The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1904: There are no gods [Six million words Wang Wang, please kill]

This black horse looked at Pan Chen, but there was no **** in Pan Chen's eyes, as if he had lost his soul.

After a while, the dark horse spit out a nose. Unexpectedly, he took a step back, followed by a slight shaking, and a trace of fear could be seen from its swollen eyes.

Pan Chen also looked into the black horse's eyes and lowered his head along the horse.

The black horse actually lowered his head and ate the grass in Pan Chen's hands.

Both are maintained in this way, only the black horse is moving its mouth, chin and chewing grass.

Suddenly, a hand was pressed against Pan Chen's shoulder without warning, and the pressure immediately restored his feeling, and his face was surprised.

"Good boy, my horse does not eat anything other than what I eat. You are the second person to feed it."

The speaker is someone who does not know when it will appear.

The black horse shook his head inexplicably, as if waking up from something.

"Okay, stop playing, go back quickly." The old man with a long beard said calmly in the air.

The big man smiled and rode the black horse together. Throwing one hand at a time, a piece of folded paper fell in front of Pan Chen.

Pan Chen, who had just returned to sanity, picked it up in a hurry.

"Child, you are very talented in controlling beasts. I will send you a basic magic formula for controlling beasts. If you are interested, you can come to our Black Beast Mountain."

After finishing talking, one foot hit the horse's belly. The black horse raised his head, screamed, turned and ran away, and looked at Pan Chen strangely when he left.

"Zhao Daoyou, he did just that. I hope you don't mind." The old man with a long beard said to the white-haired old man behind him.

"Naturally, Master Sun Men walked very slowly, not far away." The white-haired old man saluted.

After the old man returned the gift, he left with a flying machine.

The old man with white hair glanced at Pan Chen and left.

It is surprising to leave Pan Chen in place. But it is good to have a basic recipe for controlling beasts.

After finishing the work in the barn, he returned to the hut happily to start studying.

The overture at night slowly pulled down, but it reflected a bright silvery white.

Under the light, Pan Chen carefully looked at the basic magic formula given by the big man.

"God's mark? Blood marks?" What about Pan Chen? "Pan Chen murmured."

The Soul Mark and the Scarlet Mark are the two methods of controlling the spirit beast, which are mentioned in the basic magic formula for controlling the beast.

The sign of the soul is that the master of the beast condenses his divine thought into a mark and enters the soul of the beast. In this way, some simple soul communication can be carried out, and this ability will be improved as practice increases. Animal controllers can also use this to perceive information about spiritual beasts, and can also give orders to spiritual beasts. This method has higher requirements for the spirit of the beast controller.

The Scarlet Mark is made from the fine blood of the animal controller and enters the body of the spiritual beast. In some cases, this imprint can force the body of the soul beast. In order to avoid the escape of mental animals in dangerous situations or defection.

But most animal controllers use soul marks, and blood marks are only a sequelae.

Pan Chen also learned from the basic magic formula that more spirits are needed to drive spiritual beasts than magic weapons. The higher the level of spiritual animals, the more gods they need. However, driving the beast only needs to use the mana to stimulate the mark and issue a command, so the mana cost will be less than using the mana.

Isn't this suitable for a fairy like Pan Chen who has less mana?

Pan Chen had a fanatical excitement, and could not wait. However, the spirit beast must be tamed before it can be branded. Otherwise, printing will not be able to successfully break through and damage performers.

Pan Chen remembered the black tiger opened by his uncle. If he can also drive a powerful spirit beast, then as the big man said, it is much better than using magic weapons.

The same fact is that the limited practice of using Pan Chen's mana to control the beast will be more beneficial than using magic weapons.

Pan Chen has made up his mind that tomorrow he will harvest the black horn as a spiritual beast.

Pan Chen stood on the bed, his head slightly extended out the window, watching the black horned cow bend down and fell asleep, smiling happily.

The yellow sun passes through the top of the mountain and becomes dazzling white. The brighter the light, the higher the temperature. It's like a fish jumping over the dragon gate.


Pan Chen read the road firmly in his heart.

He looked up at the sun, his eyes shining with a little sunlight.

Pan Chen is ready to go to the place where his disciples gather. Take two notes from the storage bag and stick one of them on your forehead. After a while, when his hand waved, the note turned into a red light and flew out of the window.

