The Greatest Showman

Chapter 892: Straight back and forth

"Welcome to Oscar, rookie, welcome to a whole new world."

Harvey said meaningfully, not only welcoming Renli to attend the Oscars for the first time; it also implies that Renli has only really entered the core circle of Hollywood for the first time tonight, and he was just wandering outside.

Lan Li's expression remained unchanged, and his gaze fell on Harvey's left hand-the left hand that hugged his shoulder, and then said with a smile, "At least I can confirm one thing, this is not the world I am familiar with."

In the UK, especially in the upper class, they will never make such “intimacy but vulgar and rude” behavior. It is an inappropriate behavior to slap each other's shoulders, arms, and back casually; let alone this. Hugged in a big way. For the upper class, this is an act of dishonesty, disrespect, and error. A single action reveals the difference in class, as well as the difference in quality and background.

In recent years, success has only come after. Harvey, like other celebrities in the entertainment industry, has been trying to be crowned and knighted by the British royal family, fame and fortune, fame and fortune, fame and fortune, fame and fortune; an aristocratic title, for people from the entertainment industry, it can be called the highest level. Commendation.

Even David Beckham is no exception.

This football superstar, who has always been a gentleman and charitable, has a superb status among British celebrities; however, he has also been working hard to get royal recognition.

In 2017, hackers broke the emails between David and his agent. David repeatedly screamed at the royal family, complaining that they did not crown themselves, and said that if it were not for the title of nobility, he would not want to participate in charity activities.

For Harvey, he traveled frequently between Britain and the United States, and he knew a little about the etiquette and rules of the nobility. At this time, Lan Li's sarcasm and ridicule stung Harvey's dignity very harshly. The feeling of incomparably small and humble, lingering in his heart, lingering, aggrieved and depressed almost exploded in his chest.

Harvey's left hand suddenly became confused, almost unable to suppress his emotions, clenched into a fist, rage raged, and often lost control; but the next moment, Harvey took control of himself. After the battle, he was not what he used to be. The hairy boy.

"Then, maybe you'd better go back to the world you are familiar with." Harvey's sullen and sharp words squeezed out from between his teeth, word by word.

Lan Li still didn't care, as if Harvey's words could not bring any harm, water and fire were not invaded, and the sword was hard to hurt. "Never left. In fact, today we will meet here. This is really a miracle. What do you think?"

The last time I met was at the Sundance Film Festival. "Crazy Love" is just an independent work of art at a cost of 250,000 US dollars. It is difficult to break through among the many works; today’s goodbye is at the Oscars. At the awards ceremony, "Love Is Crazy" received a nomination for best actor and received countless praises.

The original confrontation situation, after a change, continued again on another stage in another form.

Harvey is still that Harvey, and Renly is still the same. The two people still stick to their own world and start a duel.

Harvey's left hand seemed to touch the charcoal fire, and he slammed it back, and put it down hesitantly, his smile disappeared, his eyes were sharp, and he said meaningfully, "I agree. Then, tonight, I wish you good luck. "

"Good luck", this seems to have become everyone's catchphrase, Lan Li couldn't help but smile, and chuckled, "Of course, I can use some luck. Again, good luck!"

Originally, Lan Li only responded politely, but immediately saw that Harvey’s face turned black at once. Without any extra words, he turned around and left. Lan Li was slightly stunned: he said. Wrong words?

After thinking about it seriously, Lan Li himself laughed dumbfounded: For Harvey, what he needs is not luck. After a long awards season, what he needs is a natural result. Luck, this is a lucky charm for the weak, but a shame for the strong.

But Lan Li must clarify that he really didn't mean to be sarcastic just now—at least not in the last sentence. Inadvertently stepped on Harvey's landmine, and Lan Li said he was very innocent.

But... the damage has already been done, so let's go with the flow.

Without staying in place, Lan Li found the figure of Ryan Gosling, raised his foot to greet him, and prepared to say hello, but after only two steps, two figures were inserted diagonally in front of the left, one in front of him. Later, he blocked his way.

The wind and fire in the front, as if stepping on a hot wheel, a gust of wind blew out behind him; the one in the back hurriedly tried to calm down the person in front, but the effect was not obvious.

Then, two figures stood in front of Lan Li like this.

Standing at the back of the small flat head, there is only a short flat head with slightly curled hair, but it is still curled up. He looked at Lan Li with a slightly embarrassed expression. He pushed the eyes above the bridge of the nose, revealing neat whiteness. His teeth showed a big smile, "Hey, Lan Li." Then he pointed to the person standing in front of him, "Please forgive his enthusiasm. He is always easy to lose control. Hope we didn't scare you."

