The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 749: End of the Ziyang Gunsan Demon Council

"Bone Bone Immortal, Hu Huo, Six-Eared Macaque, Holy Sea King, now you can discuss how we should deal with the visits of the major forces of the Demon Race, Heavenly Court, and Lingshan. Come to us. "Pan Chen slowly looked at Mrs. Bone, Hu Huo, the six-eared macaque, Shenghaiwang and others.

Mrs. White Bone, Hu Huo, Six-Eared Macaque, Sheng Hai Wang and others heard Pan Chen's words carefully, then looked at each other, and finally Hu Huo said to Pan Chen.

"King, if you are not going to be the righteous leader of the Beihai sea domain name, then you don't need to see them, and Baixian and I can cope with them."

Pan Chen nodded after hearing Hu Huo's words, and just as Pan Chen was about to say something, Mrs. Bone suddenly said to Pan Chen: "King, you can't see the other demon sages, but the demon king, the blue lion, and the quiet The three demon sages of the wolf king, the king still needs to meet, after all, they belong to our allies now. "

This is what Pan Chen just wanted to say, so after Chen Madame Bone Bone finished speaking, Pan Chen nodded and said to Madam Bone Bone, "I know this matter, what about Heavenly Court and Lingshan?"

After hearing Pan Chen's words, Mrs. Bone said slowly: "King, we don't need to pay attention to Tianting and Lingshan. As long as we ignore Tianting and Lingshan, then Tianting and Lingshan will definitely go to the Purple Tiger Demon Saint."

Pan Chen thought about it after hearing Mrs. Bone, and then nodded again, and finally said to Mrs. Bone, Hu Huo, six-eared macaque, Shenghaiwang and others: "Do you have anything else?"

Mrs. White Bone, Hu Huo, Six-Eared Macaque, Sheng Hai Wang and others heard Pan Chen's words and knew that the parliament was over, and Pan Chen had already started to rush people.

Mrs. Bone and Hu Huo looked at each other and were about to leave, but the six-eared macaque monkey and the king of the sea said at the same time, "King, I still have things!"

Mrs. White Bone and Hu Huo stopped after hearing the six-eared macaque and Shenghaiwang, and Pan Chen said slowly after hearing the six-eared macaque and Shenghaiwang: "Six ears, what do you have to do with the holy sea king?"

After hearing Pan Chen's words, the six-eared macaque and the king of the sea looked at each other, and then the six-eared macaque said to Pan Chen: "How should we deal with the three brothers, King, Hu Liu and Hu Li?"

Pan Chen did not rush to speak after hearing the six-eared macaque, but thought about it carefully. The three brothers Huliu and Huli had to be punished. After all, the three brothers Huliu and Huli violated the rules of the demon kingdom of the Ziyang Mountains, And they also left the demon country of Ziyang mountains and entered Beiju Luzhou.

"Hu Huo, Bai Gu Xian, how do you see this matter?" Pan Chen thought carefully, and then said to Hu Huo and Mrs. Bai Gu.

Hu Huo and Mrs. Bai Gu looked at each other after hearing Pan Chen's words, and then Mrs. Bai Gu said to Pan Chen: "Master, we must punish Hu Liu and Hu Li's three brothers, but we still need to ask Hu Huo how to punish, after all The three brothers Hu Liu and Hu Li are under Hu Huo's command. "

Hu Huo heard the words of Mrs. Bone Bone quickly and said: "King, we not only have to punish Hu Liu and Hu Li three brothers, but also need to punish Princess Bailian, Princess Halloween, and the Seven Spiders.

But this matter also needs to ask the White Bone Fairy. After all, Princess White Lotus, Princess Halloween, and the Seven Sisters of the Spider are also regarded as White Bone Fairy. "

Pan Chen frowned after hearing Hu Huo and Mrs. Bone Bone, and then looked at the six-eared macaque, Shenghaiwang and others, but the six-eared macaque, Shenghaiwang and others did not pay attention to Pan Chen at all, but drank slowly. With spirit wine, it seems that these spirit wines are their favorite.

Pan Chen saw the six-eared macaque, Sheng Haiwang and others were not ready to speak, so he turned to look at Hu Huo and Mrs. Bone, and then said to Hu Huo and Mrs. Bone: "Hu Huo, Bai Bianxian, I tell you Hu Liu , The three brothers of Tiger Power, Bailian, Halloween, and the Seven Sisters of Spider must accept punishment. As for the punishment, think about it. "

Hu Huo's eyes lit up when he heard Pan Chen's words, and then quickly said to Pan Chen: "Master, in fact, I didn't tell you one thing, that is, the three brothers Hu Liu and Hu Li were sent by me to Beiju Luzhou. I want them to check the situation in Luju, Beiju. "

Pan Chen nodded after hearing Hu Huo's words. In fact, Pan Chen did not want to punish Hu Liu, the three brothers of Tiger Power, Princess Bailian, Princess Halloween, and the Seven Sisters of Spider. After all, Hu Liu, the three brothers Tiger Power, Princess Bailian, Halloween Princess, Seven Spiders, they have a good relationship with Princess Xueyu.

(Princess Xueyu is the daughter of Pan Chen and Snow Queen)

If Pan Chen punished Hu Liu, the three brothers of Huli, Princess Bailian, Princess Halloween, and the Seven Sisters of Spider, then Princess Baiyu must find trouble with Panchen. Panchen was very afraid of Princess Xueyu.

Six-eared macaques, Shenghaiwang and others were shocked when they heard Hu Huo's words, and then they despised Huhuo deeply, because no one would believe Huhu's reason. Six-eared macaques, Shenghaiwang and others believed that Pan Chen also I won't believe it.

But when the six-eared macaque, Shenghaiwang and others thought this way, Pan Chen suddenly spoke, and Pan Chen looked at Hu Huo and said slowly: "Hu Huo, I seem to remember you told me, Bai Lian, Wan Holy, the Seven Sisters of the Spider were also sent to Beiju Luzhou, right? "

When Hu Huo heard Pan Chen ’s words, he knew that Pan Chen wanted to make himself blameless. To know that Princess Bailian, Princess Halloween, and the Seven Sisters of Spider had two masters and mothers, and sent six-eared macaque monkeys, and the King of the Sea to Beiju. Lu Zhou is looking for Princess Bailian, Princess Halloween, and the Seven Sisters of Spider.

If Hu Huo backed this black pot, the two mistresses would definitely talk to Hu Huo. Hu Huo thought for a moment, Hu Huo was going to pull Madame Bone to bear the black pot together, and just as Hu Huo was going to speak, Madam White Bone Suddenly said.

"King, you are right. I remember Hu Huo also told me." Hu Huo wanted to vomit blood after hearing Mrs. Bone's words.

The six-eared macaque, Shenghaiwang and others were dumbfounded after hearing the words of Pan Chen and Madam Bone. They didn't believe the six-eared macaque and Shenghaiwang said by Pan Chen and Madam Bone.

When Hu Huo heard Mrs. Bone Bone, he quickly said to Pan Chen: "Great King, it's not me," Pan Chen quickly interrupted before saying Hu Huo's words: "Hu Huo, don't tell me about this matter. , You go back to Ziyang Qunshan Yaoguo and tell Snow and Baiyu! "

Hu Huo was dumbfounded after hearing Pan Chen's words. After hearing Pan Chen's words, the six-eared macaque, the holy sea king, and Mrs. White Bone looked at Hu Huo with pitiful eyes. ..

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