The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 119: Sauron Mina's sword skills

Zhang Yue felt the flow of the earth's energy in the earth, such as seeing the ocean current in the sea, moving slowly with the unique law.

At this moment, Zhang Yue was like a fish in the sea, soaring in the sea to his heart's content.

After a long time, Zhang Yue returned to the small room he built underground.

"What is the connection between the power of the earth veins and the power of the sea?" Zhang Yue murmured. When Zhang Yue transformed into a fish in the earth, he felt that the two powers were inseparable and complementary.

"After studying for a period of time, it is estimated that you will be able to comprehend it."

Zhang Yue set the time and fell asleep.

early morning.

"What's going on today, the King Kong Ape Clan has become lazy?"

Zhang Yue looked at the base of the King Kong Ape Clan in confusion. They had already left at this point yesterday.

At this time, the underground base ascended a spaceship and flew towards the sky.

Zhang Yue quickly followed up without saying anything.

It was discovered that the monkeys were still leading the team, but the soldiers under them were changed. They found a third-rate middle-level small race, followed by a unilateral massacre. Zhang Yue resisted and did not make a move. There was no hope of saving this combat power comparison.

After returning, Zhang Yue decided to watch at the gate of the ape clan base for a day to see if there were other teams hunting.

Sure enough, the next day, after the first spacecraft flew out, it didn't take long for the second spacecraft to flew out of the King Kong Ape Clan and flew in a different direction.

Yuanxiu looked at the Austrians who were stubbornly resisting, and said with a sneer: "A small race that has just entered the world of the heavens dares to send so many people to the battlefield. I am afraid that it is too tired and crooked. Do you want to destroy the race?"

A four-meter-high alloy armored robot looked at Yuan Xiu and said unyieldingly: "If it weren't for the heavens to weaken the science and technology civilization, you are already the ash under our energy cannon."

"Haha, joke, here, victory is king, without so many reasons, weak is weak."

Saru Xiu held up a huge thunderball with one hand, threw it into the sky and exploded, and countless tiny thunder and lightning enveloped the entire battlefield.

‘Electrical Position’

"You know, I still learned this trick from our hostile race. It is a magical skill to deal with your race that has just entered the world of science and technology."

The armors of more than one hundred Austrians on the entire battlefield all failed.

Zhang Yue saw this scene clearly from below. He was considering whether or not to save this race. He observed that this team had no masters with legendary evaluation, and only the Ape Xiu marked perfect in the data of the Diamond Ape Clan. + Level of evaluation.

On the battlefield, all the Austrian tribes have been fully controlled, and a technologist ape man in the King Kong ape tribe has begun to study the armor of the Austrian tribe that he picked up.

"Chief, this armored technology is more powerful than that of the human race, but the corresponding combat module is not installed, and it is still in the battle template of the original universe's anti-bomb era." said the technician Apeman.

"Is there a vassal race value?" Sharon Xiu asked. After this mission is completed, his race will immediately be promoted to the second-rate race, and then he can accept the vassal race to serve his race.

"Yes, according to their armor, the overall technology is 100 years ahead of ours."

"okay, I get it."

When the ape correction intends to let the magicians to seduce their souls.

‘Beast Burial! ’

Eight shield walls surrounded more than 20 King Kong ape tribes, including Yuan Xiuhe, and sealed the top without giving them time to react. They began to drag into the ground, and by the way, a dozen more high-energy bombs were stuffed.

"Get down for me!"

A rock armor giant more than three meters high emerged from the ground, and Zhang Yue heard the conversation with Zhang Yue clearly. How could it be your Diamond Ape Clan's turn for such good things.


The remaining more than 70 King Kong Ape Clan all rushed towards Zhang Yue.

"I'm afraid you will run away." Zhang Yue was overjoyed, this time he hoped to wipe them out.



‘The Power of Sand: Attach’

‘Gravity: Attach’

"Fall to me."

At this moment, Zhang Yue’s firepower was fully activated, and more than 70 diamond ape tribes were directly suppressed. The heavy sand armor on his body seemed to weigh a thousand tons, and all the diamond apes were directly lying on the ground, moving and moving. No more.

"No one is running away, right?" Zhang Yue said as he looked at the Austrian leader who was locked by the King Kong Ape Clan.

The leader of the Austrian tribe was still in shock, this group of gorillas easily defeated themselves, and this stone man easily defeated the group of orangutans. What is this concept? Is the individual power in this world really powerful?

Hearing Zhang Yue's question, the leader of the Austrian tribe quickly responded: "The original 100 King Kong Ape tribe, 2 people died in the battle with our tribe. Now 98 are present, one is not bad."

"That's good." Zhang Yue nodded, and then gathered all the King Kong apes together.

"In the next life, remember to stay away from the human race, otherwise it will be easy to be destroyed."

Zhang Yue got together and threw 8 high-energy bombs on the King Kong Ape Clan. In their unwilling eyes, Zhang Yue sent them into the arms of Mother Earth.