Lan Li chuckled and nodded politely, "Ethan, unexpected encounters always make people happy, not frightening. What's more, this is Oscar's night, and all the reason is not counted. I have just grasped it. Clenched his fist.” As he said, Lan Li also raised his clenched right fist, seeming to say: Without rational control, if they move further, the fist will respond.

Such a humorous way of greeting really made people laugh, and the tense atmosphere was slightly eased.

Standing in front of you, there is another pair of famous brothers in Hollywood, the Coen brothers. The impulsive one is Joel Cohen; the calm one is Ethan Cohen.

"We don't need these humorous conversations without any nutritious conversation." Joel was still the irritable, impatient, waved, and simply and directly interrupted the conversation between Lan Li and Ethan. "I just want to say, Sorry, I made a wrong judgment. The behavior last time was really too bad. This is unforgivable. Here, I want to express my apologies."

Last time? Berlin Film Festival?

It was the first encounter between the Lanly and Coen brothers, but the two brothers showed alienation and contempt.

Obviously, they heard the rumors in the Hollywood industry. Under the intentional promotion of the Weinstein brothers, Lan Li became a shameless villain with no compromises. But now that the truth has come to light, the Coen brothers know that they have made a wrong judgment.

Lan Li's memory awakened again, and then nodded with a smile, and suddenly realized, "I don't recognize that it is a serious problem. Don't worry."

Lan Li is serious.

In Hollywood, where rumors are everywhere, the only words in the gossip always bring bad negative effects; before the meeting, a relatively fixed negative impression has been formed, and there are countless similar situations. What's more, although the Coen brothers' attitude was not very friendly last time, they were far from bad, and there was no need for them to come and apologize.

Joel's eyebrows wrinkled, and he shook his head again and again, "I don't like your response. It is too polite and too gentle. It looks like he is wearing a mask without any sincerity."

Lan Li's gaze paused slightly, and he was a little surprised by Joel's straightforwardness and calmness. After his gaze, he saw Ethan standing behind, with an annoyed face, and said again, "Lan Li, sorry, he is a Bastard. Everyone who has been in contact with him knows this. I don't know how Francis endured him."

Francis-McDormand (Frances-McDormand), Joel Cohen's wife, starred in many works by the two brothers, and won the Oscars with "Ice and Blood Storm".

Lan Li chuckled lightly, and first closed his jaw to Ethan, "Every artist is a bastard, I think we are all used to this." We, this subject is obviously a pun, instantly Ethan and Lan Li themselves were also full of them-summed up in the category of bastards, which made Ethan stunned, and then showed a big smile.

Then, Lan Li looked at Joel again and said seriously, "I accept your apology."

In a straightforward response, Joel nodded contentedly, then smashed his mouth, "You are a funny guy. The rumors are not that unbelievable." After making a conclusion, Joel snapped his fingers, "So, today Good luck to you tonight." After speaking, Joel didn't stay too much, turned and left.

The storm came over, and the storm left. Sure enough, it is... an artist who is self-centered.

Ethan’s footsteps were too late. He watched Joel’s back and looked back at Xiang Lanli, “I’m serious, and Joel is serious too. The last time we met, we were indeed rude. Now, we are. I regret that I missed the "detachment". I don't know when I will see it on the big screen."

"We can only pray, hoping that Tony Kaye can find a suitable publisher." Lan Li replied in a serious manner, but with a hint of ridicule:

Ethan may be polite or and Lan Li responded in a semi-serious manner, with a hint of self-deprecating tone at the same time—artistic film distribution is indeed a big problem. This contrast creates a kind of humor.

Ethan laughed blankly and nodded, "Good luck tonight!" Then, he nodded and said goodbye, turned and chased in the direction Joel had left.

After the Coen brothers left one after another, Lan Li saw Rooney Mara standing in the crowd. She was standing with Jennifer Lawrence, Shailene-oodley and other young actresses. Together, we had a great conversation.

Jennifer also spotted Lan Li's figure, raised his right hand aloft, and waved it exaggeratedly. The action was really eye-catching.

Rooney couldn't help but chuckled, raised the champagne glass in her hand, gestured for salute, and said with her lips, "Good luck."

The corners of Lan Li's mouth could no longer be controlled, and it rose up brilliantly and brilliantly, even his eyes filled with a smile, and he shook his head helplessly.

It seems that he does need a lot of luck tonight.

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