned into black insect eyes

A huge killer bee that was ten meters long and four meters high appeared in front of the mosquito girl

"How is it? With my current appearance and this strength, you should be convinced of me, right?"

The killer bee took the initiative to release its energy fluctuations

The mosquito girl was also shocked when she felt it

"Good... Such a strong energy fluctuation"

The other party was obviously only a first-level insect beast, but it exuded a powerful momentum that looked down on the second-level insect beasts

This energy was only slightly weaker than the mosquito mother

The mosquito mother is a second-stage king beast!

You know

Mosquito mother absorbs more than tens of thousands of human blood every day, and more than 90% of the blood collected by the mosquito swarm is given to the mosquito mother. With such a large amount of blood, an invincible second-level mosquito mother was born!

How did this insect man do it?

It is still very doubtful

"You must kill a few humans first before I can believe you"

The killer bee shook his head

"Too slow, drive the humans together and kill them together"

The mosquito girl's face was angry

"Are you ordering me, insect man?"

"I am the mosquito mother's man, why should I listen to you?"

The power and strength of the mosquito mother are the absolute overlord of a thousand miles, and no insect can disobey her

Even the killer bee in front of her can't do it


A yellow shadow flashed in front of the mosquito girl

What just passed by?


Where is my hand?


Green blood spurted out, blood gushed out

"Ah!!! It hurts so much!!"

"How dare you?"

The mosquito girl's face was ferocious because of the pain. She really couldn't understand why the other party dared to attack her directly even though she had already brought out the mosquito mother, her backer

Isn't it afraid of the mosquito mother's revenge?

Is it a fool?

"I'll say it again, gather all humans together, I want to kill them all at once"

Xie Wen, who turned into a killer bee, spoke in a very cold tone, and all the humanity in his eyes disappeared, leaving only a desire for killing

The mosquito girl was really scared and took a step back unconsciously

"Yes... yes..."

Then the mosquito girl sent a pheromone to the nearby mosquito swarms


All mosquitoes received the order

and began to consciously drive away humans

In an instant

All the humans, insect warriors, and orc warriors in the town were forced to move towards the Sanjia Town Square

A small square was now filled with nearly 50,000 people, and everyone was desperately squeezing in

There was only one thought in their minds

Wait for the people outside to feed the mosquitoes , maybe he could escape

All 20,000 people in the underground shelter were driven out

When 70,000 people gathered in the square

Three perfect insect people appeared

Mosquito girl, gadfly, killer bee

Only the gadfly was confused

It was still sucking blood happily outside the town, and suddenly found that the mosquitoes had driven away the food, and followed it all the way to the square

"Mosquito girl, Lady Mosquito asked us to drain the blood and send it over, what do you mean by driving them together?"

"Also, where did this huge killer bee next to you come from? Is it Lady Mosquito's new group leader? It looks quite impressive"

Mosquito girl pointed to the broken arm, signaling it not to talk nonsense, otherwise the consequences would be serious

The gadfly understood

Mosquito girl meant: Don't you have hands? Can't you try it yourself?

Okay! Just give it a try

If you want to become a group leader, you have to get past me first

He raised his head and pointed at the killer bee with one hand

"Hmph! Big bee, what's the point of being big? Big must be hard, let me test whether you are strong enough"

The gadfly attacks


Gadfly, defeated

But fortunately, the killer bee did not kill it, and it survived by chance


The killer bee turned its eyes to the crowd in the square

"Let's not waste any more time. Since everyone is here, you can all die together!"

Suddenly, a member of Group A, the insect man, rushed out of the crowd and shouted

"Brother Xie Wen, what's wrong with you? Are you being controlled by these insect men?"

The killer bee shook his head

"It is the nature of mosquitoes to suck blood, but humans are so cruel to them, which is against the will of heaven"

"Humans think it is right to kill all things, which is not right, so I want to stand on the side of justice and kill humans"

Zhang Xuejin loudly refuted

"But Brother Xie Wen, you are also a human being!"

"No, I am an insect man"

"Brother Xie Wen, you just turned into an insect, but your heart is still human! Have you forgotten Wu Fangfang?"

Xiao Fang?

Xie Wen's insect body trembled

He realized again

Whether it is an insect or a human, it all depends on one thought

Xiao Fang?

Of course I remember,That was a girl who had been hiding for many years and dared not confess her love

Only humans can fall in love with humans, so I am a human

I am still human!

The insect beasts are the ones who deserve to die!

Damn it!

"How dare you lie to me? Go to hell! Mosquitoes!"


The blow hit the mosquito girl's arm next to her. She opened her lips slightly and did not react at all. She fell from the sky like a meteor and crashed into a dilapidated store


She was lying in the ruins. Not only were her arms broken, but she also had multiple fractures on her body

The whole insect was numb

Is this person probably sick?

Helping insects and humans at the same time?

Which side are you on?

Killer bees slaughtered mosquito beasts wantonly in the sky

Seeing that the attention was not on her, the mosquito girl struggled to get up and prepared to leave

Wait until she recovered from her injuries and come back for revenge

"Where are you going?"

The killer bees had come to the mosquito girl's sky without knowing when, staring at her with murderous eyes

"The insects that deceived me must be killed in an extremely cruel way"

" lunatic...if you kill me, the mosquito mother will not let you go!"

"A mere mosquito mother? Who is she?"

Looking at the killer bee's approaching tail stinger

Stuck in a dead end

Although this killer bee's brain is not very good, its strength is really strong to explode

The mosquito girl is desperate and closes her eyes and shouts

"Mosquito mother! Help!!"


There was a loud bang

Everyone looked towards the dark forest. A large dark cloud appeared in the sky, covering most of the moon

A huge figure, about 20 stories high, walked out of the darkness

The mosquito girl was surprised

"Mother Mosquito is here!"


Why is Mother Mosquito so... coquettish today?

The way she walks, her butt wiggles

Like a monkey

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