"What's impossible?"

President Gong smiled. He paced on the stage and said confidently:

"【Prosperity】 and 【Decay】 are on the same list, so these two believers should know that the God-chosen ID of 【Decay】 is 'Decay', and the IDs of the second to fourth list are Yu Mu, Bu Ziqi and Zhe Du.

I have confirmed that these four have never seen Him since the 'God War'."

"It's really funny. Unless you are one of them, how do you know that they didn't secretly meet God?

And even if you are one of them, you probably only know your own situation. Is what others tell you right?"

As soon as President Gong finished speaking, countless doubts appeared on the stage. Of course, revealing the private situations of four top players at once would definitely make people suspicious, but this time, President Gong did not lie.

Because after this question, the elegant man in the first row spoke.

As soon as he spoke, he confirmed what President Gong said.

"I can confirm that what President Gong said is correct. The top players of [Decay] have not met the gods during this period, but...

I also want to make one point, that is, they have not been summoned for some time, not just recently.

In addition, I can also add some other information, that is, the summons of [Prosperity] have probably stopped.

'Bald' and 'Only Carving Rotten Wood' have not made any moves recently."

When these words came out, everyone was shocked.

Everyone in the venue looked at this confident and elegant man, constantly guessing his identity.

Seeing this, Cheng Shi was even more certain of his guess, certain that this person must be one of the few chosen by the gods who had not yet met.

Chairman Gong on the stage laughed out loud because of the information provided by the man in the first row. He bowed to the man very gracefully and thanked him:

"Thank you very much for your support, but I have to remind you that no matter how selflessly you share this information with us, it is difficult for the mediocre people to accommodate you.

You are what I call a genius, and you are even so talented that you don't need the foil of mediocre people, so...

What are you doing here?"

Master Prime Minister?

What a crappy nickname?

Cheng Shi was stunned and felt a little confused, but then he thought of a person, a Herrscher who was once called "the first assistant of [Faith Game]" by various channels, Mo Li!


He is Mo Li?

So it's this Prime Minister, the chief assistant, right?

Good, good, good Prime Minister!

At this time, someone finally recognized Mo Li's identity, and exclamations rang out again.

"It's him, the God of Order, the Ruler who knows human nature best, Mo Li!"

"Who? God's Chosen? God's Chosen is also a mediocre person?"

"......I don't know if God's Chosen is a mediocre person, but you must be, buddy."

"Yes, I am, otherwise why would I come?"


Amid the noisy shock, Mo Li in the front row did not deny his identity, but smiled and looked at the stage and said slowly:

"Genius and mediocrity are just different perspectives on the world. I dare not call myself a genius, but everyone here may not be a mediocre person.

High-pitched music is never appreciated by the few, but high-pitched music may not always please the people. ears.

I only know that the majority is the mainstream of this world, just like the glory of my Lord, which never changes due to the differences of individual lives, and shines equally on everything in the universe.

So I am not a genius, nor will I be the enemy of mediocre people, and I have no ill will towards mediocre people.

I just picked up a card by chance, and came in to take a look out of curiosity. Of course, more importantly, to see if this is the place where my Lord [Order] shines. "

After these words were spoken, most of the players present were full of goodwill towards this modest God's Chosen, and even Cheng Shi felt that this peak Herrscher was simply impeccable.

"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

President Gong even clapped his hands rhythmically while standing on the stage, praising loudly:

"As expected of His believers, you still make people feel safe.

It seems that I have to thank everyone present for their restraint, so that we were not criticized by the Prime Minister.

But since the Prime Minister has proved this, I think you should not have any doubts, right?"

Mo Li smiled and said again:

"I said that they did not meet the gods recently, so President Gong, your evidence is a bit too flattering."

"No matter how strong the evidence is, it will not make a disbeliever believe it.

I am just the convener of the Ordinary Society, not a mediocre person.Teacher, my vision is to benefit those mediocre people who are willing to believe in each other and join the mediocre society, rather than to influence those stubborn lone wolves.

And what I want to say is that when people see something, they can't just look at its appearance, but they must explore the essence of things through these broken and false appearances!

And the essence of these appearances I am talking about is... [Decay] has fallen, [Prosperity] has won! ”


President Gong’s logic is not particularly coherent. As he said, he is openly deceiving those who are willing to believe in him. There may indeed be players present who are willing to believe in him, but these people are most likely willing to give their little trust because of Mo Li’s words.

But when Cheng Shi heard these words, it was a different feeling.

The proposition of appearance and essence was just taught by his benefactor, so this [fraud] believer on the stage looks… not low.

He is not a mediocre person, and it is very likely that he is the genius he said he was talking about!

A genius walking on the road of [fraud]!

Oh, it’s really interesting, A genius summoned countless mediocre people with scores below 2000, wanting to build an organization that could keep up with the genius.

So what exactly is he after?

If it's just for fun, then isn't this teasing a bit too low-level?

The venue fell silent again. Somehow, the moment when there should have been fierce rebuttals and heated discussions suddenly died down. The players present looked at each other and chose to remain silent at the right time.

Perhaps in the eyes of many people, the fall of [Decay] has become a "foregone conclusion".

"I know that this news is hard to accept for [Decay]'s friends, but you should know that although the gods protect the believers, they are also the culprits of the current situation!

If they hadn't come, we wouldn't have suffered this kind of pain.

So wake up, don't let the various abilities they have given you blind your eyes.

People and gods have never been in the same camp! "

As soon as these words fell, the venue erupted in shocking cheers.

Cheng Shi raised his eyebrows slightly in surprise, and even felt the change in Cui Qiushi's breath behind him.

Oh, why does this Yongren Club sound like... a mutant fire bearer?

He didn't say anything or look back, his eyes were burning as he looked at the stage, waiting for President Gong to continue his performance.

"Don't get excited, everyone.

The Yongren Club is just a stage for mediocre people, not a stage for fools.

I won't lead you to fight against the gods you can't fight against. I said, I just want you to help each other and fight the wind and snow together, and then try to survive.

Those illusory things, before the mediocre people have transformed, we have no way to consider and no need to consider.

I understand that all of you [Corrupt] friends are worried about your own situation, but don't forget that you can still give up your oath.

And even if you don't give up your oath, who says that the fall of the gods is not an opportunity for us...

? "

At this point, President Gong's tone began to become crazy.


At the end of the road of [Decay], the throne is already vacant!

Don't you want to give it a try? "

Hearing this, Cheng Shi raised his mouth, he basically understood what President Gong meant.

He wanted to be a second "self" and wanted to get a share of the so-called fall of the gods!

And the Yongren Club might be one of his means to share the soup.

Of course, it is hard to say who the specific beneficiary of the Yongren Club is, and the leaked God War event this time is likely to be a great opportunity for the establishment of the Yongren Club.

If it hadn't happened, perhaps President Gong wouldn't have such good "material" to share with the mediocre people present.

His impassioned speech continued.

"I said that geniuses are gifted and they run very fast, but if we work together and advance and retreat together, we may not be able to follow them and pick up a bite to eat!

And my intelligence today is my sincerity. I share this news so that you can have a share in this biggest change!

No matter who you are or who I am, as long as we get this share, it is possible that the Yongren Club will have the capital to sit at the same table with other organizations and talk on an equal footing.

With more and more sharing, we will only progress faster than those hierarchical, rigid and conservative institutions and organizations!

And when the mediocre people of the Yongren Club get rid of their mediocre identity by unity, we will most likely survive to the end in this game given by the [Gods]!

Dear friends,Think about it, opportunities...

are not always available. ”


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