This note was given to Xu Fan. After going to Xu Fan's house a few times on the third day, no one opened the door, and the letter left behind did not reply. Now he is ready to replace it with Black Animal Mountain. If he is successfully elected, it is still a question whether he will have the opportunity to meet Xu Fan in the future. For Xu Fan, he and Pan Chen's relatives are closely related. He must talk to him before he can rest assured.

Pan Chen fabricated another note, but this note was left in the log cabin, which was left to his uncle. After all, he also held a long position here, so it is inevitable that there will be negative emotions, just like the last disciple. Pan Chen affixed the note to the wall facing the door so that the uncle could see it as soon as he opened the door.

After doing everything, he walked out of the hut, closed the door, walked back, and looked at the entire cabin.

The hut is in the morning sunlight, the light is dark and beautiful, it seems that the darkness is embedded in the light, and it is like cutting the light of people in the dark.

Pan Chen stopped, took a deep breath, bent down and bowed to the hut, then turned and rushed into the forest behind him and disappeared.

Soon, the wooden door of the cabin opened "creaky". Uncle came out slowly, his face covered with stains, must be scattered, and his tired face was covered. Uncle looked at the direction of Pan Chen's departure, and then stretched out two points, pointing to a point in the cabin. The note flew out, and the uncle took it. God looked at the note.

After reading the content of this note, the uncle patted it with his hand, turning it into a small aura to dissipate. Uncle smiled softly, with something unspeakable in his eyes, glanced in that direction again, returned to the room, and closed the door quietly.

Pan Chen walked down the hill, through a bush, and finally came to Ximen.

The so-called Simon was temporarily built after merging with Black Beast Mountain. This is very simple, that is to say, a large wooden board was nailed to two large trees. Because this is where I live in Black Beast Mountain, I chose this place.

At this time, there were already six people waiting here, either standing or meditating in place, not talking to each other.

Pan Chen also found an open space where he could meditate.

One by one, another person who signed up also came, a total of seven people. Later, seven people also found a place to wait.

"Thirteen people" Pan Chen opened his eyes and counted the number of people present. Fortunately, not many people come and it is more likely to be selected. Pan Chen was secretly happy. But Pan Chen is still worried about the choice of method, just waiting for the team to know.

Most of the thirteen are disciples of four or five layers of essence. Only one person is as high as seven layers of essence. One of them is lower than Pan Chenxiu and has only one layer of essence.

Time is running out and people can't wait. Some people looked up somewhere in the sky as if the leader would appear there in the next minute.

Suddenly, a powerful **** covered his head and put everyone in the cage. A bright light flashed over the top of the forest, and I saw a white-haired old man standing on a bright flying device and flying around.

It was Pan Chen's previous master!

The old man with white hair flew quickly, breathing into the crowd several times. When God thought of this, he solemnly said:

"Next, I will announce the list of people selected. You, you."

In the exploration of God just now, the old man with white hair already knew the situation of seven or eight people. Point your finger at the crowd and indicate the selected person.

Pan Chen found that a disciple standing in front of him had not been selected and seemed to have lost the election.

This disciple is Pan Chen's disciple behind Zhong Ling Tang. He held out his hand, his expression cold. This does not seem surprising. He had expected it. Pan Chenmo vaguely feels that he is the tallest person here. In fact, he is a seven-layer refined gas, in fact it is also the highest. The school will definitely not let tall people go, Pan Chen is thinking about it and understanding the truth.

With the selection of the white-haired old man, nine people were selected, and now there is only Pan Chen, one layer of refined gas, and one person with three layers of refined gas.

The gray-haired old man saw the three men stop and rushed forward with his two fingers, saying:


The person present was Pan Chen!

Pan Chen was very happy and smiled, almost clapping and calling it. The disciple who refined gas on the first floor sighed. He knew he was unlikely to be selected as the lowest disciple, he just came to try his luck. However, Ming Xuan, a disciple of the third layer of alchemy, was a little unbelievable. When he heard the white-haired old man point out Pan Chen, his heart was very fierce and said:

"My predecessor, I am one level higher than him, why not choose me?"

The old man with white hair stroked his sleeve, smiled slightly, and replied:

"what do you want?"

The crowd looked at this, something must have happened.

