The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1715: The heaven above the robbery

Without resisting or speaking, Wang Feng just let the thunder thunder strike his body, one after another more terrifying thunder thunder came, this time Wang Feng's body did not insist on twenty thunder thunder before it broke directly. He could not stop the robbery.

However, it was not time for two breaths before Wang Feng's physical body collapsed. Suddenly his figure appeared from the void again. He was like a Xiaoqiang who could never be killed. After his physical body collapsed, he was resurrected. No matter how cruel Lei was, he couldn't really kill him.

"It turns out that there is such a hole card."

Too many monks don't know why Wang Feng can be resurrected right after he died, but those celestial giants have already understood. They are all people who have transcended the avenue, so they naturally know how Wang Feng resurrected.

Originally, they wanted to join forces to help Wang Feng survive this catastrophe, but now it seems that this calamity does not necessarily do anything to Wang Feng. This kid's hole cards are really hard and a bit terrifying.

Without holding on for long, Wang Feng's physical body shattered again, and as he shattered, he was exactly the same as before. His physical body once again manifested in the void, and he was still not really obliterated by the tribulation.

It’s just that although resurrection is possible, as the number of resurrections increases, Wang Feng’s physical body becomes weaker and weaker. On the contrary, the power of the thunder robbery becomes more and more terrifying, so sometimes Wang Feng’s flesh body can’t survive the thunder thunder a few times. The bombardment will disintegrate, and there is no real resistance to it.

"What kind of thunder is this?"

Just after Wang Feng was resurrected almost seven or eight times, suddenly everyone discovered that the thunder thunder bombarded from the thunder vortex had changed color again. It was a sensational blood red thunder thunder.

The appearance of multicolored robbery thunder, colorful robbery thunder, and black robbery thunder is understandable, because these robbery thunder will appear one by one in the heavenly condemnation, but what is this **** robbery thunder? Many people have seen this thing for the first time, and even those celestial giants are no exception. They have never seen what this Scarlet Thunder is.

"Even in the records, there hasn't been this kind of thundering thunder, right?" A heavenly giant murmured to himself, looking shocked.

Just like a long rainbow piercing the sun, under this **** robbery thunder, Wang Feng's physical body hardly shattered in two strokes. This thunder thunder was terrifying far beyond before.

The body collapsed, and Wang Feng was resurrected again with the help of his own soul power, but after this time he was resurrected, Wang Feng found that his whole body became extremely hot and the sky looked at himself, and Wang Feng quickly discovered the problem. Where, because there were a lot of blood particles suddenly lit up in his flesh and blood at this moment, and the feeling of heat was transmitted by the blood particles.

"what is this?"

Doubts appeared in his mind, and soon Wang Feng thought of the problem. When he was outside the sky, Wang Feng almost let a blood-colored corpse seize the house. At that time, Wang Feng's cells swallowed all the blood-colored light, and now these The blood particles are all hidden inside his cells and glow. Could this **** robbery be caused by those things?

Even Wang Feng couldn't help his heart shake when he thought of this. He had experienced both Heavenly Tribulation and Heavenly Scourge, and that power could never reach this level, so the only explanation was the **** rays of light.


But before Wang Feng could think about it, he suddenly felt a terrifying thunder falling on him, as if the world in front of him was extinguished in an instant. Wang Feng's body was barely resisted by the blood. Jie Lei smashed into pieces.

Although his body was shattered, Wang Feng was resurrected again within two breaths of time. He was like a person who could not be killed at all. No matter how powerful Ren Jie Lei was, he could not be wiped out.

"This is how the same thing?"

After being resurrected again, Wang Feng continued to observe his body with his own heavenly eyes, but Wang Feng’s heart was suddenly shocked by this look, because he discovered that the blood-colored particles were being forcibly squeezed out by his own cells at this moment, and those were rejected. All of the blood particles were integrated into Wang Feng's blood. Seeing such a scene, Wang Feng's heart would not be shocked.

What exactly the blood particles were, Wang Feng couldn't be more clear in his heart. This thing almost took him away, so now seeing this thing merge into his blood, how could he not be surprised.

"Turtle shell, the **** light has already begun to melt into my blood. What is going on?" Wang Feng asked directly at this time.

"Is there such a thing?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, the sound of the tortoise shell was also very surprised.

Although it is very knowledgeable, it does not mean that it knows everything. He doesn't know the origin of the scarlet corpse in the sky, so how can it figure out what is going on.

Just like Wang Feng, he was also smearing his eyes at the moment, and he couldn't tell why.


