The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1714: Rogue

"Who did this?"

Seeing this picture, everyone was shocked by the scene in the picture, but soon a large number of monks responded, that is, many people in the thundering area could not see it, and now the scene is clearly presented. In front of all of them, it can be seen that there should be Supreme Supreme's shot at this moment.

Has Wang Feng's celestial calamity already attracted the attention of those celestial giants?

Looking at the young man in the picture who caused the endless thunder, many people were shocked, so he could fly in the sky in the terrifying thunder area, and this strength alone might be enough to make many people look up.

"Wang Feng!"

Looking at the people in the picture, Yan Junyun subconsciously called out Wang Feng’s name, but no matter how she shouted, Wang Feng would not be able to hear her call at this moment, because the biggest crisis in life has already appeared in him. In front of him, he could not be distracted at all.

The thundering power of Heavenly Tribulation has become stronger with the passage of time. Although Wang Feng tried his best to fly in the volley before, he just didn’t wait for him to fly to a height of two hundred meters. Jie Lei blasted directly into the ground.

Moreover, this robbery thunder is different from the shining thunder thunder before. This robbery thunder has a faint multicolored color and looks very beautiful.

It’s just that beauty often hides the crisis. This colorful robbery thunder is far more powerful than the previous robbery. Even if Wang Feng has the intention to resist, when this thunder thunder descends, he still feels the pressure is like countless major mountains. Down.

Under such circumstances, Wang Feng couldn't keep standing in the void at all, so now he was blasted into the ground, and his skin was ulcerated.

That was caused by the power of Thunder.

Looking down at the injury on his body, Wang Feng did not hesitate at all. At this moment, his body was up against the sky again. Compared with before, his speed at this moment is undoubtedly even faster, because he understands that he has already There is not much time left. Once the intensity of this robbery increases to a level that he cannot resist, then he will be in real danger by then.

The Thunder battle body is transforming his strength to recover from his injury, but no matter how fast he recovers, the extent of Wang Feng's body is far more damaged than he can recover.

Jie Lei's Jie Yun was about tens of thousands of meters high from Wang Feng, and Wang Feng didn't want to go up so easily.

After the multicolored robbery thunder, even if Wang Feng broke out his limit speed, he hadn't waited to reach the height of 10,000 meters before suddenly the next thunder thunder came.

Unlike the previous Jie Lei, this time Jie Lei has changed from the previous faint five-color to a brilliant five-color. That gorgeous color can't be hidden at all.

It was as simple as shooting down a rock. Under this robbery, Wang Feng's figure that was climbing against the sky was directly shot down. He opened his mouth and even sprayed dozens of blood, and he was already severely injured.

At this moment, the power of thunder entered the body, and Wang Feng's thunderous body could not transform these powers, because the power of these thunder powers seemed to have far surpassed the normal power of thunder.

Of course, it can also be said that the current power of thunder has far exceeded Wang Feng's body processing speed, and his thunder body is already in a state of paralysis under this high-intensity thunder.

"Colorful Heavenly Tribulation, this seems to only appear in Heavenly Scourge?" A monk said, his expression shocked.

Heavenly Tribulation and Heavenly Scourge are both used by Heaven to punish monks, but Heavenly Tribulation is different from Heavenly Scourge, because Heavenly Scourge will leave a way for people to survive, but Heavenly Scourge is different. This is to punish those who are evil. Things, basically, the appearance of the scourge is almost death. In the recorded history, those who have been bombarded by the scourge basically did not survive.

The last time Wang Feng spent the last three days in the middle of the three days of the scourge can only be said to be an exception, he carried it down with the help of his own physical body.

But the situation is different now. He certainly won't be a scourge, it's just a tribulation. If it were a scourge, I am afraid that Wang Feng would have life worry from the beginning.

The reason why the Heavenly Tribulation he is going through today is like this, even Wang Feng himself can’t tell what happened. He hasn’t done anything to harm all mankind in this period of time. Is it necessary for Heaven’s Dao to target himself like this? ?

Under the tribulation of the sky, everything is useless. Under this colorful tribulation thunder, Wang Feng’s body has cracked, and a lot of blood has just poured out from the major wounds on his body, and it soon dyed red. His clothes.

He is now like a blood man, and it makes people feel shocked.

It's hard to imagine that the catastrophe that Wang Feng crossed would be like this. Isn't this too terrifying?

It's been terrible just now, so how should Wang Feng spend it next?

With a grin showing an incomparably hideous smile, Wang Feng's body went up against the sky again.

But this time, Wang Feng's ascent was even lower. He hadn't ascended five kilometers before Wang Feng directly let a blackened thunder force bombard the ground.

Seeing such a thunder, many people took a breath again. The black robbery thunder can only be seen in the scourge. Is it true that the heavenly Dao really wants to kill Wang Feng?

