The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 118: Monkey method

Zhang Yue felt very happy at this time.


When the Diamond Ape Clan who was fighting with the Dwarves was about to hammer the dwarf on the opposite side, a pair of evil hands protruding from the ground directly grabbed the Diamond Ape Clan's big feet and pulled into the ground.

"Someone help us?" The dwarf race opposite said suspiciously, and then joined another battle.

After sending the first King Kong Ape Clan into the arms of Mother Earth, Zhang Yue began to look for the first target. When he found that the dwarf leader was at a disadvantage, Zhang Yue decided to help. After all, the enemy's enemy was a friend.

The dwarf leader watched his last pair of A-grade hammers shattered, and his heart sank. Yesterday, the points were all purchased for the second and third teams. Even if it was too late to buy weapons, he didn’t expect himself to be dwarven. It will be defeated because of not enough weapons.

Just as the dwarf chief was planning to take out the D-class weapon that he brought in last, he discovered that a pair of hammers had appeared underground. He didn't even think about it, so he picked it up and faced the hammer.

"Go and die!" The head of the dwarf race went into flames all over, forming a 4-meter-high fire giant, and rushed towards Yuanshe.

"Little dwarf, I see how many weapons you still have." Ape stared at the dwarf leader with a ferocious expression. He was puzzled about the pair of hammers that just emerged from the ground, and didn't think much about it, thinking it was just a dwarf method.

The fierce fighting in the center battlefield began again, except that the hammer of the dwarven leader never broke. The dwarven leader used this pair of hammers to fight more smoothly, and the more he fought.

‘Triple blow! ’

Under the more and more courageous battle, the leader of the dwarf clan directly used the strongest move.

Yuanshe looked at the attacking flame hammer, knew that he could not resist, and planned to dodge directly. After making a dodge action, he didn't expect the giant hammer in the hands of the dwarves to directly drop out and smashed the Yuanshe He cannot retreat.

"Just wait for you to escape!" The dwarf leader said jokingly, a word circulated among the dwarves, every dwarf is a good hand at throwing a hammer.

‘Potential to break gold! ’

Yuanshe's two pairs of arms directly became the same dark gold as the mechanical gloves, and they smashed against the flying giant hammer.

'boom! With a sound, even though Ape Shot smashed the giant hammer thrown by the dwarven leader, it was also smashed and flew out under a powerful force.

After landing, Yuanshe stood up from the ground, moved his numb arm, looked at the dwarf leader and said, "Little dwarf, see if you have some hammers."

"Did you know that there is a race to the west of our race, which is a human race, which is a little higher than you. When I return this time, our great elder will be promoted to the true god, and then the race like you will be? To be annihilated by us."

Yuanshe said as he slowly walked towards the leader of the dwarf tribe, his momentum increased step by step, thinking of taking the opportunity to smash the other hammer of the leader of the dwarf tribe, and after he was dealt with quickly, he immediately went to support other tribesmen.

Just as the ape's momentum reached its peak and was about to attack, another giant hammer appeared on the ground in front of the dwarven leader.

The dwarf leader was overjoyed when he saw the giant hammer, and immediately took it out.

The ape roared up to the sky, and then said helplessly: "King Kong Ape Clan, withdraw!"

All the King Kong apes quickly evacuated the battlefield, and the dwarves did not chase them.

"If it weren't for the promotion of my true gods for a short time and didn't completely digest all the territory, how could it be your turn for the King Kong Ape Clan to be arrogant in front of me." The Dwarf Clan disdainfully said, and then looked at the next capable man.

"Battle damage."

"4 dead, 2 severely wounded, 16 lightly wounded. 5 enemies were killed and 84 points were gained, but the strange thing is that there are still 3 enemies on the opposite side who disappeared for no reason." A dwarf race responded.

"I disappeared for no reason, and there was an inexplicable giant hammer. This is obviously someone helping us, I don't know who it is." The dwarf said, touching his chin. When he held the giant hammer, he knew it was a To condense the laws of weapons, generally only after having a deep understanding of a certain system of laws, will they condense that kind of hard weapons.

At this time, Zhang Yue emerged from the ground and smiled at the group of dwarves and said, "Hello."

"You are the one who helped us just now." said the dwarven leader.

"Yes, the King Kong Ape Clan is a hostile race in the world of my human race. That's why I will help you. After all, the enemy's enemy is a friend." Zhang Yue said with a smile, and was the first to express his kindness.

"Hello brother, thank you for your help. I order Jigme Furash, the dwarven race." The dwarven leader said sincerely. The dwarven race has always been the race that values ​​friendship the most. If anyone has helped them, it is them. brothers forever.

"Hello, Brother Jigme, my name is Zhang Yue, Human Race." Zhang Yue responded earnestly. He knows that this time usually symbolizes the beginning of friendship.