The sweat on the disciple's forehead reached the corner of his eyes, and he could be seen turning his eyes to the left and right, his pupils were dilated, his eyes were cut, his teeth were bitten, and his fists were bent, he said:

"I want to compare with him. If he wins, I don't want to complain anymore; if I win, give me this place. Ask your elders about their success."

"Yes" the gray-haired old man immediately agreed and looked at Pan Chen.

Pan Chendeng was stunned, surprised that the old man with white hair actually agreed. Staring at the old man with white hair. At this time, the people watched the drama together one by one.

When the disciple heard the old man with white hair, his heart relaxed and his face changed. He looked at Pan Chen hostilely, patting the storage bag, a flying fork and a spear flashing cold light at the same time, ready to attack.

At this time, Pan Chen's heart was completely cold. If he really lost to him, he would miss the opportunity of Black Bull Mountain. I don't know when to wait next time. I can't ask the old man with white hair now, so I have to fight. He made up his mind to release the flying sword, which could be up to four feet in size. Pan Chen grabbed it in his hand without sacrificing it in the air, and then threw out the bag of spirit animals. As soon as the animal bag was opened, the blackhorn cow appeared and roared.

Everyone was surprised to see the black horn bull appeared, and the disciples saw a jump. It was completely unexpected that the person in front of the second layer of refined gas actually had a beast with only one layer of refined gas.

The white-haired old man in the sky certainly knew that Pan Chen had a bag of spiritual animals. He thought that they were ordinary beasts in the barn. After careful exploration, he discovered that it was a spirit beast with only one layer of alchemy. Although he was expelled from the teacher's door, he was still a little worried about Pan Chen's situation. It was only then that he agreed to the disciple's request.

what. The disciple shouted, attacked first, and then the fork quickly pierced Pan Chen.

Pan Chen has had battle experience before, even if not a lot, he also needs to see the other party attack and also respond. A handprint urges the soul mark to give the black horn a command. The black-horned bull moved its four hoofs and rushed out. Pan Chen waved his flying sword in his backhand and rushed out with the black-horned cow. It is unwise for him to control the sword attack. He had better cut it directly with a sword. He usually tries to draw a few movements when cutting grass.

When people saw Pan Chen stand up to attack, they were surprised to find that in their eyes, the fairies attacked with sacred control tools, which were very flexible, and they did not need to be tied together by their hands. They can use multiple instruments.

The disciple's eyebrows were also folded and there was no way to deal with it, so he had to stick it on the scalp. God thought of an action, with a fork around the black-horned bull, pointing straight at Pan Chen. As soon as the spear started, the head of the spear was aligned with the head of the black-horned bull.

Pan Chen waved the sword in his hand to resist the attack of the fork, but every time he repelled the fork, the fork always rolled and rewrapped, so that Pan Chen could not move forward. The spear turned into a cold light and pierced the blackhorn cow in an attempt to kill it. After a collision, the spear left a dent in the large corner of the black horn, but the black horn did not stop, but was irritated and fell ill under his feet. Rush to the disciple faster.

The disciple jumped to his side, and before he could avoid the collision of the black-horned bull, the terrible spray in his heart turned over.

Pan Chen looked at the opportunity and suddenly reached out to grab the fork in his hand and buckled it dead. The flying fork trembles ceaselessly. It is the disciple who knows that this fork was made by Pan Chen himself and wants to throw it away. However, Pan Chen didn't even send people to continue to rush towards him.

At this moment, the black-horned bull hurriedly stopped, turned and rushed to the disciple.

The disciple was surprised to find that the spear could not resist the attack of the black horn bull, the flying fork had been controlled, and now he had nothing to do with it. He said in panic:

"I admit failure."

Pan Chen stopped and touched the mark of the soul, causing the black horn to stop. Open his hand and throw it at the disciple.

The disciple picked up his fork and spear, gave the white-haired old man a gift, and bowed his head to the side.

Pan Chen also recaptured Flying Sword and Black Horned Bull.

People couldn't help looking at Pan Chen's eyes, but couldn't help but have a little more.

"Those who have no choice are now back at the door. The selected people will go to Black Beast Mountain with me." The old white-haired man said slowly that nothing happened.

After the three people left, the gray-haired old man patted the storage bag, and a disc-shaped flying device flew out. The wind soared to a half foot, enough to accommodate ten people. Pan Chen took a closer look, exactly the same as the aircraft he was riding on the Black Mountain Gate.

