The guy on the rooftop opposite frowned and guessed all night, while Cheng Shi slept soundly.

When he opened his eyes the next morning, a match reminder for the start of the trial appeared in front of him.

[Special Trial (Song of Blood and Fire [War]) has been opened]

[Matching teammates (1/6)]

[Trial goal: grit your teeth in the torture of blood and fire (limited to 24 hours)]

Cheng Shi looked at the word [War] in the game description, and his forehead throbbed.

This will be a tough battle.

Although [War] is the god of [Civilization]'s destiny, His trials are really not civilized at all.

Basically, every game is a real fight, and you don't even need to understand the various clues given by the trial. As long as you kill all the enemies around you, you can pass the level.

But the problem is that surviving for 24 hours is a very test of one's endurance and spirit.

The enemy will not give you a chance to breathe, nor will it slow down its offensive because you want to rest.

In this situation, the more capable the teammates are, the more advantages they naturally have.

"Please, match me with a few more warriors. I'm enough for the idiots. Please, please."

[Matching successful (6/6), entering the trial]

The blood-red reminder flashed by, and the scene in front of Cheng Shi began to slowly distort, and then the whole person disappeared in an instant.


The sky was dark and filled with smoke.

Cheng Shi opened his eyes and found himself standing on a ruin. Looking around, there was nothing else except broken walls and ruins.

This place was obviously a small town before, but now it has been wiped off the map by the cruel war.

A few seconds later, several beams of light landed around him, and exclamations rang out one after another.

The teammates for this trial are here.

Cheng Shi looked at them at the first time and found that among the three men and two women, only one was holding a big sword, and the rest were like him, without revealing their weapons.


Cheng Shi took a deep breath and thought, "Is this another mess?"

There are only six professions in [Faith Game], namely: Warrior, Mage, Priest, Assassin, Hunter and Singer.

In theory, there is no high or low profession, there are only bad players but no bad professions.

But in fact, due to the biased nature of the trial, professions will still be divided into high and low in different trials.

Just like today's [War] trial, Warrior, Mage and Priest are definitely stronger than Assassin, Hunter and Singer.

The six people matched together looked at each other. When the big man holding the big sword did not see the weapons of others, he said with a slightly irritated face:

"Old rules, don't waste time, report your destiny profession first, then report your score. I'll go first, Chen Chong, [Civilization], Warrior, Ladder 1647."

Chen Chong, [Civilization], Warrior, Ladder 1647

There are 2-3 gods under each destiny. The reason why only the destiny is reported and not the god's name is to avoid matching with people of opposing beliefs.

Although everyone in the trial is a community of destiny and should help each other, when matching with players of opposing beliefs, some gods of destiny will send down additional [God's Will], which may make their believers do something shameful before the mission is successful.

This is a bloody lesson.

Since the start of the game half a year ago, countless people have died because of this, so it is not too careful for players now.

However, at the beginning of the trial, cooperation is necessary.

"Song Yawen, [Life], Assassin, Ladder 1636, brother, are you the 'Order Knight'? I seem to have seen this sword in the hands of other [Order] warriors. It should be a shield sword, right?"

A tall, thin, bespectacled young man in sportswear next to Chen Chong spoke second. After he finished speaking, he carefully looked at the greatsword in Chen Chong's hand, as if comparing it with the greatsword in his memory.

Song Yawen, [Life], Assassin, Ladder 1636

Since he was recognized, Chen Chong did not hide it and nodded.

Seeing that he admitted it, the expressions of the other people were obviously relaxed.

The believers of [Order] are the few strangers in this game who can be trusted.

They follow the will of [Order], respect the rules, and restrain themselves. They are the most popular comrades in the entire game, almost without exception.

And a warrior who believes in [Order] can become a t0 existence in the trial of [War].

Reliable and easy to use.

"Xia Wan, [Life], Hunter, Ladder 1519."

For some reason, the order of speaking became clockwise. The beautiful lady on Song Yawen's left wearing a military green short-sleeved shirt introduced herself in a very cold tone.

She was tall but not slender, with tight muscles, and a sense of power could be felt through her clothes..

Xia Wan, [Life], Hunter, Ladder 1519

Song Yawen grinned and nodded when he heard that he had a comrade with the same fate.

On Xia Wan's left hand side was another woman, petite, with black hair like a waterfall.

She was wearing a black turtleneck shirt, covering her whole body tightly, revealing only her face.

