The Great Storm

Chapter 841: Detoxification

After figuring out that the elder of the Shushan Sword Sect who was about to leave the city was controlled by the Hunter Tianfu people, Luo Xiaoyan immediately used a secret sound transmission channel to speak to the flaming lion that blocked the east city gate: "A few masters who will leave the city later , It's my Shushan sword sent sect person... I can't use the lore to deal with them. Without my help, you can't stop their forward momentum. After they leave the city, you order to summon the skeleton elves to swarm them, To stop them from moving forward, you can act carefully and avoid being hunted by them. I will come over now and try to help them get rid of the poison in their bodies."

After listening to Luo Xiaoyan's words, the flaming lion felt extremely surprised, but didn't think much about it. He released his probing power and searched for changes in the surrounding environment until Luo Xiaoyan's words fell for about one and a half minutes. Zhong, Zhuo Qingqiu and other figures of the Shushan Sword Sect elders entered the detection range of the Flame Lion.

"Although the master's cultivation level is lower than mine, his true combat effectiveness and various abilities are much stronger than mine... I originally thought that there is no such thing as a super genius in this world. The flattering words of these more capable creatures are now truly understood. There are super geniuses in this world. My current master, even one of them, was really a little ignorant before me..." The blazing lion sighed secretly in his heart, and at the same time, the admiration and respect for Luo Xiaoyan in his heart had unknowingly improved.

Zhuo Qingqiu and other elders of the Shushan Sword Sect controlled by Huang Shifeng arrived at the gate of the East City and stopped for a while. Then, under Huang Shifeng's long-distance control, he quickly set off to rush out of the city gate and rushed into the skeleton elves blocking the road. .

The strength of the skeleton elf soldiers is limited, and they are not at all an opponent of Zhuo Qingqi and the elders of the Shushan Sword Sect.

Every time they make a move, they will kill one or two skeleton elves, pat them apart, and turn them into powder.

Seeing that Zhuo Qingqiu and others were so fierce, they continuously controlled the flaming lion that the skeleton elves pounced on several people, and realized that if they were besieged by a few elders of the Shushan Sword Sect, they would probably not be able to retreat.

It quickly began to retreat, keeping a safe distance from the Shushan Sword Sect elder who rushed forward.

As time passed by, the road to exit became longer and longer, and the safe distance between Zhuo Qingqiu and others was getting closer and closer. The flames of the lion felt extremely depressed in his heart, and he screamed anxiously: "Why hasn't the master come yet?"

Seeing that the number of skeleton elf soldiers that he blocked the east gate of Hunting Heaven Mansion was being consumed at an extremely fast rate, the feeling of anxiety in the heart of the flaming lion became stronger and stronger.

Just when the Flame Lion saw that there was only one layer of skeleton elf soldiers left, and when the Flame Lion was about to quickly perform an operation to escape the battle scene, a stream of light flashed across, and it instantly reached him not far away.

This person is naturally Luo Xiaoyan.

Appearing at the scene, Luo Xiaoyan did not hesitate, and immediately began to perform the operation, condensing a series of magical charms carrying the magical detoxification power of the supernatural card, threw it out, and smashed the Shushan swords such as Zhuo Qingyu who was fighting with the skeleton elves Send elders.

Zhuo Qingqiu and other elders, at this moment, because they have no autonomous consciousness and are completely immersed in the state of killing, they did not realize the arrival of Luo Xiaoyan at all, nor did they realize that the magic talisman thrown by Luo Xiaoyan threatened them. Did not make any response, let the magic talisman shot at them hit the body.

In fact, at the moment Luo Xiaoyan hit Zhuo Qingqi and the others with a magic talisman, Huang Shifeng, who was inside the city gate, noticed this abnormal situation, but her reaction was still slightly slower.

When she gave orders to Zhuo Qingqiu and others to alert them to the flashing charms played by Luo Xiaoyan, the charms had already touched the bodies of several elders such as Zhuo Qingqiu, and then quickly integrated into their bodies.

As the mysterious detoxification power contained in the magic talisman merges into the flesh and blood body, the weird poison that has spread all over every cell in the flesh and blood body of the elders of Zhuo Qingyu, as if seeing the natural enemy coming, he quickly reacted in the first place , Swiftly drilled to the depths of Zhuo Qingqi's bone marrow and the depths of their minds, intending to avoid the invasion of detoxification power.

After the poison that controlled the flesh and blood of the few people retreated, Zhuo Qingqi and the others immediately became like wood, standing there dumbly, allowing the skeleton elves to wave their weapons and attack them.

At this time, Luo Xiaoyan immediately reminded the flaming lion to order the skeleton elves to suspend all offensives, open the encirclement, and block others from rushing into the battle circle to interfere with the recovery of Zhuo Qingqi and others.

Huang Shifeng, who was inside the city gate, saw a scene on the battlefield outside the city, and suddenly felt anxious in his heart, and quickly released the power to control Zhuo Qingqi's elders and gave them orders.

As a result, she was surprised to find that the control command she had released had already failed, and she was shocked: "What is this? Why can't Gu Poison control the poisoned elders of the Shushan Sword Sect? Could it be that the **** kid had previously hit The flashing charm has the magical effect of dispelling Gu poison? How can it be possible? Master said that this type of Super God-level Gu Poison Pill is his latest research and development. Super-god characters are controlled by the Gu Poison Pill released by Gu Poison. After that, it was impossible to return to normal at all, no one in the world could understand... But the fact is that several elders of the Shushan Sword Sect who were controlled by me have gotten rid of my control... Is the Master deceiving me?"

"Madam Nine, how is the situation?" Huang Shifeng felt extremely depressed, and Mo Jishan and others led a group of experts from Tianfu rushing over. After reaching Huang Shifeng, they had not seen the situation outside the city. Then Mo Jishan Just ask Huang Shifeng about the situation directly.

"What is the result, you will not see it yourself?" Huang Shifeng, who felt very annoyed in her heart, now blamed Mo Jishan and others for the reason why she lost control of the elder of the Shushan Sword Sect, because in her opinion, Zhuo Qingyu When the Shushan Sword Sect elder got out of control, the time with her controlling a few people was too short, and the number of poisonous insects in their bodies did not reach the standard to completely control them. Now because they mentioned to the palace lord, she had to Send a few elders of the Shushan Sword Sect who have not really become her puppets, and then this scene will You seem to have lost your face to Zhuo Qingyu and the elders of the Shushan Sword Sect. control? How is this going? "After seeing the situation on the battlefield, Mo Jishan asked with a dazed expression.

"Although the Super God-level Gu Poison Pill is powerful, it takes time to control the Super God-level cultivator... They have taken the Gu Poison Pill for a short time, and the number of Gu Poison Pills in their bodies is still limited. It will take a little longer. When the number of Gu poisonous insects in their bodies reaches the standard that can completely control them, they will not be able to get rid of the control of the people under Gu with the help of others. Do you idiot understand?" Huang Shifeng said to Mo Jishan and others After such a cold word, he turned and left angrily.

After listening to Huang Shifeng's words, Mo Jishan, who knew nothing about the efficacy of Gu Poison Pill, was completely stunned, and said in his heart: "How can I know this? If I know, I won't talk too much about you. Tell me about the elders who controlled the Shushan Sword Sect..."


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