The disc instrument fell to the ground, and the old white-haired man motioned to the crowd.

Just then, a neat sound of horseshoes came from here.

The horseshoe's voice was getting closer and closer, echoing in the empty mountain forest, causing a trace of fear.

The old man with white hair turned around calmly, looking in the direction of the voice, back to him, waiting. The disc flying instrument that had just fallen to the ground suddenly shrank and returned to its original size. Several disciples who wanted to trample on it stood up in shock. I don't know what they mean. The instrument of the frisbee flight, if it is spiritual, will shrink into the sleeve of the white-haired old man. The white-haired old man keeps his posture without saying a word.

Soon, a burst of friction sounded and 11 black horses jumped out of the bushes while landing. The sound of horseshoes was as loud as thunder.

The leader is the deputy guard of Heiwei Mountain, who should be the disciple who transferred from Heiwei Mountain. They all looked cold and silent. The horses under them did not hiss, and were as quiet as an ancient well, without even wagging their tails. At first glance, it looks like a statue.

"Zhao Daoyou, we waited for a long time in the venue. We have passed by, thinking that what happened, so we brought a man." The big man took the lead and said that in the process of Pan Chen preparing to board the flying magic device, he There is also a little understanding about this.

The big man waved his right hand forward, and the ten people behind him immediately knew how to turn off the horse and walked neatly. After disembarking, still tall and motionless, trained. In contrast, a group of Pan Chen also kept the way they were about to board the flight instrument and gathered together.

The old man with white hair narrowed his eyes slightly and saw something in it. The man who looked down at the sky said:

"Indeed, there was a delay before departure. However, Taoyou was a little anxious. We came too fast. We are on the road."

"Since everyone is here, let's start exchanging disciples as soon as possible. We have a lot to do with Blackwood Mountain. Especially in this important place-the livestock farm." The big man raised his eyebrows and smelled flirting.

With a wave of his hand, ten people behind him stepped forward one by one.

"Well, we have a lot of places in Heishan Gate, and we should finish it earlier. You all stand up." The old man with white hair said, many people ordered.

Pan Chen and others heard the words of the old white-haired man, and after learning of the appearance of the disciples of Heiwei Mountain, they stood up in rows.

Under the direction of the big man and the white-haired old man, the two rows of people reached each other's position.

"After the exchange, let's go back to Black Beast Mountain. Zhao Daoyou, bye." The big man casually gave a farewell gift.

"Goodbye" the white-haired old man also gave a gift, put another flying saucer, and fell to the ground and said:

"Let's go too."

Ten people on the Black Beast Mountain were flying magic one by one, the old man with white hair was flying fast, and the old man with white hair was flying back to the Black Mountain Gate, one step faster than the big man. This old man with white hair is not afraid of any problems with the big guy staying here. The two schools are now in a united relationship and will naturally not do anything to harm themselves.

"Let's go, ride a horse." The big man saw the old man with white hair gone. Hey, he said to the ten people at Heishan Gate with a smile. The big man naturally discovered Pan Chen, and said:

"Boy, I didn't expect you to come to Black Beast Mountain. How about controlling the beast?"

"Thanks to my predecessor for granting French nationality, I will now fully acquire basic French." "Yes, this boy understands very well. It usually takes more than two months for our disciples to fully grasp it. Ride the horse, return to the door, and give you the rest . "

"Yes" Pan Chen secretly rejoiced. This was his purpose to go to Black Bull Mountain. He stepped on the horse and sat down safely.

In the barn, he sometimes rides on the black horse in the stable, so it is not difficult for Pan Chen to ride a horse. But for other disciples, it may be a little difficult to know what to do.

"If you want to be a disciple of Black Odyssey, how can you not ride a horse?" The big man said sternly. After dismounting, he taught people to ride one by one.

A quarter of an hour later, the crowd reluctantly rode on the horse, and the big man rode on his white spotted black horse, pulling the reins, hissing, rushing out the arrow, followed by ten horses.

Black Beast Mountain and Black Mountain Gate are not far away and are two adjacent mountains. However, due to the embarrassment of riding for the first time, it took a lot of time. When they reached Blackwood Hill, many people's faces and hands and feet were bruised.

