The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1752: Witch Slayer

The first thousand seven hundred and fifty-two chapters of the witch destroy the ruler

"It’s not that easy to kill me. ∑,"

They are all old monsters who have lived for hundreds of thousands of years. Although Nangong Yan was suppressed for a short time, once he gets angry, it is definitely not normal. Some of his cards are used.

"But from my point of view, it's that easy." How could she ever want to hear him, the woman just gave a calm sneer, and then her palm came out again.

It was the same move as last time, but under this palm, that terrible palm strength increased again.

The palm of his hand has not yet fallen, but the huge pressure has swept the world. Under such circumstances, even this Nangong Yan couldn't help but his pupils shrank sharply. At this moment, his mood was not much like that of Wang Feng. the difference.

He felt a strong pressure in front of this woman, which was the first time since he became the master.

When the giants weren't coming out, Domination was already the strongest realm. Right now, Nangong Yan took himself too seriously, so he became like this.

"Hot-blooded battle hymn!"

Nangong Yan let out a loud roar, and then his whole body turned into a bolt of lightning and bombarded the woman.

"act recklessly!"

Seeing this scene, the woman sneered, then her palm directly changed a direction and slapped Nangong Yan.

It was as simple as swatting a fly, no matter how strong this Nangong Yan was, under this palm, he still fell down to the ground instantly like a cannonball.

And because the woman's palm strength has increased a lot, Nangong Yan is not so well this time. There are many cracks on his body, and the blood path inside is clearly visible.

If it weren't for his previous physical training, maybe his body would have been torn apart.

"You want to kill me, I said, you can't do it." His body was wounded, but this Nangong Yan did not endanger his life. Even the moment he stood up, all his injuries recovered instantly. This terrible recovery ability alone may not be comparable to ordinary people.

"But I also said that I want to kill you very easily." The woman's figure moved as she spoke.

It was like disappearing in an instant, when the woman appeared again, she had already reached a place very close to Nangong Yan.

"Eternal Seal!"

There was a calm voice from the woman's mouth, and then Wang Feng heard a huge roar coming, and looking up, a bottomless pit had appeared on the ground.

The eyes of the sky opened, and Wang Feng immediately showed a look of horror, because he actually saw a blood mist floating at the bottom of this big pit at the moment, and the body of Lord Nangong Yan burst underneath.

Just one palm can explode the identity of a master, this kind of strength is beyond imagination.

However, the survivability of the group of people who can be ranked among the most powerful in the world is far beyond imagination. Even if the body is broken, Nangong Yan is still not dead.

Even the burst of this body did not have much impact on his combat effectiveness after he recovered.

The ruler is very difficult to kill, at this point, the king can't match even if he shoots a horse.

If this were not the case, it would not be so difficult for the king to rush to the master.

"You can't kill me." Nangong Yan's voice came from the big pit, and then a domineering aura erupted directly from below.

"is it?"

Hearing this, the graceful woman just sneered, and then her palm reached the big hole.

However, in a short time, a person was forcibly detained by this woman with a slender hand. That person was Nangong Yan.

"How could you be so strong?"

Perceiving the terrifying power from the woman's hand, Nangong Yan couldn't help but set off a stormy sea in his heart. Earlier, he said that the other party could not kill him.

But when he really came into contact with the other party at this moment, he knew that the other party was not incapable of killing him, and they hadn't used all their strength before.

"A ruler is going to do something to a king. Even if someone like you keeps it, it is a black sheep." While speaking, the woman threw Nangong Yan in her hand into the void, and suddenly a ball of flame came from her. Shot out from the palm of the hand.

This flame is different from Wang Feng’s real sun fire. Compared with the real sun fire, this flame seems more scary. Because Wang Feng’s real sun fire is not in its final form anyway, Wang Feng’s strength has not reached the strongest yet, so he uses it. Even if the real fire from the sun is high in temperature, its destructive power is still inferior to the flames that this woman shoots out at this moment.

Because the realm gap between the two of them is too big.


A screaming scream came from the void. At this moment, Nangong Yan was surrounded by that kind of flame. It seemed that the flame had completely formed an encirclement, and he was tightly wrapped in it.

Even if Nangong Yan wanted to break free from the flame, it was impossible.

"The Flame of Destruction!"

Seeing the flames enclosing Nangong Yan, the ancestors of the He family and other masters were all shocked.

It is rumored that besides the most terrifying real fire of the sun in this world, the rarest flames are nothing more than strange fires such as the flames of extinction.

It's just that these things have long been extinct under the search of countless masters. Why can this woman of unknown origin display such a flame?

But obviously no one will answer them this question, because this woman is hunting for the master at the moment.

The vitality of the master is strong and good, but this does not mean that the master must be immortal.

Under a real catastrophe, the giants will die, let alone a master.

