After Goudan landed, he twisted the knight's spear-like spire of the huge building on the left with his two claws like twisting flowers, folded his wings and lowered his head, his scarlet eyes burning with flames indifferently scanning the crowd below, talking eloquently, and every drop of saliva fell on the ground, leaving a scorched earth.

If Goudan's calm landing was acceptable to them, then this action of holding the slender spire and standing on the building was too terrifying, shocking and despairing-

Such a terrifying body took off and landed vertically, but it relied on such a short and weak thing like a lightning rod compared to it to dock and did not cause any damage to the building itself? What kind of monster is this that violates the laws of physics!

emmm, it can only be said that the hair is long and the knowledge is short. If Li Cang knew what they were entangled about, he would probably laugh out loud.

The flying posture and various skills of Gou Kun have never had much to do with wings and body size. Don't ask. It's the result of the dual effects of biological force field and floating force field. These people think that Gou Kun stands on the top of the house by grasping with his claws. In fact, Gou Kun just grabs and plays around. In essence, he is still in a floating posture.

Li Cang asked Yamei to remove the mute effect around these people: "Long time no see, it seems that you have learned a lot of new things in these days. Don't continue to work on your blood concentration warrior? Although it is a one-time thing, it is actually quite interesting!"

"Devil!" Estel was in the crooked angle between two huge buildings, high walls and a bunch of messy houses. There were a lot of three dogs and magic mountains blocking the road at both ends, but he couldn't get in and couldn't show his skills. He was well protected: "God will punish you!"

Li Cang's face was really full of disgust and speechless: "."

The version has been updated, old comrade!

Your ideas are now being rejected as primitive religions. You know that it is better to believe in Wang Shifei than to believe in them. At least they can be turned into combat effectiveness, and the ultimate goal of the world's great harmony is generous and decent, right? !

Compared with this boring old comrade whose mind is ruined by faith, other people's speeches are worth talking about: "Fuck, Li Li Li Cang? Is the person they are talking about really you? Are you really that Li Cang?"

"We have no grudges, why did you attack us!"

"What's the point of talking about these things? People should admit what they have done. Think about what you have been doing since you came here. Do you still expect him to let you go?"

"Qiao Shasha, that naive woman, is involved in politics and is a mess. She has no strength and no ruthlessness, but I have to say that her luck and vision are really damn good. When she got close to you, the disaster had just begun a few days ago. , Tsk~"

Seeing that Li Cang's eyes did not change, a group of people seemed to feel that there was still a possibility of negotiation. Someone immediately said: "We are all subordinates in orbit. It is already difficult to survive. Can you let us go? I am willing to withdraw from Tili unconditionally and not take anything valuable except the Sky Island."

"I am willing too!"

Li Cang smiled and shook his head, pointing to the surroundings: "Those people outside can, but you can't."

Minsk sneered: "That's right, you don't even care about the last bit of decency, don't have unnecessary fantasies, the rat shit that spoils the whole pot of porridge refers to people like you, and the others can only be regarded as stupid people who are close to pigs at most!"

Being ignored by Li Cang, they can tolerate it.

But being called stupid by a guy like Minsk is really unbearable.

A dagger, two sharp arrows, and a dark blue fireball came through the air in an instant. The dagger and the sharp arrow were easily fixed in mid-air by the floating force field. The dark blue fireball hit the lackey who jumped out of the suddenly materialized homologous channel with a snap. The No. 2 lackey made a rustling sound of crystallization all over his body. Bloody sharp ice crystals broke out from every inch of its skin surface. Before the whole body was broken into rice-sized powder, it had actually turned into a mess.

Minsk's pupils dilated and he hissed: "Oh, my dear teacher Cang, you saved your friend Count Minsk's life again."

Li Cang crushed the dog leg residue on the back of the dog Kun with his feet and found that this thing looked like it was frozen, but in fact every grain of powder was already cooked, completely drained of water, and broke at the touch.

"Good skills, is it the innate ability?"

No one answered.

Estel seemed to finally come to his senses and understand why Li Cang ignored him, and shouted angrily: "Powerful devil! Blind arrogance will eventually make you pay the price! I learned a lot of knowledge on the forum, and the two that impressed me the most were from your homeland, "eradicating the roots" and "villains die because of talking too much". You destroyed the prosperity of the Tili city-state and slaughtered countless innocent lives. Now, it's time for you to pay the price for this! The dawn of justice will eventually come!"

Filled with righteous indignation and anger.

But when these words came out, even the knights of the commandment around him felt embarrassed, and everyone was embarrassed and speechless. What kind of strength do you have? You are threatening others so brazenly. You are being hunted and being wrapped dumplings. Don't you have any ac in your mind?

Perhaps the only person who slightly agrees with this is Minsk. Look at the zombies all over the world, look at the three-armed giant monster with a terrible model, and look at the thing I'm stepping on.

Look at others, they are so passionate and excited!

This image and style, no matter how you look at it, you, Li Cang, are more like the villain. Well, more than a villain, this is simply the devil!

"I think Timi is talking too much." Li Cang muttered, and then looked at Estel with a particularly interesting look: "Oh, I think so too. You should be more familiar with the terrain and buildings here than I am. No wonder you are running in this direction. The people hiding in these two buildings are your people?"

How could such a large scale of life energy and calcium energy converge at the same place and hide from Li Cang's perception? This kind of perception ability never tells you any reason. If it is there, it is there, and if it is not there, it is not there.

Estel paused and said in a hoarse voice: "Is this the reason why you are willing to stop and talk to us?"

"Of course."

Estel realized that she had said another nonsense, and finally stopped talking.

I saw that the golden thread embroidered on the milk-white robe of this man with white beard and hair was like a magic circle, and the halo flowed, lighting up each gem inlaid on the robe one after another.


The staff pierced the ground, and the totem flowed along the earth.

Then, he took out a bright crystal ball from his arms and muttered something.

The crystal ball expanded rapidly and became dim, and the halo swept across the ground and the walls of every building, and finally turned into a hemispherical force field that enveloped a radius of more than a thousand meters.

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