The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 750: Instruct Nine Fairies

Although Hu Huo is very helpless, Hu Huo is very happy because Hu Huo knows that Pan Chen will not punish Hu Liu, the three brothers of Huli, Princess Bailian, Princess Halloween, the Seven Spiders and others, otherwise Pan Chen would not accompany Hu Huo in this way.

In fact, Pan Chen was not prepared to punish Hu Liu, Hu Li + three brothers, Princess Bailian, Princess Halloween, Seven Spiders and so on, but Pan Chen needed an excuse, and Hu Huo just gave Pan Chen an excuse, although this excuse Sucks.

Princess Bailian, Princess Halloween, and the Seven Sisters of the Spider have two demon queens in the Ziyang Mountains, so the punishment does not punish Princess Bailian, Princess Halloween, and the Seven Sisters of the Spiders. , This is why Pan Chen let Hu Huo report to the two demon queens of Ziyang Gunshan,

Pan Chen knows that if he says to Baiyu and Xueyao, then Baiyu and Xueyai will blame Panchen, but if Hu Huo says, then Baiyu and Xueyao will not publish. Any comments, because the white jade demon queen and the snowflake demon queen know that Hu Huo represents the views of the entire high-level mountain of Ziyang.

Pan Chen looked at Hu Huo, Mrs. White Bone, Six-Eared Macaque, Shenghaiwang and others, and then slowly said to Hu Huo, Mrs. White Bone, Six-Eared Macaque, Shenghaiwang and others: "Do you have any questions? If you have any questions? There is no problem today ’s parliament is over. "

Hu Huo, Mrs. Bone Bone, Six-Eared Macaque, Sheng Hai Wang and others heard each other after hearing Pan Chen's words, and then they were ready to exit the hall, because Hu Huo, Mrs. Bone Bone, Six-Eared Macaque, Sheng Hai Wang and others were all fine. .

And when Hu Huo, Mrs. White Bone, Six-Eared Macaque, Sheng Hai Wang and others were about to exit the hall, and when Pan Chen was about to get up and leave, a demon would suddenly ran in and then face Pan Chen, Hu Huo , Mrs. White Bone, Six-Eared Macaque, Shenghaiwang and others paid a ceremony and said.

"The king, the commander of Hu Liu, the commander of tiger force, the commander of deer force, the commander of sheep force, the princess Bailian, the princess halloween, the seven commanders of the seven spiders, and the four princesses of the East Sea Dragon Palace, Ao Xinxin, and the fifth Prince of the East Sea Dragon Palace. Seeing outside. "

As soon as the demon was finished, the six-eared macaque quickly asked, "What are you talking about? Princess Bailian, are they outside?"

After hearing the inquiry from the six-eared macaque, the demon quickly said, "Yes! Princess Bailian they are right outside the door!"

The six-eared macaque was prepared to ask after hearing the demon's words, and just as the six-eared macaque was preparing to speak, Pan Chen suddenly said, "Go, let them in?"

After hearing Pan Chen ’s words, the demon quickly said yes, and then slowly withdrew from the hall. After a while, Hu Liu, the three brothers of Huli, Princess Bailian, Princess Halloween, the Seven Sisters of Spider, the fourth princess Ao Xinxin, and the fifth prince Ao Lun walked Enter the hall.

"See King! (See Lord Snow Wolf!)"

Pan Chen looked at Princess Bailian and they saw that they were not injured, so they faced Hu Liu, the three brothers of Huli and Princess Bailian and they said, "Tell me!"

Hu Liu, the three brothers of Huli, Princess Bailian, Princess Halloween, and the Seven Spiders were surprised when they heard Pan Chen, because they did n’t know what Pan Chen wanted them to say? Or what should they say now? After seeing the expressions of Hu Liu, the three brothers of Huli, Princess Bailian and others, Pan Chen realized that they did not understand their meaning, so Pan Chen thought about it and said to Hu Huo: "Hu Huo, this matter will be given to you and Baixian Xian." Pan Chen said after leaving.

Six-eared macaques, holy sea kings, black bears and others saw Pan Chen left, and then slowly left the hall. For a time, the hall was left Hu Huo, Mrs. White Bone, and Hu Liu, three brothers of Huli, Hulian, Princess Bailian, Princess Halloween, Seven Spiders, Four Princess Ao listen, and Five Prince Ao twin them.

"Manager, a few of us," Hu Liu said aloud before he said a few words, "Shut up! Who told you to leave the demon country of the Ziyang Mountains, who brought you into Luju, Beiju? Who gave you the courage to violate the rules of the demon country of the Ziyang Mountains? Tell me who it is? "

Hu Liu and the three brothers of Huli silently heard Hu Hu's words, because Hu Liu and the three brothers of Hu Li knew that Hu Huo was really angry and very angry.

"General Hu Huo, we are the ones who forced the three brothers Hu Liu and Hu Li." Princess Bai Lian thought for a while, then said to Hu Huo.

Hu Huo ignored Princess Bai Lian after hearing what Princess Bai Lian said, and looked straight at Hu Liu, the three brothers of Hu Li. After seeing Hu Huo ignored her, Princess Bai Lian was ready to say something to Hu Huo,

And just as Princess Bailian was about to speak, Mrs. White Bone suddenly said to Princess Bailian: "Bailian, do you want Hu Liu and the three brothers Hu Li to die?"

After hearing Mrs. White Bone's words, Princess Bai Lian was stunned, and then quickly shook her head at Mrs. Bone. Mrs. Bone ignored the movements of Princess Bai Lian, but continued to speak to Princess Bai Lian.

"Bai Lian, you are the sister of Queen Baiyu, so no matter what mistake you make, the king will not take your life. Princess Halloween, the seven sisters of spider are the righteous sister of the queen of snowflakes, so the king will not want to Lost their lives.

But what about the three brothers Hu Liu and Hu Li? A few of you can go to two mistresses, and the two mistresses also spoil you, but who can Hu Liu and Huli Brothers go to? "

"Sister Bone Bone, we," Princess Bai Lian said only a few words, Mrs. White Bone quickly interrupted: "Bai Lian, you wait for me to finish." Princess Bai Lian nodded when she heard Mrs. White Bone.

Seeing Princess Bai Lian nodded, Mrs. Bone said to Princess Bai Lian and they said, "Bai Lian, you always feel that the two masters and mothers are in charge of you, but have you ever thought about how much you have caused.

Before, you were only causing troubles in the mountains of Ziyang, but now you are even starting to cause troubles in Earth Fairy Realm, what do you want to do?

I know you want to prove yourself to the two mistresses, but did you prove it? In addition to causing trouble, what else can you do? "

Princess Bai Lian, Princess Halloween, and the Seven Sisters of Spider all said nothing after hearing Mrs. Bone. Mrs. Bai Bian looked at Princess Bai Lian and thought for a while, and finally said to Princess Bai Lian: "Oh! You have followed nine of these hundred years Beside me, I will teach you well, but nine of you should study hard and be obedient, or you will know the consequences. "

Princess Bailian, Princess Halloween, and the Seven Sisters of Spider all heard their eyes when they heard Mrs. Bone, and then they quickly said to Mrs. Bone: "Sister Bone, rest assured, we will be very obedient." ..

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