When I came to the door of Montenegro, I saw four janitors standing at the door, each with a dog-shaped beast on their feet. When **** returned, four people greeted him, and the beast on the ground rose and lowered his head. Without speaking, the big man directly brought the crowd into Black Beast Mountain.

The scene of Black Beast Mountain is very similar to the scene of Black Mountain Gate, but sometimes there are some black beasts in the woods.

Dahan Shunshan Road led the crowd directly to the center of Black Beast Mountain, stopped in a small building, and ordered people to go down the mountain. The big man patted the black horse with white spots on his neck, and the black horse with white spots left ten horses.

"Well, there are too few people in this Black Beast Mountain, less than our Black Mountain Gate, they will not all be closed to practice." One disciple poked another disciple next to him and said.

Indeed, looking around, although there are many exhibition halls in the central area of ​​Black Beast Mountain, only a dozen people are walking on the road.

"Oh, no, do Odyssey black people work so hard?" Oh, no, in my opinion, there are few people in Black Beast Mountain, otherwise how to practice the art of controlling beasts to enhance their strength. "The other disciple thought for a while and said.

"Well, it seems to be much better than Heishan Gate. I never seem to have seen a place like Zhongling Hall. I don't know what to do in the future." The disciple sighed.

"If someone wants to leave, they can go now. We Black Bull Mountain will never stop you. When you register, you will become an official disciple of Black Odyssey, and the person you want to leave will register with me." Of course The big man heard clearly what the two men said. The big man stopped in front of the small house and told the person.

The two disciples were immediately surprised and stood up in a hurry, frightened.

The big man looked at the crowd several times, and when he saw no one left, he turned and walked into the little building. The crowd followed into the building.

After some registration, people walked out of this small building. Pan Chen was very excited and finally came to Black Beast Mountain. However, Pan Chen was still a bit worried. I don't know whether Xu Fan knew that he had become a disciple of Heishan Mountain at this time, or what kind of mood Xu Fan would have after he knew it.

"So, you are now a disciple of Black Odyssey. I am the defensive guard of Black Beast Mountain. I want to completely control the beast on this door to you." The big man patted the storage bag and had ten skin The book flew out and floated in front of the crowd.

Pan Chen held all the French in excitement, and the others were curious and could not wait to open it. Only the big man said:

"Don't worry. I'll show you the barn at Black Beast Mountain. The barn at Black Mountain Gate is not what it looks like at all."

When they heard the news, they had to put away the French book and follow the big guy. What's more difficult is that they met Brother Yuji at the Black Mountain Gate. This was the first time they had been with the monk Shiji for so long. The basic monk does not have the shelf of senior monk, so they are all respected.

Under the leadership of the big man, the crowd came to a densely wooded place. A door was composed of two thick wooden piles and a fork. It was painted with red paint and hung a square. Wooden sign. It is engraved with two large "animal pens" on it, and looks very solemn.

Walking into the door, a place with different scenery is displayed in front of you. It is a prairie surrounded by mountains and cliffs as if the earth had sunk directly from the mountain. Under the gable, the dense grass was surrounded in a circle, and Pan Chen was planted in the beast pen of the Black Mountain Gate.

In the barn, there are twenty herbivores free to move, even nibbling grass, each of which has a layer of alchemy. Surprise everyone. There are four different sizes in the middle of the barn, like the one on the gate of Montenegro, composed of wooden piles, but it looks much more complicated than the latter. There is also a four-storey wooden building. On a part of the gable, some disciples in the barn come and go, probably the residence of the disciples who guard the barn, and so on.

The big man and the crowd walked to the middle of the four columns. The four columns were lined up one word at a time, increasing one by one, each with a certain magic array, and the last one must be the most complicated.

"This is the barn of Black Beast Mountain, where there are untamed spirit animals, from the second layer of refined gas to the fifth layer of alchemy. After you have learned the basic skills of animal control, you can come here to tame this Only a spiritual beast. "But I remind you that after entering here, we don't care about life and death. You can also go to other places in Black Beast Mountain to find the spirit beast yourself. "The big man said to the crowd.

Everyone froze and fought a cold war. No matter life or death, people begin to regret, and Pan Chen is still an excited face, as if entering its appearance.

"Deputy goalkeeper, are these disciples who exchange with each other in Montenegro?"

A man in his 40s or 50s, who looked like a scholar, came over and bowed to the ceremony.

