The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 330: The completion of time synchronization, the harmlessness of the mirror world

? Just looking at the "Doctor Strange" who has just been introduced for a long time, can use the power of time gems, so that the two-page magic book torn back to the complete state before the damage, you know if you will time gem The power of the power is limited to a single individual, and turning time to achieve time retrospection is not a particularly difficult technique.

As for the difference between the short period of time traced back to days and the long time of 65 years, it is only in quantitative change. There is no qualitative difference. You have mastered the ancient history of time gems for hundreds of years. First, after the time has passed easily, there is no drop of sweat on his forehead.

With the time on Gu Yi's arm, he was blown away by the wind and disappeared into the air, as if Peggy Carter, who was transformed into a "trembling Flash", followed in the sight of everyone by a cloud of people. The phantom has become clear again. Under a thick and shiny golden brown hair, it has smooth and elastic white skin. The whole person is full of youthful colors from head to toe, from the inside to the outside. Are exuding a youthful breath.


Steve Rogers grabbed the bed, and before Peggy Carter, who had become "synchronized" with him, figured out where she was, she grabbed her hands: "It's me, it's Steve husband."


From the body to the soul, both returned to Peggy Carter in 1944, her eyes seemed very confused. In the last second, she was still hurting the Captain America crash. In the next second, Steve Rogers was already magical. Appearing in front of her, a sense of chaos that struck from multiple levels made her wonder that she had an illusion: "I must be dreaming ..."

"you have not."

Steve raised his arms and pressed Peggy Carter's hands against his immensely developed breast muscles: "I'm here, I \ 'mrighthere."

"Steve ..."

Peggy Carter's hands, along Captain America's strong pectoralis major muscles, hooked his neck all the way up, her arms desperately put her whole body into his arms regardless of her body, and her chin rested on He murmured on his shoulder, "How is this possible?"

"Well ..."

At this moment, Steve Rogers profoundly understands why when SHIELD just woke up, SHIELD chose to use deception to face a person who had lost nearly 70 years and wanted to use Explaining everything clearly is almost an impossible task.

"Thanks to this ... uh?"

Steve looked up for help and looked at Gu Yi's original location, but found that there was still someone there, and his gaze swept left and right. I saw that Yin Shengte was also missing and still "stayed there." "Apart from him and Peggy Carter, there is only a black widow.

It seems that this is the appearance, but the fact is the opposite. Steve and the other three were actually sent out of the mirror world. Therefore, "stay in place" is because of Saint and Gu Yi.

"keep the change."

The black widow, who didn't bother to say anything at first, then squirked and said, "They disappeared long ago, no ... accurately ..."

The black widow bit her lip and walked to the window, watching the rejuvenated scenery outside the window, and with very limited clues, she guessed the truth of the matter: "I suspect that we left before here 'Now, it was sent back. "

Through an irregular broken crystal wall, the words of the Black Widow were heard by Yin Shengte and Gu Yi, and in turn, the dialogue between Yin Shengte and Gu Yi in the mirror world was It will not be transmitted to the real world. The truth is the same. Everything that happens in the mirror world will not affect the real world in any form.

"You should give them a chance to thank them."

Although the Saint ’s words said this, but somehow understood, Gu Yi immediately took away the power of the time gem, and immediately sent the black widow and other people out, just Kama Taj ’s evasion policy, It is already a very good reason, not to mention that, for the SHIELD led by Nick Fury, Gu Yi must not have a low level of understanding, and from her previous attitude, it can be seen that there is doubt about this style of behavior The hooligan intelligence agency, she didn't want to contact at all.

"It does not matter."

Gu Yi waved his hands freely and completely cut off the connection between the mirror world and the real world. The sound and images transmitted through the crystal wall suddenly disappeared with the crystal wall. This is an unnecessary method. Obviously, it is just to respect others.

"So, I thank you for your accomplishment."

Because Sainte did not care about the disappearance of the crystal wall, although he has just established a preliminary understanding of the mirror world, he has less control than the ancient one, but it is not a problem to teleport himself. Not to mention, he also has a cloak of shadows and even a space gem.

"Thank you also for completing my previous exploration. Without your patience, I can't penetrate the mystery of the mirror world."

"no need to thank me."

Gu Yi shook his head gently, his eyes seemed clear and deep: "Early when I first pulled you in, the mirror world had opened its doors to you. This time you stayed a little longer, but just accelerated. That's it. "


Gu Yi bent his eyes and revealed a sly smile: "My patience is only because I need you to deepen your understanding of the mirror world."

I heard that Yin Sheng, who always believed in the principle of equivalent exchange, was relieved. He was never afraid that others would be bad for himself for no reason, and he was good for himself for no reason ...

"Please say, what exactly do you need me to do?"

"not now."

Gu Yi waved his hand again, a sparkling energy arc, and then appeared in the air. When this orange-red energy line, a complete circle was drawn end to end, forming a circle. The threshold, a portal to Karma Taj, was quickly formed in front of her.

Before passing through the portal, Gu dropped an indignant on Insante without saying a word: "We will see you next time, young Li."

Is this gone?

Yin Sheng watched the portal left by Gu Yi ~ ~ turned into a fluffy Mars, scattered in front of himself, and could not help showing a toothache-like expression-you want me Why can't you just say it quickly? What kind of mystery?

Since I need to master the mirror world, is it mostly about combat? After all, this is almost equal to the exclusive battlefield of Kama Taj ...

After Saint thought about that, he wouldn't be tangled immediately. He is half a Saiyan. As long as it is related to the dry rack, it is not a problem ...

By the way, it's not just the battlefield ...

Because of Saint, I naturally thought that because even if the earth was destroyed in the mirror world, the real world would not hurt a cold hair. This is also the exclusive master of Karma Taj, practicing all kinds of dangerous spells. Training Course.

Good place ...

Because Sainte suddenly saw this "harmless" characteristic. In the real world, it is becoming more and more difficult for him to completely let go of his hands and feet. A place where he can practice unscrupulously is comparable to gravity Shrine for the spiritual practice.

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