"Nangong, [Destruction], Priest, Ladder 1396."

Nangong, [Destruction], Priest, Ladder 1396

When the word [Destruction] came out, the faces of the two [Life] believers in front of him darkened.

[Life] and [Destruction] are opposing destinies.

Song Yawen looked at Nangong with some doubt, and his eyes were not friendly.

Xia Wan was motionless, her face was still indifferent, but there was a bit of scrutiny in her slanted eyes.

Nangong was also upset. The two people who came up were both people with opposing destinies. She had to survive this trial for a whole day. Now she could only pray that the gods of these two beliefs were not opposed to her.

Opposing destinies would only cause anxiety. If beliefs were also opposed, it might be fatal.

Next it was Cheng Shi's turn. Cheng Shi looked at Nangong on his right and suddenly showed a meaningful smile on his face.

"Cheng Shi, [Life], Priest, Ladder 1501."


"Cheng Shi"

The moment he finished speaking, the faces of several people present were happy and worried.

The happy ones were naturally the two people with the same [Life] destiny, and the only one who was worried was Nangong, whose face turned extremely ugly.

[Life] is a righteous god destiny, at least the believers of its gods have positive values. No matter what their personal morality is, they are always "good people" on the surface.

But the gods of [Sinking] are all "bad" in their own ways.

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Order Warrior Chen Chong frowned and reminded:

"The difference in fate can only be put off until the end. 24 hours is long. Survive first, then talk about other things."

Song Yawen saw that he had many teammates, so he just smiled. Xia Wan had a cold face as usual, Cheng Shi was happy to watch the show, and Nangong lowered his head in thought.

Only Cheng Shi's left hand, the player dressed like Doctor Strange, glanced at Cheng Shi with a slightly strange look, and his expression was a little unpredictable.

"Cao San Sui, [Existence], Mage, Ladder 1906."

Cao San Sui, [Existence], Mage, Ladder 1906

"Duo Shao???"

When this score came out, everyone took a breath of cold air.

Everyone else felt that they had hugged a thigh, only Cheng Shi sucked his teeth, his face was like constipation.

"Tsk, [Existence]..."

Chen Chong's face looked much better. He raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile:

"Memory Traveler or Time Walker?"

"Memory Traveler" is a mage who believes in [Memory], and "Time Walker" is a mage who believes in [Time]. Chen Chong was asking about the god he followed.

After all, there was no opposing destiny among the six people on the field. He could be frank about his identity so that everyone could understand him and better cooperate with others.

In the destiny of [Existence], there are only these two gods.

Cao San Sui is obviously not his real name, but the name is just a code name, and everyone will not pay too much attention to it.

He did not answer immediately, but hesitated for a moment, and his eyes swept across the process several times. After not seeing anything, he sighed and said:

"Time is like a gap, and I am like the wind."

This is the prayer of the believers of [Time].

Cao San Sui is a time walker.

Looking at the entire game, the combination of this profession and belief is also a t0 existence. (Note: t0, the highest priority, can be generally understood as the most powerful profession.)

As the name suggests, the time walker can control time.

Hearing that he is a time walker, Chen Chong's smile became even bigger, and Cheng Shi also laughed.

This time, it was a genuine smile.

"Brother Cao is awesome!"

Song Yawen's performance was not like an assassin who advocated low-key. He kept giving thumbs up. If he was not familiar with him, he would even want to go over and give Cao San Sui a hug.

"With Brother Chen leading the team and Brother Cao in charge, it's stable, comrades!"

His eyes swept over everyone in turn, except Nangong.

The smile on Nangong's face was somewhat awkward, but there was no way, her situation was really bad.

Cheng Shi saw that the team had to isolate one person at the beginning, and shook his head in his heart.

Losing a combat force for nothing because of a divergence in fate is the most irrational choice, especially at the beginning of the trial.

In order to ease the relationship between teammates, he thought for a moment and suddenly said:

"The dual priest system is very suitable for the [War] trial. My intuition tells me that Nangong is not our enemy."

Everyone was surprisedThey looked at him in surprise, and even Nangong looked at this rival of the same profession with an opposite destiny in disbelief.

He was actually speaking for himself?


Cheng Shi tilted his head, smiled brightly, and said:

"Let me introduce myself again, Cheng Shi, the priest of [Birth]."


"What the hell? You, a man, are actually the Goddess of Praying for Children??"


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