From the rise of Wang Feng to the present, many people have seen his performance. If he continues to maintain this way, he is likely to reach a very high level, even if he is not a giant, at least he should be at the dominance level. Princes of one party.

It's just that the Heavenly Tribulation he is facing now is really terrible. This Heavenly Tribulation is simply turning to Heavenly Tribulation. What is this?

"The situation is not good." Seeing Wang Feng's body being blasted into the ground once again, the faces of the celestial giants all changed, and they had already turned towards Heavenly Scourge from the very beginning. It was the first time they had encountered this kind of thing, it was not clear at all. What is the situation.


Climbing up from under the ground with great difficulty, Wang Feng spit out a mouthful of blood, and then he set his eyes to the sky again.

Heaven's Dao is an invisible thing, but at this moment Wang Feng clearly has a feeling, that is, an indifferent gaze is locked on him, and this tribulation that will destroy him comes from this gaze.

This is a very absurd feeling. It was the first time that Wang Feng noticed it. However, even if Wang Feng wanted to think about these things at this time, his time was far from enough, because after the dark robbery, a more terrifying scene The black robbery came.

It was as if a black invisible light swept across, under this robbery thunder, Wang Feng was once again blasted into the deeper underground.

At the same time, Wang Feng found that his gaze had become even colder.

"Want to kill me?" There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and Wang Feng gave up resisting, because he knew that it was basically impossible for him to fly into the sky, because the robbery that followed would destroy him.

Although Heavenly Tribulation is terrifying, the trace of the soul that Wang Feng had left in the power of the rules was still there. Wang Feng tried to use this soul, and he could fully motivate this trace of soul.

A powerful monk can come back to life as long as there is an immortal soul. Although Wang Feng doesn't know why his tribulation is so terrible this time, the tribulation has already come, so Wang Feng can only bear it.

After the black robbery thunder, the thunder thunder of several other colors came one after another, and the gap time was less than two breaths, which meant that Wang Feng didn't even have enough time to recover from his breath.

The catastrophe must destroy him today.

In the past, Wang Feng could even resist when dealing with Heavenly Tribulation and Heavenly Scourge, but now his realm is too low, he simply has no ability to resist such things, so today he has only to be wiped out by the thunder.

Having endured hundreds of robbery thunders, Wang Feng's broken body was finally shattered under a colorful robbery thunder.

"This is over?"

Seeing Wang Feng's body exploded, all the monks who watched looked moved. At this moment, they didn't even want to believe the scene they saw.

Was the invincible Wang Feng just dead like this?

"Do not……!"

Seeing the scene in the picture, Yan Junyun only felt that the strength in her body seemed to be emptied in an instant. Like everyone else, she couldn't believe the scene she was seeing now.

"If you want to destroy me, just come."

Just when everyone felt extremely sorry for Wang Feng’s death, suddenly Wang Feng’s figure appeared in the area of ​​Jie Lei once again. Compared with the previous miserable appearance, Wang Feng at this moment is intact and looks like the original one. It was about the same when it started to cross the robbery.


Seeing this scene, those who thought that Wang Feng was dead before were dumbfounded. Many monks couldn't help rubbing their eyes with their hands. They thought it was something wrong with their eyes.

"What did I see? Why did he have nothing to do?" A monk said silently, they were completely unclear about why Wang Feng could appear intact.

Could it be that the broken bodies they saw before were all fake? Actually, Wang Feng has nothing to do? This is too abnormal, right? Could it be that Wang Feng failed to open up?


The shock of outsiders Wang Feng is not clear. At this moment, he received the most terrifying response from the robbery. A robbery thunder that was full of ruining the heaven and the earth came Feng's body that had just recovered was chopped off again. After leaving the void, he fell into the big pit where his body exploded before.

Although the resurrection of Wang Feng can be done with the help of the soul in the power of the rules, after each resurrection, Wang Feng’s physical strength will correspondingly drop by a large amount, so just a robbery thunder, Wang Feng’s physical body has already appeared. Damage, one of his arms was annihilated directly under the thunder, completely unstoppable.

However, Wang Feng didn't even think about resisting it now, because he knew that even if he tried his best, he couldn't help but win this heavenly tribulation, and Heavenly Dao was determined to obliterate him.

Therefore, Wang Feng is fighting time with this Heavenly Dao. Anyway, Wang Feng’s soul has already been imprinted on the power of this rule. Unless Heaven’s Dao collapses by itself, otherwise it is basically impossible to really kill Wang Feng. thing.

Although Wang Feng's soul and body will be weakened every time he is resurrected, as long as Wang Feng's soul is not truly destroyed, then he is not considered dead, so Wang Feng intends to consume this heaven.

Don’t you want to obliterate Laozi? Then you should destroy yourself first.


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