The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2180: Too ruthless

Change hermits and diamond figures, spend 800 points and 20% discount on knight value!

At this time, Pan Chen's essence value is 860 points, and the hero value is 4540111010. It turned out that these spiritual value-added nine fantasy bodies lv are enough to upgrade, but the sword that pierced the eyebrow, but let him find that the soul of the other party will be very powerful, better than the slaughter of the poisonous king, it must be a solemn The rewards allow many souls to sublimate and condense. If he wants to kill Tong Nan, he must increase the soul attributes and concentrate the stronger sword intention, so he decided to promote the Dragon Luohan method.

At this time, the accuracy of Jianglong Luohan phase lv is 1096000, and the accuracy value of 860 points is increased to 956000.

Suddenly, a sound of tidy footsteps came. Pan Chen stood up, looked at the window, and immediately found a large number of soldiers lined up neatly in the street and ran towards the east gate.

Jiang Yuelong also came together and said, "Do they want to retreat?"

However, Pan Chen changed slightly. "To the east is Yuxi County," he said. "He wants to attack Yuxi County!"

Jiang Yuelong said: "Old Liu actually copied your den, which is too ruthless!" What do you do? You are not going to defend this city, are you? "

"Why not? Even if you can't stop the army, you have to buy time for people to evacuate!"

Pan Chen looked calm. He also comes from Yuxi County, so he can't just sit back and ignore it.

"I will delay. You go to Yuxi County to get news first. If Qin Haitao stops it, you can directly arrest it and blackmail him to evacuate the crowd!"

Pan Chen had no time to ask her why she came back. After that, he jumped out of the window, fell silently to the ground, instantly pulled out his sword, and killed more than twenty soldiers walking in the end.

"Take me as a hard job!"

Jiang Yuelong complained, swallowed the cake in his hand, took a sip of water, jumped out of the inn from the window, but ignored Pan Chen and jumped directly to the house over there. She plans to cross the wall to Yuxi County.

At this time, Pan Chen had implemented nine magical bodies, such as phantoms, traveling between soldiers while waving his sword non-stop, sweeping in front of the sword, many people must fall, and system prompts kept ringing.

These soldiers are just ordinary martial arts, unable to keep up with Pan Chen's speed, wielding the knife like slow motion, but only shredding in the remaining illusion.

After a while, more than 20 soldiers fell into the pool of blood, with a spiritual value of 960 points and a knight worth 198 points!

Pan Chen inserted the sword into the sheath and looked forward, but the soldiers seemed unable to find the battle behind them, and they were still leaving quickly.

The order is forbidden, there are indeed elite teachers!

Mountain, Huangni Road.

Tang Nan ranked first, next to Wu Tianliang and two lieutenants, with 500 cavalry behind him, each holding a bright coat and a spear. Then there are two thousand shots, another 500 archers, and finally more than two thousand shots. With a total strength of more than 5,000 people, high morale and strong military capabilities!

Tongnan won these two counties, and both counties should seize the gates of the underground palace. The number of people lost was only double digits, but they threatened to induce, recruited a large number of martial arts, and gathered many clergy in the underground palace. Therefore, the number of troops did not decrease, but increased. However, in this way, the deeper the penetration of the power of the underworld, the control of the army and horses will fall into the palace a little. But now that he has made his choice, he is ready to lose his army.

Just then, a white body rushed out of the woods by the road, killing the passing archer. The bright sword flashed, and the three soldiers fell.

The soldier beside him hurried to the left and right, but they were surrounded by people and could not leave at 01:30.

Many archers took short swords and hit them around their waists. At such close distances, there was no time for bows and arrows.

When the white clothes waved their swords, the three people in front fell off and their necks were covered with blood, but five daggers pierced his ribs, back and neck, but they were like pierced steel plates. When the sound rang, there was no membrane piercing the skin. Because, Pan Chen is running at this time to support the dragon body, even the vital parts such as the back neck are as strong as thin steel. Pan Chen turned around immediately, drawing a clever arc in front of the sword, even cutting off five heads, flashing again, and killing soldiers not far away, such as a tiger becoming a sheep, not even watching The blade crosses and must not fail. Within a minute, there were more than thirty bodies on the ground.

At this time, the backward army finally retreated, leaving five to six feet long space, the archer bent his bow, and erected an arrow in the distance!

Pan Chen glanced behind him. At this time, Tang Nan was seven or eight feet away from him, but the light workers on the other side were also a few fingers away. If he was entangled by Tang Nan and trapped in the siege of the army, the situation would be very dangerous and he should retreat.

But Pan Chen smiled calmly and rushed to the dense army ahead!

The arrow shot from all directions like raindrops, but his figure dissipated like a bubble, apparently only remaining.

He ran too fast, leaving a few residues, and his body was killed in formation.

This mountain road is only more than two meters wide. No matter how scattered the army is, it can't go anywhere. So, his sword was swept away, blood splashed, and several enemy soldiers screamed and fell down, as if cutting grass, freehand!

The soldiers fighting alongside him, most of the arrows can not fall on him, and the rest of the arrows can not break his dragon elephant golden body!

The nearby soldiers spread out in panic, and archers in the distance shot arrows one by one!

Pan Chen flashed again, rushing through the formation of hundreds of archers and killed two thousand steps behind the troops!

He used the power of Yuan Jing to hold the golden body of the dragon elephant. Bei Tao really condensed the white sword's awn. As soon as the sword was cut, a few people called down. Sound, his figure is like a wild giant elephant, crushed at will, blocking the indestructible!

Of course, in this case, the essence of consuming RMB is also very fast, and it soon fell by several hundred percentage points.

But he must do this, not only to cheer up, but also to defeat the courage of the army, to hurt his own heart, and to establish an invincible psychological shadow in his heart!

But to do this, even if Tangnan's 5,000 horses, each of which is an elite soldier of martial arts level, is not the climate!

At this time, Tong Nan had flown behind him, his eyes were killed, he immediately pulled out a knife, and thunder broke out, emitting a half-moon-shaped white ice knife gas, and quickly cut to Pan Chen's back.

Pan Chen ’s spiritual power should go to the knife behind him, and immediately cast the Nine Demon Shadow Body, flashing over, leaving a shadow body, the real body once again rushed to the chess piece behind, waving his sword across the road , Keep rushing to kill!

At the same time, a green jade bottle quietly fell into his left hand from his cuff, but that was the poison left by the little poison king, that is, "five poison powder", which is often connected with the disciples of Baidu Zongmen. together. It collected five kinds of poisonous insects, combined with its own unique five kinds of poisonous gas purification system, its grade is up to three levels, is the last time the poison king poisoned in the river.

After a while, Pan Chen ’s mouth rose slightly, patted with one palm, the jade bottle was smashed by the palm, and suddenly the green debris splashed and the colorful powder spread out. Even more frightening is that the poisonous powder will also evaporate, from the powder to the beautiful poisonous gas floating in the air. ..

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