Cheng Shi still did not move.

He sat in his seat obediently, not even paying excessive attention to President Gong on the stage.

At this time, he behaved like a real mediocre person. In addition to looking around, he was hesitant to speak, as if he wanted to say something, but was afraid of causing controversy.

There are too many people like Cheng Shi. Many people are not without opinions, but they just want to listen to everyone's opinions before expressing their opinions.

But Cheng Shi learned from them not just to avoid attracting other people's attention, but to take the opportunity to observe the surroundings carefully.

If President Gong is Zhen Yi, or Zhen Xin, then he has reason to suspect that everything in front of him is another [dream out of nothing]!

This is terrible. Cheng Shi has fallen into this trap once. Thinking back to the back door opened in the Void Church in Yuanmu Town, it is so similar to the door of the mediocre meeting he just opened!

It's just that this time there is no flashback of memory, and there is an empty corridor.

But who can guarantee that this is not a trap that the trickster behind the scenes has upgraded to lure prey?

Cheng Shi was scared, really scared.

But no matter how scared he was, he could only pretend nothing had happened and stay put.

The players at the venue were in chaos because of the news that President Gong said, but it was generally controllable.

The rolling eyes of [stupidity], the abuse of [corruption], the ridicule of [fraud], and the dirty words of the grumpy old brothers intertwined into a big net and fell on President Gong's head, but the person who revealed the explosive news didn't care at all, but continued to share his "friend's" speculation.

"I know it's hard to convince everyone with this kind of incredible news, but there will always be people who will believe me, because I also know that there must be many smart people in this venue who picked up the invitation cards I personally sent out.

I don't want to delve into how you "picked up" these invitation cards, nor do I want to question your purpose of sneaking in, but these people may have already known that what I said is right.

Look, mediocre people, smart people can find stories about them by unraveling some clues, but if we lose sharing and mutual assistance, we will be completely abandoned by the times and lost in the ocean of memory.

I'm not exaggerating. After so much experience, everyone should know that what I said is right.

Okay, let's not talk too much nonsense, let's get back to the topic and talk about the fall of [Decay]."

President Gong put his hands behind his back and began to pace on the stage. After a while, he asked a question in a mysterious way.

"I know that the friends present here may not have seen the gods. Of course, I haven't either. To be exact, I know everything about them through other people's stories.

Then I would like to ask you, based on the connections and information of all the friends present, can you confirm one simple thing first, that is:

Since a few days ago, the scores of [Prosperity] believers seem to have started to rise, right?"


To be honest, the real mediocre people are eager to survive and may not have the extra energy to pay attention to the changes in the rankings. Of course, there is nothing to pay attention to below 2000 points.

But President Gong is right. There are not only mediocre people in the venue at the moment. Many smart people have mixed in and are now thinking about the meaning of President Gong's words.

One of the older players obviously noticed this, so he affirmed:

"Yes, I have noticed this, in my division, the rankings of the [Prosperity] believers on and off the audience ladder have risen recently.

You may wonder how I can notice whether others are rising or falling in this division where 1 point can make a difference of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of rankings. I can tell you this.

Not long ago, I was fortunate enough to get a little benefit in the trial, and with this benefit, I got a big score, leaving behind several familiar [Prosperity] IDs, but recently, they have caught up again.

Not only that, I have... cough cough... .I also have a friend who told me that the [Prosperity] believers in their mutual aid association have recently received a large number of trial rewards.

Although these rewards are not all useful, they are indeed more in number than before.

I am not a shill hired by President Gong. You can all see my identity. I am a [Decay] believer, so I am also very curious about what happened to the [Prosperity] believers?

There should be [Prosperity] people among the friends present. Do you dare to stand up and explain to everyone? "

As soon as the old player finished speaking, the venue was once again aroused by heated discussions. Many [Decay] believers stood up to testify, but no [Prosperity] believer dared to respond.Obviously, everyone knows that they can't show off their wealth at this time.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Shi shook his head and smiled bitterly. He suddenly felt that it was not easy for Big Cat to be a patriarch and pull so many people.

And after hearing this, he basically guessed what President Gong meant.

Obviously, President Gong, who didn't know the truth, or his friend with a wild imagination, took the recent crazy score increase of [Prosperity] believers as evidence of the fall of [Decay].

Indeed, if [Prosperity] won the so-called God War, it might be okay to use the overwhelming advantage of the audience ladder to highlight this great victory.

But the problem is that it was not their benefactor [Prosperity] who gave these [Prosperity] believers extra points, but Big Cat!

Who would have thought that their recent great gains were not because their benefactor won the God War, but because He was...

President Gong and his friends were deceived, of course, this was not a deception. At the moment when [Gods] kept silent about this matter, probably no one could guess the full picture of this matter.

This is like a multiple-choice question with only four options, ABCD, placed in front of President Gong and his friends. They dared to abandon all the answers and choose an E that does not exist at all, which is worthy of praise as "good courage".

But reality is far more absurd than imagination, because the real answer to this question is an F that does not exist and is even more absurd.

The god who scores the [Prosperity] trial and distributes the trial rewards has changed from a real god to a false, "selfish" messenger who likes to protect his friends and "bend the law for personal gain"!

If it is not a personal experience, who would believe it?

"Tsk, this is really... hard to judge."

Cheng Shi smacked his lips, and thought that since President Gong guessed the wrong answer because of this kind of thing, does it mean that the probability of him being Zhen Xin Zhen Yi has decreased?

To be honest, perhaps there is some filter for his own [Fraud] God's choice, Cheng Shi always feels that Zhen Xin is not someone who can guess the wrong answer.

So he began to doubt the real historian Zuo Qiu who disappeared from the beginning again.

At this time, President Gong spoke again.

"Thank you for the old man's testimony, but I have much more evidence than that.

I also heard from that friend that the followers of [Decay] seem to have not...

visited the gods for some time."


"How is it possible!?"


Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! ღ( ´・ᴗ・` )


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