The God Killer in the American Comics World

Chapter 302 Welcome back! Thor!

"Thor—" Sif, who had just been knocked away, swooped over after a brief daze, trying to stab the big snake with the [Earth Sword] in her hand to make him let go.

Not only her, but Heimdall, the three warriors of Asgard, and all the generals pounced on him.

The bright divine light suddenly covered the huge white snake head.

But how terrifying is the bite force of snakes?

Not to mention the huge, demon-level Jörmungandr!

"Give up! Thor, I will never let go." The attacks from Sif and other strong men gave the snake some pain. He raised his head suddenly and easily distanced himself from the flightless gods like Sif.

When the upper half of his snake body stood upright again, the height of more than three hundred meters made Sif despair on the spot.

"Thor, no-"

The only thing that can resist the bite of the big snake is not Thor's exaggerated divine power that surpasses mortals countless times, but Odin's divine spear.

[Gangnir] was like the deadliest toothpick, stuck in the gap between the teeth of the snake's upper and lower jaws.

The surging divine power on the tip of the spear brought indescribable severe pain to the snake. He roared loudly because of the pain, but compared to this pain, actually biting Thor to death was the key.

Jörmungandr is not a snake in the standard sense, it can only be said that he is a snake-shaped monster. In addition to the four fangs at the front of his mouth, his big mouth also has countless tiny fangs, and any one picked at random can be as tall as half a man. It was these teeth that stuck Thor tightly, unable to move at all.

"Kratos! Think of a solution!" Sif suddenly woke up and shouted towards the back.

In response to her cry for help, the headless warrior Steppenwolf and Fenrir attacked simultaneously, one on the left and the other on the right.

Without a sufficient supply of death power, Fenrir could only make intermittent offensives similar to [three days of fishing and two days of drying nets]. Thor was on top for a while before he and Steppenwolf pounced on him at the same time.



Extreme violence brought corresponding results.

The Asgardian soldiers outside the dock watched in despair as a white shadow pressed towards them. This scene looked very much like the waves rolled up by a tsunami, but what was really pressing down was the extremely broad body of the serpent.

Rows of beautifully shaped houses collapsed and exploded under the squeeze of the snake's belly, and then the people around them were swept under it. When the entire dock area was instantly wiped out, the Asgardian soldiers finally realized that under the influence of absolute strength, In front of me, courage is really useless.

"Go quickly! Ordinary soldiers, don't come here!" Thor shouted.

The defenders were in a panic. They left the dock area and evacuated outwards like the legendary golden ants.

At this moment, Sif, who was soaked in black poisonous blood and only relied on the resistance of her divine body to resist the poison, finally saw decent reinforcements.

"Kratos! Hurry! Thor is dying!"

Ange did not respond directly to Sif. Instead, he carried the [Sword of the God of War] and grinned: "Thor! Show me what you really look like. You are the one you are now, but even the people you love so much are... It can’t be saved.”

Sif was stunned. She suddenly remembered the stories Kratos had told about the powerful men who coveted the dominance of the earth and even the universe.

Darkseid and Thanos!

These two cosmic heroes have been waiting for Odin's fall for a long time.

Could it be that Kratos demands Thor based on the standards of these two peerless powerful men?

Sif looked at Ange's face, and she knew she had guessed correctly.

At this very moment, Thor's situation couldn't be worse. Faced with the shocking bite force of the big snake, his divine power was unable to resist.

Stuck in the gums of the big snake, he almost watched helplessly as a sharp fang kept approaching his head.

[Gangnir] had penetrated deeply into the upper gums, and indeed caused terrible penetrating damage to the snake. But the big snake didn't care, even though his mouth was split open by the blast, he still wanted to bite Thor to death.

Without Thor as his heir, no matter how powerful the magic gun is, it will be nothing more than a troublesome collection for Jörmungandr.

Just like that, with sheer power, the serpent's fangs approached Thor inch by inch.

Finally, Thor, who had no room for maneuver, was stabbed in the right eye by the tip of this fang without venom glands.

God's blood splattered everywhere, and the flesh and blood were blurred!

Sif and the three warriors were so horrified that they almost fainted on the spot.

"Thor—" four voices shouted out in unison.

The next second, they were knocked away at the same time.

The Orochi, who had the chance to win, laughed ferociously. He felt Thor in his mouth: "Yo! Odin's little boy. Do you want to be the king of Asgard? Don't laugh so hard! I'm Kur*o Ding Sen is not a monster, I am a god! And what kind of god are you? Without [Mjolnir], you are nothing, hahahaha!”

Thor was in a trance and saw his father in heaven again.

Odin's phantom stood on the sea, looking at him calmly.

"Father! I tried my best, Kull is too powerful. I don't have a hammer, I can't beat him."

Odin looked at his eldest son teasingly and said the classic line: "Thor, answer me, are you the [Hammer God]?"


"The hammer helps you control your power, but it is not the source of your power."

"Father, I am not as powerful as you."

Odin seemed stunned for a moment and smiled: "No, you are more powerful than me! Look at your people, your soldiers, they need you."

Odin pointed in the distance, and Thor's gaze suddenly spanned the space.

He saw the people who had fled to Earth and were still looking forward to Asgard; he saw thousands of soldiers who were seriously injured but still fighting; he also saw the nervous and horrified expressions of his most caring companions; and finally, what appeared in his one eye was his most powerful ally, the Olympian God of War Kratos.

Those deep and firm eyes were looking at him, clearly saying - I have done the limit of what an ally can do, now is the time for you, Thor, to prove yourself.

There is no sacrifice for no reason, and there is no trust for no reason.

"So many people, so many companions have paid so much for me, how can I give up here!?"

Thor knew everything, and then his soul began to sublimate.

At this time in the real world, Thor's hands seemed to lightly press on the fangs of Jörmungandr, but the whole space shook slightly, and countless shining lightning snakes spread out from the contact point between the hands and the fangs.

These lightning snakes intertwined with each other, emitting stronger light and quickly forming a huge lightning net.

The sky of Asgard, which was always clear, suddenly became overcast. The next moment, a roar that shook the entire God's Domain fell from the super exaggerated thundercloud.

"Bang!" The giant snake's huge mouth exploded, and a huge amount of blood and flesh splashed, even forming a small-scale storm in the scream.

Everyone was surprised to see this scene.

Only Ange carried the greatsword and said in the gentlest voice: "Welcome back! Thor!"

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