The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 331: Enough fatal weakness, big thanks

"What's the point?"

As Saint floated in mid-air in New York, watching the Stark Building, which had already been tilted and collapsed in half, slowly began to erect again in violation of countless physical laws, frowning and muttering: "Since the Ring of Ice and Fire can 'Here' transforms energy, why can't my energy recover? "

Obviously, this New York is not the real world New York. Just looking at a destroyed building and being able to spontaneously return to completeness, we know that this is the mirror world that changes with the real world. (Tony Stark: What resentment?)

"Because there is no life in this world?"

Because Sainte looked down at the city streets below, the continuous flow of cars was full of traffic, and he knew that there were no drivers or passengers in those speeding cars. It was just that the real-world cars were moving, and the cars here were also Just following the move, this city that seems not calm at all is essentially a dead silence. Those seemingly lively appearances are just mirages simulated according to the real world.

"A battlefield that belongs to a mage, it really is not friendly to the soldiers ..."

Because Saint was sulking his lips. Although he was also a mage, it was only a deputy. The relevant knowledge of both professions came from the case of Dragon Ball World. His main occupation would always be a warrior. With the passage of time, the auxiliary status of the deputy position of the mage will only become more and more obvious.

The mirror world without life and energy is not a big problem just as a training ground for Incent, but as a battlefield, the situation where the breath cannot be recovered will obviously become his fatal weakness.

Of course, the tree moves to death, the person moves to live, because of Saint ’s super mobility, this weakness is real, but if you want to use it to target him, it is not easy to do it.

"It's time to go out."

Yin Sheng raised a dark mist on himself, although he can also return to the real world through "different dimension transmission", but it is very embarrassing that with his current mastery of the mirror world Unless he uses the cloak of shadows or space gems, he ca n’t just erect a very convenient crystal wall between the two worlds like Gu Yi, even when people are here, he ca n’t figure out the reality The state of the world, it can be done by teleporting yourself. Will it hit the flowers and plants or something? It's hard to say ...

And if it is the other way around, it is not a problem. Of course, people standing outside the mirror can see the picture in the mirror, and the same is true for the mirror world from the real world. If you change into the mirror world, it is equivalent to Looking at the back of the mirror, you have to break the mirror to get a glance through the gap.

After Sainte returned to the real world, he began to regain the supplementary energy of life, giving him the illusion of being able to breathe again after hypoxia, and the idea of ​​"here is my home ground". It sprang up in his heart.

The next moment, after coming out of the mirror world, can I use the breath induction that was useful, because Sainte once again disappeared over New York, and appeared directly next to Steve Rogers: "Hey? How about you A person?"


Captain America took a deep breath, digested his fright, and then spoke back: "Romanov arranged for Peggy to take a bath and change clothes."


Yin Sheng nodded without comment. Although women are not necessarily beautiful, but beautiful women must be beautiful. If you don't take care of your own beauty, where can you be beautiful ...

"It seems that she accepts this incredible reality quite well."

"Much better than me."

Steve Rogers nodded sympathetically, also from 1944 of the twentieth century to 2009 of the 21st century. After understanding the status quo, the first thing I want to do is to bathe and change clothes. Jim Carter, it's really better than him ...

"That's not what it says."

Yin Sheng patted Captain America's shoulder: "You can only accept the reality alone, she is a person you trust to accompany you through difficult times. The situation is very different and cannot be compared."

"thanks for saying that."

After Steve said this, he would also like to thank Incente for his accomplishment of him and Peggy Carter. Although it was Gu Yi who used the time gem, but to whom the credit should be attributed, of course, he could not understand. However, Da En's undeniable truth is not only understood by Chinese talents. Because Sainte's help to him can be called a blessing of remaking, thank you lightly, where can you say it?

"you are welcome."

In Sainte's mouth-to-mouth performance of Captain America, he saw something more or less, and punted back: "I just followed my heart, not because of you."

Steve heard the subtext of "It's not because you did it that way," and my heart's gratitude increased. "If there's anything I can do ... it's incumbent."


In Sainte himself never felt that he would be like Thor, and he did n’t know how to write the word politely: "Put on your tabard and help me with a series of promotional videos. . "


Steve's mouth twitched: "A series?"


Listening to Incente's words, Captain America just breathed a sigh of relief, and then just listened to him and said, "Shoot seven or eight meanings, and that's it."

"... you're still joking, right?"

"This is really not."



After spending an extremely tight week, in the next half month, due to Sainte ’s return to a relatively leisurely life, the most exciting thing that happened during that time was just that Dragon Ball was full of energy, and he wished to A "Growing Method of Xiandou".

Although it has the same effect of quick healing, but the first skill has a price, the second skill has a cooling time ~ ~ the third skill can only be used by him, and everyone can use peony On her own terms, given the practical conditions and no other urgent desires, Incente felt that it was time to start farming.

What is realistic conditions allowed? Xiandou, a cheating plant, can only grow in high-altitude environments. How can ordinary people get this thing ...

As for the cultivation of centipede beans in high-rise buildings such as the Stark Building and the Defender's Building, it is because of the two precious wishes that Sainte used in order to plant such a rare thing in other people's homes. On the site? He is quite open-minded as a person, but he has not been free and easy to this extent ...

Can not use ready-made, the original golden shelter in the industrial area, but also only in the case of mid-rise buildings, of course, only one of them must be built, and even with the current network of Saint-Peter, want to make a comparison skyscraper The Marvel version of the building, the "Carlinta", came, and only by constructing a "signal tower" could it barely be considered a viable plan.

Of course, it ’s Carinta, the magical structure of the original version, “the bottom is thin and the top is thick, and the long-flared Flammulina velutipes” is impossible to achieve in the Marvel world, unless it is blinded by Saint Lard and decided to grab it. Wakanda, only with the huge reserves they have, can be extravagant enough to use Zhenjin to create this stuff.

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