The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1994: Half-step ancestor

Pan Chen explained with a smile.

"What ?! Half-step ancestor, you are not afraid of him playing for thousands of years!"

As soon as Sun Qitian heard that the seemingly mediocre old man was a half-ancestor, he immediately became cautious.

"Ha, I've shown it to him. People can't grab Qiqiu. If you want to grab early, you can rest assured."

Kong Ling patted Sun Qitian's shoulder.

"You are too careless, in case their tricks are related to the tomb of the ghost ancestors after all, ah, I said, they are confused, you are confused, at least you have lived for so many years, there is no such alert! "

Sun Qitian did not evade the eternal existence, and still said cautiously, but accused Kong Ling of coming.

"Dead monkey, can you listen to me? He is not a bad guy, he is the heir to the star king, he is his own family!"

Seeing Sun Qitian blame himself, Kong Ling couldn't help turning his eyes.

"What? Heir of Heavenly Star King? Is this impossible? Will there be a real devil among the heirs of Sky Harbor Stars?"

As soon as he heard Kong Ling's words, Sun Qitian froze and felt unbelievable.

"Monkey, yes, he is really the heir to the Space Force. If you do n’t know what happened, do n’t talk nonsense. Who said that the successor to the Space Force ca n’t be the real devil, and I Still from Wonderland? "

Stone couldn't help but open his mouth.

"Now you have spoken with broken stones, I believe. After all, you have nine tricks in your heart. You can tell if other people are lying, but they are the characters of the half-step ancestor. Does this work for him?"

Sun Qitian asked suspiciously.

"Of course, this does not work for people of his level, but it is clear that he is the heir to the heavenly star. There is no malice here. He just defeated us, no killer. He showed him Zhao Panchen, he did not Rob him. "

Shi dare said seriously.

"Well, even so, you can't believe him easily. By the way, did he go to the water palace to merge the origins of the stars?"

Sun Qitian suddenly thought of a key question and hurriedly asked.

"What is the source of fusion, ah, he integrated this source more than 100,000 years ago, I haven't seen Shui Huangding yet."

Pan Chen said with a smile.

"Pan Chen, you also believe that what happened to you is too easy to believe others, ah, what he said, where is your brain, if you say that, you do n’t know how to die!"

Sun Qitian said angrily that although he was always careless, he was sometimes more careful than others.

"So, what the monkey said is not unreasonable. It is a very simple proof. Let me enter the double yellow roof. I will open the secret room of the Tianji Xingjun to prove it. Although I have merged, but I have left, I will still Responsive. "

Seeing Sun Qitian did not believe in himself, he made an endless speech.

"Okay, let's do it. It's not that I don't believe you. It's just that Tiangang inherited this big event. I can't be careful." Sun Pan did not agree until Pan Chen agreed. Although Pan Chen saw that his heart was helpless, he still sacrificed Shui Huangding and took away all the people present, and he was no exception.

The space fluctuated in a flash, Pan Chen and others appeared in front of the water palace, and then people walked into the secret room on the second floor together.

With the arrival of ancient times, the originally closed Tianji Xingjun inherited the door of the secret room, and quickly opened it from the inside. With the opening of the jade door, its internal situation also appeared in the eyes of Pan Chen and others.

This secret room is empty. If there are really no inherited stars, Pan Chen and others saw it with a sigh of relief. Although they believe in eternity, the scene by Sun Qitian is actually beyond doubt, but the evidence is now Certainly, all the stones have fallen to the ground in their hearts.

"I didn't expect you to inherit this star. I seem a little suspicious. I hope you don't mind what happened just now. I'm also trying to stay safe. Proving this is not a bad thing."

Looking at the hard evidence in front of him, Sun Qitian apologized to Changqing.

"No harm, I'm just as cautious as you. Let's go to my chaotic dragon and tiger city first, and then discuss entering the tomb of the devil ancestor. This can't be delayed any longer. Since the twelve states are ready, we have to act as soon as possible stand up."

He didn't have a spirit with Sun Qitian, and couldn't help but open his mouth to urge.

"This matter is urgent, but we have not decided who we are going to, because I intend to stay and let them go back to Beidou."

Pan Chen thought about it and said with a bitter smile.

"What? You stay, let's go back to Beidou. Are you kidding? Who do you think we are? Will we let you go?"

When Sun Qitian heard what Pan Chen said, he said excitedly, not only him, but also low-level gold and laughter. Wu Liang and others did not show much surprise because they knew this before.

"Well, he wants to be a hero now, and we have a quarrel about it. He said that if we do n’t listen to him, he will ask Kim to tie us back."

Suddenly, with resentment, he said.

"Ah, Master, if you are like this, I disagree. You are my master. I can listen to you, but this matter has not been discussed yet."

Because Pan Chen and Tian Tian were not here when they were arguing, he didn't know. At present, when he hears his words, he also objects.

"Why do you want them to go back to Beidou and stay alone?"

Pan Chen looked at Pan Chen suspiciously and asked.

"So, I am afraid that all the troops will not be in this real magical world. At that time, I will not be able to return to heaven. With their combat power, it only takes a while to quell the chaos of my Beidou robbery. . "

Pan Chen explained bitterly.

"This is a completely pedantic view. We are all good brothers who live and die together. In this real world of magic, how can we leave you alone?"

Kong Ling said excitedly.

"You are not like me, you are the heir to Tiangang, I can die, you can't, if you die, you have to wait for the next heir to appear, and then don't know how long to wait!"

Pan Chen countered.

"You're not talking nonsense. The water top is on you. If something happened in this real magical world, if you talked about the farting party in Sky Harbor, and there is no physical causal traction, where can we Found another successor? "

Sun Qitian said loudly.

"I'll give you water yellow Ding, you take away the water top, and hope to find an heir. Besides, I don't necessarily die, maybe everything is fine, we are still happy .....

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