The appearance of this quasi-scholar apparently does not match the manager of the Black Beast Mountain Animal Stables. The position of the Black Beast Mountain is derived from the struggle. It seems that the appearance of the weak must have power that cannot be underestimated.

"Yes, I just came back and told them what was inside the door." The big man then introduced to the crowd and said: "This is the big manager of the barn. You will come to tame this spirit beast to find him in the future."

"There is no need to disturb the deputy goalkeeper, just let the disciples do it." Director Zeng nodded to the crowd and continued to speak to the big man.

"My job is to take over the communication of the disciples, and I can finish it. I gave it to the other disciples, but there was something wrong with this matter, for fear that it would tarnish the reputation of Montenegro. Wait a minute. I have to take them to animals Farm. Let's go. "After the big man responded, he took the crowd to the door.

After saying goodbye to Zeng's boss politely, the crowd left with the big man.

The CEO saw that the big man and the others were gone, standing motionless in his place.

The big man opened the door of the room and walked into the room. The big man had arranged for Pan Chen and others to live in the house, explained some things to pay attention to on the door, and then came here.

The old man with white hair sat quietly in the seat of God. When the big man came in, he slowly opened his eyes and asked:

"Is the ten exchange disciples arranged? What is your strength? Is it worth cultivating?"

The old man with a long beard asked three questions in one breath. The big man heard helplessness for a while, but did not directly answer all the questions of the old man with a long beard.

"It has been arranged. I want to know if the boss still remembers the boy on the second floor of the refining gas we met in the barn of Heishan Gate when we arrived at Heishan Gate a month ago."

The old man lifted it with his right hand and gently twisted his long beard, saying:

"Remember, I thought you gave him a basic spell to control the beast. What, did he come to our Black Beast Mountain as an exchange disciple?"

The memory of fairyland practitioners is much higher than that of ordinary people. During the foundation period, their memory reached an unforgettable level.

"This is him. He is the only one who has won the battle on today's battlefield. The opponent is the disciple of three layers of refined gas arranged by me. He has completely learned basic French books and tamed a good spiritual beast." Da The man smiled and said with a little approval: "This person's spirit is much better than that of a monk of the same level, and much stronger than the three-layer alchemy disciple." However, his mana is very small, the specific reason is not yet Get a careful investigation. "

"Oh, I learned the basic skills completely in a month. I tamed this spirit beast." The old man with a long beard had something in his eyes. His thumb pressed a beard against his index and middle fingers, and wiped it gently. He also said:

"Pay more attention to him in the future. Everyone else is defeated. The Black Mountain Gate seems to have casually found a few people to pervert our Black Beast Mountain."

Speaking of the last sentence, the voice of the old man with a long beard quickly increased, which was related to the meaning of disobedience.

The big man smiled coldly, looking at the angle that the old man with a long beard could not see, and said nothing.

After a while, the old man with a long beard fell down and said to the big man:

"You go back first, if you need anything, I will find you."

"Yes," the big man replied, then backed away and left the room.

The old man leaned on the back of the chair, loosened his long beard, and lay flat on the armrest of the chair. He immediately tapped on the armrest with his fingers and closed his eyes for a moment.

where you live.

The residence of Pan Chen and others is a two-story wooden building with five rooms on the first floor. Two from left to right and one to the door. In the middle is a hall with complete tables and chairs. At this time, Pan Chen and others were sitting in the hall.

People's faces are different, whether they are happy or sad. The joy of nature is Pan Chen's, the excited eyes cannot even lock the eyelids, and most of the others are full of melancholy.

"Well, it's unbearable to hear what the deputy guard said just now. The challenge that must be accepted is not a challenge at all, but a forced war." A disciple said with a sigh.

"Yes, what if we are challenged in an undisclosed practice? At critical moments, we will waste the opportunity to move forward," another disciple echoed.

Hearing these two people's words, everyone secretly felt annoyed and silent. Regret means to surround your heart like a very fast vine.

Suddenly, a disciple got together and said happily:

"Since we are all disciples of Black Odyssey, it's useless to regret anymore. Why don't we say something else, for example, if Black Cow Hill and Black Mountain Gate duel, who will win?"

The crowd was also fascinated by his words, temporarily abandoned this idea and began to think about this issue.

