The Greatest Showman

Chapter 893: Opening ceremony

Red velvet, golden arcade, black stage, navy blue trim, and creamy yellow halo. Entering the Kodak Theater, the magnificent, luxurious and retro scene comes into view. With the advancement of the footsteps, time goes back little by little, as if returning to Hollywood’s golden sixties, or even more distant thirty The years and 1920s re-awakened the beauty and moving of the beginning of the film.

The theme of the 84th Oscar is nostalgia.

Among the nine best film nominations, "Midnight Paris" returns to the golden age of art in Paris in the 1920s by way of midnight travel, "Hugo" reproduces the magic and beauty of the beginning of the film, and "artist" even more It is a black-and-white silent film that tells a Hollywood fairy tale when the era of sound film comes.

The three works took the lead in the nomination stage and joined the "descendants" to form the first group of the awards season. They gradually emerged as the hottest prize winners, which undoubtedly clearly demonstrated the value orientation of the college this year.

Everyone says that the college is the most narcissistic. They love themselves deeply, cherish the golden age of Hollywood, immerse deeply in the glory years of movies, immerse themselves in self-pity, self-love, and self-encouragement. In the emotions, unable to extricate themselves.

In the history of Oscars, "Sunset Boulevard", "Behind the Scenes", "Adapted Screenplays", "Floating Dreams", "Comet Beauty" and other works that tell Hollywood's own stories have always won exceptional favor; to some extent It is also in the same line that the college prefers directors who act and guide better.

In this year's stage arrangement, the college gave full play to such fine traditions. It seems that the best film tonight should be the trio of "Midnight Paris", "Hugo" and "Artist"-the speculation before the award ceremony has been further confirmed.

In the bustling greetings, Lan Li saw Ryan Gosling in the crowd, "Hey, man! Here, here!"

In the past year, Ryan, who dedicated the three masterpieces of "Crazy Stupid Love", "President Killing" and "Desperate Driving", although not able to receive an Oscar nomination, still attended the awards ceremony as a guest tonight. At this moment, he jumped up with a smile on his face and waved his right hand high, opening his arms with incomparable enthusiasm, welcoming Lan Li's arrival.

Lan Li walked forward, and Ryan gave Lan Li a hug, "Just now, I also texted Paul to guess if you are not attending tonight." It was not a simple greeting hug, but a heavy and tight hug. He hugged tightly, stayed for a while, and really felt the concerns and worries that Ryan passed on.

Lan Li laughed blankly, "Paul? When did you start contacting?" He patted Ryan on the back, thanked him, and responded: He is fine now.

"After the last time we met, we exchanged phone numbers. We were all worried that one day you would suddenly disappear." Ryan did not hide his worry. After letting go of his arms, he rolled his eyes and ruthlessly Tucao said, "Sure enough, you really disappeared."

Lan Li laughed softly, "Next time I go surfing with Paul, you can join us."

Withdrawing his gaze, Lan Li looked back and forth, worried that his standing position was blocking the way of the other guests, but the next second, Ryan patted Lan Li on the shoulder, "Look at what, your position is here. , Next to me."

Following Ryan's line of sight, Lan Li saw a piece of white cardboard, hanging on the back of the seat, and said, "Lan Li-Hall".

This is an area in the center of the stage, and the first three rows are all highly anticipated positions. At this time, Lan Li was arranged near the aisle on the left, with Ryan Gosling on the left, and Jessica Chastain, Emma Stone, and the main "help" crew on the right. Cast.

In front of him are Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Meryl Streep, and behind him are Martin Scorsese, Asa-Butterfield and the entire "Hugo." Crew.

Lan Li didn't sit down immediately, and looked around, "Why didn't I see my crewmates?"

Tonight, the "Crazy Love" crew sent a total of three people to attend the awards ceremony, the other two are Drake Doremus and Jennifer Lawrence.

Since "Crazy Love" only received one nomination for the best actor, the number of invitations was limited. Only Renly and Drake were given the opportunity to attend, while Jennifer got the chance to attend because of his activity in the past year. The invitation letter; as for Felicity Jones, regrettably absent from the event.

While talking, Lan Li saw Drake sitting on the right side of the fourth row.

Drake looked extremely nervous, pulled his suit jacket awkwardly, and kept looking left and right. In the noisy meeting place, he looked like a lost child.

Lan Li and Ryan gestured, then walked over and greeted Drake. The small move made Drake rejoice and whispered, "The people here all look tall and tall, I don't think it fits well." The complaining words made Lan Li laugh happily.

When he returned to his position, the "help" crew on the right was basically seated.

