The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 182: Yuanlong film says Tancheng opens

Add one more update for the new alliance leader Shen Shen Shen.


Chen Deng invited him to Tanxian County to talk about surrendering Tao Qian.

This was something that Xun Zhen had already agreed with Chen Deng before. The reason why Xun Zhen didn't order him to go, but put it on the military meeting and asked him to ask Ying in front of the generals, was because Xun Zhen's pains.

After all, Chen Deng was a new recruit to Xunzhen. Although he contributed Huaipu and Huaiyin, he was only able to respond to him. This amount of credit was not enough to get a heavy appointment. Thinking about Xun Zhen's subordinates, not to mention Xun Cheng, Xu Zhong, Xi Zhicai, etc., only to say that the generals of Wu Ru Xu Rong, Liu Deng, Wen Ru Cheng Jia, Handan Rong, which one was not in this battle/credit hehe? If Chen Deng was appointed to Taigao just because of the merits of the two cities, no one would be convinced.

Therefore, Xun Zhen asked him to take the initiative to ask him to go to Tan County at the military meeting to say that Tao Qian should be surrendered: whether Xun Zhen ordered him to go, or whether he asked to go, although both went, the effect was completely different.

Therefore, when Xun Zhen instructed Chen Deng to take the initiative to invite Ying during the military meeting before the military meeting, Chen Deng immediately understood Xun Zhen's painstaking efforts. He was not a rigid person, so he did not refuse.

At this time, I was quite surprised to hear that Chen Deng invited himself into Tanxian County, saying that Tao Qian had surrendered, and how many generals present did not know the inside story.

Xun Zhen said deliberately: "Tao Gongzu is trapped in the lonely city, and he may go backwards. Yuanlong, it is too dangerous to enter the city and say it is too dangerous to do it!"

Although Xun Zhen's words were deliberately said so that the generals would listen, the content of what they said was not wrong at all.

Tao Qian is surrounded by a lonely city, desperate, his mentality may be distorted, and there may be a final madness. Chen Deng, as his subordinate official, betrayed him, and dared to enter the city to persuade him to surrender. At first sight, Tao Qian might directly order Chen Deng to be executed.

——In fact, it is precisely because of the existence of such risks that Chen Deng entered the city and said that no matter whether it was successful or not, it could become a great achievement. Of course, the premise is that Chen Deng can go out of the city safely, and then he has the opportunity to receive this great merit.

Then, after Chen Deng entered the city of Tan County, can he leave the city safely?

Xun Zhen was not too worried about this.


He has a pottery merchant in his hand and a pottery ying in the city.

Tao Qian has only two sons. Even if he doesn't care about his own life, doesn't he care about the lives of his two sons? If all three of their father and son died in Tanxian County because of the killing of Chen Deng, then his Tao family would be considered broken.

But then again, people only have one life, who knows what Tao Qian will think? If he really would rather break up than surrender Xunzhen, Chen Deng's life would be in the city when he entered the city.

So, all in all, the risk of Chen Deng entering the city is not big, but there is still a risk, and once there is a risk, it is a matter of life. He dared to take such a risk to enter the city, and he deserves a great credit.

Chen Deng said: "When in Guangling, Deng and the general were in the same bed and talked at night. He said that Xuzhou has had many wars in recent years, and the people have suffered hardships. I also have this thought. If you can climb a body, in exchange for the happiness of millions of people in Xuzhou, even if you are in danger, you will be happy."

Chen Deng's words were speaking from his heart.

When the generals in the audience heard it, they all changed their colors and said, "Chen Jun is so benevolent and brave, we admire it."

Xun Zhenyin said: "Since Yuanlong said so, I can't stop it any more. Well, I will invite Qing to enter the city. After seeing Tao Gongzu, Qingke said to him: As long as the city is dedicated, I will not only protect him and his family. His life is worry-free, and he will be represented at the court, and he will be named General An Dong for his achievements in retreating the Yellow Turbans from Xuzhou."

"General Anton" sounds like "General Jianwei" is a miscellaneous general, but it is not.

General An Dong cannot be compared with generals such as generals, hussars, chariots, etc., but it is one of the "Si'an" generals. In terms of its status, it is in the name of generals such as "General Jianwei". Strictly speaking, those above the number are not counted as generals with miscellaneous numbers, but belong to the same rank as generals such as "Sizheng" and "Sizhen", only slightly inferior to the former two, but higher than the generals with miscellaneous numbers. .

Xun Zhen wished to show Tao Qian this position, although it was only a matter of listing, but after all, it was not a child's play, it was a very rich promise.