"I think the Black Oval Mountain will win. There are only about 300 people in the Black Mountain Gate, and about 300 people in the Black Auger Mountain. Almost everyone in the Black Beast Mountain has a Spirit Beast. Counting the Elves, the number of Black Beast Mountain is Black Mountain Double the door, what is the chance of victory? You can also see that Mr. Geng defeated two people who are taller than him, and you can see the fighting power of the spiritual beast. "A disciple shook his head and smiled contemptuously. He looked at the crowd and did not immediately oppose him.

When Pan Chen heard the news, he was watching French nationality and he reacted, but did not know what happened.

Others glanced at Pan Chen and felt that this was the case, without refuting. People already know each other, and they have seen things about Pan Chen. The reason why Pan Chen can control the beast is not a taboo message to the public.

"Not necessarily" a short-haired person said, this person stood up and said to the crowd: "Did you find it when you arrived at the farm today? The disciples of Black Olive Mountain are generally very low, there are few senior monks, monks of all levels in Montenegro It ’s all. ”The distribution is relatively even. Although the disciples of the Black Russian Mountain are equipped with melee weapons, can one weapon really resist the attack of more than two Dharma weapons? In addition, the use of close-range weapons is not as flexible as magic weapons. I just turned it over roughly. After the owner is killed, the mark of the spirit beast will disappear. Whether the soul beast will continue to fight is another matter. Just kill the opponent with a magic device. "

Just as the crowd wanted to confirm the short-haired man's statement, a man who held French nationality but could not speak also said:

"I agree with this point of view. I just read the front of the legal document. Apart from the basic methods of guiding spiritual animals and some methods of controlling them, there are no other merits and legal records. Therefore, this art of controlling beasts is just An external force for combat. It cannot be practiced as a working method, and it is not helpful. Today, my disciples playing Dharma were almost killed by my two magic weapons. If it was not for this small place, He can avoid the attack of his soul and beast. "

After all, the man still didn't believe it, holding a fist in his hand and a punch in the chair.

People fall into contemplation and think about different things. Soon, the crowd dispersed back to their room.

Pan Chen closed the door. This room is much larger than his residence at the Black Mountain Gate, perhaps because of the split of the ghost beast.

Pan Chen sat on the bed, preparing for complete animal control. He can figure out how the disciples wrestling with him today can instantly increase the animal's power under the same circumstances.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door a few times.

Pan Chen had to put away his French book and went out to open the door. The person who found him was the one sitting in the corner. Pan Chen was a little surprised and asked:

"I want to know what Brother Wang can do."

"You and I entered the Black Beast Mountain at the same time. It's not that your brother should be a peer. Call him his brother." Wang Guang said: "I looked at the control of the upper half of the beast with some problems." Arrived, let me ask you for advice. "

no no. Pan Chen invited Wang Guang to enter the room and sat down at the table.

Wang Guang opened his French nationality and wanted to ask questions. Unexpectedly, there were several knocks. Pan Chen was surprised, he owed himself the responsibility to open the door. It turned out to be the man with short hair. The man with short hair explained his intentions and came to consult.

"This is not a friend of Huang Fang, it's just that animal control is not good, so it is necessary to consult the law as soon as possible." Wang Guang saw Huang Fangjin and said.

"Wang Guang, I didn't say that the control of the beast is not good, even if you say, you agree." Huang Fang seemed to know Wang Guang very well and answered without restraint.

After talking, the two looked at each other and smiled.

"The two of you?" Pan Chen looked at the two men and couldn't help interrupting his words.

"This is our business, don't mind. Let's start talking about the business." Wang Guang said to Huang Fang with a smile. The two men stopped and started consulting Pan Chen.

Pan Chen only practiced the basic part, there is nothing to answer, but after two and a half hours, Huang Fang and Wang Guang also learned a lot.

"In your opinion, we should first cultivate the brand of the soul, and then go to the barn to tame a spirit beast, and use the spirit beast to help the practitioner to control the beast." Wang Guang said thoughtfully.

"Yes, this is much better than practicing magic with your head, and it can also promote a tacit understanding with the mythical beast, and it is still very good to drive it." Pan Chen talked about his own understanding of the application of understanding.

Huang Fang and Wang Guang nodded one by one and agreed. Pan Chen said thank you and left the room and went back to the room.

Pan Chen also took a breath. After all, this was the first time he had taught others, and he had not fully mastered the spell.