After a while, the earth bulged up a big bag, and then everything disappeared.

"So many talents have 814 points." Although Zhang Yue knew it was pretty good, he still couldn't help but complain.

Subsequently, Zhang Yue unlocked the Austrian race, and the Diameter Condensed Greatsword chopped down on the Forbidden Magic Chain.

"Thank you for saving us, my name, Sauron Mina."

All the Austrian tribes bowed to Zhang Yue, appearing unusually solemn.

"It's easy, but I don't want the King Kong Ape Clan to take advantage." Zhang Yue said with a smile, he was also a little careful. He found that the appearance of the Austro Clan was similar to that of the Human Clan, except for the reddish complexion and the gems on the eyebrows. Like humans.

He wanted to see if he could accept them as a vassal race, just in a sense.

Zhang Yue thought about it, so he withdrew the rock armor and restored the human state.

"Are you the human race that the King Kong Ape Clan just mentioned?" Soren Mina asked carefully, looking up and down at people similar to his own race.

"Yes, I am the human race they are talking about." Zhang Yue asked in a good manner after finishing his words: "Are you all mecha-controlled fighters?"

"Yes, we haven't practiced in other professions, so we can only manipulate armor." Soren Mina said of course, as if this is a very strange question.

"When did your clan enter the world of yesterday, how can you enter the battlefield of ten thousand races casually?" Zhang Yue asked, he found that he seemed to have encountered a race that had just entered the world of heaven, and he didn't understand anything.

"Three years ago, our clan discovered that we had entered the world of the heavens, and then we were rated as a third-rate low-level race, and then we received an invitation from the Ten Thousand Clan Battlefield, but the entry requirements were a bit high.

"We have only been in for a few days and we were defeated unexpectedly, but after returning, I was adjusting the combat module. Next time I met the King Kong Ape Clan, I would not be afraid." Soren Mina said frustratedly.

At this time, all the Austrian tribes had put away their armor and constructed a temporary shelter.

Zhang Yue chatted with the leader of the Yuanao people.

"I don't know why, the world of heavens is unfriendly to technological products. The mechas and weapons brought in from the original world have been greatly weakened, and the materials of the world of heavens are still being explored and reformed."

"I think I'm a dignified Tier 9 armored warrior who was subdued by someone else." Sauron Mina sighed and said, if you wish the world to use your own armor, the bunch of gorillas just now basically don't need to meet. Just one ion missile is over.

"Tier Nine? What is the criterion for judging your strength?" Zhang Yue asked, Tier Nine came from a low-level area?

"With the corresponding mecha and operation, it is similar to the strength of the Tier 9 alien beast here." Sauron Mina said.

"Similar!!" Zhang Yue said in surprise, and then asked: "What level of mecha do you use now?"

"Tier 3, I just came in, and I haven't found high-grade ore, and can't make high-grade armor."

Zhang Yue took Sauron Mina to bring a clearing. Zhang Yue started the rock armor and said to the leader of the Austrian tribe: "Come on, let's use similar power to discuss and let me see your operations."

"To be honest, if you don't use that strange force field, you can't beat me." Soren Mina put on the armor as he said.

"The power limit is 2000 kilograms, which is probably this power." Zhang Yue said, hammering directly at the earth.

"Understood, 500 gallons" Sauron Mina said, looking at the data measured by the armored intelligent system.

"Let's start." Zhang Yue condensed a D-strength giant sword and slashed at Sauron Mina's armor.

"Sword skills, come on." Sauron Mina also took out the serrated sword from the arsenal behind the armor.

In the next half an hour, Zhang Yue began to doubt his life. Zhang Yue's best performance was to support 5 moves under Sauron Mina, and then he was chopped by Sauron Mina's armor, or it was a straight stabbing. In the heart.

"Haha, our benefactor's sword skills can barely be evaluated as a Tier 4 intermediate, which is already a good talent." Sauron Mina complimented.

Zhang Yue and Sauron Mina returned to their temporary residence.

"Have your base been Zhang Yue asked, thinking of a little abacus, planning to get them all into his base, especially this Sauron Mina. The armor moves are really superb. It is the best choice to be an instructor.

"It has been established, do you want to visit our base?" Soren Mina invited.

"I have a suggestion. You can listen to it. At present, your individual combat power is really too weak. Even if you find mines and build advanced armor, you can't stand it."

Zhang Yue directly turned on half of the shield's power and directly suppressed all the Austrian tribes. Only Sauron Mina was able to resist a little bit.

"Yes, it is this kind of position. We have encountered high-level alien beasts in the world of the heavens many times and we have been directly suppressed by this kind of position." Sauron Mina said in horror, he felt his spirit frozen. Now, even thinking almost stops moving.

"This force field is called'potential', and it is also the name of our heavenly world."

"Now my advice to you is to be hired by our human race, otherwise you will not last a year at all."

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