Chen Deng replied: "Yes." After a pause, he said again, "General, please give me the pottery merchant, and I will bring him into the city."

Xun Zhen was stunned and said, "You want to bring a pottery merchant into the city?"

Xun Zhen originally wanted to keep the pottery merchant in the camp as a hostage, but Chen Deng offered to bring him into the city?

Chen Deng knew that Xun Zhen wanted to use the pottery merchant to ensure his own safety, so he explained: "If Tao Gongzu doesn't listen to his advice, he will kill me. Even if the pottery merchant stays in the camp, it's useless. Bring it into the city and give it to Tao Gongzu to show the sincerity of the general."

It makes a lot of sense.

Xun Zhen pondered for a while, then said, "It's just like Qing Yan's words."

Chen Dengnai took the pottery merchant and went out of the camp to outside the city of Tanxian.

The city informed Tao Qian of the incident, and Tao Qian ordered Chen Deng and Tao Shang to come in.

So, Chengtou put down the hanging basket and pulled the two of them up to Chengtou.

As soon as they arrived at the head of the city, before the pottery merchant got out of the hanging basket, he couldn't wait to shout, "Kill this Shuzi for me!"

The soldiers looked at each other.

Chen Deng got out of the hanging basket, calmly adjusted his clothes, and said to the pottery merchant with a smile: "Zicheng, do you want to kill your father even at your own name?"

The pottery merchant wished he could kill Chen Deng, glared at him, and said with gritted teeth: "Rebel! Rebellion!" Although he cursed, he knew in his heart that Chen Deng was right. If he killed him, Xun Zhen would definitely avenge him. , When the city is broken, his Tao family is afraid that none of them will survive.

Chen Deng ignored him and ordered the soldiers: "Lead the way, lead me to meet Uncle Fang."

When the soldiers died, their own military officials led the way, and led Chen Deng and Taoshang to see Tao Qian in the mansion in the city.

When they entered the hall in the palace, all the officials and ministers of the state government had already arrived.

Chen Deng raised his head in the hall, first saluted Tao Qian, who was sitting above, and then looked left and right, and saw that sitting on both sides of the hall were: Cao Hong, Cao Bao, Lu You and other Tao Qian's henchmen, Wang Lang, Zhao Yu and other state governments Tao Ying was also present, and these people looked different.

The pottery merchant followed Chen Deng to the hall and went up to meet Tao Qian. When he was not talking about being captured by Zang Ba and what Xun Zhen had obtained, he sat down beside Tao Ying.

Cao Hong was the first to speak, scolding Chen Deng: "A rebellious thief, still dare to enter the city?"

"I'm here for Fang Bo, and I'm here for the people of Xuzhou, why don't I dare to enter the city?"

"Rebels, how dare you talk about Uncle Fang and the people!" Cao Hong turned around and asked Tao Qian, "Uncle Fang, please cut off this thief's sacrificial flag!"

Zhao Yu couldn't stand it any longer, and scolded: "Chen Deng has entered the city under the order of General Jianwei, he must have something to say to Uncle Fang, what are you yelling at!"

Cao Hong was surprised that Zhao Yu suddenly came out to speak for Chen Deng, and glared at him.

Tao Qian asked Cao Hong to sit down and said to Chen Deng, "Yuanlong, the state of self, how will you treat you?"

Chen Deng was originally the commander of Dongyang. Because of Tao Qian's promotion, he was appointed as the captain of Diannong in Xuzhou. He jumped from one thousand stones to two thousand stones, and from one county to the whole prefecture's agricultural affairs, Tao Qian treated him, Not to mention reuse.

Chen Deng bowed down and said: "Fang Bo is waiting for Deng, and the kindness is very deep."

"If that's the case, why do you oppose me? You even offered Huaipu and Huaiyin to Xun Zhenzhi!"

"What I oppose is not the kindness of Uncle Fang."

"Then what's wrong with you?"

"What I oppose is the resentment of the people of Xuzhou, and the corruption in the state government."

Cao Hong said angrily, "What do you mean by that?"

Chen Deng stood up, looked at Tao Qian, and said sincerely: "Uncle Fang, looking back on the public exam, since the public took office: Cao Hong, a villain, bribery and bribery, only one hand covers the house, the public trusts him; Cao Bao and Danyang Military officials, Wu Fuer, bullied Donghai, and the public ignored him; Zang Rong, a ruthless man, the minister guarded Xiapi, cruelty to the people; Zang Ba, relied on the soldiers and domineering, the public cut Langya with him, and let him run rampant, so that his wickedness was imperilled. Angrily raised an army; Xue Li, refused to obey the order, Pengcheng is like another country in the state, the public does not think about it, let it do it. Although the public has the ability to break the Yellow Turban, Cao Hong, Cao Bao, Zhe Rong, Zang Ba, Xue Li These people are even more violent than the Yellow Turbans to the victims of Xuzhou!"