After sorting out his mood, Pan Chen sat on the bed, opened the French document, and began to read the content above. The first half is the most basic part, just like the big one gave him. Turn over a few pages and look at the rest.

"Intensive surgery, movementism"

Pan Chen believes that the rest can be divided into two types.

Reinforcement is a spell that increases the power of souls and beasts by using magical forms of divine thought and mana for a period of time. However, this spell is complicated and takes a long time to practice. In addition, strengthening has some side effects. The higher the strengthening, the greater the damage to the spirit beast after the spell subsides.

There is not much detail in the magic book. It may be that after the performer applies magic to his own spirit beast, he can force the spirit beast's incarnation to be inspired. However, for the current exquisite spiritual beast of the Black Beast Mountain Gate, there is no Avatar at all, this is just a melee fight.

Pan Chen turned to the rebar section and took a cursory look, which recorded four types of reinforcement. Pan Chen saw the first enhanced explanation. Suddenly, this is where opponents play today. Considering the power of Black Bull in a short time, I couldn't help but come up with the idea of ​​learning immediately. In any case, the big man also gave you a few days to get familiar with the situation at the door. Pan Chen decided to try the first kind of reinforcement to see if its side effects would affect the beast itself.


Pan Chen's lips opened a little, Hong Liang said. Then, sit up on the plate, watch the practice of the method, and start practicing according to the above method.

Woo Pan Chen sent out a cloud of air, reaching out his hands and feet.

"This kind of reinforcement is too difficult to practice." Pan Chen complained.

In fact, this strengthening takes a long time to practice and requires more mana. In the current situation of Pan Chen, it takes longer to practice than others. I studied for several hours, but made little progress.

Pan Chen put away the French book and went to bed as soon as it was soft.

Pan Chenfang did not wake up until the next morning. After taking a shower, leave the room. The room where she got married was closed.

"Maybe it's too early," Pan Chen guessed. Then, when he went down the stairs, he found Wang Guang on the table, preparing to go somewhere.

"Good morning, Brother Wang." Pan Chen said hello.

"It's not too late for you. Where are you going now?" Wang Guang asked with a smile.

"I'm on my way to the animal farm, to be familiar with the situation inside." Yesterday, Wang Guangken and Wang Guang had a conversation. Wang Guangken asked him to be someone other than himself. Pan Chen did not think that Wang Guang was a bad person, he admired the word.

Pan Chenqing couldn't help but a hint of blush appeared, reached out to the void, and Wang Guang was asked to take a step first.

"You and I don't have to be polite, let's go together." Wang Guang patted Pan Chen's shoulder several times, not caring about his appearance.

"Well, you go to the animal farm and don't call me." Huang Fang said by the handrail of the corridor on the second floor, only listening to the voice from Huang Fang from the second floor.

"I thought you were not awake yet." Wang Guang said the unrestrained game. Wang Guangchong and Huang Fang smiled slightly.

Huang Fang smiled, went downstairs, walked to the two people, greeted each other, and went to the animal farm together.

Pan Chen ’s purpose of going to the farm is of course to train black horn bulls, because according to his uncle, low-level monsters only want to advance through battle. I'm sure this is why animal farms are established and so active. He can also observe the animal control methods of the Black Beast Mountain disciples, which has some inspiration and help for the practice of animal control. More importantly, after yesterday ’s play, Pan Chen found a strange feeling, and the previous play had a similar feeling. Yesterday was the strongest. This is how Pan Chen was really driven to the farm the reason.

Soon, three people came to the oracle door. The three doors are still very quiet, very different from the situation inside. The three entered the dark tunnel and walked all the way to the farm.

At this point, there are far fewer people on the ground than when they came yesterday, which may be the reason for the arrival of the morning. There is no one around, the Dharma circle is full.

Pan Chen looked around and suddenly found a faint spiritual light in the stone statue mouth at the door. Wang Guang also found the light in the spirit, walked over, squatted a little, saw the mouth of the stone statue, and said:

"Oh, it turned out to be a soundproof spell. No wonder the sound here can't come out."

"Sound Array" Pan Chenzao said that it might understand its role from the name.

Wang Guang listened to his waist and looked around, as if looking for the person who fought with him yesterday. After a while, Wang Guang walked in a certain direction, turned and walked towards those two people.

"I want to fight him first, don't be idle."

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