While Wang Feng was discussing with the tortoise shell, suddenly there was another roaring sound in the sky. At this moment, a **** heavenly calamity with a diameter of two meters descended. Under this knife and thunder, Wang Feng almost breathed a breath. It was completely wiped out if the time didn't last.

"This kind of terrifying thundering thunder, I am afraid that even people of the dominant level will be in danger of death." Seeing Wang Feng's body once again bombarded and shattered, the heavenly giants were very surprised.

However, since Wang Feng's life is not in great danger, they have no intention of taking action, because they do not want to intervene when it is not a last resort, because a person will always encounter a lot of tempers in the process of growing up. Grinding is a precious experience for those monks, so if possible, they still hope to see Wang Feng survive by himself.


Just as Wang Feng came back from the void again, a dull voice suddenly resounded in the void. At this moment, not only Wang Feng could hear the dull drumming sound, even the other monks could hear it clearly. No one knows what is going on. This is a tribulation, so why are there these weird sounds?

Jie Yun dispersed, revealing the terrifying picture on it. Before Wang Feng thought that once he could break through Jie Yun, then he might capture the glimmer of life.

It's just that this heavenly Dao is too ruthless, and there is no room for Wang Feng. Therefore, with hard work, Wang Feng can only pin his hope of survival on his soul with the power of rules.

Fortunately, this soul has always been imprinted on the strength of the rules, otherwise Wang Feng would have been bombarded by thunder and thunder, he would have died many times.

Countless magnificent heavenly palaces appeared above Jieyun, and those palaces looked incredibly real, as if there were a group of unknown existences living on Jieyun.

"What are these palaces?"

Through the broadcast of the heavenly giants, countless cultivators also saw the scene above the robbery cloud, and they were suddenly surprised.

"Something that never happened."

Looking at the majestic palaces in the robbery cloud, some self-proclaimed and well-informed people don’t know what this is about. Explanation.


The drumming sound from the palace group became louder and louder. After a few breaths of time, figures suddenly appeared in front of these palaces. Almost every palace had a figure in front of them. There were so many figures. Over a hundred, an unimaginable coercion diffused from these figures. They were like totems, making Wang Feng's eyes widened and revealing an incredible color.

"What's going on?" Wang Feng cried out at this scene.

It's just that his voice uttered, and no one can respond to him.


There was the sound of metal crashing, and when he looked up, Wang Feng was shocked, because he actually saw the figure in front of one of the palaces swooping down with a weapon in his hand.

Seeing this scene, Wang Feng didn't hesitate. He stretched out his hand to grab the ground, and the space ring he had dropped flew straight into his palm.

Taking out his battle sword, Wang Feng pointed directly at the descending figure.


Looking at the long Ge being swung by the other party, Wang Feng’s war sword swept up directly. With a single sword, Wang Feng’s power burst to the extreme. Under such circumstances, even if the figure that came down was powerful, he was still It staggered and turned several times in the void before stopping his figure.

However, the threat that Zhanjian gave him was limited to this. On the surface, it seemed that Wang Feng had the upper hand this time, but only Wang Feng himself understood that this time he had actually fallen into the disadvantage.

The other party obviously hasn't made any effort yet, but what about yourself? The battle sword is the limit of power that Wang Feng can use now, so even the battle sword cannot obliterate the opponent. This shows that it is simply impossible for Wang Feng to destroy the opponent today.

This figure is not so much stronger than Wang Feng, it is simply a qualitative gap.

Another long Ge swept in. Under such an attack, Wang Feng simply gave up resisting, because he knew that even if he tried desperately, he couldn't help the opponent.

An extremely cold feeling came from his body, which made Wang Feng's consciousness suddenly blurred. His whole body split the opponent's Changge into two, and he died tragically in an instant.

However, after Wang Feng died, he soon resurrected in the void. Seeing that the figure holding the long Ge was disintegrating rapidly, Wang Feng was finally Although this time The calamity of Heaven has far exceeded everyone's expectations, but there is one thing that cannot be denied, that is, no matter how powerful Jie Lei and these figures are, as long as they kill Wang Feng once, then they will not appear again. It's good news for Wang Feng.

If this is not the case, it is probably impossible for Wang Feng to persist.

It's just that Wang Feng's idea is good, but these figures are more than a hundred, and if they want to survive under their hands, Wang Feng can't decide how many times he will be killed.

This may be the second time that Wang Feng was killed so many times after being killed by Dongling Tianxue tens of thousands of times.

"Nothing will happen, right?"

Seeing Wang Feng being killed continuously, Yan Junyun outside of Jieyun was stunned. She did not expect Wang Feng to experience these things.

But it was just a pill catastrophe that led to such a vast thunder catastrophe. Isn't this heavenly Dao too fierce?


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