What Chen Deng said was the truth. Although Tao Qian was annoyed, it was irrefutable.

Seeing that Tao Qian didn't respond, Chen Deng said to him emotionally: "Uncle Fang, you should treat Deng well, and don't make Deng's talent short and show your pride. This is a personal relationship, the people are angry, the government officials are greedy, this is official business. Also. Fang Bo's kindness, I don't dare to forget it, but how can I destroy the public? Therefore, the people who are opposed by the emperor are not the kindness of the public, but the remnants of the people of Cao and Zhe. ."

Cao Hong stood up from the seat again, jumping furiously, pointing at Chen Deng and scolding: "Who are you calling a villain? A rebellious thief, how dare you gossip and slander in front of Uncle Fang?" He asked Tao Qian again, "Please kill Chen Deng. Climb!"

The reason why Cao Hong asked Tao Qian to kill Chen Deng twice was because he knew that Chen Deng had come here to persuade him to surrender, and if Tao Qian offered the city, Tao Qian and others might be able to live, but he would definitely die— - This time Xun Zhen attacked pottery, and the banner he played was: Zherong abused the people, Cao Hong was a villain. Zhe Rong has now been conferred the head, so after Xun Zhen takes Tanxian County, will he still be able to survive?

Cao Bao was also very angry, but he was a defeated general, and he felt that he had no face, but he was not as violent as Cao Hong's reaction.

Seeing that Cao Hong asked Tao Qian to kill Chen Deng again, Wang Lang couldn't stand it anymore, and he said, "Uncle Fang has his own opinions, so why do you need to say it again and again?"

Chen Deng ignored Cao Hong and continued to say to Tao Qian: "Uncle Fang, the people of Xuzhou have long been complaining, and now General Wu Jianwei is raising his troops, and generations like Cao Hong are cruel to the people, and sooner or later they will also provoke civil revolt!"

After listening to Chen Deng's words, Tao Qian also knew his fault and had nothing to answer.

Chen Dengyin also said: "Deng today risked being executed by the public, and what did those who entered Tan County do? Houqiu has fallen, Xiangben is also lost, Zang Ba Xianli City and other three counties, personally lead the ministry. , from General Jianwei to Tandong, Xue Li also sent Pengcheng soldiers, from Lewenqian to Tandong, and now Xuzhou is big, Fangbo only has one city in Tanxian! I don't know if the public has thought about it. , and when the city of Tori is destroyed by General Jianwei, where will the Duke go? What kind of situation will he face?... For the sake of the public, it is better to open the city gate and welcome General Jianwei into the city. In this way, Tanxian County is exempted from one game. In war, scholars and people will always recite the kindness of the public, and the general Jianwei will be generous and benevolent, and will certainly treat the public favorably because of this.”

Tao Qian was silent.

"Before entering the city, General Jianwei brought the pottery merchant and Ling Deng into the city, so that the father and son could meet each other, and they did not want to use the business as a pledge. This shows the generosity of General Jianwei. General Jianwei also spoke to Deng, saying: "The public is like dedicating the city and attacking Xuzhou's Yellow Turbans with the public, and he will make the public as General An Dong."

Tao Qian looked around the hall, his eyes were short-sighted, he couldn't see the expressions of the people, but he could feel the low atmosphere in the hall, especially since Chen Dengjin arrived in the hall, he has not heard Cao Bao, Lu You and other Danyang generals. The voice, Tao Qian knew in his heart, this must be the Danyang soldier has broken his courage and lost the slightest fighting spirit. ——It is strange that the soldiers of Danyang have fighting spirit. First, Cao Bao returned in embarrassment with a single flag on a horse, then Houqiu and Xiangben fell, followed by Xun Zhen and Xu Zhong, who rode 40,000 paces to besiege the city, where would they go? Dare to fight?

Chen Deng bowed to the ground again and said sincerely: "Although Deng rebelled because of his official business, he did not dare to forget Fang Bo's kindness, so he risked his death to enter the city, and what he did is to repay Fang Bo's kindness. If Fang Bo wants to take it, please take it, and don’t dare to complain; if there is any intention to offer the city, General Jianwei will attack the city tomorrow, so please take the courage to make a decision quickly.”

Tao Qian was silent for a long time.

After a long time, Tao Qian said: "Zhizhong and Biejia can lead Yuanlong to rest and open the city gate tomorrow."

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