The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1995: Fear of death

Pan Chen said with a wry smile.

"No matter what you say, I will not go back to Beidou. I will go back to Beidou, or we will not go back. If I do n’t take you back, how can I tell them my greed for life and fear of death, I take my The brother was left in the real world of magic? "

Kong Ling said firmly.

"Master, I won't go back. I won't explain to them. My brother and sister can't strangle me."

After thinking about it, Qi Tian shook his head and shook his head. When he mixed the sky, etc., he did not want to say that his attitude was surprising.

"Master, it's not my fault that I don't speak for you. I don't want to leave you alone, but now I am more difficult to speak."

Pan Chen has explained to him that the interested cattle also spoke with their mouths, apparently standing in the position of Qi Tian and others.

"It feels very deep. Forget it. You don't have to worry anymore. Listen to me. You should stay together."

"First of all, no matter what you say, there are four emperors in power, and their strength is not weak. If we participate in this trip to the ghost tomb, we have a greater chance of winning. As for the others, we can hide in me In the chaotic Dragon and Tiger City, this is absolutely safe. "

"Besides, I also said that letting the chaotic mother tree help you lay the foundation is very helpful for your future practice, so you have to stay."

Seeing that both sides of Pan Chen did not make a decision for a long time, they always talked openly.

"I think so, that's it."

Seeing eternal opinion and unity with others, Sun Qitian did not want to open his mouth to praise.

"I think so!"

"me too!"

Sun Qitian is not the only one. Jin Wei and other people share the same view, and they all agree with eternal claims.

"Pan Chen, believe me, there will be no problem. You have to know that if this trip to the tomb of the demon ancestors fails, if the Protoss and the people of the Twelve Kingdoms win this opportunity, you are also destined to go to Beidou . "

"You may not know that you have a big secret at Beidou. It is precisely because of this big secret that the Protoss secretly ordered it without hesitation to help the people of the twelve kingdoms to attack you."

Seeing that Pan Chen had not yet made a decision, after hesitating for a while, he said a message that made Pan Chen and others interested.

"A big secret? What is this secret?"

Although Pan Chen inherited the emperor's memory heritage, he had never heard of such a secret of Beidou, so the Protoss was so coveted.

"I can't tell you this secret yet, but you have to believe me. For this secret, the Protoss will never give up, which is why the Emperor Beidou must put down the array of seven-star lock elements."

Solemnly, with an eternal look.

"Can you hide it, whether I, Pan Chen, are qualified to know this so-called secret? Come on!"

Pan Chen continued to ask, but did not give up.

"This is not a question you are qualified to know, but this secret can't really be said now. I can only reveal that this secret is related to your seven holy cities on the border of Beidou and the Arctic. Don't ask other questions. If you want I know, if you are going to break the border in the future, ask Emperor Beidou. "

The long-standing secret has not been revealed yet, he patted Pan Chen on the shoulder.

"Okay, if you don't say it, don't say it. I'll check it myself when I get back!" Pan Chen snorted coldly, then raised his hand and waved, leading the people out of the water palace and reappearing in the outside world.

"Now are we going to the chaotic Dragon and Tiger City?"

As soon as I returned to the outside world, I smiled and looked at Pan Chendao. Sun Qitian and others looked at Pan Chen, obviously wanting to know Pan Chen's decision.

"If you don't go, what do you want to stay here? I told you, you don't listen to me, you insist on staying. When something happens, look, I won't teach you!"

Bai Sun Qitian and others, Pan Chen did not breathe well.

"Don't worry, it won't happen, forever, let's go!"

Seeing Pan Chensong's mouth, Sun Qitian immediately smiled and said hello to the ancients.

When I heard this, I nodded, then raised my hand and punched an empty passage from the open air. I flew in with Pan Chen and others.

It didn't take long for Pan Chen and others to fly out of the empty passage, and they came to a magnificent city.

This big city is more than three to four times larger than Wangyue City, and Pan Chen has seen the largest practical city so far, not one of them.

The majestic big city is green, with huge gold plaques hanging on city buildings. The five characteristics of Chaos Dragon and Tiger City are the main training cities for Chaos Kings.

As soon as I walked out of the chaotic Dragon and Tiger City, Pan Chen and others felt a very rich chaotic spirit in the air.

This chaotic magic spirit is more than 10,000 times that of the Chaos elves in the Yuan's Magic Forest. It is so pure that Pan Chen couldn't help absorbing and devouring many water emperor's magic recipes.

"My hearing seems really good. The chaotic dragon and tiger city is the core of the chaotic magic field and the most powerful chaotic spirit in the world. As soon as I saw it today, I thought it was extraordinary."

Pan Chen felt a rich and pure chaotic spirit and couldn't help but open his mouth to praise.

"This chaotic dragon and tiger city is the core of the chaotic magic field. This city was built by the devil Luo Shuo and has a large array of ancestral magic levels, including the formation of some spiritual forms. Magic Elf. "

"Because of this, the closer to the city, the stronger the spirit of chaos. In fact, in the end, the strongest is this chaotic dragon and tiger city."

An eternal simple explanation, and then the stars and the moon are released.

"Ye Daoyou, why are you in the chaotic Dragon and Tiger City, are you okay?"

When he was released from ancient times, the star couldn't help but ask.

"It doesn't matter. It's just a misunderstanding. I promised to work with you, so I came."

Pan Chen came back with a smile, and did not tell the story that ancient times were the stars of heaven and earth, because he knew that the ancients would definitely not say so secretly.

"This is great. I told you that we must work together to win a win-win situation."

The star saw everything I thought about beforehand and said with a smile.

"Monkey, I forgot to ask you. What about the people of Northern Airlines?"

With the release of Starry Sky and Yueji, Pan Chen suddenly remembered that he seemed to miss someone on the side. He turned his head and asked Sun Qitian for the first time.

"Oh, if you don't say I forgot, he's here."

After Pan Chen reminded, Sun Qitian hurriedly opened the space of the field and would be released from the sky to the north.

"Pan Chen, I finally saw you!"

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