At this moment, under the burning of this extinguishing flame, Nangong Yan's dominance aura is rapidly fading, and at the same time, the fire of his life is quickly extinguished.

In other words, it is that Nangong Yan, the ruler, is constantly approaching death at this moment.

The shadow of death enveloped Nangong Yan, causing fear in his heart.

He didn't expect that one day he would meet someone who could threaten him like this. There was no doubt that he was scared at this moment.

Because he knew that the other party really had the ability to kill him.

"who are you!"

With a terrifying roar in his mouth, Nangong Yan's performance at this moment made the He family ancestor's eyes widened, revealing an incredible color.

Because he didn't expect Wang Feng to have a helper secretly, it seemed that the rumors were correct, and Wang Feng had already let a tycoon favor him.

Otherwise he couldn't explain all of this before him.

First the Lord of the Devil's Palace, then the Lord Glenn, and now I don't know where a woman who is so terrible to imagine has emerged.

Three masters have already arrived in just a short while. If this continues, will more powerful ones come?

The ancestor of the He family was unpredictable at this point, and he dared not speculate in detail, because he had no time.

In the moment he was distracted, he had already suffered a few big losses under the Lord of the Demon Palace. If he hadn't reacted in time, perhaps he had already capsized in the gutter now.

"You don't need to know who I am, and you don't need to know, you just need to understand that today next year is your death day." While speaking, the black-clothed woman waved her sleeves, and suddenly a force that Wang Feng couldn't see clearly struck the Nangong Yan.

Without hearing any screams, Nangong Yan disappeared in front of everyone.


Only when he disappeared, a large number of dark clouds suddenly condensed in the sky. Originally, Wang Feng thought this was a sign of the coming of the tribulation, but soon he showed a look of surprise, because of the snowy northern frontier Now it is pouring rain.

The rain was too abrupt, and it simply made Wang Feng not prepared.

Snow is floating in this place in northern Xinjiang all year round. It was the first time I saw it raining.


The sudden change of weather Wang Feng did not understand what it meant, but the Lord of the Demon Palace and others understood what it was all about.

The fall of every ruler will be accompanied by changes in the wind and clouds, because it is God who is also mourning their fall.

Nangong Yan has fallen, so there is such a change in weather.

The horror was undoubtedly permeated in the hearts of each of their masters. No one thought that the ancestor of the He family was not dead, but that Nangong Yan, who had just arrived, died at the forefront.

This black-clothed woman really possesses the power to kill the master.

At this moment, the world mourned the fall of a ruler. The black-clothed woman's attack speed was too fast. Just now Nangong Yan was still struggling, but at this moment he disappeared forever in this world.

"Which ruler has fallen?"

Not only did the heaven and the earth here sense the fall of the ruler, but in other places, the ruler level also noticed the changes in northern Xinjiang.

Whether a new ruler appears or an old ruler falls, they are fully aware of it.

For many years, there hasn't been a master above the Fall of the Heaven Realm. This change can be said to have aroused the attention of all their masters.

"Are you OK?"

After killing this Nangong Yan, the woman in black walked towards Wang Feng.

Before the person came close, a coercion swept through Wang Feng's body, his legs were trembling slightly, and Wang Feng had an urge to kneel down.

This is because the black-clothed woman didn't specifically exude a breath. She came over so calmly that she almost crushed Wang Feng to This shows how powerful she is.

"I'm fine." After shaking his head hard, Wang Feng set his sights on this woman.

For this woman, Wang Feng can be said to be very familiar, but familiar to him, but at this moment Wang Feng dare not recognize her.

Because her realm soared so fast, it completely surpassed Wang Feng's imagination, he didn't even dream that this woman would be so strong now.

"Witch, it's been a long time since I saw you." Wang Feng said with a reluctant smile.

That's right, the graceful woman in black is the witch Wang Feng has seen in Demon Abyss. When she first saw her ranking in Demon Abyss, her strength should still be at the pinnacle of Nirvana.

But now she was not as powerful as Wang Feng could imagine. When she stood in front of Wang Feng, Wang Feng felt that there was a monument that would never collapse in front of her.

The feeling of facing Tianwei made Wang Feng understand that the gap between him and this woman was getting wider.

The witch that Wang Feng knew at the time has disappeared. Apart from the fact that the Queen of Demon Peak in front of him has the same appearance, Wang Feng has not dared to recognize her as the person he is familiar with.

What kind of cultivation level is this to be able to kill the master?

"Long time no see." Upon hearing Wang Feng's words, the witch replied very plainly.

"How long will it take to become a giant?" Wang Feng asked bitterly.

"Quickly." The witch's answer was still calm, but when he heard what he said, whether it was the Lord of the Demon Palace or the ancestor of the He family, at this moment, stormy waves were set off in their hearts.

When they are struggling to become giants, is it possible that someone has rushed into that level earlier than them?

When did Wang Feng get involved with such a person?

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