Emma jumped up for the first time, without concealing her excitement; Ryan, who had caused the neglect, murmured, "Emma, ​​I thought we were partners, not Lan Li." I couldn't help laughing, and then it was taking pictures and greetings. The scene was so lively.

After having been busy talking and talking for a long time, everyone started to sit down one after another, but the guests who came to greet Lan Li were still in an endless stream. It was so busy until the scene lights slowly dimmed, and the scene slowly settled. Coming down, gradually calmed down, but the surging restlessness still lingered.

Sitting on the other side, Jessica adjusted her posture, and Lan Li could feel her anxiety and tension. Although Jessica has been in Hollywood for seven or eight years, she only got the opportunity to attend the Oscars this year. The two works "Tree of Life" and "Help" really made her appear in people's eyes. in.

"Should we sigh that Hollywood events are a virtue; or should we be surprised that even though they are the same, Oscars can still make our stomachs burn?" Lan Li lowered his voice and teased.

Jessica turned her head, and then she saw Lan Li's eyes gleaming in the dimness, shining with teasing light. Involuntarily, Jessica chuckled and replied, "Who can see through except Woody Allen?"

Even Alfred Hitchcock, Stanley Kubrick, and Charlie Chaplin have not been able to get rid of the deep desire for the statuette.

Lan Li shrugged, "For example, me?"

Looking at Lan Li's serious expression, Jessica recalled: Last year, Lan Li missed the Oscar. But at this time, Lan Li clearly put on a lofty posture of self-promotion and boasting, on the contrary, it brought out the kind of ridicule and banter, which caused Jessica to chuckle and laugh.

Immediately, Jessica realized that her voice was a bit too loud, and the surroundings had quieted down at this time. She quickly covered her mouth with her hands, but the smile deep in her eyes was still surging.

Looking up, Jessica saw only a profile of Lan Li's face. He turned his head to face the stage and waited for the start of the awards ceremony. The calm and calm expression infected Jessica, and the depths of his heart were still sudden. Up and down, he was uneasy, but he calmed down a little. So Jessica also turned to look at the stage and let out a long breath.

The award ceremony began.

Tonight, the college revisited the way the award ceremony was unveiled in the 1920s and 1930s: Morgan Freeman served as the announcer, introducing the host Billy Christo's debut.

Billy Christo, this comedian is undoubtedly one of the most successful and most popular hosts in the history of the Oscars. This year is his ninth time hosting the Oscars. In the era of television awards, he has the highest number of appearances in history. One.

After the catastrophic hosting of James Frank and Anne Hathaway last year, the college was so exhausted and reluctantly invited Billy out of the mountain again; Billy repeatedly declined, hoping to give others more opportunities. But the college had no choice at all. After many pleadings, Billy reluctantly accepted the hot potato.

The opening was still a typical Billy Christo. In a short video, a mix and edit of popular works from the past year, not only "Artist", "Hugo", "Descendants" and other Oscar nominated works, as well as "Harry Potter" and "Mission Impossible 4" "The Cat in Boots" and other commercial box office shows outstanding works.

The special thing is that Billy will play a certain role in these clips, such as the wife of "Descendants" who became a vegetable, and George Clooney staged a ward kiss with real guns; for example, "Dish In Mission Impossible 4, the ordinary people who looked at Tom Cruise face to face, teased all the works in a spoofing way.

The climax/trend in the short film comes from the appearance of Justin Bieber.

Billy made a cameo appearance as the actor played by Owen Wilson in "Midnight Paris". He ran into a carriage at midnight and then returned to Paris in the golden age. But, this time, it was Justin Bieber who was sitting in the and the two of them also made complaints about themselves.

Billy: What are you doing here?

Justin: Contribute to your audience ratings from 18 to 24 years old.

Billy: ...what happened to Renly Hall? Is he absent again?

The guests clapped and laughed collectively. The ridicule and banter that went back and forth between the movie and the award ceremony, reality and the script really caused the audience to laugh. Even Lan Li couldn't help but laugh.

At the end of the film screening, Billy imitated the standing posture of the little golden man, walked from the big screen to the real stage, the curtain fell, and Billy really appeared in front of everyone, and the audience thundered with applause.

Under the attention of everyone, Billy walked all the way to the forefront of the stage and accepted the cheers of the audience, but his footsteps did not stop, but all the way off the stage; such an unexpected move made the cheers and applause on the scene even more turbulent. The mountains roared like a tsunami, and then in full view, Billy's footsteps stopped--

Standing beside Ryan and Lan Li.

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