"Haha, Brother Zhang Yue, thank you for your help, otherwise we dwarves may hurt more than half."

"It's all trivial. If it wasn't for the King Kong Ape Clan on the opposite side to seize your flaws, and it wouldn't take me to rescue them, I could at best make trouble."

"Brother Zhang Yue is humble. Let me go back to our base. I invite you to drink to celebrate our acquaintance today." Jigme Furash's sturdy little hand grasped Zhang Yue like their ethnic base.

"No, no, I still have a task to do." Zhang Yue retorted, and went to the base of a foreign race by himself. If the dwarves become greedy, it will be over.

"Okay, I won't force you, brother, take it, our dwarven token, and have the opportunity to come to our dwarven tribe to play." Jigme Furash took out a small hammer-like hanger from the storage space The pendant was handed to Zhang Yue.

Zhang Yue received the token and returned to a small shield of starlight condensed like the Dragonite clan. Both parties remembered the number of the virtual mall of the Ten Thousand Clan Battlefield and could contact at any time. This was a special explanation from Chu Yunxuan.

After saying goodbye to the dwarves, Zhang Yue found a hidden place, started contacting Chu Yunxuan, and told Chu Yunxuan what he had encountered today.

"Xiaoyue, according to the size of the Diamond Ape Clan underground base you explored, there are at least 300 Diamond Ape Clan in this base. Don't act rashly. First check all the Diamond Ape Clan leaders. There are also races that are hostile to them. Write it down, we will use it in the future." Chu Yunxuan's voice came from the communicator.


"Xiaoyue has worked hard for you," Chu Yunxuan said.

"It should be all. I am the most suitable person who comes to investigate. I won't come to anyone."

"All of our contributions are recorded and will be settled when we return."

"Okay." Zhang Yue then hung up the phone. He didn't care much about his contribution. It was the key to realize his own value.

When Zhang Yue returned to the base of the King Kong Ape Clan, it was already late at night.

At this time, in the base of the King Kong Ape Clan, Yuanshe looked nervously at the magician brother sitting on the stage. This was the person he feared the most. It was this magician who abused himself since childhood.

"Brother, you are doing the right thing. If the weapons are equal, we really suffer. I don't blame you for this loss."

"It's just that the pair of giant hammers that appeared inexplicably and the clansmen who disappeared inexplicably you mentioned are a bit weird, so pay more attention next time you go out." Yuan Fa sitting on the stage looked at his brother and said.

Yuanshe took a long sigh of relief and passed the level without being abused by his brother.

"You continue to explore and hurry up to find some prey worthy of my shot. Now I only have 10,000 points in my hand, which is 90,000 points short. At this rate, by the end of the ten thousand race battlefield, I should be able to collect enough points for the godhead." Faintly counted, surrounded by three condensed magic orbs to the extreme, this is a manifestation of the ultimate comprehension of a series of magic arts.

"Yes, commander." Yuanshe replied. This elder brother has been practicing with the great elder since he was a child. No one knows how good his elder brother is. Others only know that he is the apprentice of the great elder in the clan.

In the battlefield of ten thousand races, the ape law only showed his horror. That was when the Ape Clan was building a base, and encountered a first-class race vampire, not to mention the existence of legendary level, like a blood shadow, pounced at the Ape Law, and Ape Shot felt that he would be finished by changing himself. A big impact technique hits the air directly, plus a red sun magic ball, directly destroying the blood sucking.

At that time, if there was no ape technique, Ape Shot would have to wait for others alone, and it was estimated that he could not stand it for 10 minutes. The next shot, even within 10 minutes, destroyed the opponent's team of hundred people.

"Remember, don't provoke first-class and lower-level races. I don't want to cause trouble for the race." Ape Law added.

"Yes, commander." Yuanshe retired respectfully after finishing speaking.

After seeing Yuanshe disappeared in this Yuanfa began to comprehend the laws of the universe. After a while, he opened his eyes and said, "The last barrier still cannot be broken through, God level and Is there such a big gap in the legendary level?"

"It's just that after so far, I looked at me and my mental space almost collapsed. It's terrible!"

After the base stabilized, Yuanfa stayed alone in the core area for a while, just to witness the demeanor of a god-level genius, and finally saw a sun protoss and angel protoss fighting in a sea of ​​law.

That battle had surpassed his understanding of the low-level. That battle was like two cosmic laws competing for the main position, and that area had already excluded all other laws.

The battle ended in a tie. The Sun God race just glanced at him from a distance. His entire mental space almost collapsed. A trace of the sun was in the mental space, and it took him half a month to slowly wipe out.

"God and mortal have a deep boundary. It's ridiculous that I still want to break through. Master once told myself that without divinity, it is impossible to become a god-level genius." Shaping Fa laughed at himself, as if saying that he was uncomfortable. Capacity.

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