The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2181: Cold mans

At this time, Tong Nan chased and condensed an inch of cold awns by hand spinning ice skates and cut them to Pan Chen.

Pan Chen held his breath and flashed to the woods beside the road. With his current personal qualities, do his best to increase the light industry, which is equivalent to a terrorist speed of 70 or 80 meters per second! ? It disappeared almost instantly.

At this time, many soldiers immediately screamed and were caught on their bodies and faces because they were contaminated by gunpowder or inhaled poison gas. These five poisonous powders can even poison the natural owner. Although the toxins inside are not deep, they are not resisted by the inner martial arts.

After a while, these people died in pain and died miserably, and their faces were covered with ulcers and purulent wounds!

If the fog is allowed to spread, the damage to the soldiers will definitely be more serious!

Therefore, although Tong Nan killed someone, he also got into the sheath. His hands took pictures in the air filled with poisonous fog. A large cold field quickly attacked. The colorful poisonous fog turned into colorful ice crystals and fell to the ground. ?

At this time, the crisis was lifted, but the loss was huge! Pan Chen killed more than 60 people, and more than 50 soldiers were poisoned. These are trivial matters. The key is that the morale blow is terrible! Pan Chen is invincible, such as cutting grass, terrible figure, willful vertical and horizontal in all the army, leaving the seeds of fear deep in their hearts.

Tongnan face Tieqing, coldly said: "Start, wash me the blood of Yuxi County!"

He must not only vent his anger, but also inspire the army through victory and killing!

The army adjusted its formation and set off again, but the morale was much lower. If a terrible person like the devil comes to kill again, will he be immune?

Many people are frustrated and depressed about the future!

After a while, in the weeds in the woods.

Pan Chen started to count, killing 66 people, the essence value is 06:00, and the knight is worth 5540 points.

At this time, Pan Chen's essence value is 41665000, and the hero value is 5006011850.

He added 050 points of spiritual value to Jianglong Luohan, a large piece of golden light appeared immediately on his eyebrows, and quickly integrated into Pan Chen's soul ghost. His heart was inspired, and his soul became a body entangled in the Golden Dragon. Golden body!

The original illusory Arhat gold body and golden brilliance continue to merge together, gradually condensing, the golden light is brilliant, and the golden dragon scales become very clear!

Immediately, the system prompt sounded: "Congratulations to the player, Jianglong Luohan Xiang rose to lv: / 1000, you have a soul +0 upgrade!"

At this time, the physical stage of the health dragon Luohan was raised to the third floor, which was the initial thinking of entering the third realm. From the virtual stage to the real environmental form, the legal stage became a real resident mind, without having to think, walk, sit , Lie, you can practice your soul from time to time!

In the sea, from time to time there is a ray of mysterious **** that transforms from the void into his dragon and lohan gold body, slowly improving his proficiency! But I do n’t know why, Pan Chen always has some inexplicable bad hunch, after all, the sky will not drop pies for no reason!

However, the increase of the soul to 71 points can undoubtedly make him condense a stronger sword, coupled with the speed of spiritual recovery in the real state, Pan Chen's overall battle immediately increased a lot!

The proficiency of the Nine Demon Shadow Body is 1444x000, plus the essence value of 1600 points, immediately a scent of gunpowder begins to transform the body, and the system prompts the bell: "Congratulations to the player, the Nine Demon Shadow Body has broken through to lv: 44/5000, the body law is improved 10:00, dodge + 5%! "

This number soared to 76 points! At about 10:00, the body speed is a short burst of 10 meters per second, and the 76-point body method is about 76 meters per second. Calculating the light power bonus, the speed can reach more than 80 meters per second! This speed is more than ten times that of ordinary people, and several times that of modern cars and trains!

Dodge + 5% is actually a system correction value. When you avoid an attack, the system will correct your behavior by 5%, so you can hit your attack failure! This correction is silent and the player will not notice.

However, if the player's movement error is too large, beyond the correction range, otherwise it will be hit by movement!

It is enough to master the first-class internal merit service method, taking into account the 20% discount for the title of Cavaliers. However, we are about to fight again, at this time we will change our skills and methods, but on the contrary, we will affect our fighting power.

As a result, he took out the big cake and water bag from the mustard bag and began to replenish his body and water. At this time, his physique is ten times that of ordinary people, and his consumption is as large as that of ordinary people. It seems that we have to buy a group of spirits to supplement the spirits in order to fight a protracted war. In fact, he can also exchange the value of chivalry from the system's shopping malls, but the consumption is too large. He must also maintain the value of the knight in order to buy merit, open riding space, excellence in martial arts, etc. The value of the knight is never enough.

Half an hour later, in Yuxi County, the brilliant golden sun set on the Xichengmen Building.

Seven or eight officers and men holding bows and arrows stood on the gate, and a middle-aged man stood in the middle, wearing a red official uniform and jade lips, looking at the road in the distance. Standing next to him was a face like Qiuyue, a charming pose, wearing a white women's sword at the waist, Jiang Yuelong.

The middle-aged man looked at it for a while, withdrew his eyes and whispered, "Devil girl, you can't let me know that you are playing me, otherwise I must make you look good!"

Jiang Yuelong smiled dismissively and hummed coldly: "Qin Haitao, if someone has not asked me, this girl will not have this lazy heart to care about your life and death!" Anyway, the detective will come back immediately, but I am afraid You will run away because of fear. "

At this time, the county was blocked, and Qin Haitao did not know that the county governor Tong Nan had betrayed because of the tragedy in Qingling County, he would be suspicious. However, he was secretly attacked by Jiang Yuelong. For his own life, he ordered three civil servants to organize the evacuation of the people.

The so-called territories are difficult to leave. No one is willing to evacuate under the army. If it is not for the government's mandatory organization, I am afraid that these people will not evacuate.

Qin Haitao was silent: "Don't worry, officials have their own decisions!"

After a while, the road was dusty in front of the door. A man in a green shirt was galloping on a tall prince's green pine horse. Just at the door, the horse suddenly screamed, fell to the ground, and struggled a few times. , Not breathing. The man in the green shirt stood on his toes, jumped up, and flew directly over the twelve-meter high gate.

Green shirt man hugged Qin Haitao and said, "Sir, there is indeed a road connecting horses and soldiers only 20 miles away from the county seat. You see, there are at least three or four thousand people!"

Qin Haitao immediately appeared gloomy and terrifying, the enemy was too strong, I am afraid it is difficult to strengthen the enemy. But everyone else can escape, but he is a county magistrate. He ca n’t escape war. Using Chu law must be a death sentence! After a moment of silent silence, he calmed down and said, "Xu catapult, you immediately notify the county's Changcheng County to organize the people to defend the city, and if they have the intention to escape, stand up!"

The man in the green shirt embraced the weights and left quickly.

At this time, Qin Haitao looked at Jiang Yuelong and squeezed his fist respectfully and said, "Thank you, woman, tell each other in advance!" I want to know how much that woman knows about the enemy. "..

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